HOA Injunction limiting protestors-DENIED!

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Yeah, now I remember, the woman did say the police had already said she could stay. Lee apparently disagreed so he folded up her sign and tried to throw is away with the thingie holding it up. She just sat there peacefully. Wonder why he dumped the dog's water. Oh well, dog wasn't going to fight him over it. REALLY sweet, polite dog.

She did just sit there peacefully.........was soft spoken..........I personally would have lost it if he had taken my dogs water and threw it out :furious:
yeah, it would probably be hard to tell the protestors to take a hike and let the press stay. I suppose we should all live in gated communities if we want privacy.

Or you could be like me, liveeee way out in the country, with a private road to my house, and if you want to cross the field, I am sure Mr. Bull would love to entertain you.
What about the neighbour's rights? When was the last time they had peace in their neighbourhood? Isn't there a noise bylaw in Florida?

I live about 45 miles from them. In my city there is a noise ordinance in effect from 9 pm to 6 am. I am sure theirs is similar. Screaming at each other between those hours is probably a ticketable offense for all involved.

O/T. Sean Vincent Gillis used to stand in the front yard at midnight and howl at the moon and curse his mother. At the time his mother lived about 450 miles away, in Atlanta. She had given SVG the house and moved. No citation was issued and he later became a serial killer. Coincidence?
Or you could be like me, liveeee way out in the country, with a private road to my house, and if you want to cross the field, I am sure Mr. Bull would love to entertain you.

LOL I hear ya!!!
My bulldog doesn't like strangers at all..I don't know which side of the corn field would be considered an easement around here!
Im glad to hear protesting can continue, hopefully, peacefully, with no children or pets present, no place for your furbabies and kiddos JMO

Children should not be brought to the protests outside the Anthony home, period! The situation there is too volatile. Both George and Cindy (and Lee to a lesser extent) have involved themselves in angry confrontations with the protesters. George even confronted two protesters with a hammer in his hand, and he has a reputation for violence.

I do feel bad for the neighbors who have had to put up with the circus in front of the Anthony house all these weeks. But, the neighbors should ask themselves whose fault it really is that they have to deal with this situation.

The fault rests squarely with the Anthony family. It's their behavior that has so angered people that they're motivated to express their outrage in person.

The neighbors need to think of other high profile cases of missing children and remember that there were no protests outside the homes of people like Mark Lunsford, Mark Klaas, John Walsh, Ed Smart, etc. They need to question how the Anthony family is different, and understand why people are so angry with the family.
yeah, it would probably be hard to tell the protestors to take a hike and let the press stay. I suppose we should all live in gated communities if we want privacy.

LOL I hear ya!!!
My bulldog doesn't like strangers at all..I don't know which side of the corn field would be considered an easement around here!
Ohhh I forgot my little baby. I have a 230lb English Mastiff service dog, who is my constant companion. She would be insulted at being forgotten.
Children should not be brought to the protests outside the Anthony home, period! The situation there is too volatile. Both George and Cindy (and Lee to a lesser extent) have involved themselves in angry confrontations with the protesters. George even confronted two protesters with a hammer in his hand, and he has a reputation for violence.

I do feel bad for the neighbors who have had to put up with the circus in front of the Anthony house all these weeks. But, the neighbors should ask themselves whose fault it really is that they have to deal with this situation.

The fault rests squarely with the Anthony family. It's their behavior that has so angered people that they're motivated to express their outrage in person.

The neighbors need to think of other high profile cases of missing children and remember that there were no protests outside the homes of people like Mark Lunsford, Mark Klaas, John Walsh, Ed Smart, etc. They need to question how the Anthony family is different, and understand why people are so angry with the family.

Family services in FL said they will be monitoring the situation, which makes me feel better. And one other interesting point, when Casey is in jail, protesters disappear to almost nothing; Casey out of jail, the place is a madhouse.
Ohhh I forgot my little baby. I have a 230lb English Mastiff service dog, who is my constant companion. She would be insulted at being forgotten.

I would like to hear your Mastiff say "yo, Lee, you just dumped my water, you " with a British accent.
I do feel terribly sorry for the neighbors who are still working and going to school, etc. They should be able to have peace and quiet when they come home. I don't think that is too much to expect.

Whatever happened to "disturbing the peace?"

A couple of observations to help the situation:
1. Send Casey to a "safe" house; quit rewarding her with home comfort.
2. The family should announce specific times they will address the press.

If the media is "fed" at those press conferences, they will go on to other stories and the protesters won't get tv time thereby lessening their interest in being at the Anthonys.

However, this is a two-edged sword... If the media goes away, the coverage of precious Caylee will dwindle and then disappear until most likely a trial.

Just my two cents worth...
Yeah, now I remember, the woman did say the police had already said she could stay. Lee apparently disagreed so he folded up her sign and tried to throw is away with the thingie holding it up. She just sat there peacefully. Wonder why he dumped the dog's water. Oh well, dog wasn't going to fight him over it. REALLY sweet, polite dog.

bold by me

Yoloardo, your post just got me giggling again.......that sign kicked Lee's *advertiser censored**. Then when he went over and poured the water out of the bowl, I laughed even harder........he acted just like a 5 years old kid who was throwing a tantrum, cause the sign was a bully.

Since Casey has the right to be bonded out, I'd prefer her parents footing the bill for her food, clothing etc. at their home, at their expense.

A "safe" house? Where? With whom? Her grandparents? She stole from them! If I were the grandma I wouldn't allow her in my home. No telling what else she'd get up to. Her friends? Most of them are probably now "former friends" and will likely be called to testify in her fraud and neglect trials. A hotel or motel? The same problem with the protesters would occur because someone would leak the news of her location.

Until there's substantial charges to hold her in jail until a trial and conviction she has to be somewhere since the court allowed her to be on home confinement. The court decided that her parents home is where she would be. Whether any of us like it or not.
Princess Rose makes two great points: (1) Anthony's should avoid all contact with the public and (2) get someone else to do the lawn work. If Cindy HAS to do weekly weeding in the front yard, I'd suggest she do it in the early morning hours when the protestors aren't around. It would be very respectful if the protestors carried their signs and merely walked rather than standing around and waiting for an opportunity to scream at the Anthonys. While I'd personally love to scream at Casey, it wouldn't do a @#$%^ bit of good!
Princess Rose makes two great points: (1) Anthony's should avoid all contact with the public and (2) get someone else to do the lawn work. If Cindy HAS to do weekly weeding in the front yard, I'd suggest she do it in the early morning hours when the protestors aren't around. It would be very respectful if the protestors carried their signs and merely walked rather than standing around and waiting for an opportunity to scream at the Anthonys. While I'd personally love to scream at Casey, it wouldn't do a @#$%^ bit of good!
You're right, and that's exactly what's happening with these protesters. It's not doing a danged bit of good and it won't. I don't think she's going to talk until she's good and ready and even then it might be a lie.
I had a good feeling this would be the ruling, there was no other case that they could go by because there are no laws in Florida to use in the ruling. Georgia got a law passed to move protesters during the masters and the Supreme court ruled on a 36 foot rule for Abortion protesters but it was a narrow judgment. Anything else without precedent would have created a situation whereby the ACLU might have stepped in. We don't need that crew added to the circus.
Princess Rose makes two great points: (1) Anthony's should avoid all contact with the public and (2) get someone else to do the lawn work. If Cindy HAS to do weekly weeding in the front yard, I'd suggest she do it in the early morning hours when the protestors aren't around. It would be very respectful if the protestors carried their signs and merely walked rather than standing around and waiting for an opportunity to scream at the Anthonys. While I'd personally love to scream at Casey, it wouldn't do a @#$%^ bit of good!

I really don't think Cindy needs to be outside doing "yard work" at all, given the situation. Lets get real here......did she really need to walk out the other night at like 11:00 with the hammer to fix those no trespassing signs? No!

This family has NO SHAME........none. IGNORE the posters....they will go away. If the Anthony family would stop there freak show, nobody would show up to watch it.

The disrespect they are showing there beautiful little grandaughter is beyond anything I could put into words.

With all that has been going on, somehow this family has managed to make it about THEM......at this point, the family is not even pretending anymore to show any concern of even trying to find this baby, not that they did much from day one anyways.

George needs to go off to work everyday, Cindy needs to go back to her job, Lee needs to go back to his job, and Casey can just sit at home, day in and day out by herself.

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