GUILTY HI - Carly Joann 'Charli' Scott, 27, pregnant, Makawao, 9 Feb 2014 - #2

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Can't sleuth people who are not named persons-of-interest. That means where they work, etc.

Feel free to repost theories minus personal information if you'd like.
You guys do realize that everything Cass and Steve publicly post on Facebook is intentional. It's probably meant as a ruse because they know you're reading.
There's a lot of stuff on their FBs that seem to date way back to late October. I had a son in July and I got pregnant in October, so I'm imagining she was due in June, and she probably found out she was pregnant in October. That is when all of this weird/dark stuff started on both of their pages.

I don't know if anyone followed the case where the girl was killed by her two best friends (Sklyar Neese) but there was a lot of weird/cryptic social media on that one too. I think sociopaths like the riddle aspect of things. Posting seemingly innocuous stuff (at the time) that in hindsight makes you go 'hmmm...'
there's a lot of stuff on their fbs that seem to date way back to late october. I had a son in july and i got pregnant in october, so i'm imagining she was due in june, and she probably found out she was pregnant in october. That is when all of this weird/dark stuff started on both of their pages.

I don't know if anyone followed the case where the girl was killed by her two best friends (sklyar neese) but there was a lot of weird/cryptic social media on that one too. I think sociopaths like the riddle aspect of things. Posting seemingly innocuous stuff (at the time) that in hindsight makes you go 'hmmm...'
exponential hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Can't sleuth people who are not named persons-of-interest. That means where they work, etc.

Feel free to repost theories minus personal information if you'd like.

Moderator, can we post links to other sites containing personal information on someone who is not a person-of-interest? As on the analysis pages in the comments section. An alleged conversation w/ the GF is posted.
Moderator, can we post links to other sites containing personal information on someone who is not a person-of-interest? As on the analysis pages in the comments section. An alleged conversation w/ the GF is posted.

If it's in the comment section of the main stream media, you can link to it and say "check out the comment dated such and such", but you can't repeat it. Comments are considered unconfirmed rumors. Hope that helps!
I don't think she was buried near the grandfathers home in Haiku. It seems more likely to me that she was either dumped in the ocean or buried in the jungle on the way to Hana.

I live on Maui, in Haiku. I have lived in Nahiku previously and am very familiar with driving that road at night. It is much different at night then in the day. Tourists aren't there are night, in fact you don't see many vehicles at all on that road at night. Keanae is not the place I would want to be at that time of night. My car did break down on that road, and it was a bit scary.

The problem with burying someone is that you have to get them deep enough to keep the smell from attracting animals. My dogs have killed a few chickens in their time, and I have learned that if not properly disposed of it will be found. The smell of death and rotting flesh is horrific, and I could only imagine it would be ten times worse with something as large as a person. Hence the whole idea of 6 feet deep, which is a really big hole to dig by yourself.

More likely she went into the ocean. There are several points along Hana highway where sheer cliff faces right next to the road drop straight into the ocean. Minimal moving and a very long way down with very little access points. Her body would have just had to make it into a channel, and she would be out to sea. People get into heaps of trouble out here being swept by currents into those channels, and the north side of the island is notorious for having some bad currents.
I joined because of my interest in this case, and I have read every post. I wanted to add some thoughts:
*Looking as SC's girlfriend (Cassie's) FB, I see a lot of interesting posts on 2/22, she posted a picture of Sonic/Wiley Coyote/RoadRunner that says, 'Money, it gets **** done.' It is interesting to note that her aunt comments regularly on her page seeming to infer that Cassie has knowledge on something that she should come clean about. It all starts after Carly's disappearance, so it could be completely coincidental, but it could also be referring to the case.
*The same day she posted : "Right before my eyes, I saw my whole world lose control. My whole world lost control, before my eyes. I fell through the floor. I couldn't take this anymore. I can't take this anymore, it breaks my mind."
Her aunt commented: "then break it off altogether and save your mind ... and save your heart and save your soul !!"

She also links to this picture on 1/20/14:
The last 2 lines : 'They're a team. A club. A 2 person gang that nobody else is allowed to join. It's them vs. everyone else.'

A lot of her posts from the end of January have 'likes' from SC's Chunk O'Butter acct. I think she may have known about the act. Per her FB, she does a lot of drugs, and so does SC. A lot of their friends are bit on the 'sketchy' looking side and I'm not saying that they hired someone, but on Oct 23rd, she posted this:
"Shawty I can change ya whole life for that PAPER! Yeahh."

A lot of people do things they wouldn't necessarily do because of drugs, and I noticed on Cassie's FB she made a lot of references to people getting married/having babies and how all she's doing is drinking and drugs. Maybe she had some resentment/jealousy towards Carly for having a baby, especially with a guy she was dating. I have to wonder if she pushed SC into it and said, "We can hire someone."

Now, I don't know how much hitmen cost, but $1200 seems like a very small amount to murder someone. Someone desperate for drugs may have done it for $1200, though. Maybe this is the 'tweaker' he referred to who gave him a ride.

I have this feeling that SC did take Carly somewhere, but that there was someone waiting there who did the actual dirty work. SC probably dealt with the dog / whatever else. Maybe he took Nala, dropped the truck off at JAWS, and the tweaker who killed Carly picked him up from there?

I don't know Maui well - I went there about 5 years ago for 10 days, but I don't know it intimately, and I only did the drive to Hana in one day. I stayed on the more 'touristy' / beachy side of the island. I apologize if what I'm saying doesn't make sense in term of the layout of the island.

It's odd that he and Cassie haven't had any communication as of late, but she has posted cryptic messages on FB and her aunt's comments on them are especially interesting, IMO. Again, MOO, YMMV and all of that, but I just can't shake this feeling that this girl was involved somehow and that it was orchestrated for a while before it took shape.

I could have sworn that there were some interesting posts for 2/9 and 2/10 when I originally looked at Cassie's page, but they're not there anymore? I don't know if she deleted them - did anyone else look at her page around this time and remember seeing posts from these days?

Does anyone know when Carly told SC that she was pregnant?

Here is a link culled from the moderator's post on P1 of this new thread.

Look for mention of the gf. You can ask to see a transcript of a very interesting conversation between her and the FB page individual, which took place @ 3/15.

Also look for mention of "From the Ladle's" essential post. (This was on the old wf thread a few days back, but was removed due to a technicality in the rules.) Open up the replies until you find the one that will link you to the piece written by "From The Ladle". You can inquire about that there. It is extremely helpful.
Hoping Charli is found and Right is done.
Here is a link culled from the moderator's post on P1 of this new thread.

Look for mention of the gf. You can ask to see a transcript of a very interesting conversation between her and the FB page individual, which took place @ 3/15.

Also look for mention of "From the Ladle's" essential post. (This was on the old wf thread a few days back, but was removed due to a technicality in the rules.) Open up the replies until you find the one that will link you to the piece written by "From The Ladle". You can inquire about that there. It is extremely helpful.
Hoping Charli is found and Right is done.

I think you may have posted the wrong link? I believe you are trying to link to the study page? If not, I'm confused because there hasn't been much on the Find Charli Scott FB page recently re: the investigation.:banghead:
Here is a link culled from the moderator's post on P1 of this new thread.

Look for mention of the gf. You can ask to see a transcript of a very interesting conversation between her and the FB page individual, which took place @ 3/15.

Also look for mention of "From the Ladle's" essential post. (This was on the old wf thread a few days back, but was removed due to a technicality in the rules.) Open up the replies until you find the one that will link you to the piece written by "From The Ladle". You can inquire about that there. It is extremely helpful.
Hoping Charli is found and Right is done.

Oops, I should have double checked...for the gf conversation, You can just ask the FB person for a transcript. You can also follow the link to the "statement analysis..." (look for a picture of a plant; it's there.)
There are 2 statement analyses. One is of the entire interview with SC.(--a must-read, as are all of these.) But a partial transcript of the conversation w/gf is at the bottom of the comments of the "Deeper analysis..."
Well that went downhill fast. Funny, they spent the most time on here. lol
It is the study FB page (not the find Charli FB page) that has the link to the analysis comment section iwhere part of the gf conversation is found.
Again my mistake.

The other mistake was that it was crabapple jones who had the conversation. Ask him for it.

I quit. Sorry everybody.

Oh it's ok, I found it after I did a little digging. Thanks! :cheers::great::goodpost:
Does anyone know the connection to the icp songs?
Did sc like that kinda music?
We all are assuming he did it.. Shall we talk about whether or not he did it alone? Did he actually have someone help him? Or is there people that he shared his plans with?
I know this is serious stuff. I posted links that were already known--The first part of this conversation has been around for all to see for 3 weeks already. Anyone has been able to request the entire conversation from it's owner, at his invitation.

I say this because i do not want anyone hurt-including the gf-and because a lot of grumbling is taking place over at one of the regular stops that people here make; I'm sure that's all known too.

Someone had problems with people reading things like these conversations, as opposed to being useful and physically searching for real clues. I think I heard a scoffish snort or two in between the lines. The thing is, one doesn't preclude the other. So don't get discouraged and keep trying. Much is at stake. Much is to be gained. BTW, I got a chuckle over the fact that the scoffer was unknowingly complaining to the very person who made the gf conversation and who published it. The irony was a much needed and delicious dessert after all this unsavory drama.
Does anyone know the connection to the icp songs?
Did sc like that kinda music?
We all are assuming he did it.. Shall we talk about whether or not he did it alone? Did he actually have someone help him? Or is there people that he shared his plans with?

Don't know nothin about no music--why do you want to know?

Yes Let's just assume he did it and that everything he's said is a lie of some sort. Some of the things he did are lies too. Imo There may be people who are that close to him... Some, locals who may have more first- or second-hand knowledge of this, think that it's a certainty that he has confidants, "friends" --but these pundits are taking a hiatus in Spleenland.:moo: I hope and trust that they will regain some perspective and return soon.

[Before talk, read! everything. Back to p1. Follow the links. FB : Crabapple Jones, Study to find... etc., Chunk..., etc. Looking back, you can see through a lot of what was then either not yet known ( like charli missing, then known homicide) or completely false ( like SC's story--elements of which were treated as fact by all the sources and which has led to a lot of terrible confusion and wasted effort--and still is IMHO )]
Another stab
moo:...Re: 2/9, Sunday--
Unless someone can prove that SC was really at home I alone in suggesting that he wasn't at home at all after work Sunday... that someone else was posting the "shares" that are on his Facebook ...(making it look like he was home or innocently occupied elsewhere) ...until (he claims) he drove his truck to Hana ...(in order to fill in his "stuck truck" story)?

If no-one has anything to establish him at home or elsewhere... I think he was alone, secretly preparing the place for the murder and the disposal of the body- from after work (@3ish) til he met Charli that evening...And that he never left the Haiku/Peahi area until he drove out in his truck with Nala and Charli's phone... (at least)... late out the Hana Road and back @ 2am-ish....

Some say that, because the area where Charli's sister found her clothes had been searched already, SC placed the clothes there as a decoy to pull attention away from the H/P area AFTER the SUV was found at Peahi...

Is it indeed a fact that the exact same spot had been covered previously by searchers? ...I recall discussions about this, but I can't get to the first parts where the facts were stated... Why did they go back, then, if it had been covered thoroughly already? (...Did they suspect something?...Lack confidence in the search already done?)

Further, it has been suggested that the articles of clothing, identified as being those Charli was wearing, and some having maggots, would have been taken off of the un-interred body as a second thought, the perp needing a decoy.

This can't be resolved in my mind until it is absolutely certain that the specific area where the clothes were later found had been thoroughly scoured before, and that they couldn't have been missed the first time.

Any news? Any help?
Oh it's ok, I found it after I did a little digging. Thanks! :cheers::great::goodpost:

I can't find it after digging around. Is the deeper analysis still there? :facepalm:

Thanks from Manx
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