GUILTY HI - Carly Joann 'Charli' Scott, 27, pregnant, Makawao, 9 Feb 2014 - #2

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Does anyone know the connection to the icp songs?
Did sc like that kinda music?
We all are assuming he did it.. Shall we talk about whether or not he did it alone? Did he actually have someone help him? Or is there people that he shared his plans with?

I've noted early on that SC listened to ICP. I don't 'know' the connection. But I noticed that there's a guy with an alias similar to Chunk O'Butter who posted a youtube link to ICP's song Fonz Pond on Steve's FB profile. When listening to ICP songs, focus on the lyrics and you will see why many become so alarmed by them. This particular song, Fonz Pond, is about a pond where children go to die, their souls are stolen and bodies brought deep. See lyrics here:
My sons like Insane Clown Posse. I used to. But as I changed my life and turned back to being a Christian, I realized how negative they were and how murderous and violent they actually were. I believe kids and young adults like them because it makes those who feel powerless 'powerful.' It also tends to make teens and young adults angry. There's a song that is called F&^% the World, and indeed I believe that is ICP's message to the rest of us.
Hope this helps.
Don't know nothin about no music--why do you want to know?

Yes Let's just assume he did it and that everything he's said is a lie of some sort. Some of the things he did are lies too. Imo There may be people who are that close to him... Some, locals who may have more first- or second-hand knowledge of this, think that it's a certainty that he has confidants, "friends" --but these pundits are taking a hiatus in Spleenland.:moo: I hope and trust that they will regain some perspective and return soon.

[Before talk, read! everything. Back to p1. Follow the links. FB : Crabapple Jones, Study to find... etc., Chunk..., etc. Looking back, you can see through a lot of what was then either not yet known ( like charli missing, then known homicide) or completely false ( like SC's story--elements of which were treated as fact by all the sources and which has led to a lot of terrible confusion and wasted effort--and still is IMHO )]

I have read all those. No worries sorry I ask questions that are old news never know when it may jog a readers mind. I'll just read for now on. Mahalo
A few thoughts.

The FB page that is visited... is spinning it's wheels just as we are. Guesses/theories/questions. **I do hope that those on hiatus will rejoin the discussion. We are all just trying to make sense of this senseless crime.

I agree that someone new joining should take the time to read through the first thread, the link with maps and now the second thread. Visit the pages/news links and videos. If you're really serious about joining the conversation it would be helpful to not have to answer questions that have been discussed, however, new theories may spark a new way to look at it.

Remember that this forum is open to anyone...trolls, naysayers and those who may wish to sidetrack and give inaccurate info will always exist. Not everything you read is truth, hence the policy of verification of info.

Onward sleuthers, onward...
There is an impostor...check the spelling. One is "batter". It's easy for the eye to miss the a instead of the u. Again, don't believe everything you read. I was fooled by it too.
Another stab
moo:...Re: 2/9, Sunday--
Unless someone can prove that SC was really at home I alone in suggesting that he wasn't at home at all after work Sunday... that someone else was posting the "shares" that are on his Facebook ...(making it look like he was home or innocently occupied elsewhere) ...until (he claims) he drove his truck to Hana ...(in order to fill in his "stuck truck" story)?

If no-one has anything to establish him at home or elsewhere... I think he was alone, secretly preparing the place for the murder and the disposal of the body- from after work (@3ish) til he met Charli that evening...And that he never left the Haiku/Peahi area until he drove out in his truck with Nala and Charli's phone... (at least)... late out the Hana Road and back @ 2am-ish....

Some say that, because the area where Charli's sister found her clothes had been searched already, SC placed the clothes there as a decoy to pull attention away from the H/P area AFTER the SUV was found at Peahi...

Is it indeed a fact that the exact same spot had been covered previously by searchers? ...I recall discussions about this, but I can't get to the first parts where the facts were stated... Why did they go back, then, if it had been covered thoroughly already? (...Did they suspect something?...Lack confidence in the search already done?)

Further, it has been suggested that the articles of clothing, identified as being those Charli was wearing, and some having maggots, would have been taken off of the un-interred body as a second thought, the perp needing a decoy.

This can't be resolved in my mind until it is absolutely certain that the specific area where the clothes were later found had been thoroughly scoured before, and that they couldn't have been missed the first time.

Any news? Any help?

Other than possible insider info...public facts are sparse. Most info is here-say. And there is a lot of here-say about. You choose what you want to believe unless it has absolutely been verified.

To the best of my knowledge it was only speculation that he was FBing from home. He could have been on his iphone. A supposed insider said both SC and CS have the iphone 4s. You can FB from anywhere as long as there is connection. I also think people are protective of their phones, we all have them at our hip. Would he have given his phone to someone else? I know I wouldn't!

There is a video where the sister says that the area that the clothing was found had been searched before. To the best of my knowledge I have not read anywhere why they went back to an area already search other than they had more volunteers.

Maggots, bones were debunked by family. But then again, they are not going to publicly say everything they know. I choose to believe there were maggots but that's just me.

Here-say that he skyped at 2am from a supposed insider. Maybe true, maybe not. I choose to believe this.

Up until the synopsis, that I choose to believe, non insiders were under the impression that Charli told her sister that she was meeting SC. Synopsis says family did not know. This changed a lot. This is where all hell broke loose a few days ago on here.
It's probably someone with an emotional attachment to the case. That's just my opinion based on some of the knowledge this person has shared. I do not assume it is a "he".
I joke with my children trying to teach them to watch what they post online, that a mom (or scorn girlfriend/wife) will do better research than the FBI.
Does anyone know if SC is still dating the girlfriend?
There is an impostor...check the spelling. One is "batter". It's easy for the eye to miss the a instead of the u. Again, don't believe everything you read. I was fooled by it too.

I could tell from the get-go that the other account had a different name. Don't know why others couldn't... but I suppose that was their objective in creating it. There are a lot of anonymous profiles popping up, it's a bit eerie.
I could tell from the get-go that the other account had a different name. Don't know why others couldn't... but I suppose that was their objective in creating it. There are a lot of anonymous profiles popping up, it's a bit eerie.
IMO, anonymous profiles are SOP with cases that have strong opinions one way or the other. It's one reason why FB is often not considered a reliable source. Who really thinks there is a human being with an actual name of "Chunk O'Butter" that is posting on Facebook? You can call yourself anything you want to and be anyone you want to be online. Now, do I want to be able to read what insiders have to say? Of course. I'm intelligent enough to figure out who is being a troll, who is just clueless, and who has something useful. (Sadly, there are a lot of people who can't figure it out, or want their opinion to be right so badly that they have convinced themselves that what they think is a fact). But I have seen cases where members of the "who-cares-what-the-evidence-shows-I-am-going-to-argue-the-opposite-way-and-claim-my-opinions-as-facts" club just go to town trolling all over social media and getting an amazing amount of people who bite. This case is one of those that strikes a nerve in many, because Charli was pregnant, and SC's story was just lame. Expect to see more fake profiles (I don't even want to say "anonymous"-expect just plain fake ones).
To anyone it may concern, I think it may be best to just ask FB "study" guy Himself who he is--I'm sure he'll tell you. Likewise "Crabapple Jones", who can give you the gf transcript if you ask for it. ( offer from a few weeks ago which may or may not still open--)...(don't know why suspicion and bitterness are surfacing...but this is underbelly stuff and dangerous....)

I think, though, that our FB "study" friend is passionate, caring and determined to do whatever he can to help the hurting Scott family put closure on this and for Charli and Baby Joshua's memory. And to see Justice done... Bit of a curmudgeon tho' IMO.
IMO, anonymous profiles are SOP with cases that have strong opinions one way or the other. It's one reason why FB is often not considered a reliable source. Who really thinks there is a human being with an actual name of "Chunk O'Butter" that is posting on Facebook? You can call yourself anything you want to and be anyone you want to be online. Now, do I want to be able to read what insiders have to say? Of course. I'm intelligent enough to figure out who is being a troll, who is just clueless, and who has something useful. (Sadly, there are a lot of people who can't figure it out, or want their opinion to be right so badly that they have convinced themselves that what they think is a fact). But I have seen cases where members of the "who-cares-what-the-evidence-shows-I-am-going-to-argue-the-opposite-way-and-claim-my-opinions-as-facts" club just go to town trolling all over social media and getting an amazing amount of people who bite. This case is one of those that strikes a nerve in many, because Charli was pregnant, and SC's story was just lame. Expect to see more fake profiles (I don't even want to say "anonymous"-expect just plain fake ones).

I'm just an old mom...I have two ideas of perfection:a boatload of grand kids (someday...sigh...) and inner tubing down a brook with everybody...I'm here on Maui taking care of my 90 year-old Mom. A wonderful, beautiful man, my Dad, died a few months ago after putting up a brave battle with a bunch of mean diseases. I'm up in the middle if the night listening to the soft, lovely chirping of those little frogs outside my window(not the loud cocquis [sp?]). Mom and Dad had one of those rare and true marriages--tho' they had their moments...for 66 years. Mom is just coming out of her deep mourning, and she grieves. So much more I could tell...

i don't get who would make a fake profile or those other things ...or WHY? purposeless...heartless. Soulless. If you can answer, you can private message me here if you want.
A few thoughts.

The FB page that is visited... is spinning it's wheels just as we are. Guesses/theories/questions. **I do hope that those on hiatus will rejoin the discussion. We are all just trying to make sense of this senseless crime.

I agree that someone new joining should take the time to read through the first thread, the link with maps and now the second thread. Visit the pages/news links and videos. If you're really serious about joining the conversation it would be helpful to not have to answer questions that have been discussed, however, new theories may spark a new way to look at it.

Remember that this forum is open to anyone...trolls, naysayers and those who may wish to sidetrack and give inaccurate info will always exist. Not everything you read is truth, hence the policy of verification of info.

Onward sleuthers, onward...

AMEN :seeya:
I have read all those. No worries sorry I ask questions that are old news never know when it may jog a readers mind. I'll just read for now on. Mahalo

I do the same. Trying real hard not to be like the little kid always tugging on the big guy's shirt asking questions. But important details that can so easily be overlooked can sometimes be seen with fresh eyes. Keep going ...
On the study page they talk of lye.. Other than to make "ice" I believe it's a urban legend as to putting it in a grave. If he is in the tweeker group he may be into the chemistry aspect of it.. And if he spends time on the internet searching cleaning products and venturing out into internet land to find these post he shares so frequently, both make me believe he would look up the urban legends of disposing of a body.. Moo
New at this but here is a link why bones don't lie.
IMO I think whether or not he purchased lye or lime is a dead end .. As it is a byproduct in the cane industy. Not just something that is sold at Home Depot or ace hardware. Just my thoughts
To anyone it may concern, I think it may be best to just ask FB "study" guy Himself who he is--I'm sure he'll tell you. Likewise "Crabapple Jones", who can give you the gf transcript if you ask for it. ( offer from a few weeks ago which may or may not still open--)...(don't know why suspicion and bitterness are surfacing...but this is underbelly stuff and dangerous....)

I think, though, that our FB "study" friend is passionate, caring and determined to do whatever he can to help the hurting Scott family put closure on this and for Charli and Baby Joshua's memory. And to see Justice done... Bit of a curmudgeon tho' IMO.

I totally agree with your take. He's a justice seeker who wants to help, as are we. He's a local and wants to stay anonymous to remain safe, IMHO.
On the study page they talk of lye.. Other than to make "ice" I believe it's a urban legend as to putting it in a grave. If he is in the tweeker group he may be into the chemistry aspect of it.. And if he spends time on the internet searching cleaning products and venturing out into internet land to find these post he shares so frequently, both make me believe he would look up the urban legends of disposing of a body.. Moo
New at this but here is a link why bones don't lie.
IMO I think whether or not he purchased lye or lime is a dead end .. As it is a byproduct in the cane industy. Not just something that is sold at Home Depot or ace hardware. Just my thoughts

Here's a link for you. Disposal of human corpsesRead - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia under uncommon methods. I could go into mordid details, however I do not want to give anyone any ideas either.

I just want to say, some of you are very negative about others on this site and those on FB. Mostly people are trying to help find Charli. Please let me and others work the case as we choose to. I for one am impressed with Crabtree, the Study's and others efforts. Whether on the Mainland or on the island input is necessary and contributors are needed . Maui does have a different culture than the Mainland. I have family there. They tell me "something has changed here since this started" and its not good. Charli needs to be found ASAP.
Other than possible insider info...public facts are sparse. Most info is here-say. And there is a lot of here-say about. You choose what you want to believe unless it has absolutely been verified.

To the best of my knowledge it was only speculation that he was FBing from home. He could have been on his iphone. A supposed insider said both SC and CS have the iphone 4s. You can FB from anywhere as long as there is connection. I also think people are protective of their phones, we all have them at our hip. Would he have given his phone to someone else? I know I wouldn't!

There is a video where the sister says that the area that the clothing was found had been searched before. To the best of my knowledge I have not read anywhere why they went back to an area already search other than they had more volunteers.

Maggots, bones were debunked by family. But then again, they are not going to publicly say everything they know. I choose to believe there were maggots but that's just me.

Here-say that he skyped at 2am from a supposed insider. Maybe true, maybe not. I choose to believe this.

Up until the synopsis, that I choose to believe, non insiders were under the impression that Charli told her sister that she was meeting SC. Synopsis says family did not know. This changed a lot. This is where all hell broke loose a few days ago on here.

From day 1, I never believed SC's explanation of what happened that night:

(Including the link again for reference.)
For openers, I never believed that his truck was indeed "stuck" whatever he meant by that. However, until recently, I DID think that SC had told Charli the same thing that he told police and the interviewer. When someone (Nikki?) posted 'do we know if Charli told actually her sister that she was going to help SC' we all started to think, 'what if she didn't?' We probably all had the same "aha" moment when that thought sunk in.

This drastically changed the way I was visualizing the chain of events. I had thought he would have had to hide his truck to validate his 'stuck truck' story. If he never told her that, his truck could have been parked in the driveway. He could have easily used her vehicle for everything.

So now, like Napili, I am thinking, 'well what do we know for sure?' We know where Charli was last seen, where Nala was found, where the clothes were found, where other alleged evidence was found, where Charli's phone last pinged, and where her vehicle was found. We have a trail of clues scattered over a 30 mile area of dense jungle or larger, if you believe the unconfirmed sighting of SC in Hana that night.

I keep coming back to the cell phone because to me it is the strongest clue as to what happened. The vehicle was most likely stolen but we don't know from where. The clothes and other evidence could have been staged. The dog was dropped off in Nahiku before or after the murders. But the cell phone was in Keanae at 11 PM on Feb. 9. IMHO.:cow:
So would it make sense that everything happened before the trip down Hana Rd. and the 11:00pm ping was the first time going down the road not coming back?
Other than possible insider info...public facts are sparse. Most info is here-say. And there is a lot of here-say about. You choose what you want to believe unless it has absolutely been verified.

To the best of my knowledge it was only speculation that he was FBing from home. He could have been on his iphone. A supposed insider said both SC and CS have the iphone 4s. You can FB from anywhere as long as there is connection. I also think people are protective of their phones, we all have them at our hip. Would he have given his phone to someone else? I know I wouldn't!

There is a video where the sister says that the area that the clothing was found had been searched before. To the best of my knowledge I have not read anywhere why they went back to an area already search other than they had more volunteers.

Maggots, bones were debunked by family. But then again, they are not going to publicly say everything they know. I choose to believe there were maggots but that's just me.

Here-say that he skyped at 2am from a supposed insider. Maybe true, maybe not. I choose to believe this.

Up until the synopsis, that I choose to believe, non insiders were under the impression that Charli told her sister that she was meeting SC. Synopsis says family did not know. This changed a lot. This is where all hell broke loose a few days ago on here.

He wouldn't need to lend out his phone, just his FB password-- could be used by a "friend" (let's call him "Tweaker") just told to post "share"s. there's an inordinate number of those that day. One right after another.

The big Question is: was that particular spot where the clothes etc. were found Seen before and remembered to be empty of the items....

Yes--critical find on FB "Study" page)

So would it make sense that everything happened before the trip down Hana Rd. and the 11:00pm ping was the first time going down the road not coming back?

Charli allegedly had an Apple iPhone 4s. So assuming that we are talking GPS technology, it would be the last ping rather than the first. This is significant because it means that Charli never made it back to Twin Falls, as SC claims. A specialist, IMHO, would be able to narrow down the location of that last ping. Now what we don't know is when Charli and her phone were separated. I wish I knew where Charli usually kept her phone and where she kept it when she was driving. Maybe it was in her vehicle but she was not.

However, working from where the phone was @ 11 could give us a starting point to determine where SC was and when. His story is just a string of lies, IMHO. :moo:

Editing to answer your question. IMHO an 11 PM ping from Keanae allows time for a double homicide and disposal in Haiku or other locations that fit the timeline.
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