Holly Bobo found deceased, discussion thread *Arrests* #8

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1 I'm not sure what point the defense can make about his description - they can say he was unreliable on the details of a description of who was with Holly, and they would be right, but afaik no one is relying on those details in this case anyhow.
2 You make a good point about him perhaps not being fully awake, to account for his lack of clarity.
3 But to be clear, there was even more at play, as his belief that it was Holly's boyfriend with her flowed primarily from the fact he was NOT really seeing who it was - ie, the story was that he just saw/heard that Holly talking with someone, but they were mostly hidden from his view, and he simply made that (erroneous) initial assumption she was talking to her boyfriend.

Eye witness identification can be incorrect including the description given, and I think most people understand why it can be.

Two different people could be seeing the same event happening, and each could come away with totally different interpretations........such as the description given of the person they saw at the time.

As we all know, faulty eye witness identification is the number one reason cases are overturned, and the cause of many being convicted that were innocent.

Imo, that is why direct evidence is never as credible as all forms of circumstantial evidence. Eye witness testimony can be highly inaccurate,. and faulty and there are various logical reasons for that occurring.

The human mind wants to rationalize what they are seeing. Clint didn't get up that day knowing Holly was going to be kidnapped. He had no reason to even think about it.

When he did see Holly, and the perp when they both were kneeling down in the carport the most reasonable conclusion to Clint at the time was she was with her boyfriend. He thought they were in deep conversation making him think they may have been talking about breaking up. He felt at the time his assumption was the most reasonable conclusion based on what he saw., And though wrong, it was reasonable for no one goes around thinking beforehand their family member is going to be kidnapped by a lowlife.

Even the camo jacket Adam's wore that day convinced Clint even more she was with her boyfriend since he actually did go hunting that morning. The camo jacket can hide the person's true weight. They aren't tight fitting attire and are made to fit loose so that layers of clothing can be worn underneath them unrestricted. People who wear them easily could appear larger than they actually are.

As far as the description about weight and height it reminds me of other cases where an eye witness/es to a crime was/were sure the suspect was of a certain height,weight, build, and hair color,(etc) but when arrested the suspect did not even slightly fit the description given in good faith at the time. Even when eye witnesses help an artist make a composite sketch of a suspect often they did not look anything like the defendant.

Unfortunately at the time Clint truly believe Holly was with Drew so he already had his image in his mind even though Drew was not even close to where Holly lived, and was in the woods hunting on another property owned by someone else miles away during her kidnapping.

Imo, the identification description given by Clint that day will be explained. The only time he saw Adams again that morning was from afar, and he said he could only see part of the back of one of his hands. Drew never knew at the time he would later have to give the description of the camo man.

The defendants have much more serious issues to deal with than taking up time about the description given by Clint. They better be working on what they are going to do once all of the witnesses come forward to testify for the state including one of their very own co-conspirators who was with them, and took part in all of the crimes that happened to Holly. Clint will testify as to why he thought it was Drew and imo, the jury will understand his assumptions that day. No biggy.
Oops, sorry for my mistake in my previous post
"Drew never knew at the time he would later have to give the description of the camo man."

I meant Clint never knew at the time. Had a brain lapse at the time it seems. :D
My Opinions only, no facts here.

Before the usual suspects realize that I am back on this site, I wish to make you aware that my main interest is resolving grainy surveillance images in strange crime stories. My images for the possible POI's in the Al Kite and Jennifer Kesse cases are available at: http://s172.photobucket.com/user/MrNoatak/library/?sort=2&page=1. Note that I accurately described the eventual convicted criminal in the Mickey Shunick case, BEFORE the arrest and conviction. This was from a distant camera that provided a grainy image that was thought to be useless by authorities. To me, the image was as sharp as hell.

Deep enough for tonight!

Sleuth on.

O/T: perhaps this thread could use your skills? http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...gail-Williams-13-amp-Liberty-German-14-Delphi
Hey all!

myworldinbytes said:
I live in TN and I read somewhere that it would be televised, not sure if that is fact. news channel 5 plus is where I heard it was to be aired, and online.

Maybe when it gets close to the trial date (July 10th) you can post a link, please?! :) Or does anyone know if "WildAboutTrial" will be following this case?

Cutter - I was just going to post that article ^^ - here's a quote from it:

Now, their mother Cindy Adams says her boys did not commit the crime. Adams said her boys were straight A students until she got divorced.

They then turned to drugs and petty crimes.

"Look at his rap sheet. I mean Zachary cannot even go out and steal a deer stand without getting caught," Adams said.

Zach is even charged with shooting his own mother in the knee.

However, Adams said she's seen the evidence and sticks to her opinion that her boys did not commit the crime.


The trial for Zach Adams is set to start in July. His brother Dylan will be tried separately.

Anyone know "when" Dylan's trial will be?? TIA!
Hey all!

Maybe when it gets close to the trial date (July 10th) you can post a link, please?! :) Or does anyone know if "WildAboutTrial" will be following this case?

Cutter - I was just going to post that article ^^ - here's a quote from it:

Now, their mother Cindy Adams says her boys did not commit the crime. Adams said her boys were straight A students until she got divorced.

They then turned to drugs and petty crimes.

"Look at his rap sheet. I mean Zachary cannot even go out and steal a deer stand without getting caught," Adams said.

Zach is even charged with shooting his own mother in the knee.

However, Adams said she's seen the evidence and sticks to her opinion that her boys did not commit the crime.


The trial for Zach Adams is set to start in July. His brother Dylan will be tried separately.

Anyone know "when" Dylan's trial will be?? TIA!
But of course her upstanding boys are innocent and couldn't have committed this atrocious crime because he'll they couldn't even steal a deer stand, but just wanted to point out that they use to be straight A students. All righty then. How about we just nominate them for sainthood instead of putting them on trial for kidnapping, rape and murder.
Just jumping off your post and not in any way insinuating that you agree with their mom.

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That's an interesting article. It's always possible the mother hasn't seen the evidence that the defense has been given.

But if she has, then
a - she's simply lying about the (lack of) any real, hard, objective evidence, or
b - there is nothing to the case but a bunch of semi-coerced he-said she-said backed by nothing but air, or
c - the state has not complied with discovery at all (a claim made repeatedly as this case has meandered along)

I'll be interested to see where this ends up, and whether all they have is "the usual suspects PLUS semi-coerced witnesses" to put in front of a lynch mob eager to blame someone-anyone for the horrific crime with no real tangible proof to back the horrific charges.
I found it difficult to understand how her sons went from being straight A students to not bright enough to steal a tree stand. I also found it alarming that she seemed to think it was so easily forgiveable that Zach shot her. I mean he did help her call for an ambulance and all. In my mind that definitely makes it okay that he shot her- NOT.

I found Cindy Adams interview to be very self serving and it left me without sympathy for her. She is in denial about her sons, and the sooner she wakes up and hits reality, the better for all involved. She would have been much better off never giving the interviews.

While watching the interviews, the only thing I could think about was poor Holly and her family, certainly NOT poor Cindy Adams and her sons.
I found it difficult to understand how her sons went from being straight A students to not bright enough to steal a tree stand. I also found it alarming that she seemed to think it was so easily forgiveable that Zach shot her. I mean he did help her call for an ambulance and all. In my mind that definitely makes it okay that he shot her- NOT.

I found Cindy Adams interview to be very self serving and it left me without sympathy for her. She is in denial about her sons, and the sooner she wakes up and hits reality, the better for all involved. She would have been much better off never giving the interviews.

While watching the interviews, the only thing I could think about was poor Holly and her family, certainly NOT poor Cindy Adams and her sons.
I totally agree with your post. Reflects my thoughts as well. I simply can't muster up any sympathy for mothers who act so surprised that their precious little Johnny could be accused of horrendous crimes. I call bull manure on everything she stated. She really should just keep her mouth shut. IMO, she is most likely only concerned about how she will look as the mother of these precious lads.

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I totally agree with your post. Reflects my thoughts as well. I simply can't muster up any sympathy for mothers who act so surprised that their precious little Johnny could be accused of horrendous crimes. I call bull manure on everything she stated. She really should just keep her mouth shut. IMO, she is most likely only concerned about how she will look as the mother of these precious lads.

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The mother of serial killer Todd Kohlhepp was just as bad or worse.
The prisons are filled with inmates who's mothers thought they were innocent. Denial is much easier than facing reality.

Cindy Adams statement reminds me of Scott Peterson's mother when he was arrested, and charged with Laci and Connor's murder. In a jail conversation she asked him 'you really weren't that stupid were you?' when talking about him killing Laci. Hmmm, well yeah Mom he was that stupid, and really thought he could get away with it.

I got a chuckle out of Cutter99's observations about CAs statements.:) ITA! They were so smart on one hand according to Mom, and then so stupid they couldn't even successfully steal a deer stand.

Wait a minute...she says sons. I thought when she first spoke out she tried to imply Dylan was anything but smart?


Imo, she is just talking to be talking and really has no clue what she is talking about which isnt unusual for parents of defendants.

In a statement, the TBI said while it would be “irresponsible” to discuss specific aspects of the case outside of court, they are confident in the "tireless work of their agents and forensic scientists."

Cindy Adams said she doesn't believe she's seen all of the evidence. In fact, she claims that prosecutor Jennifer Nichols is playing hide the ball.

Channel 4 reached out to Nichols. A spokesperson for her office said, “The judge has already ruled on the discovery issue and said the state fully complied.”

It sure sounds like the TBI has more than just lay witnesses and expect forensic scientists to testify in this case. Of course the main witness will be the testimony of one of the main co-conspirators involved in the crimes against Holly.
The prisons are filled with inmates who's mothers thought they were innocent. Denial is much easier than facing reality.

Cindy Adams statement reminds me of Scott Peterson's mother when he was arrested, and charged with Laci and Connor's murder. In a jail conversation she asked him 'you really weren't that stupid were you?' when talking about him killing Laci. Hmmm, well yeah Mom he was that stupid, and really thought he could get away with it.

I got a chuckle out of Cutter99's observations about CAs statements.:) ITA! They were so smart on one hand according to Mom, and then so stupid they couldn't even successfully steal a deer stand.

Wait a minute...she says sons. I thought when she first spoke out she tried to imply Dylan was anything but smart?


The whole family has publically painted him that way but I can't find Cindy though...

"An extended family member of two brothers charged in the disappearance of Holly Bobo says one of the men — Dylan Adams — is mentally challenged and has been unfairly targeted by investigators.
Moss Miller is a first cousin of the mother of Zachary and Dylan Adams."

And this:

"Adams' uncle told reporters outside the court that his nephew is mentally challenged and did not rape Bobo."

And this?

"The TBI said Dylan confessed to being involved in Holly's rape.
But Dylan's family said he's mentally challenged, cannot even tell time, and couldn't have done it.
"We have asked the same question, why they haven't done a mental evaluation on him," Dylan Adams' cousin Moss Miller said. "But as far as we know, nothing has come about."
My mother is from Henderson County. Even though Memphis, Jackson and Nashville aren't far way, the entire county is still rural small town. Everybody knows of everybody. I'm sure Cindy Adams and family get some nasty looks around town. She is trying to save face. And yes, many never can see the negatives in their children and don't want to be labeled bad parents or see their part in creating the monsters they become.
The whole family has publically painted him that way but I can't find Cindy though...

"An extended family member of two brothers charged in the disappearance of Holly Bobo says one of the men — Dylan Adams — is mentally challenged and has been unfairly targeted by investigators.
Moss Miller is a first cousin of the mother of Zachary and Dylan Adams."

And this:

"Adams' uncle told reporters outside the court that his nephew is mentally challenged and did not rape Bobo."

And this?

"The TBI said Dylan confessed to being involved in Holly's rape.
But Dylan's family said he's mentally challenged, cannot even tell time, and couldn't have done it.
"We have asked the same question, why they haven't done a mental evaluation on him," Dylan Adams' cousin Moss Miller said. "But as far as we know, nothing has come about."

It really shows the family knows nothing of value. If there is a question of a defendant's mental capacities the Judge orders a mental evaluation done to make sure the defendant can assist his defense and understands the charges against them. I am sure that was done early on.

Plus his family seems to conveniently forget Dylan was found guilty of federal gun charges and if there were any doubts about his mental capacity his lawyer on that case would have jumped on it immediately by asking the court to have him evaluated. If that was done then obviously he was ruled competent even back then.

Cindy said they were straight A students until her divorce. When did that happen? Were they smart in elementary school or junior high? She seems to associate grades good or bad with intelligence levels, and thinks
intelligence fluctuates accordingly. LOL! No matter if they turned out to be slackers in school it doesn't remove their actual IQ.

If I had been given $10 every time I have seen a parent say 'not my child/children' concerning murder cases my husband and I could take a very long vacation at a 5 star resort. :) I guess its better to deny than face the fact she not only raised one kidnapper, rapist, and murderer but she raise another one who also turned out to be a rapist and murderer.

I am so glad ZAs trial is finally coming soon. It seems like forever when actually it pretty much inline time wise with the majority of death penalty cases.
It really shows the family knows nothing of value. If there is a question of a defendant's mental capacities the Judge orders a mental evaluation done to make sure the defendant can assist his defense and understands the charges against them. I am sure that was done early on.

Plus his family seems to conveniently forget Dylan was found guilty of federal gun charges and if there were any doubts about his mental capacity his lawyer on that case would have jumped on it immediately by asking the court to have him evaluated. If that was done then obviously he was ruled competent even back then.

Cindy said they were straight A students until her divorce. When did that happen? Were they smart in elementary school or junior high? She seems to associate grades good or bad with intelligence levels, and thinks
intelligence fluctuates accordingly. LOL! No matter if they turned out to be slackers in school it doesn't remove their actual IQ.

If I had been given $10 every time I have seen a parent say 'not my child/children' concerning murder cases my husband and I could take a very long vacation at a 5 star resort. :) I guess its better to deny than face the fact she not only raised one kidnapper, rapist, and murderer but she raise another one who also turned out to be a rapist and murderer.

I am so glad ZAs trial is finally coming soon. It seems like forever when actually it pretty much inline time wise with the majority of death penalty cases.
Very well stated. I totally agree with your post.

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This is a... Really macabre thing to ask, but will the contents of the bucket be revealed at trial?
It really shows the family knows nothing of value. If there is a question of a defendant's mental capacities the Judge orders a mental evaluation done to make sure the defendant can assist his defense and understands the charges against them. I am sure that was done early on.

Plus his family seems to conveniently forget Dylan was found guilty of federal gun charges and if there were any doubts about his mental capacity his lawyer on that case would have jumped on it immediately by asking the court to have him evaluated. If that was done then obviously he was ruled competent even back then.

Cindy said they were straight A students until her divorce. When did that happen? Were they smart in elementary school or junior high? She seems to associate grades good or bad with intelligence levels, and thinks
intelligence fluctuates accordingly. LOL! No matter if they turned out to be slackers in school it doesn't remove their actual IQ.

If I had been given $10 every time I have seen a parent say 'not my child/children' concerning murder cases my husband and I could take a very long vacation at a 5 star resort. :) I guess its better to deny than face the fact she not only raised one kidnapper, rapist, and murderer but she raise another one who also turned out to be a rapist and murderer.

I am so glad ZAs trial is finally coming soon. It seems like forever when actually it pretty much inline time wise with the majority of death penalty cases.

Oceanblueyes are you going to the trial?

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