His Honor Judge Perry *Merged*

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I'm wondering...when CM was giving his part of the closing arguments...and I'm sure it's totally OK for the defense to do this type of presentation....but, I can't help but think THAT had a lot to do with the jurys decision. IMO, I STILL for the life of me can't understand why it would be allowed for EITHER side to give their "version" of how to interpret the evidence as it applies to the charges.
As I was watching...it seemed to me, he was oversimplifying and obviously skewed toward the defense.
And, even though the judge gave the jury the "real" instructions, I can't help but think they weren't REALLY listening to HIS directions since CM's were explained so simplistically and the judges voice sounded like blah blah blah in their ears.
Just IMO...no sour grapes...just a TON of disbelief and questions in the deliberation process used in coming to the verdict.
JP knows she's guilty. I'm sure he felt justice for Caylee was denied today.
I actually think JP told the jury to not let the press interview them and he would not give out their names because i think he knew there would be trouble JMO

I know he did...no way he couldn't, it would have been irresponsible. HHJP is no dummy, he knew there would be serious shenanigans if they came out and said what the alternate said, IMO.
He did bend over backwards for the defense, because he thought this was a shoe-in for the prosecution. As did we all. He didn't want a mistrial, he didn't want too many chances for appeals...and it backfired.

Yes, he did that numerous times and even though I knew his intent, it infuriated me each time he did it. Also the judge would not allow all the evidence to be presented to the jury, i.e., the smell cans. I think the alternate saying he was not convinced a body had been in the trunk says this was a big issue for other jurors as well. Possibly if the jury had smelled the decomp they might have been convinced. I'm not sure this would have turned things around verdict-wise but I believe that ALL EVIDENCE should have been made available to the jurors. And when some of that evidence is a smell, how is it deemed available if it is not actually allowed to be SMELLED?
Well really, that evidence was what experts SAID the smell was, more than the smell itself...and I don't think it would have changed things, if this alternate is telling the truth about what he thinks the overall feelings were. No one believed George.
I wonder how he feels about the verdict and if we will ever know?
Well really, that evidence was what experts SAID the smell was, more than the smell itself...and I don't think it would have changed things, if this alternate is telling the truth about what he thinks the overall feelings were. No one believed George.

With all due respect, it doesn't matter if it would have made a difference or not. My point was that all evidence entered into the record should have been available to the jurors...the smell evidence was not. And to me, there is no point in entering it if it is not going to be experienced by the jurors.

It's not only this issue with the evidence. It's the whole deal about the judge giving leeway to the DT that he would not allow the prosecutors. Again, this may not have made a difference but it certainly bothers me that it happened.
I'm sure Judge Perry is relieved that it's over.
I want to watch the sentencing...

and see what HHJP has in store for Mister Baez.....
I hope he still sanctions <modsnip> and recommends him over to FL state bar for disbarment for his extreme unethical behaviour. If he doesn't, there are going to be a whole new breed of nasty, unethical lawyers running around....starting in FL!!
He could have changed the verdict if he so chose. He didn't. So he can give himself a big ol giant pat on the back if he's let down.

I was wondering that myself but thought he could only change a decision in the penalty phase. I just feel like I have been run over by that big old Mack truck.
Disgust. Relief that it's over. Maybe the slightest wavering of faith in our judicial system?
I've been thinking about him a great deal this afternoon-- imo, he may have some regrets about the restrictions he put on the State, the stink cans in particular.
I truly hope he finds a way to charge back some of the expense to ICA.....he's a smart guy so I know if he wants to he can come up with something. She should not now get rich without repaying the Florida citizens.

We'll probably never know how he feels about the verdict.
2 standards/levels of justice - 1 for HIGH PROFILE cases and 2 for the rest of us!
I was watching him read the verdict before he gave it to the court clerk. When he got to the third page he kept reading it like he couldn't believe it. When he spoke, I could tell he was angry and I thought "Oh no this is not going to be good."
His eyes were bugging out during the verdict, he was shocked I think and maybe he is feeling like he should have given the defense less wiggle room and allowed the SAO more leeway, but that's hindsight.
I hope he feels like poo. He could have overridden the verdict. My respect for him is gone.
I am still wondering WHY he never found it suspicious that the jurors way back when asked to see evidence #313 again. If they weren't supposed to be discussing the case, WHY would they submit that request?? WHY didn't JP realize there could be jury misconduct going on then?? I still maintain they have been discussing this all along.
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