GUILTY HI - Carly Joann 'Charli' Scott, 27, pregnant, Makawao, 9 Feb 2014 - #2

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This is from a search and rescue gentleman that is helping with the missing women in my area. I paraphrased, but the general theme stays. I read it several times slowly to truly get what he is telling us. He has years of experience. I think it is good advise with any case.

1. Never assume you know anything or everything about a missing subject, or POI's.

2. Assume that the actor(s) involved are reading your posts and watching any SAR and LE operations and will try to insert themselves or an associate in your activities if possible. "Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer".

3. In general, family will go to great lengths to keep some types of behavior (dirty laundry) under protect their own.
I repeatedly have questioned the landlord. I have 15 years as a property manager under my belt. It is unthinkable to take anything from a tenant's home AND is illegal. Why? Why did he start cleaning out her home? Baby items? For God sake! This has never added up for me.

Ditto. Some must know him. Is he known for unwarranted or illegal actions? Is he a little ...tetched?
This is from a search and rescue gentleman that is helping with the missing women in my area. I paraphrased, but the general theme stays. I read it several times slowly to truly get what he is telling us. He has years of experience. I think it is good advise with any case.

1. Never assume you know anything or everything about a missing subject, or POI's.

2. Assume that the actor(s) involved are reading your posts and watching any SAR and LE operations and will try to insert themselves or an associate in your activities if possible. "Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer".

3. In general, family will go to great lengths to keep some types of behavior (dirty laundry) under protect their own.

Great heads up... Thank you!
Delurking to say:

That "study" FB page doesn't seem to be about a non-objective exploration of finding out what happened to Charli as much a way to torment and try SC in the court of public opinion. I think it's very interesting and a little disturbing that whenever anyone brings up the only other obvious potential POI that we know about, Charli's landlord (someone who knew her and Nala and who let himself into her place and took her stuff before she had been gone more than a few days, suggesting he knew she wasn't coming back), the person who runs the "study" page deletes the comments. Or responds to the comments with dismissals like "forget the landlord." Just interesting. Why so eager to dismiss the landlord?

Hi avocado! :welcome: and glad you joined us!

Due to our forum rules, we do not discuss anyone as being a POI or suspect unless the mainstream media or law enforcement states they are a suspect in a case. For that reason, although social media might be writing about other people, we don't discuss them here. If I missed where the landlord was named a suspect, please let me know. Otherwise, the landlord is off limits other than saying their actions after Carly went missing are unusual. You have brought up a curious question and one I'll be keeping in my back pocket until more information is released.

I don't understand. I've researched this product and as far as I can see, Life360 does nothing with actual pings. The phone still pings like it's supposed to. It might erase a history off the phone, but it doesn't erase the history from the provider. What I do see is that once a phone is turned off, Life360 does not allow you to look up the tracking history if a user was not actually logged in at the time the phone was turned off or went dead. If the phone was turned off to save battery power (I do this when I am going through an area I know doesn't have coverage because it will drain the battery incredibly fast), the app wouldn't update, either.

Interesting app that appears to have a lot of bugs, IMO. I hope the family can get a copy of Charli's records from her cell phone provider, but that usually takes a court order.

Does anyone know how challenging it is to get a court order to release the cell phone records to the family? IMHO, that would help the family to direct their private searches more effectively. I assume that MPD has already obtained copies. :cow:

Speaking of MPD, it has now been one month since Charli’s case was reclassified as a homicide. It would be nice to hear an update from MPD, even if it is just, “We are actively working this case, following up on leads and questioning individuals, but we don’t want to jeopardize the case by publicizing the details of the investigation. Maui, these are your public servants. Just saying… :notgood:
The landlords actions after Charli disappeared really WAS unusual. Why would he go into her place and take her possessions mere DAYS after she didn't return. Even if she owed rent, he has to go through the eviction process first before he's allowed to go in there and removed any possessions. Taking brand new baby clothes Charli bought for her baby boy is questionable as well. Why would he think that was ok? He surely was acting as if he knew for some reason that Charli would not be returning anytime soon and that everything in it was up for grabs and he could clean out the unit and prepare it to rent out to someone else. His actions are suspect to me. How he fits into anything else is beyond me. IMO.
I posted a link to the article about Charli's landlord confiscating some of her belongings on the Timeline and Media Links subforum, FYI.

I agree that his actions were heinous, but IMHO, they were the act of an opportunist, not a murderer. If it is proven that Charli's car was abandoned, stolen, stripped, and burned after the murders, I would feel the same way about the alleged car thieves, again IMHO. :cow:

There is a person who had a strong motive and opportunity to murder Charli.
That person is the father of Joshua, Charli's unborn child.
That person admits to being with Charli and Nala on the night she disappeared.
That person is the last person known to have seen Charli on the night she disappeared.
That person is well-acquainted with Charli's dog, Nala.
That person has an implausible story as to what occurred on the night of Feb. 9.
That person claims that he took a lie detector test and that the police told him that he failed.
That person has a new girlfriend.
That person has posted something on his FB page that indicates that he was not that thrilled with his impending fatherhood.
That person appears to have money management problems.
When I was a teen, I used to read those murder mystery novels where the person who did the deed was not the most obvious suspect. But in real life, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, flies like a duck, and quacks like a duck, chances are very good that it IS a duck. IMHO, FWIW and all that :drumroll:
I was thinking about it and if Charli was low on gas and did go to SC's house without stopping for gas, is it possible that he came up with the story of his truck breaking down because Charli's truck ran out of gas? That would have probably been something he would not have anticipated when planning out the muder (if he did it.) Maybe someone followed SC in SC's truck to pick him up once her truck was dumped in Jaws, but then along the way, he ran out of gas and so both trucks were by the side of the road. So, he then had to make a story up which would place both vehicles together in case anyone saw the , if that makes sense. I wonder if someone got a can of gas at a station in the area and brought it to him. The truck had to get to Jaws, right? What are the odds it could get there being low on gas?

IF SC got his truck detailed after, which per heresay through Brooke on the FB page is uncommon behavior for SC- there was probably evidence. Or he was worried that there would be residual evidence that would have been tracked through bloody clothes, shoes, etc. Which to me makes me wonder if Charli was transported in her car post mortem. I'm guessing The perp was confident that her truck would be stripped and burned. When a car is stripped, is any of the interior taken or only outside parts?

I apologize for the random thoughts.
If he had willing help, there would have to be something in it for them.

What would that be? People are usually self serving.

There are some real scumbags out there, but helping to kill a pregnant women is a low that even a lot of scumbags wouldn't touch.

So if he had help, what was in it for that person?
Anyone notice someone with a new stash of drugs...say $1200 worth? Drugs make people do awful things. Especially big time addicts.

If someone, somehow, helped unknowingly for something in return that is illegal, and now can't come forward for fear of their own punishment, anyone notice anything new that someone has that they did not have the money for?

Eyes wide shut. Someone knows something. It's time to do the right thing.
I read Brooke's post on the study page. I had a lump in my throat and tears running down my face. I feel her anguish, her pain, anger and helplessness. I admire her for her strength. Very few of us can say that a family member was murdered.
I can.
I know what she is going through. Life is never the same. It is a sombering walk. questions, questions.
why? ... why...
A living nightmare.
It does get easier. Tears turn to smiles of beautiful memories.
You will love more passionately, you will fight stronger, you will appreciate.
Relief will come. Justice will be served.
We were fortunate. The is rotting away in jail for life. No parole.
I wrote this for my sister who died tragically in 2012 at 41. Now I send it to Brooke with Love.:heartbeat:

Ever Since I heard those words
You were Gone,
there has been a crack in my heart.
We were, too long
too far,
Since we were children,
I held your hand,
you were my best friend.
Sharing secrets, clothes,
playing games,
through the fields we wend.
As teens we went different ways…
It often happens,
Yet still love stays.
Ma soeur, la jumelle, la famille,
(My sister, my twin, my family)
Precious is your memory.
I am so sorry for your losses, Heartgoesout and KikiD. KikiD- I love the poem you wrote. It made me tear up.

I did check the 'A Study' FB page for the first time in a week or so, and Brooke hinted that there may be more than one arrest. I don't know if she knows something we don't or is surmising that he had help.

I feel like we are missing something. So, someone had tried to break into Charli's house a couple (?) of times per some of the posts here, her landlord stole all of her stuff, SC had tried to lure her out there for a while (was this on the A Study FB page? I remember reading that here and somewhere else.)

Did the break-ins start around the same time he was trying to lure her out to him? Why didn't she go? Did she have a reason to fear SC? Something he said? Something she heard through the grapevine?

I'm assuming she would recognize SC if he broke in, so I am going to assume it was someone she didn't know. Going with this thought, and my thought that SC had help, I wonder if it was his accomplice breaking in. I don't know why - maybe to get familiar with the dog? I would assume Nala would attack a strange man coming in through the window, but maybe not if he brought treats, etc for her. I know pit bulls are fierce with other animals, but from people who have owned them, they can be softies with adults. Maybe it was the landlord, but why break in when he had a key? Charli would have recognized him, if she saw him. Or was it just the suspicion of someone breaking in without seeing them? Would Nala have been familiar with the landlord? I can't find a picture of the landlord - was he young and in shape?


One more thing - does anyone know the size of the men's clothing found with Charli's? Were they in SC's size?
Belated welcome, princesslisa! :wagon:
I also feel as though we are missing something. I keep searching for information and rereading. I found the link from when she was first reported missing and posted it on the Timeline and Media Links subforum. I’m also posting it below for convenience.
Here are two quotes from the link:

“She didn’t go to her job yesterday. It’s just not like her. I think something bad happened,” Brooke Scott said.”

“She works early in the morning. She probably had been awake for 20 hours at the point when she was driving back,” Brooke Scott said.”

Earlier in the thread, I asked if Charli had to work on Monday and if she had to go in early. Here's the answer! Charli was scheduled to work early on Monday morning. This information suggests that she would have been reluctant to go for a 2 hour drive up Hana Hwy. and back Sunday night, IMHO. :cow:

Unfortunately, it doesn't necessarily rule out the possibility that she did, whether alive, incapacitated, or deceased. :(

Also, can anyone point me to the source of the report or rumor that someone had tried to break into Charli’s home? I find that highly unlikely, as she had two large dogs. When did this allegedly happen?
I was thinking about it and if Charli was low on gas and did go to SC's house without stopping for gas, is it possible that he came up with the story of his truck breaking down because Charli's truck ran out of gas? That would have probably been something he would not have anticipated when planning out the muder (if he did it.) Maybe someone followed SC in SC's truck to pick him up once her truck was dumped in Jaws, but then along the way, he ran out of gas and so both trucks were by the side of the road. So, he then had to make a story up which would place both vehicles together in case anyone saw the , if that makes sense. I wonder if someone got a can of gas at a station in the area and brought it to him. The truck had to get to Jaws, right? What are the odds it could get there being low on gas?

IF SC got his truck detailed after, which per heresay through Brooke on the FB page is uncommon behavior for SC- there was probably evidence. Or he was worried that there would be residual evidence that would have been tracked through bloody clothes, shoes, etc. Which to me makes me wonder if Charli was transported in her car post mortem. I'm guessing The perp was confident that her truck would be stripped and burned. When a car is stripped, is any of the interior taken or only outside parts?

I apologize for the random thoughts.
Your post gave me a thought. Even if there was no evidence of Charli in someone's truck, there could have been evidence of Nala, and the fear that it could be identified.

Regarding cars getting stripped, it depends on what can be removed easily and sold easily. Often steering wheels, shifter knobs, seats in good condition, radios will be taken out of the interior before torching, but only if it is worth the time.
Also, why would other tenants be afraid to speak up for fear of retaliation?
They should just be able to say, I'm sorry I don't know anything. Sounds like they DO know something. Otherwise why be afraid?
Dang! I don't know why my landlord post was deleted? I don't see which MOD deleted it to ask what I said wrong? The landlord has been mentioned before so I'm not sure where I crossed the line. I would like to know so I can modify that post. Thanks!
I think recent posts were deleted because they were insider info. not linked to major news source.
Can someone conduct an interview with fromtheladle and post it online so we can refer to it? :bananalama:


MOO :cow:

(newb found the smile emoticon list)
SC, or an unidentified murderer if not SC, or car thieves, all had motive to burn the truck. Fingerprints melt and so does most other evidence.

In some scenarios SC had least incentive of anyone to burn it. Traces of him in Charli's truck could easily be explained away in court. He said he was in her truck!

So if he committed the crimes why would he torch the truck?
1. to point away from himself and toward a murdering carjacker
2. he didn't think about it a lot - figured it would just be thorough
3. there was evidence in it he couldn't explaine away like blood
All good reasons for him to burn it, if he did, IMO.

If he did it he wouldn't gain much from leaving it abandoned unburned somewhere. If there's no evidence of anyone unknown in the truck then it narrows reasonable doubts.

That the truck was burned out might not tell us about who did it, but the timing of when it appeared there, who found it, who knew the area well, how much time SC had to be involved with it all would.

Was anyone able to confirm a time window when the truck possibly appeared at JAWS? Is it more narrow than Feb.9 (when she went missing) to Feb.12 (when it was found)? Like if someone looked 2/10 and it wasn't there?
Welcome, RunDaSurf! :wagon:

The vehicle was found at approx. 6 PM, Wednesday, Feb. 12. I sure wish we knew more about what happened to it between the 9th and the 12th.

Here's the link from MSM (Hawaii News Now) that I posted on the Timeline and Media Links subforum 2 days ago. In this link, there is a picture showing Charli's `ohana cottage and there's a discussion about the matter with you-know-who. :wink:

IMHO, SC did not torch Charli's SUV. He knew that he didn't need to. He could easily explain the presence of his fingerprints in the vehicle. All he had to do was abandon it in a sketchy location and "the wrecking crew" would do the rest of the dirty work for him.
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