Holly Bobo, missing from TN 2014 discussion #5 ***ARRESTS***

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Wasn't it said that ZA participated in some of the searches? If that is the case and he help search in the area where her body was eventually found, maybe he figured that if the area had already been search, there would be no reason for LE to go back and search that same area again. I wonder if LE has information on what searchers covered that area (e.g. if JA was a volunteer searcher, was he part of the group that searched that specific area).

Also, my friend's murderer was located because he had her phone and was located by the pings. He was able to be located by triangulating the pings off several different towers (the point where they met between the towers) which narrowed down to a specific small area:


That would be a very clever thing for a murderer to do. I've never thought of that before. I'm not sure ZA's criminal profile puts him in that level of cleverness though...

The stuff about Holly's cell phone....I'm honestly not sure how reliable the information is. It was reported by Without Warning where her phone was found, where her sim card was found, where her phone was pinging, but then the TBI was all "This is hogwash!" The TBI is saying that it's not reliable, the news station who reported it said that they had the blessing of the Bobo family to run the story and thus far the Bobo's haven't come out and denied anything reported by Without Warning regarding the phone. The news station also said the TBI didn't complain about the info until after it was reported even though they knew the report was coming up. I lean to the side of believing it since Karen Bobo hasn't specifically come out to say that it's false, but I can't find any source for that information that didn't come directly from Without Warning. I'm not sure what to think.
TBI blasted the "cell ping map" as pure nonsense. The TV station offered a retraction. No one defends the map, with even the people that created the map disavowing its validity and the family defending the bogus info based on the rationale that "it wasn't us" and an "end justifies the means" rationale. They all said they created it to generate TV ratings and publicity to motivate people to keep looking for Holly.

Here's some of the MSM reporting at the time, as journalists unraveled the supposed map of cell pings: "By their own admission, members of "Without Warning" said they had no geolocation information about Holly Bobo's cell phone after her disappearance including the exact locations and times the phone "pinged" as reported by WSMV. The source of the incorrect and unofficial cell phone information has stated that he told "Without Warning" members the information was not accurate when he provided it to them. TBI has obtained emails exchanged between members of the "Without Warning" team where they discuss the inaccuracy of the times, but used them as factual information regardless."
Long article yesterday on the searches that happened. I was amazed at the number of people mentioned. Here's a snippet and a link:

"The first searchers to arrive on Swan Johnson Road on the morning of April 13, 2011, were family and friends.

"But law enforcement officials said that by the end of the day Holly Bobo was kidnapped, more than 400 people had helped in the search. Over the past three years, some estimate well over 10,000 people have searched the hills and hollows of Decatur and Henderson counties alone.

"Friends and strangers alike dedicated their time and prayers in hopes of bringing Holly home. Now that her remains have been found, those who supported the Bobo family in the search say they will continue supporting them as the murder case against two local men heads to trial."

My opinions only, no facts here:


"Stowe told The Jackson Sun in an interview last week that he and the TBI are still "actively looking" to bring charges against additional people, though they may not be murder charges."

Maybe it is only me, but if you add up all of the suspects and material witnesses/informants and this new threat about charging "additional people", we could be looking at a total of nine or ten people who knew about the crime and may have successfully kept silent for years. Is this possible? What precedents are there for this iron wall of silence"


But in a dystopia, the culture itself ends up on trial, and vast conspiracy is the assumed norm, not the exception. I hope that this case ends up being much simpler than this.

Sleuth On!

Yes,Mr. Noarak the prosecution will prevail and Holly will get justice. I believe that will all my heart. But,as you point out this is the drug culture that we're delving into. A reward does not even ferrite them out. It is a soulless culture that you and I will never understand.

As I am reading through the thread. There are so many posters (I will just mention myself and a couple of others who come to mind)who personally have taken this case to their hearts. Mr. Noatak and the many hours you have invested developing a timeline and Foxfire who speaks from having participating in ground searches for Holly and yours truly who compulsively :) collects obscure tidbits of information. Thanks to all.MOO
Long article yesterday on the searches that happened. I was amazed at the number of people mentioned. Here's a snippet and a link:

"The first searchers to arrive on Swan Johnson Road on the morning of April 13, 2011, were family and friends.

"But law enforcement officials said that by the end of the day Holly Bobo was kidnapped, more than 400 people had helped in the search. Over the past three years, some estimate well over 10,000 people have searched the hills and hollows of Decatur and Henderson counties alone.

"Friends and strangers alike dedicated their time and prayers in hopes of bringing Holly home. Now that her remains have been found, those who supported the Bobo family in the search say they will continue supporting them as the murder case against two local men heads to trial."


Thanx for Sharing SteveS.. This video of Pastor Don Franks, linked in the article, highlights the reason many of the searchers and volunteers came to lend a helping hand..http://www.jacksonsun.com/media/cin...n-franks-talks-about-why-people-came-to-help/
It appears ZA was moved from Chester county to Williamson according to vine? Or am I reading that wrong?
No you are reading it correctly. Yesterday, I had a Vinelink email saying ZA was out of custody. Vinelink was updated this morning when I checked it. He's in Williamson Co. jail now. Hopefully, talking away.
Yeah, I was trying to think for the reason for his move? Safety? Is he talking? Hmmm...I just don't know!
Suspect in Holly Bobo's death moved to Williamson County jail


(makes me even more curious since the jails aren't talking about the move)

<Sniped from above article linked>

Zachary Adams, 30, was transferred from Chester County Saturday and booked just before 3 p.m.

Sharon Puckett, spokesperson for the Williamson County Sheriff's Office, confirmed to News 2 that Adams is being held in the jail but declined to comment further.

Authorities in Chester County also confirmed the move but would not give a reason as to why, while the Decatur County Sheriff's Office, where Adams was originally charged, was unaware of the move.

News 2 also reached out to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation but they have yet to respond.


"Transparent bunch, huh"?
Yes, it seems possible the people who murdered Holly and disposed of her body moved her remains whenever they thought they should over the last 3 years since they killed her to avoid her body being located by LE. I think it started upon her death with them dumping her body in a well at the Adam's property ("the hole" she was in that ZA said his brother would end up if he didn't keep his mouth shut), and then when the pressure was on, and the Adams' knew LE may come search their property, they pulled up Holly's remains from the well/hole and dumped them in the area where they off-roaded where her skull was found.

LE supposedly excavated the wells on the Adams property with a backhoe (can provide MSM link I looked at today if questions), and though they didn't find her body (it had been moved by ZA/perps through some insider tip-off as suggested, or just because the heat was on and the focus was on them and their property), they found bone shards and/or other physical evidence (after her body was moved to the woods) that they felt they could charge ZA for her murder.

I too think the remains must have been moved at least once and maybe even moved back and forth. I am also starting to think the deep well of the 2 wells mentioned may have been where her remains were hidden.

One thing that I couldnt figure out is if she was placed at the bottom of the deeper well , then how would they get her back out to move remains. I just now thought of a way it could be done. Enter bucket. If they would have tied fishing line to that bucket and lowered down into the deep well, then its possible they could have retrieved her back up by just pulling the bucket back up by the fishing line.

But of course they would not want LE to see the fishing line if they searched the well, so was wondering how they may have accomplished that. Then I realized all they had to do is loop enough line through the bucket handle and tie it in a knot at the end so that it really is 2 strings going all the way down with a knot at the top. Then they basically could have just tossed the string down the hole too and whenver they wanted to retrieve the bucket, then all they would have to do is use another fishing pole with a lure on the end with hooks and just slowly lower the lure down the hole until it snagged on the line and reel the line back to the top of hole, and PRESTO, they now have the end of the line to pull the bucket back up.

The only thing with where they finally found it is it doesnt make sense just leaving the bucket at the spot where ginseng hunters found it but perhaps they were going to retrieve her again the next day OR maybe they heard a car coming and had to get out of there fast. I am thinking they were going to ultimately go back and get that bucket again and just missed their opportunity before the ginseng hunters found it.
OR maybe since they were in prison someone else moved her this last time and didnt do a good job like they used to.

I do think she was moved at least once and perhaps back + forth a couple times. The fishing line method would make it easy to retrieve that bucket from bottom of the deep well. Just use another fishing pole with a lure to snag the line and reel it up to where you can use your hands to pull up the main fishing line attached to bucket handle
all JMO of course.
According to Chris Conte the DA says Chester County was not equipped to hold Zachery "long term". I guess he wore out his welcome. I googled the jail he got transferred to. They even have their own panel for when inmates screw up.


O/T=Chris Conte was in Chicago yesterday. Just after doing a national report a few days ago. Hope he's not going to bail to go there. He has turned out to be pretty responsible reporter on this case.

Decatur County prayed, grieved alongside Holly Bobo Family

PARSONS, Tenn. &#8211;

Pink bows started appearing across Decatur County in the spring of 2011.

Tied onto mailboxes. Hanging from street lamps. Wrapped around a centuries-old oak tree outside the county courthouse.

They became a constant reminder of the prayers rising up from the small cluster of communities about 90 minutes west of Nashville. As the search for Holly Bobo stretched from days to weeks, months to years, the ribbons faded into a pale pastel, and hope sank into dread.


"Evil found them"

Pastor Dale Robble, who leads worship at Highland Park Church in West Nashville, brought a search party to Decatur County in 2012.

Robble said the seemingly random nature of the crime made the case especially frightening, and intensified the urge to help.

"It could be my daughter. It could be my family. It could be your family," Robble said. "They didn't go looking for this. Evil found them."

<Sniped - Read More>
Zachary Adams, suspect in Holly Bobo murder case transferred to Williamson County

Decatur County District Attorney Matt Stowe tells WSMV, they made the request to transfer Adams from the Chester County jail yesterday.

Stowe went on to say that Adams was too much of a burden on the jail staff, describing Adams as a high risk inmate.


Stowe says it could be up to 18 months before a trial begins, and Williamson County has a much better facility.

I didn't see where Clint thought he was witnessing domestic violence; he did not know about the screams.

It is incredibly frustrating though. Seems Clint got a firm idea in his mind based on what he believed he was seeing, and because he was seeing it (albeit today we know erroneously), even his own mother couldn't dissuade him from the belief.

It seems Clint is possibly stubborn, and perhaps a bit dense. Or at least he was until the day when he believed he saw one thing, while actually seeing something completely different - and not trusting the instincts of his mother.

I would imagine that the grave misunderstandings of that morning continue to haunt the family with "if only." And I imagine also that Clint is today more likely than not stuck between "knowing" what he saw, and being subjected to his own mind being wrong about what he saw; not a good place for anyone to be rendered to.

But yeah - to this day when I read of that morning an incredible amount of frustration overcomes me because of the obvious chasm between Clint's conviction that his mother was overreacting to what he "knew" he was seeing, and his mother knowing that her son was not seeing what he thought he was.

That's not being dense or stubborn. That's trusting what you think your senses are telling you, and we all do it every single day. IMO it turns out in this situation that his mom was correct and he wasn't; but at the time he did the best with what he had.

The Holly Bobo case: Friends, strangers, searchers
Jordan Buie , Jackson Sun 2:19 p.m. CDT September 14, 2014

<Sniped - Read More>

The Road to Justice

Angie Hutton, a mother from Adamsville who has never met the Bobos, talked about her reaction to the kidnapping of a 20-year-old woman so close to home.

"When I saw the desperation of Holly's mother on TV, you know, your heart just tells you to do something, to do something this minute," Hutton said Wednesday. "It doesn't matter if it's searching, if it's sending food, if it's getting down on your knees and praying to God, whether you're a Christian or not. Seeing that demands that anyone with a heart do something."

For many, the search is what brought them together. Others found something inside themselves, a tight bond, that made the search continue. Many found that by banding together and searching for Holly as both friends and strangers, it was a way of lighting a torch against the evil that took her, that said "not here, not this town." Many in the community intend to take that torch all the way to the courthouse, where they hope to find justice.

"Now, it's about justice for Holly," Pratt said. "The support's still there. We're still there for the Bobos."

Wilbanks, the Highway Patrol officer, said he can't imagine the pain the family is going through and he wishes this never happened, but he hopes "every day brings them a brighter day than the previous."

Hutton said she believes what the searchers can find in the Bobos' story is hope, "because Holly has been home. Because of her faith, she's been in heaven since she died."

Holly Bobo Search 4/24/11 (Slideshow Easter Weekend Sunday)
We ought to remember also that Clint was awoken by the dog barking, and when all of this happened, he may have only been awake for a couple of minutes. I know that I don't think or react to things in a perfectly normal way until I have some caffeine and get moving around.
Thanks Bali. No one should be pointing a finger at the Bobos for any thing-we don't bash family on a victim friendly forum. It is against TOS. Even more importantly, imo, it is unnecessarily cruel to be implying that any particular action on their part might have created a different outcome. Respectfully speaking.

"Then we have posters who want to speak badly of Holly's brother, who IMO could have also been killed if he had heard her scream or thought to intervene and knowing he has to live with the loss of his sister. What's wrong with you people!"

The fact that he's in the house, answered the phone when his mother called, and we have an independent, uninvolved witness who heard a scream at a specific time tells me he wasn't involved. If he was involved, he would be outside or otherwise indisposed and would've missed those calls. Based on the time frame of the scream, the time frame of the mom calls, and the 911 call, his time was taken up and he didn't have time to stab/injure his sister (the blood pool), ditch his own bloody clothes, ditch his sister's body, then get back to meet the cops. You can post this response if anyone gets on about Clint Bobo. He wasn't involved.
I too think the remains must have been moved at least once and maybe even moved back and forth.

IMHO, I don't think we have enough evidence at our disposal to conclude that the body was moved. Just because the area was searched doesn't mean the body wasn't there. The guy who owns the land said he saw tons of people back there searching, but they mostly searched other areas closer to the road and didn't go back in that far. Remember the Cayleee Anthony case? Her body was 20 feet from the road, Roy Kronk called police half a dozen times about the remains, like 100+ people searched the area and it still somehow wasn't found. There are 215 acres of deep woods on Gary Tubbs' property. That's a lot of land to search thoroughly.
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