High Profile Lawyer To Make Nationwide Media Blitz for Anthony's

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I just sent them an email:
It is unfortunate your organization should decide to divert funds to a family that refused to eve provide searchers a garment from Caylee to aid in the search effort. It is unfortunate your organization should assist grand parents that have proven so volitle and has not taken a moment of their time to support anyone searching for their grand daughter or to go out on even one single search mission.
I find it very disturbing you should take donations from so many well intentioned individuals, that have sacrificed themselves to support your efforts. I do believe this short sighted decision will prove very difficult to raise funds for deserving families and perhaps will prove fatal to your organization.
Diverting funds from well intentioned individuals meant to find and locate missing children diverted to a family that has not demonstrated one second of appreciate to any of the very people that have sacrificed so much to support Caylee.
How dare you!

We need to barage them with emails and we must get the word out what they have done, otherwise good people like Tim will never come back, afterall why should he? We have thousands of members here that will have a significant impact!
I looked extensively into this foundation. It sure doesn't look good.
spend, spend spend and go flat broke. A's deserve to lose it all for all their inactions! Good Lord, this is just going to get worse.
Actually the story says, they recomended the Atty to the Anthony's and he is working at a reduced rate

Spending more of the money they got by pimping out their granddaughters pictures and videos. These people make me sick

Reduced rate, huh?

I say let them spend their money on this tour, I mean blitz. Let the attorney, the family, and everyone else run around and try to rebuild their image.

Then, a few weeks/months down the road, BAM! LE comes out with irrefutable evidence and all that money spent is for nothing.
Also, if you recall the 20/20 interview the other day. The first thing it started, I notice that George had a tshirt on that said "Never Lose Hope Foundation"... just wanted to add that little bit of trivia. :)

I just sent them an email:
It is unfortunate your organization should decide to divert funds to a family that refused to eve provide searchers a garment from Caylee to aid in the search effort. It is unfortunate your organization should assist grand parents that have proven so volitle and has not taken a moment of their time to support anyone searching for their grand daughter or to go out on even one single search mission.
I find it very disturbing you should take donations from so many well intentioned individuals, that have sacrificed themselves to support your efforts. I do believe this short sighted decision will prove very difficult to raise funds for deserving families and perhaps will prove fatal to your organization.
Diverting funds from well intentioned individuals meant to find and locate missing children diverted to a family that has not demonstrated one second of appreciate to any of the very people that have sacrificed so much to support Caylee.
How dare you!

We need to barage them with emails and we must get the word out what they have done, otherwise good people like Tim will never come back, afterall why should he? We have thousands of members here that will have a significant impact!

ITA and consider it done!
Reduced rate, huh?

I say let them spend their money on this tour, I mean blitz. Let the attorney, the family, and everyone else run around and try to rebuild their image.

Then, a few weeks/months down the road, BAM! LE comes out with irrefutable evidence and all that money spent is for nothing.
Well, I for one wish LE would come out with something NOW.

Sometimes, IMHO, it feels like this whole thing is one big reality show and the public is being played for fools. I don't know what to think anymore.:bang:
http://www.websleuths.com/forums/search.php?searchid=1472731 there were many great posts and finds on never lose ....blah blah.......foundation.... it was during general threads....so here is an individual post search that you can skim thru to read up on it again instead of re creating the wheel per se. There was a lot of possibly shady crap associated with this (er) foundation... have fun digging thru it all...it is a ton of info. In light of this blitz and this company coming back into the picture should be start a thread so all of that info is centralized?
I found a great post by liltigress about the NLH foundation:

Originally Posted by liltigress
The Never Lose Hope Foundation is listed as being registered to Parrish Mateo.

Parrish Mateo is listed as the Chief Operating Officer in Orlando, Florida for Resolutions Center, Corp.

Resolutions Center, Corp.
7600 Southland Boulevard, Suite 101
Orlando, FL 32809
Phone: 877-696-1474.
Fax: 321-214-0323.
Email: csr@resolutionscenter.com

When I googled the phone number 877-696-1474 as listed for Resolutions Center, Corp, I found another company associated with it, a phone sex operator website.


*Mz Samantha 1-877-696-1474 Age: 28

I think I recall somewhere that a "Samantha" is associated with one of the sites in question and I am trying to backtrack now to find where that was. It may have been a linkedin site or similar. I believe this name was listed as being one of the several contacts.

Good searching...........I also found on a lot of blogs this - Parrish Mateo is a convicted felon from the dominican republic.
Also, if you recall the 20/20 interview the other day. The first thing it started, I notice that George had a tshirt on that said "Never Lose Hope Foundation"... just wanted to add that little bit of trivia. :)

Gag. Under Never Lose Hope it should say, "In Other Words, Continue to Live Life in Denial"
Nationwide search? Shes dead by reason of EVIDENCE. Go read the one million dollar offer thread too on here, theres now a defense fund being set up. SICKENING!
I found a great post by liltigress about the NLH foundation:

Originally Posted by liltigress
The Never Lose Hope Foundation is listed as being registered to Parrish Mateo.

Parrish Mateo is listed as the Chief Operating Officer in Orlando, Florida for Resolutions Center, Corp.

Resolutions Center, Corp.
7600 Southland Boulevard, Suite 101
Orlando, FL 32809
Phone: 877-696-1474.
Fax: 321-214-0323.
Email: csr@resolutionscenter.com

When I googled the phone number 877-696-1474 as listed for Resolutions Center, Corp, I found another company associated with it, a phone sex operator website.


*Mz Samantha 1-877-696-1474 Age: 28

I think I recall somewhere that a "Samantha" is associated with one of the sites in question and I am trying to backtrack now to find where that was. It may have been a linkedin site or similar. I believe this name was listed as being one of the several contacts.

Samantha was who KC said was Zanny the Nanny's sister, also present with her 2 children when they gave her the script for 30 days
I found a great post by liltigress about the NLH foundation:

Originally Posted by liltigress
The Never Lose Hope Foundation is listed as being registered to Parrish Mateo.

Parrish Mateo is listed as the Chief Operating Officer in Orlando, Florida for Resolutions Center, Corp.

Resolutions Center, Corp.
7600 Southland Boulevard, Suite 101
Orlando, FL 32809
Phone: 877-696-1474.
Fax: 321-214-0323.
Email: csr@resolutionscenter.com

When I googled the phone number 877-696-1474 as listed for Resolutions Center, Corp, I found another company associated with it, a phone sex operator website.


*Mz Samantha 1-877-696-1474 Age: 28

I think I recall somewhere that a "Samantha" is associated with one of the sites in question and I am trying to backtrack now to find where that was. It may have been a linkedin site or similar. I believe this name was listed as being one of the several contacts.

Adding to that now.
"Samantha" has appeared in more than one instance.

She is said to be Zanny's sister. There are other times I've seen the name surface, maybe someone else remembers the others?
Oh Lordy, now I remember where I have heard about this before. This things makes less and less sense by each passing day.
What the hey is going on folks.
I don't want to go deep into this but some of you all may remember the poster that originally found out this info???

No, who? I guess you can't say on the board, but can you point me to a post?

Someone, somewhere has plenty of money to throw to the Anthony's. I DO remember a poster saying to follow the money!
Samantha was who KC said was Zanny the Nanny's sister, also present with her 2 children when they gave her the script for 30 days

Samantha was probably familiar with scripts in her profession. Perhaps Casey was, too.
Thanks, CC! When I read this I didn't know where to go with my anger so I posted it on the question thread. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!

ETA: I posted weeks ago...the media should shut these people down!! EVERYONE KNOWS CAYLEE IS MISSING! I never saw so much "in your face" bs than I have in this case.

Unfortunately, the media is into "what sells" and let me tell ya, this is certainly a rankings boost amongst the media!
I do know NG is suppose to have him tomorrow night. Looks like everyone is getting rich except the real heroes--LE and all the wonderful searchers. :furious:

You are so right!!! It is a sorry state of affairs.
OMG, I was hoping this horse wasn't going to rear its ugly head again. I bet this group is responsible for her release, which is why they don't want to be named. If its not the group, its Parrish.

Someone needs to send NG the liltigress post. She'll be able to connect the dots and ask the appropriate questions.

Hate is too mild to describe what I feel about the Anthonys.
Adding to that now.
"Samantha" has appeared in more than one instance.

She is said to be Zanny's sister. There are other times I've seen the name surface, maybe someone else remembers the others?
True, but to be "fair and balanced" Samantha is a very common name.

But the man who originally put up the 225,000 for info leading to the return of Caylee(never hear about this much anymore.) Wasn't he involved in one of these companies???

Here it comes folks. Information to create "reasonable doubt" IMHO
They could have saved their money. People already have reasonable doubt. Doubt about EVERYthing that comes from the lawyers or the Anthony's. If they are not speaking for Caylee, about Caylee, then they should hush. My money will go toward a Defense for Caylee Fund, and toward getting her a Lawyer to Defend HER rights. Casey WHO???

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