GUILTY HI - Carly Joann 'Charli' Scott, 27, pregnant, Makawao, 9 Feb 2014 - #6

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Tell me what Pig Farm and what Pig Farmer you are speaking of. If you bare speaking of wild pigs we are certainly not on their menu. They grub on roots and plants. I think you have seen too many episodes of Deadwood. Let alone you are not going the back way just because you you are going to Kula. Also the chances of seeing a cop are increased significantly going Kaupo way. Coming down from Kula through Pukalani and Makawao to Haiku? Yeah he didnt go the back way

I appreciate your explaining the reasons for not agreeing with the pigs theory.

FYI, I have never seen Deadwood...haven't have TV in 40+ years.
You good Loio. Mahalo for your solidarity.

Moxie sorry I don't want to stop any theories. I'm sick of pig stuff in this case a million ways.

Let's all move on. I'm really not goin after anyone. I know most are here with heart and have no trouble to imagine before we type that Her family maybe read here some day after the trial.

Lighter note two and half years later I'm very tired our user names and I lol when anyone call me RDS.

OK but maybe you can ease up.

You suggested that I have a disgusting imagination. Then PeterTosh states that I'm "odd."
I don't want drama, so I responded by laughing it off. And then I'm bad again because I've LOLed on the forum.
It's too much. If you don't like my posts, then there is an ignore feature.

I come here to sleuth. I used to be so affected by this crime, I wrote a long poem to help with my emotions, I was deeply saddened and affected. Now, it's years later and the shock and grief have lessened. The empathy and emotion is not so sharp anymore, so that I'm able to get down to brass tacks and look at all this evidence and testimony objectively and try to figure out what happened. I think that's what this forum is for: sleuthing.

I have never LOLed about Charli and I never would. But I'm also not going to hang my head in solemnity all the time. I want to figure out what happened, and I know that it's ugly and disgusting, but I'm still going to try to process all this awful evidence and form theories.
She's not speaking of any pig farm - it was *me* whose theory you so love to denigrate.

I'm not going to name the specific pig farm on this forum because I don't want it to show up in Google searches.
If he had deposited the remains in Kula at the pig farm, he wouldn't be so worried about cops while driving back down through Pukalani & Makawao.

It's just one theory out of many of what happened to her remains, there's no need to get so bent out of shape just because you don't like it.

Im not getting bent out of shape at you or your ridiculous theory. I dont like getting driven down roads (Theory's) that go nowhere and wasting time and thought. Who likes getting derailed? Maybe he met a plane ( I wont name the Flight Company that uses Hang gliders because they might get googled) at the Hana Airport and went up in the sky and dropped her with car battery's (He said car battery's) tied to her feet miles out at sea. Its possible.

Id like to hear your thoughts and theorys on Cass Moxie
Another fact is that his phone was picking up the east facing cell tower/sector on Feb. 1, 9, 10. 11, and 12. IMHO, he left Charli's body there Sunday night and went back to clean up Monday, Tuesday, and possibly Wednesday. Other than that, I don't think there's anything far-fetched about your pig theory. I have a shark theory.

When I laid out this theory originally in a different post than the one you quoted, I mentioned that I thought he would've gone back every day to slowly break down the remains, taking another load to Kula each evening until eventually the whole body was finished.
He would've sealed the remains up tightly for transport when leaving each evening because of the strong smell and in case he got pulled over by cops.

It's just one theory out of many. Not likely, but a possibility.
Just to ditto that... I think I t's very plausible -- as plausible as anything put forward so far.

Goes back, makes a little more progress. Wraps up what's left for next time & bags up what's done & carries it away. Pig farm or over a cliff, who can say? Some remote dumpster...?


Thanks, yes, you get it. That's what I was trying to communicate. That he would've taken away part of the body each time he left in the days after the murder, until there was nothing left except the few bones that had fallen by the wayside.
Im not getting bent out of shape at you or your ridiculous theory. I dont like getting driven down roads (Theory's) that go nowhere and wasting time and thought. Who likes getting derailed? Maybe he met a plane ( I wont name the Flight Company that uses Hang gliders because they might get googled) at the Hana Airport and went up in the sky and dropped her with car battery's (He said car battery's) tied to her feet miles out at sea. Its possible.

Id like to hear your thoughts and theorys on Cass Moxie

You'll catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, PeterTosh.
Because it doesnt fit
It's definitely not a fringe theory to bring pigs into the equation. The defense is all over it from a different angle.
The forensic anthropologist spent a lot of time addressing this idea. Her extensive training and field experience with animal interference with human remains reveals that this happens often enough when deceased humans are left out in "nature." There's no lack of respect for the victims. Animals and inspects exist and simply don't treat humans as sacrosanct, and that cannot be ignored.
Domestic pigs have been used before as disposal mechanisms to cover up murders, for centuries I would think. There is at least one domestic pig farm in the area in question.
Sharks and other fish have also been used by murderers to hide the evidence. There's ocean known for shark presence close to the scene of the crime. That too is a very possible consideration.

Every person in this forum who has stuck through the time of this case is highly respectful and concerned for the family. Let's not snap at each other for putting on clinical hats to arrange the facts and evidence into solutions to the mystery. There are times to be all emotional and times when emotion gets in the way of solving problems.

We all know who did not respect Charli and Joshua, and he doesn't post here.
I discounted the feral pig idea with regards to the idea that this accounted for the jaw bones being found separated and in the condition they were. I still do, because pigs crunch bones and these are not. The forensic experts testified as to this as well. Human agency and at least one tool marked the found bones, so there the pigs don't account for what happened.

However, because most of the remains were not ever found, I don't see any evidence that feral or domestic pigs are ruled out as an explanation for the vanished remains.

What is, IMO, ruled out now, by the forensics testimony, is that one or more feral pigs happened on the murder ground zero while her body was exposed.

What is open is that he could have transported the missing dismembered remains to where animals or sharks were likely to find them.
I discounted the feral pig idea with regards to the idea that this accounted for the jaw bones being found separated and in the condition they were. I still do, because pigs crunch bones and these are not. The forensic experts testified as to this as well. Human agency and at least one tool marked the found bones, so there the pigs don't account for what happened.

However, because most of the remains were not ever found, I don't see any evidence that feral or domestic pigs are ruled out as an explanation for the vanished remains.

What is, IMO, ruled out now, by the forensics testimony, is that one or more feral pigs happened on the murder ground zero while her body was exposed.

What is open is that he could have transported the missing dismembered remains to where animals or sharks were likely to find them.

While I dont think wild Pigs are really an option as you have pointed out they would crush the bones and leave evidence of which there is none. My viewpoint and disagreement is more that he transported them to some Pig Farmer (To whom I will just refer to as "Pua'a) from now on as a nickname, Driven down steeply into the Hawaiian Homelands where supposedly some conspiring evil doer of race and color was collaborating because of some debt owed by him or kin. Can you imagine?

Im of the opinion and camp if you will that the Sharks were well fed that week.
What has happened on this thread?? Why such animosity when it's not necessary or meant that way? It's got to stop.
Shutting people down?? People who care.
We are all here for one reason, because we care, because we want to figure this out to bring justice to Charli and Joshua. Please enough already.
What has happened on this thread?? Why such animosity when it's not necessary or meant that way? It's got to stop.
Shutting people down?? People who care.
We are all here for one reason, because we care, because we want to figure this out to bring justice to Charli and Joshua. Please enough already.

Then lets try to keep the train on the track shall we? Jumping the shark is not an option
I know some disagree with me about the skull painting. Look at the red paint splatters. I still believe the splattered paint is where he disposed of the pieces of the body he cut apart. Keanae has the biggest red blob of red paint. There's a quiet road that leads past Keanae point around the baseball fields. Nice and secluded at night. Pauwalu Point Wildlife Sanctury is another concentrated area of red splattered paint. As does Wailuaiki Bay and Nahiku near Honolulu Nui Bay.
I don't know why I can't let this go. I just feel strongly for whatever reason that picture hold the key.
Then lets try to keep the train on the track shall we? Jumping the shark is not an option

Most posters here present their theories/speculations to see what others' think, and fully expect feedback as to likelihood. What they don't expect is sniper-like opinions shooting down the messenger. All views including opposing views can and should be stated respectfully and civilly.
Actually, I think the incremental disposal theory is brilliant. Your imagination & hard work have been tempered with depth & clarity, which have added hugely to the conversation.
Let's keep this theory on the table and move on.
While I dont think wild Pigs are really an option as you have pointed out they would crush the bones and leave evidence of which there is none. My viewpoint and disagreement is more that he transported them to some Pig Farmer (To whom I will just refer to as "Pua'a) from now on as a nickname, Driven down steeply into the Hawaiian Homelands where supposedly some conspiring evil doer of race and color was collaborating because of some debt owed by him or kin. Can you imagine?

Im of the opinion and camp if you will that the Sharks were well fed that week.

Conspirator? Race? "steeply into Hawaiian Homelands?" Your melodramatic language is...interesting, to say the least.

I put forth a theory that "clicked" for me in the sense that it accounts for several baffling pieces of evidence (like the dismembering into small pieces). For some reason you're extremely hostile to that theory...

Did it bother you when I talked about homeless tweakers in Haiku?

Then lets try to keep the train on the track shall we? Jumping the shark is not an option

You are questioning why MamaMerced doesn't watch the show "Deadwood" since she has a computer, and you're randomly trying to discuss the girlfriend Cassie....and yet you're accusing me of taking the train off the tracks?
There are two segments of today's testimony up on YouTube.

I'm watching the first of those two segments now.
Evidence Specialist Vincent Suki is testifying about the photographs he took of SC on Wed. Feb. 12. There are pictures of the back of his hands. About 5 min in you see the picture of the back of his right hand..

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