GUILTY HI - Carly Joann 'Charli' Scott, 27, pregnant, Makawao, 9 Feb 2014 - #6

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Hi everyone,

I've been having some thoughts about an accomplice.
So it's been established by witness testimony that SC was in Hana on both Sat & Sun night.

In my mind, this was either to:

a) scope out a locale (Saturday night) and dump (Sunday night) Charli's hacked up remains in the locale, which was either in or beyond Hana-town.


b) meet with a hired hit-man/accomplice (Saturday night) and deliver (Sunday night) Charli's body to hired hit-man wrapped in the green blanket with Charli's Twilight DVD accidentally sandwiched in between her body and the folds of the blanket. Whether Charli was dead, unconscious, or merely subdued at the point of delivery is unknown - the Hana hit-man was essentially unknown to Steven and was simply hired by him to make sure Charli totally and utterly disappeared with no trace.

What leads me to believe in the Hana hit-man theory is that Steven borrowed money IIRC (supposedly for new tires) from someone at work around this time, but isn't it true that it's never been established what the money was actually spent on?

Additionally, although SC undoubtedly has a very dark side to his soul, he does not have a known history of violence and bloodshed. He is a smooth-talker, and it seems like he might not relish doing the bloody, "dirty-work" of actually violently killing and disposing of a body. There are some very tough, cold braddahs who would have no problem doing that for a nice price. The hired guy would have told Steven of his plans when they met, but all of their dealings might have taken place in person in Hana - and none through cell-phone contact of any kind. In my mind, the hit-man would have been a "friend of a friend," someone recommended to him, and all contact between the two might have taken place through this middleman, almost like a big drug deal. The trip to Hana on Saturday night could have been their first meeting, to feel each other out, discuss details, and possibly even pay the man a deposit.

This "hit-man" scenario would also explain the poor clean-up job at Nua'ailua/Paraquats - because the guy might have been high, clumsy, or simply not invested enough to care about doing a truly thorough clean-up. He would have filled SC in on what he intended to do and where he intended to do it...So Steven knew it happened at Paraquats, but SC could not have known *exactly* where, which is why even though SC was seen pulling out of Paraquats dirt road, the evidence remained scattered about in a fairly obscure part of the valley: because Steven didn't find the actual scene of the crime. He went there and looked, but didn't see anything, so he was satisfied and left.

In this scenario, SC simply met with Charli on Sunday night, subdued her perhaps with light violence, and then he delivered her, bound in her own blanket. The blanket was spread out in the back of her 4-Runner, the Twilight DVD was lying haphazardly on the blanket...SC plopped her down on it with her cell-phone (maybe her whole purse), accidentally pinning the DVD under her between her and the blanket. Then he wrapped her up and bound her with zip-ties in the blanket, drove to Hana and delivered her like this to the man at a meet-up place. Then they each left separately. The man took Charli and went to Paraquats.

Remember, SC was driving slowly, doing 20mph at night into Hana despite the fact that he liked to drive fast. Why? Because he had precious cargo in the back and did not want to be pulled over. He delivered her to a third party to do all the actual horrible stuff - to do the killing and disposing. Maybe there was even a boat involved, with the man possibly putting her remains in a container and taking them out to sea at night. That might have even been what made that option attractive to Steven. We can't know such a level of detail...but we can speculate.

I welcome any thoughts.

This is really intriguing...thank you, Moxie!
So, he was seen in Hana sometime between 9:30 and 11. If the earlier time (>9:30/<10:30-ish), it would jibe with a scenario in which he likely was seen ON THE WAY TO THE HAND-OFF...(recalling, too, his grim, intense expression, so providentially witnessed by his co-worker)
That would point to the likelihood that the accomplice lived in/around Hana. Is that the route one would take if headed into town, as opposed to a destination in the larger vicinity? Or on either case? What drug-****s live there?
LE must know. Are they investigating along these lines? I do hope so!
We wait & see...

PS: Hands injured ... How?

*LOL! They asterisk the word "th_g", for some reason, and make it seem much worse!
Hi Moxie,
Good to hear from you again.
From very early on I have wondered if drugs and dealing/dealers might have played a part in Charli's murder. SC did deal drugs even if he was small-time. My speculation was/is that Charli possibly knew too much about SC's "business", possibly even tracking/keeping a record of the transactions on her laptop. SC's declaration to Mikela in her interview with him was that "she (Charli) had a mouth on her". What did he mean by that? That she had a strong personality? Could she have threatened to reveal names, dollar amounts, etc. and that angered SC and/or associates/acomplices?
So, because of my nagging wonderings, I find your speculations very interesting.
I am really struggling to gain any useful information from this trial due to the many objections. Its clear the defense and prosecution have butted heads many times before. There is no professional respect between them at all. I can't imagine how the jury feels sitting through this time and time again. The defense lawyer especially aggravates me. He is so irritable. He needs something to calm him down! :D

I would not be able to be in that courtroom. I think after the billionth "OBJECTION!" I'd just roll my eyes and say, "Can you not?" I think after a while I would have a hard time taking the defense attorney seriously
Has anyone done a timeline that I can look at? From Charli's last known sighting to Stevens arrest?

Something that bothered me a lot was when they crime scene photos were shown in court. Steven had his hand over his mouth like he felt sick but he couldnt stop looking at the photos. Seemed a bit odd to me.
Has anyone done a timeline that I can look at? From Charli's last known sighting to Stevens arrest?

Something that bothered me a lot was when they crime scene photos were shown in court. Steven had his hand over his mouth like he felt sick but he couldnt stop looking at the photos. Seemed a bit odd to me.

You can find Heartgoesout's timeline by going to page 1 of this thread. Click on Media thread, page 5.
Det. Nelson Hamilton is back on the stand testifying to what he found during the search of SC's room.
Hi Moxie!
I like your theory a lot.
A) because I have never seen him as a good fit with a full body dismemberment and disposal.
b) when we do the timeline with Hana, there's not very much time at all for dealing with Charli, which made me spec about Allen accomplice.
c) one way to try to get away with murder of someone you are known is to separate yourself from the deed by contracting it out. No question there are plenty candidates for ruthless cold-blooded guys in Hawai'i and someone usually knows a guy who knows one of those guys.
d) my most recent spec on the crime scene was SC could not find where that evidence was left for whatever reason. I have always thought the best reason for the bungled evidence removal was involvement of a second person and some communication breakdown.

I had not thought of him delivering her in Hana alive, but your account sure does make sense. That look on his face.
He was on the main highway going through Hana. There is not much to Hana, and it doesn't look like a town per se. If you check out the post of mine with the Google map link to where the witness stood, you can see exactly.

E) the blanket and DVD part makes sense. I've been fixated on the blanket.

now, as to fine tuning -- the stabbing appeared to be personal. He stabbed her womb and her breasts. I don't see a hit man doing that and it points at SC as the only one who had issues with the baby. So I lean towards him stabbing her but not dismembering. And he torched her 4Runner. He injured his hands so he definitely did something.

Two, the blanket was not bloody. But yet it had contact with decomposing flesh. So I don't know. It is possible someone used plastic wrapping in addition to the blanket. It seems most likely the dismemberment occurred at Nua'ailua Bay. He could have stabbed her somewhere else, perhaps at someone's place near Hana.

A point I made long ago here that wasn't agreed with, which is fine, but I'm still of this opinion:
SC was or is a vegetarian, and is not w hunter and does not fish. As a person raised vegetarian myself, I have great difficulty even preparing meat, or cutting it, and I could never butcher an animal. Ever. But I have no trouble with pet food for some reason. I just think what was done to Charli would be more difficult for him than the average guy who loves his red meat and his brother's buddies who haul around and carve up pig carcasses.
Did they disclose anything about the search of his bedroom?

I tuned in at the part where Rivera was asking Det. Nelson Hamilton if Capobianco was the same build in a picture as he was at the time of his arrest. I'm a little confused by why he asked that, and all the objections got in the way, as always.
I apologise for my lack of knowledge. I really need to go back to the beginning of these threads and read all of the info, but where was her actual body found? I know some body parts were found but how do you know about the stab wounds to her womb and breasts? Thank you for your patience!
I apologise for my lack of knowledge. I really need to go back to the beginning of these threads and read all of the info, but where was her actual body found? I know some body parts were found but how do you know about the stab wounds to her womb and breasts? Thank you for your patience!

If I remember correctly, they found her shirt with holes indicating she had been stabbed many times in the stomach.
If I remember correctly, they found her shirt with holes indicating she had been stabbed many times in the stomach.
Yes, actually it was the holes in the black maternity skirt, but same idea.

This info came out through media coverage of motion hearings in early 2015. The evidence was presented to the grand jury in July 2014, but testimony has not yet been given in the trial.
The news articles might be linked in the media and timeline topic. Jan-Feb 2015.
I apologise for my lack of knowledge. I really need to go back to the beginning of these threads and read all of the info, but where was her actual body found? I know some body parts were found but how do you know about the stab wounds to her womb and breasts? Thank you for your patience!
Her body was not found.
I never doubted he was capable of murder and dismemberment. He doesn't mind to get his hands dirty at all. Baking, gardening, trucks, guns. He is fascinated with morbid. And who would take this photo to remember the good times
The attack was very personal. Picture trying to hire a hitman for a few thousand dollar. "I don't just want you to kill her I want you to dismember her into pieces and deflesh her jawbone and and and"
But yeah prosecution needs to get rid of accomplice doubts.
Puakenikeni said:
", as to fine tuning -- the stabbing appeared to be personal. He stabbed her womb and her breasts. I don't see a hit man doing that and it points at SC as the only one who had issues with the baby. So I lean towards him stabbing her but not dismembering. And he torched her 4Runner. He injured his hands so he definitely did something..."

Warning: What follows is a very ugly & horrific picture:
Since I can't see him doing the stabbing either, if I have the picture of a squeamish vegetarian Steven, and a murderer for hire in my mind -- & given that the person who did this is utterly depraved and possibly demented & drugged -- I can envision a hired **** going to the lengths the evidence shows: multiple multiple stab wounds to the stomach & also to the chest (we've been saying "breast", but that's also the chest, housing the vital heart & lungs). SC could have told the guy something like -- make sure both she AND the baby are dead. ...He might have just stabbed all over the belly (sorry! :( ), not quite being sure where the baby was located. This could account for the appearance of SC repeatedly stabbing in a frenzied rage...

RDS, did you see the private posts to know how morbid they were?
I think someone would kill/dismember for a nominal (or no) fee. Depends on the stakes involved.
I vacillate constantly between SC acting alone or with an accomplice. I wouldn't be surprised either way.
"Would it be fair to say"........I imagine vegetarians have committed murders and possibly even dismemberments There are assorted reasons for not eating meat and not all involve squeamishness.
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