High Profile Lawyer To Make Nationwide Media Blitz for Anthony's

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The one thing Ann Curry didn't ask him is why they bailed their daughter out of jail. If the Anthony's want to be separated from the evil of their daughter then they need to stop the appearance of protecting her and having her in their home. If they had left her in jail then there would not be protestors at their house and they may have gotten a modecum of sympathy from the public.
I am anxious to see what junkets he hits and what the terms for his appearancs are in regards to questions..

George Anthony faces two battery charges after he pushed two people off his lawn and into the street (SEE: Images | Raw Video | Incident Report). Nejame said his client has a right to protect his property.

"Mr. Anthony thought that he had somebody on his property and he has the right to move them off of his property," said Nejame. "There is a vague line as to where they were."

Nejame said there is no line of demarcation as to where the property line actually starts, and he had a final word for those he believes are making the Anthonys out to be suspects.

"Shame on you for vilifying this victim. You are part of the problem. You are not part of the solution," he said.

NeJame said George and Cindy are working with authorities, answering calls about possible sightings of the little girl, but they aren't digging up dirt looking for bones.

"They believe, they desperately believe that Caylee is still here and that's their right," he said.

There has been speculation of possible book deals with the Anthonys. NeJame said the family has no intentions of doing that. Also, he said the family did not pay one penny to bond their daughter out of jail last week, but they did sign a promissory note to look after her.

"If the person leaves, clearly the Anthonys don't have that net worth, but the bondsman will have something to go after and take everything they own," NeJame said.

Late Wednesday morning, Cindy Anthony released the following statement via email regarding their relationship with NeJame: "We went to Mark NeJame for assistance in dealing with our rights to privacy. Mark will be handling any of our legal questions and concerns. Larry Garrison is the Anthony family spokesperson. Larry and Mark will be working together as a team for the family. Larry and I have agreed to let Mark clear up any questions regarding his role in assisting us legally."
where is anyone to find any leads on an alive Caylee?

I think there are some very well-intentioned and caring people out there still, who are following the family's "leads"

Attorney Defends Anthony Family To Nation; Doesn't Understand Why People Angry

Nejame said people need to understand what the family is going through.

"Who is somebody else to tell another person how long they are supposed to grieve and how long they are supposed act? Who? Who are we to do that?" he said.

"I don't think anyone would disagree with that but you are not a therapist, you are a criminal defense attorney and part of your job is now speculate what could possibly come down the pike for George and Cindy Anthony," Rowe said. "After she found the car and thought it smelled like a dead body, she took clothing out of that car and washed that clothing. (There's) a lot of speculation, if something does happen, is it possible that Cindy Anthony could face criminal charges?"
"No," Nejame said.

"You are telling me that you don't think about that at all as now her defense attorney?" Rowe asked.

"Talk to the law enforcement," Nejame said. "(Cindy Anthony) is not a suspect and not a person of interest. They've made that clear. They've obviously done their investigation and she has obviously spoken to them and why is everybody presuming they know more than law enforcement?"

"Does Cindy Anthony still believe that her daughter had nothing to do with her daughter's disappearance?" Rowe said.

"She absolutely believes that she is still with us," Nejame said.

"I'm not going to get in between any conversations between George, Cindy and Casey," Nejame said. "It would be inappropriate and law enforcement has asked us not to get into that. So, the last thing I would want to do and I think anybody in the media would want to do would be to compromise any investigation."

"I can appreciate that, but you can understand why people are so angry at them?" Rowe said.

"No, I don't," Nejame said.

"You don't understand why mothers and fathers -- especially mothers and fathers of other missing children are out there saying, 'Why can't you get your daughter to tell you what happened?'" Rowe said.

"It is this simple; doesn't anybody know what goes on behind closed doors and the answer is clearly no," Nejame said. "So, the last thing we would want to do, if the public is really concerned about Caylee, is let the system work. Stop judging and stop injecting things that people have no clue about

"Some people with not such good motives have sucked the life energy out of them, compounded with the fact that their daughter has been accused of some horrendous things and facing tremendous prison time. Then, most important -- without doubt -- that Caylee is not here. I've yet to see them without them crying."

Also, Nejame said he has talked with the Sheriff's Department about hiring off-duty deputies because of the crowds of protesters.

WOW!!!! This guy is something.

Of course CA is NOT a POI or a suspect - you DON"T HAVE TO BE if you are charged with obstruction or evidence tampering!!!! Duh

He (NeJame) does NOT understand why people are angry? Duh - guess that is why this guy makes the big bucks!!!!

"Some people with not such good motives"? WTH does THAT mean? And WHO is he talking about now?

Hiring off duty cops - HAHAHAHAHAHAHA - I hope all the cops say NO. Off duty pay is above and beyond and they can't be ordered - as much as I hope they all say no - there'll be some poor guys that really need the money and do it. BUT - this is all costing MONEY - NeJame is working on a reduced rate - WTH is THIS money coming from for the rent-a-cops?
I wonder if Nancy will have him on as a guest.:crazy:
Yes, from what I know. I think if you check her website - it says NeJame will be on tonight - Wed. I can't wait.
"You don't understand why mothers and fathers -- especially mothers and fathers of other missing children are out there saying, 'Why can't you get your daughter to tell you what happened?'" Rowe said.

"It is this simple; doesn't anybody know what goes on behind closed doors and the answer is clearly no," Nejame said. "So, the last thing we would want to do, if the public is really concerned about Caylee, is let the system work. Stop judging and stop injecting things that people have no clue about"

Did anyone else find that statement odd?
Yes, from what I know. I think if you check her website - it says NeJame will be on tonight - Wed. I can't wait.

:laughbig::laughbig: I can't wait then. He seems so passive, almost like Nancy will make him cry
I find it very odd. In fact it makes no sense at all and doesn't answer the question asked. Why didn't the reporter re ask his question and get the guy to answer it.

"You don't understand why mothers and fathers -- especially mothers and fathers of other missing children are out there saying, 'Why can't you get your daughter to tell you what happened?'" Rowe said.

"It is this simple; doesn't anybody know what goes on behind closed doors and the answer is clearly no," Nejame said. "So, the last thing we would want to do, if the public is really concerned about Caylee, is let the system work. Stop judging and stop injecting things that people have no clue about"

Did anyone else find that statement odd?
:laughbig::laughbig: I can't wait then. He seems so passive, almost like Nancy will make him cry
IMO Let me tell you - this guy is about as passive as a pitbull. You have to remember that he is a HIGH PROFILE CRIMINAL DEFENSE atty. He makes the big bucks by "talking the talk" and IMO he KNOWS EXACTLY what he is doing.

Good catch Vahlaria - no - it is not odd - It was calculated and very much meant that way - IMO

One thing for sure - IF NG is allowed free reign with questioning this guy (and that's a BIG IF) she will get him dancing - but he will do it gracefully, eloquently and purposefully. IMO
ERR, I would have said do you really expect anyone to believe that they do not know what goes on behind closed doors in todays technology? B4R?
What this guy says doesn't matter. It doesn't change the fact that these people are enablers who are trying to cover up for their daughter yet again. He's not going to change any minds.
I find it very odd. In fact it makes no sense at all and doesn't answer the question asked. Why didn't the reporter re ask his question and get the guy to answer it.

To me honest with you my first thought was "They got what they paid for"

This might have worked if they had gotten him sooner, but I believe it's too late.
He is another person who expects the public to feel sorry for people that have said and done some really mean and rotten things.
I am not buying it.:rolleyes:
I watched both the clips of the Anthony's new lawyer in Wesh.com and Local6.com. I was impressed how careful he was with his wording.....him being so careful with the wording of certain things...however he actually revealed a lot of info about the reality of the situation.

From local6.com:

''There is no playbook of how you act when your daughter is accused of murdering your granddaughter. Let people be people. Don't judge and don't speculate. Just allow people to process and live and work through their own grief as they need to." Grief?
I don't understand grief if the grandparents really believe Caylee is alive. Stress, frustration, anxiety, fear, anger, yes. But grief is definitely an interesting choise of word

''Their daughter is accused of some of the most reprehensible acts we can imagine as human beings and who is facing tremendous time in jail as a possibility and most importantly, their beloved granddaughter is just gone.''
Actually she is not ''gone'', she is ''missing'' right???

Q: "Does Cindy Anthony still believe that her daughter had nothing to do with her daughter's disappearance?" Rowe said.

A: "She absolutely believes that she is still with us," Nejame said.
(Wow....that says it all! Even the best lawyer cannot avoid the obvious patterns of someone replying to a difficult question with an answer that has nothing to do with the question. The lawyer couldn't lie....so here you have it.)

"Despite all of the alleged evidence found in the car that investigators have put out there, she truly believes that all of that does not exist and that there is some other explanation for DNA, for samples in the air and that there was a decomposing body in the car?"

"First of all, I'm not going to get into the case because that is not my role and that is not my goal," Nejame said. "The fact of the matter is that she believes for whatever reasons that Caylee is still with us. Other people do as well. She is not alone. In fact, when you think about it, there are still leads coming in. We've gotten two in the last several days. So, she is holding on to a grandmother's hope."

(So where are the thousand tips Cindy said not more than a week ago she was receiving in one day? Now it is just 2? And the lawyer calls this a ''grandmother's hope''. Nothing more, nothing less. The denial of a grandmother. There are no facts that could prove Caylee is out there and the lawyer is careful about this)

Now have a look how he repeated in different occassions and with different variations that what Casey is accused of are HORRIBLE and she is facing some serious jail time.

''Their daughter is accused of some of the most reprehensible acts we can imagine as human beings and who is facing tremendous time in jail as a possibility and most importantly....''

''"Some people with not such good motives have sucked the life energy out of them, compounded with the fact that their daughter has been accused of some horrendous things and facing tremendous prison time.''
I disagree, I think what this lawyer says is very telling. I can not imagine a situation in which "the last thing we would want to do is let the system work."

Why not? Is the system the judicial system, LE, searching?

If this is his big spin for the A's, lol I think he's not doing a very good job spinning.
Amen to this. There is NOTHING this new lawyer can say to get people to change their minds. The Anthony's have already done all the damage they can do. All their comments and revelations are all on tape. 99% of the country knows what they are all about and how they are protecting their daughter that is hated by all. They should have hired this attorney the first few days of the case before anyone knew what they were like.

Actually tho, I don't mind the Anthony's. I don't think they are bad people. I do need to back up a little. They are just very misguided people and have not brought up Casey in the right way but I don't think it was because they were evil but because they didn't know any better. Cindy thinks she was loving Casey but she brought up a monster and now the monster is going to pay and it is going to break Cindy's heart. Cindy can't save her this time.

What this guy says doesn't matter. It doesn't change the fact that these people are enablers who are trying to cover up for their daughter yet again. He's not going to change any minds.

Game Theory!!!!!

I caught some of those as well. Seems this guy is good (maybe very good) BUT ......

While I was making lunch this hit me:

What this whole case and circumstances are obviously lacking is COMMON SENSE. It seems our "justice system" today doesn't take common sense into question AT ALL. Now, I know - the law is the law. And I think AFTER this case - there might just be some laws changed or enacted - however we have to deal with the here and now.

It is COMMON SENSE to the general public to reach the conclusions about the GP's and KC that they have - READ THE 400 PG DOC, the air samples, the hair, - those are all EVIDENCE and FACTS.

It is COMMON SENSE to the general public that KC is involved and (probably) killed her child. She is smug, smiling, ^5'ing, partying, etc. And she IS NOT takling - yet her parents DEFEND her? Common sense.

Tonight's shows should prove interesting. Too bad common sense won't play a part.

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