GUILTY HI - Carly Joann 'Charli' Scott, 27, pregnant, Makawao, 9 Feb 2014 - #2

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IMO, anonymous profiles are SOP with cases that have strong opinions one way or the other. It's one reason why FB is often not considered a reliable source. Who really thinks there is a human being with an actual name of "Chunk O'Butter" that is posting on Facebook? You can call yourself anything you want to and be anyone you want to be online. Now, do I want to be able to read what insiders have to say? Of course. I'm intelligent enough to figure out who is being a troll, who is just clueless, and who has something useful. (Sadly, there are a lot of people who can't figure it out, or want their opinion to be right so badly that they have convinced themselves that what they think is a fact). But I have seen cases where members of the "who-cares-what-the-evidence-shows-I-am-going-to-argue-the-opposite-way-and-claim-my-opinions-as-facts" club just go to town trolling all over social media and getting an amazing amount of people who bite. This case is one of those that strikes a nerve in many, because Charli was pregnant, and SC's story was just lame. Expect to see more fake profiles (I don't even want to say "anonymous"-expect just plain fake ones).

This! It can be a vortex of crazy. . .seriously. Anyone remember the Justice of Lisa Irwin FB threads? :facepalm: :thud:
So would it make sense that everything happened before the trip down Hana Rd. and the 11:00pm ping was the first time going down the road not coming back?

Please refer to posts 105,117,119 & 120
My thought is that he needed to be out getting things prepped somdigging...digging a grave?...other things needed...?

He would have had from @3-ish to @8 or after to do this.
He could accomplish a lot in 5+hours.

We know Charli left her sister's at @8 but we don't have a time for her after that, or whether she got home, or if she did, how long she was home, unless someone saw her or she talked to someone (text or call ) after that. ( but it sounds like no.)

Then, we have only the single ping of Charli's phone at @ 11 from out the road, a possible very late sighting of SC in the vicinity of Hana, rumor of 2am-ish I leaving out something? Please do amend these presumed facts...

... We can infer the rest: after the deed (sometime after @8 But before @ 10, giving him time to stash her well-hidden SUV, possibly with her in it--if he didn't already deal with it, well hidden and her -- i think she could have been left in her car whilst he drove the phone, Nala, and (I'm not convinced either way about the timing of this...)the clothing etc....

So in this scenario, before or @ 10 or so, he dumps the items as decoys, takes Nala as far from her dead Mistress as possible, maybe *stopping to collect on some "favors" out Hana way, then returns back to Haiku/Pe'ahi & disposes of the body, if he didn't before. Then deals w/ the car.

The timetable for the car is: sometime before or after the alleged skype, he alone strips has someone strip the doors, grill, lights, everything but the carcass and made sure it gets burned. It may have been flipped so something underneath could be removed.

At any rate, there was evidence in that car and it needed to be destroyed. ( I'd like to know how they ID'd *it-- by the*way. Because Those Toyotas are like Ford Focuses are on the Mainland...they are ubiguitous. Was the id # removed? Were there other distinguishing features? .....A little thought is that maybe he thought he could pass it off as just any old random island burnout. But he didn't count on the love, wit and tenacity of Charli's amazing family.
Another thought: I didn't know Charli, but someone who did, someone she confided in might know the answer to these questions. What could SC have said to her to persuade her to go to his house? What could he have said to persuade her to take a drive down Hana Hwy on a dark Sunday night when she was tired? At what time did she need to be @ work on Monday?
News report said the vehicle ID (VIN) could still be seen and that is how they identified it was her car.
Someone posted earlier why did SC even say he was with her? Why not just say I never saw her that night? I assume it is because he had to have a story in case someone, somewhere, saw the two of them together. His story, places and times would some what have to match up in case someone saw them. So now I'm gonna ponder that she was alive when they left their starting point. Need to swirl that around in my head for awhile.
Charli allegedly had an Apple iPhone 4s. So assuming that we are talking GPS technology, it would be the last ping rather than the first. This is significant because it means that Charli never made it back to Twin Falls, as SC claims. A specialist, IMHO, would be able to narrow down the location of that last ping. Now what we don't know is when Charli and her phone were separated. I wish I knew where Charli usually kept her phone and where she kept it when she was driving. Maybe it was in her vehicle but she was not.

However, working from where the phone was @ 11 could give us a starting point to determine where SC was and when. His story is just a string of lies, IMHO. :moo:

Editing to answer your question. IMHO an 11 PM ping from Keanae allows time for a double homicide and disposal in Haiku or other locations that fit the timeline.


If this is the correct phone it has a-GPS technology and also has Glonass technology, which is a Russian equivalent of our GPS. Apparently it does the same thing but uses a different satellite system (Russian). I tried to read about Glonass but the information is way beyond my basic techno jargon of understanding of how all this stuff works.

First, I don't know if it would be something that you have to turn on or it is automatically on like most of the GPS chips that are in phones made for the US market.

Second, if this is something that would even be feasible to get information from or even helpful.

he only reason I'm mentioning it is that it would be an additional tool since my understanding of a-GPS means that unless you have cell tower coverage and a data plan it doesn't work. Only Dedicated GPS works without towers; strictly by satellite.

If I am understanding this Russian system right, Glonass in some cases of where mountains normally interfere with even the best GPS technology, Glonass has provide better results. Using the two systems together, the degree of accuracy is suppose to go way up.

Maybe someone who works in this field would know .

Source: Assisted GPS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
GLONASS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So would it make sense that everything happened before the trip down Hana Rd. and the 11:00pm ping was the first time going down the road not coming back?

...having technical difficulties...please refer to post # 105
My thought is that he needed to be out getting prepped.*

He would have had from @3-ish to @8 or after to do this.*He could accomplish a lot in 5+hours.*

We know Charli left her sister's at @8 but we don't have a time for her after that, or whether she got home, or if she did, how long she was home, unless someone saw her or she talked to someone (text or call ) after that. ( but it sounds like no.)*

Then, we have only the single ping of Charli's phone at @ 11 from out the road, a possible very late sighting of SC in the vicinity of Hana, rumor of 2am-ish I leaving out something?

... We can infer the rest: after the deed (sometime after @8 But before @ 10, giving him time to stash her SUV and her -- i think she could have been left in her car whilst he drove the phone, Nala, and (I'm not convinced either way about ...)the clothing etc....

So in this scenario, he dumped the items as decoys, took Nala as far from her dead Mistress as possible, maybe *stopped to collect on some "favors" out Hana way, then returned home, disposed of the body, if he didn't before.*

The timetable for the car is: sometime he alone stripped or had someone strip the doors, *grill, lights, everything but the carcass and made sure it got burned. It may have been flipped so something underneath could be removed.*

At any rate, there was evidence in that car and it needed to be destroyed. ( I'd like to know how they ID'd *it-- by the way. Because those Old Toyotas seem to be ubiquitous on the island. Is the ID on the car removed or intact? We're there any distinguishing features?....a little thought is that he thought that he could pass it off as just any old island burnout...But he didn't count on the love, wits and tenacity of Charli's family and friends. :moo:
So would it make sense that everything happened before the trip down Hana Rd. and the 11:00pm ping was the first time going down the road not coming back?

IMO, It would make sense, given what we KNOW and tossing what we don't KNOW. It would make sense that the phone was taken there W/O it's owner on SC's only trip out there that day, alone. And the phone was dumped somewhere.
Someone posted earlier why did SC even say he was with her? Why not just say I never saw her that night? I assume it is because he had to have a story in case someone, somewhere, saw the two of them together. His story, places and times would some what have to match up in case someone saw them. So now I'm gonna ponder that she was alive when they left their starting point. Need to swirl that around in my head for awhile.

Yes. He has his fractured story. We have lots of inferences. But unless something concrete turns up to tie him to murder, he's probably going to go free. We still don't know what LE is doing.
Is anyone interested that Carli's Mom, in an interview from Feb 11 or 12
said that her phone was still ringing at that time. Is this helpful to know?*

Because it would have been on the 11th, at the earliest, since the missing person report wasn't made until late on the 10th.*

This at least says that it wasn't thrown into the ocean, right? And strengthens the idea that the phone was put out there. By all means, I hope LE is zeroing in on the phone's location...FINGERPRINTS?
An insider told me that parts/pieces/evidence of some sort of her cell phone were found burnt in the car. Unless that person or someone else verifies it, it is just rumor.

If I bash my phone to smithereens, throw it in the river, or throw it in a fire, will it still ring to the person that calls it? The service is still active. Anyone know?
An insider told me that parts/pieces/evidence of some sort of her cell phone were found burnt in the car. Unless that person or someone else verifies it, it is just rumor.

If I bash my phone to smithereens, throw it in the river, or throw it in a fire, will it still ring to the person that calls it? The service is still active. Anyone know?

Based on the article I linked below, "Yes". There is also a good thread about this if you Google "What happens when a cell phone is physically destroyed?"

...When you hit the call button on some phones, a ringing tone begins immediately.

"However, that does not mean the phone you are calling is ringing yet," wrote wireless analyst Jeff Kagan in an email to NBC News. "The network is searching for the phone. First based on where it last was, then it expands. Then if the network can't find the phone, the call terminates."

The search for the party on the receiving end may be nearly instantaneous, or take a few seconds — during which time the phone (depending on model, network and other variables) may or may not make a ringing noise to indicate to the caller that it is attempting to make the cell connection. So while it may ring four times for you, the person you're calling may only hear it ring once -- or not at all.
An insider told me that parts/pieces/evidence of some sort of her cell phone were found burnt in the car. Unless that person or someone else verifies it, it is just rumor.

If I bash my phone to smithereens, throw it in the river, or throw it in a fire, will it still ring to the person that calls it? The service is still active. Anyone know?

There was a pretty recent post that contradicted that insider report, but I din't know...i
Someone posted earlier why did SC even say he was with her? Why not just say I never saw her that night? I assume it is because he had to have a story in case someone, somewhere, saw the two of them together. His story, places and times would some what have to match up in case someone saw them. So now I'm gonna ponder that she was alive when they left their starting point. Need to swirl that around in my head for awhile.

Nikki posted that a few pages back, and that's an excellent thought worth exploring. His story is ridiculous in so many ways... I was thinking, is there any part of it that I believe? I believe that her family disliked him. Actually, I believe that they disliked and distrusted him. He needed a story in case she called or talked to her sister after she talked to him. Perhaps when the family showed up at his work, he assumed that she had talked to a sister or her mother and told him she was going to SC's.

I'm remaining open-minded at this time as to where Charli and Joshua may be. We don't have a lot of solid information and I don't want to rule anyplace out just yet.

According to Google Maps, it is 20.7 miles from SC's grandfather's house to Keanae, which should take about 55 minutes. I don't know how long it takes to get from Charli's sister's house to SC's grandfather's house, but if they both live in Haiku, I will assume 15 minutes. So, if she leaves her sister's house at 8, gets to SC's at 8:15, and they leave for Keanae right away, they'd get there by 9:10. If she got there at 8:30, which is SC's story, they'd arrive in Keanae by 9:25. So right away you can see that Charli's cell pinging in Keanae @ 11 PM is inconsistent with his story, particularly the part where he says "at 10:30, they got back to Haiku." This is according to Charli's mom's interview; I posted the link below. They could not possibly have arrived back in Haiku until around 11:55 had they been in Keanae at 11.

So we have about an hour and a half of unaccounted for time between the last time that Charli was seen by her sister in Haiku, and the ping in Keanae at 11. SC was allegedly at work Monday morning, so there are 8 hours there for more nefarious deeds.
...having technical difficulties...please refer to post # 105
My thought is that he needed to be out getting prepped.*

He would have had from @3-ish to @8 or after to do this.*He could accomplish a lot in 5+hours.*

We know Charli left her sister's at @8 but we don't have a time for her after that, or whether she got home, or if she did, how long she was home, unless someone saw her or she talked to someone (text or call ) after that. ( but it sounds like no.)*

Then, we have only the single ping of Charli's phone at @ 11 from out the road, a possible very late sighting of SC in the vicinity of Hana, rumor of 2am-ish I leaving out something?

... We can infer the rest: after the deed (sometime after @8 But before @ 10, giving him time to stash her SUV and her -- i think she could have been left in her car whilst he drove the phone, Nala, and (I'm not convinced either way about ...)the clothing etc....

So in this scenario, he dumped the items as decoys, took Nala as far from her dead Mistress as possible, maybe *stopped to collect on some "favors" out Hana way, then returned home, disposed of the body, if he didn't before.*

The timetable for the car is: sometime he alone stripped or had someone strip the doors, *grill, lights, everything but the carcass and made sure it got burned. It may have been flipped so something underneath could be removed.*

At any rate, there was evidence in that car and it needed to be destroyed. ( I'd like to know how they ID'd *it-- by the way. Because those Old Toyotas seem to be ubiquitous on the island. Is the ID on the car removed or intact? We're there any distinguishing features?....a little thought is that he thought that he could pass it off as just any old island burnout...But he didn't count on the love, wits and tenacity of Charli's family and friends. :moo:

Sorry, I just re-read this and wanted to make it very clear that I am saying that he drove the truck or another vehicle out the road to dump evidence and Nala...NOT THE SUV...which I believe would have been hidden someplace until he could deal with it properly...
Someone posted earlier why did SC even say he was with her? Why not just say I never saw her that night? I assume it is because he had to have a story in case someone, somewhere, saw the two of them together. His story, places and times would some what have to match up in case someone saw them. So now I'm gonna ponder that she was alive when they left their starting point. Need to swirl that around in my head for awhile.
If SC was driving Charli's car at any time he would need to have the story that he had at least seen her. However, she would not need to be alive for that story to fly. All he would have to say is that she was sleeping in the back of the car and he was driving if someone saw him driving it, but not Charli in the car.


If this is the correct phone it has a-GPS technology and also has Glonass technology, which is a Russian equivalent of our GPS. Apparently it does the same thing but uses a different satellite system (Russian). I tried to read about Glonass but the information is way beyond my basic techno jargon of understanding of how all this stuff works.

***RSBM for space***

he only reason I'm mentioning it is that it would be an additional tool since my understanding of a-GPS means that unless you have cell tower coverage and a data plan it doesn't work. Only Dedicated GPS works without towers; strictly by satellite.

***RSBM for space***
BBM: I don't work in this field, but I do know that GPS works in an Android without cell coverage or data plan. My research on iPhone says that GPS works fine on iPhone without cell coverage.
GPS (Global Positioning System) is satellite based, not cell based. A-GPS is when alternate methods of location (cell tower, Internet) are combined with GPS for a more accurate and faster lock-in of position. But the regular GPS still works on iPhone (since version 3) without the assist (A part of A-GPS).

An insider told me that parts/pieces/evidence of some sort of her cell phone were found burnt in the car. Unless that person or someone else verifies it, it is just rumor.

If I bash my phone to smithereens, throw it in the river, or throw it in a fire, will it still ring to the person that calls it? The service is still active. Anyone know?
From experience, yes, it still rings. But it depends on your plan. For some plans, even when your phone is destroyed, it rings then goes to voice mail. My son's flip phone rings on my end long before it ever rings on his end in general. And it rang on my end for about two rings when the service was trying to locate the phone that happened to be in the washing machine and was good and dead. Then it said my party could not be reached.
There was a pretty recent post that contradicted that insider report, but I din't know...i

Contradicted by saying it seems improbable that anything would be left after burning in a car. I disagree. There were parts of the vehicle that were not completely burnt. But it could be false info.
SC got off work at 3ish. The FB posts could have been SC in the passenger seat messing on FB while someone else drove until they reached their destination around 4:15. Isn't that the amount of time it would take to get to said areas? Possibly same person that he called the tweaker the he got the ride back from? hmmmmm...

I do believe that parts of his infamous interview story are true..just grossly skewed.
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