High Profile Lawyer To Make Nationwide Media Blitz for Anthony's

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Has anyone read the 400 pages recently? I read them last night again, and the first day when the cadaver dogs were at the house, GA was there and saw the dogs 'hitting' in the back yard. He went inside and someone asked him what was happening. He replied "she is deceased". He told the detectives twice, at least, that both he and CA were concerned that KC wasn't telling everything she knew and that they believed she knew more. He point blank said they thought something had happened to Caylee.

I do agree that GA and CA have been vilified by the media reports. Not, however, by the media. The difference is that they have done it to themselves. They know we've all read these documents, we've heard their conflicting statemcents, and we've watched them behaving strangely. If they hadn't worked the media so hard at first, and if they had acknowledged that KC was lying, people would have taken them as victims. They immediately stopped admitting that KC was lying, and making excuses for her, and I know I took it as though they were calling me stupid. I mean, don't even try to go there and tell me that there is a good, compelling reason for her to LIE about working at Universal for four years. That did nothing for the case in any sense - it was simply a lie. If they had just said "yes, there is a problem; yes, she is lying; yes, it looks bad; but, please help us find the truth". They wouldn't be in the situation they are in.

Spin now is just that - spin. It's too late to undo what's been done.

Very well said & I so agree!
What will he say when today, tomorrow or next week the Anthonys again do something outrageous? It's coming, you just know it.
I don't believe the family can help themselves from seeking public humiliation.
watching him on the Today Show, who the h*ll advised him to wear the teal combo?
oye vey
Well the media blitz has started:

He has some interesting things to say about their denial.

Don't forget George and Cindy Anthony are also victims. Victims do not protect and harbor their abusers!!They have lost their granddaughter. . . . Why are they not allowed to hold on to hope that their beloved granddaughter Caylee still might be with us? All of us can agree with this (I think) if our child were missing even less than 1% chance she is still alive would let us believe she is alive.And other people say they are in denial. So what? Whose business is it? .Agreed, we all would be in denial, how could we not with a slim chance . . They are going through what they need to go through. And if Caylee is still with us, then they are the ones who kept hope alive. . . . I think we have gotten consumed with making them media personalities rather than understanding that these are just grandparents. I hate how the A's are handling this and a media blitz makes them look worst. But wouldnt we all hold onto any tiny hope that a child we loved were alive. If George were in jail today for kicking the crap out of Casey to get her to talk, they wouldnt need a media blitz, we would all be on their side and much more understanding. JMHO
After much thought....I just think Cassy will be a rich celebrity someday...she will be known as that wild party girl who

killed her baby so she could party and got away with it.

I bet we see her on TV someday with her own reality show.

No joke...

She is young pretty and soon to be rich...

All the young stars go to jail for awhile these days...it is like the new Hollywood right of passage for the "naughty girl" stars.

Oh well...the world sure has changed.

Kill your baby...get rich and famous.

watching him on the Today Show, who the h*ll advised him to wear the teal combo?
oye vey

OMG, I thought the same way. My only clue/idea to that would be it is a soft color, used to evoke some compassion his way, that he in turns gives to the A's.
He was still very evasive concerning what those who believe Caylee is alive should do. Call the tip line to OC? Of course, but isn't that one of Cindy's main gripes, LE and their lack of following of Caylee is alive tips?

ETA: it didn't work for me:confused:
With respect to Mr. Nejame-
I am NOT worried. His Message is as Holey as a cheese wheel and he offered zero. Not giving this any more of my energy, nice try though.

I especially like the sillyness about not confusing them with Casey- would that be before or after she lays her head on hr pillow at their house everyday?
After much thought....I just think Cassy will be a rich celebrity someday...she will be known as that wild party girl who

killed her baby so she could party and got away with it.

I bet we see her on TV someday with her own reality show.

No joke...

She is young pretty and soon to be rich...

All the young stars go to jail for awhile these days...it is like the new Hollywood right of passage for the "naughty girl" stars.

Oh well...the world sure has changed.

There is no way on this earth that Baez is going to allow KC to talk to anyone in the media for any amount of money. NEEDED OR NOT!! Even speculation of it is ridiculous. If he did that would make him the stupidest lawyer on the planet and he may be an ars but he isnt stupid. She isnt going to be rich unless JB manages to pull an OJ and get her off, but that is years away and we will so be over this and on to the next case. But until the trial is said and done, it wont happen. Everything she says will be used against her and every dime will be made aware to the jury. His job is too get her off, not tie the noose.
Ok, so just like Caylee's grandma seems to feel, this guy appears to thinks something in this whole mess is OUR FAULT. Is he truly blaming the media for reporting and the public which is outraged and concerned that a woman can 'lose' her child and be out on bail (a bail apparently paid for by her supportive parents?) That's the the kind of attitude that turned the tide against the Anthony's in the first place. If they want the furror about them to really die down, what they need to do is get their daughter back in jail and/or stop lashing out at the media and the public. Instead, it seems like this guy's just going to continue the same pattern that got people upset with them in the first place. Shame on US!!!?! If this guy really wants to un-villify his clients, he needs to stop nagging concerned media and public who only want justice for Caylee and get his clients to wake up and smell the coffee. We aren't to blame. Their daughter is!!
Nothing, even a media "blitz" could undo the damage that Cindy and George have done to themselves in the eye of the American public. They think they have been villified? Cindy couldn't keep herself off camera for the first thirty days! She courted the media and now she doesn't like the outcome?

Cant have it both ways.
With respect to Mr. Nejame-
I am NOT worried. His Message is as Holey as a cheese wheel and he offered zero. Not giving this any more of my energy, nice try though.

I especially like the sillyness about not confusing them with Casey- would that be before or after she lays her head on hr pillow at their house everyday?

or after they finish washing knives, pants, and lying about gas cans? Didn't George once say that a neighbor took them? And then they are all of a sudden in the trunk of Casey's car.
Just saw the NBC appearance with Ann C. She wasn't especially sucking up to him, and did ask some questions. The problem I see as he repeats his mantra everywhere: he sounds just like the A's, blaming everyone else for their behavior but them. He says they want all the people who think Caylee is alive to pass on tips to LE, and that she is working with them. I guess the people who claim to be speaking for Cindy and say something different are in error, or the spokesperson is just not telling the truth in an attempt to make her look less hostile and uncooperative to LE. He also said they want people who believe she is no longer living to join the search teams. Again, that doesn't fit with the attack on TM/TE that Cindy already made in her "press release" or email. He says he hasn't met or had anything to do with JB or Casey. That doesn't address the fact that his clients have, and that they work to promote the defense case. Oh, well. I wanted to see what he had to say once. Done.
Really, don't the Anthonys have bigger issues at hand than concern for their public image? Their actions speak volumes and cannot be undone by some carefully crafted PR. Not impressed.
After much thought....I just think Cassy will be a rich celebrity someday...she will be known as that wild party girl who

killed her baby so she could party and got away with it.

I bet we see her on TV someday with her own reality show.

No joke...

She is young pretty and soon to be rich...

All the young stars go to jail for awhile these days...it is like the new Hollywood right of passage for the "naughty girl" stars.

I know what you are saying but I don't think that it will apply here; the young stars that have gone to jail were not a POI in the disappearance / death of their child. She will not have a reality show she will eventually spend the rest of her life in jail. She will not be famous. She will be INFAMOUS, not a celebrity but notorious. The world does not forgive the death of a child surrounded by lies that easily.

You saw what happened when O.J. tried to release his book! Public outcry stopped it and the publishers pulled it.
Ok, so just like Caylee's grandma seems to feel, this guy appears to thinks something in this whole mess is OUR FAULT. Is he truly blaming the media for reporting and the public which is outraged and concerned that a woman can 'lose' her child and be out on bail (a bail apparently paid for by her supportive parents?) That's the the kind of attitude that turned the tide against the Anthony's in the first place. If they want the furror about them to really die down, what they need to do is get their daughter back in jail and/or stop lashing out at the media and the public. Instead, it seems like this guy's just going to continue the same pattern that got people upset with them in the first place. Shame on US!!!?! If this guy really wants to un-villify his clients, he needs to stop nagging concerned media and public who only want justice for Caylee and get his clients to wake up and smell the coffee. We aren't to blame. Their daughter is!!

Well, now he's saying CA and GA are victims:

I cant stand this joker.....I spent my five dollars to hear dude speak
After much thought....I just think Cassy will be a rich celebrity someday...she will be known as that wild party girl who

killed her baby so she could party and got away with it.

I bet we see her on TV someday with her own reality show.

No joke...

She is young pretty and soon to be rich...

All the young stars go to jail for awhile these days...it is like the new Hollywood right of passage for the "naughty girl" stars.

I know what you are saying but I don't think that it will apply here; the young stars that have gone to jail were not a POI in the disappearance / death of their child. She will not have a reality show she will eventually spend the rest of her life in jail. She will not be famous. She will be INFAMOUS, not a celebrity but notorious. The world does not forgive the death of a child surrounded by lies that easily.

You saw what happened when O.J. tried to release his book! Public outcry stopped it and the publishers pulled it.

You know at first I thought she was pretty too, but now I just see UGLY! I see the evil that lurks within Casey, and it isn't pretty.
Another reason this Anthony defense rings a little hollow is that while defending and covering for the main POI, they haven't hesitated to suggest other people who knew her might be involved. They take responsibility for nothing. They also set up the circus tent when they bailed Casey out of jail.

yep. I dont see them as victims. At first I did but now after Caylee is gone for so long THANKS TO CASEY and they keep bailing her out, no
not victims. Its too late to change their "image".
Only if they kept KC in jail and got out there and showed more concern for little Kaylee would I think they were "victims"
This guy sure has his work cut out for him. Most people now despse this whole family and the way they dont seem to care for Caylee or the fact shes out there somewhere.
There comes a time when you have to make your kid take the rap for what they've done.
I dont even believe Lee is a victim anymore, hes right in there with them.
How could they believe anything KC says? None of it has proved to be TRUE, what do they think of the chloraform in car, etc?
The whole mo Caylee had been "kipnapped" KC ws out partying and sleeping with new boyfriend and they want to take up for this little s***?
Not to menton she stole money from the Grandmother and her friend.....

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