Home Video of Kyron in the Classroom

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this must be a typo. On her facebook in march 2010 terri was talking and sharing pictures of the event. She was saying she was upset at how so many parents obviously did their kid's work.

I hardly think Kyron did that entire tree frog project all by himself. That's one of those things a lot of people say but don't actually practice. Not that *I* ever helped, of course -- especially not when my son was in first grade and won a contest to design a bumper sticker for all the city vehicles. :snooty: Nope, not even a teeeeeeny bit. :angel:
Precious little boy who reminds me of the days when my boys were little, where are you?

Those videos are hard for me to watch. :(
Precious little boy who reminds me of the days when my boys were little, where are you?

Those videos are hard for me to watch. :(

Kimster, bless your heart. :hug: Yes, while it was a joy to see his sweet, darling little face and hear his voice, it is also heartbreaking to know that he is not where he should be and could be in danger...or worse. The videos and photos just made him all the more real and precious to us.

I hope and pray this is one of those cases with some kind of weird twist we would never have expected that ends up with Kyron coming home safe and sound. Please, Lord. :praying:
If LE is trying to diffuse rumors, I would think there would be a picture with TH and Kyron in the bunch. There were some on FB. Seems odd the focus of all these photos show a happy and smiling family, except none of TH and Kyron. The only ones og TH are the sad ones on the flyer. Makes me go hmmmm....

If you looked at my family albums, you'd think I had an absentee father. He's only very rarely in any pictures because he was the guy with the camera!

The reality of the situation was that my father is from a different culture and he was far more involved with us kids than the fathers of any other family I knew at the time. I tease him now, tell him he was 50 years ahead of the curve.

But you'd never guess from the family photographs. He didn't like to take the typical "here we all are in front of Landmark X" photos, he liked action shots and art type shots (hard to describe). Not the kind of shot susceptible to using a timer and rushing over to the group.

Something that caught at my heart was that in many shots, Kyron looked like he was looking straight through the camera at someone he trusted and loved. That would be the photographer...
My heart almost leaped out of my chest when I saw pictures of him at the pumpkin patch. I hear Sauvie Island has lots of them.

Me too... I think that one probably shouldn't have been released. Just simply because of where the search focus has been.
I'm sorry but we need better punishment for people who kidnap/murder children, these criminals need to fear our criminal system. Kids play outside my home running up and down the street having the time of their life. No parents in sight, which freaks me out. I Don't want to become a "local" here on websleuths. I'm sorry I'm off topic but its so upsetting that this happens....Our children should play outside, go to school and live life worry free! IMHO
Now while I havent made it a habit to defend Terri, I have to this time. I am 31 years old and there are very few pictures in existance of me. Even with my kids. Although I should for the kids I am extremely self contentious and the one family photo we have I didnt smile. Some people are just not photogenic

It is true that some people don't feel photogenic. But from reading your posts, Butterfly, I think you have a wonderful heart and spirit which surely shine through when your family looks at you.
I'm super impressed with both 'moms' re: their great taste in children's clothes! I loved everything he had on & it seems he rarely wore the same outfit more then once..I get they must have the $$$ but it also shows extreme interest in his appearance & my guess is they let him choose as he got older..That means Kyron also has/had great taste in clothes :)

Seriously! There's no doubt in my mind, at least by looking at these pix, that Kyron has/had everything any little boy could want..I believe that also includes lots of LOVE!..The most important thing of all!..I have to include SM cos if not then Kyron wouldn't ooze such happiness..It's easy to spot when a child 'fakes' a smile but his always appears to be very real to me.

What could possibly have changed within this 'blended' family to cause one (?) of them to feel so differently about Kyron?..Or could someone (?) have been an expert pretender all along?..I dunno..It's honestly hard to wrap my brain around either scenario.
I'm sorry but we need better punishment for people who kidnap/murder children, these criminals need to fear our criminal system. Kids play outside my home running up and down the street having the time of their life. No parents in sight, which freaks me out. I Don't want to become a "local" here on websleuths. I'm sorry I'm off topic but its so upsetting that this happens....Our children should play outside, go to school and live life worry free! IMHO


Keep in mind that the chances of a child dying via stranger abduction are roughly 1 in 1.5 million.

Compare that to the risk of the child dying due to medical error: 1 in 1.3 million.

Yes, statistically, it is riskier to take your kid to the doctor than it is to let them play outside unsupervised.

Compare that to a risk that most parents take every single day without anyone passing judgment on them: the risk of a child dying in a traffic accident is 1 in 8000.

If you can get past the rather salty language, you might find the following episode of Penn & Teller interesting:

Finally broke down and looked at the photos... I have to force myself not to go grab my own little guy from his bed and snuggle him tight.

Where are you, Kyron???
Me too... I think that one probably shouldn't have been released. Just simply because of where the search focus has been.

Or the pix of him inside the suitcase as a baby.

I'm pretty sure I don't have to explain why it's a horrible mistake to include that one. :(

Keep in mind that the chances of a child dying via stranger abduction are roughly 1 in 1.5 million.

Compare that to the risk of the child dying due to medical error: 1 in 1.3 million.

Yes, statistically, it is riskier to take your kid to the doctor than it is to let them play outside unsupervised.

Compare that to a risk that most parents take every single day without anyone passing judgment on them: the risk of a child dying in a traffic accident is 1 in 8000.

If you can get past the rather salty language, you might find the following episode of Penn & Teller interesting:

Thanks for the video, that was entertaining.
What a beautiful lil man Kyron is; I couldnt tell which picture was my favorite, there are too many to choose from! It seems that he was a happy and busy child. Looks like he got to go a lot of places with his family. Prayers that you come home soon, Kyron. God bless Kyron and all our children!
Someone just posted an edited much shorter version of all three videos to youtube...much better . They've completely edited out Kyron's little sister. Now it provides a very different and more traditional message. That's why I believe the initial release of the raw video was no accident.


The Oregonian shortened it up.

I think the family submitted or released the video of the concert and the class reading unedited and the news agencies that put it on their site or on their shows, edited it the way THEY seemed fit.

I am sure the family didn't think about editing it, figuring the news shows/media would use what they wanted.

I think the second part of the concert on KOIN where the baby is dancing, is how KOIN chose to edit what was released.

I'm kinda disturbed that it was announced that K & D were going to do a press conference & now that's disappeared from the site

also, the videos ... I didn't see anything with his baby sister dancing - wonder if it's been edited out already?

has there been info that Kyron was born premature? he looks so small ...
(and so adorable)

I'm glad they released the photos ... helps keep the focus on Kyron
I can think of a couple reasons TH doesnt appear in any pics-she may be camera-shy; she might just hate her picture taken; and she is probably pretty sure no matter which picture is chosen, there will be many many people criticizing her. She doesn't look sad, she looks happy, she looks evil, etc etc..

Re the picture of KH dancing in the video, I found it interesting this section was included. Whether it was LE or media or the family who chose it, I tried to concentrate not on what I couldn't see, but what I could. I saw a child, and I saw an audience...it makes me wonder who might have been in that audience, watching these children?
I am not in a lot of photos as I am always the one taking photos of my family. And I probably have more photos of my 5 y/o daughter than my twin 7 y/o boys. Why? Because getting the boys to sit still and not be a blur (even with my nice digital camera!) is beyond difficult. My daughter on the other hand loves to cheese it up whenever mom is taking pics. ;)

Kyron looks a bit bored in the video of him singing with classmates. Heck, I remember having to sing in elementary school and being bored out of my mind as well. He doesn't look thrilled nor does he look upset. Just bored!

My kids were on stage singing for parents just two weeks ago as well. And I took a video of the entire song. Two of my kids are smiling, facing forward, obviously happy to be on stage. My third child is playing with her hands, looking to both sides, obviously mumbling the song.. she is shy, she was in the front row (just like Kyron in that video). If she's singing around the house, we (hubby and myself) aren't allowed to look at her or she'll stop.

Sorry to go on and on.. it just seems that from what I saw of the videos, he's a typical little boy. And it makes this all that much more real to me. And it makes me want to go get my babies from their beds and make them sleep in my bed tonight. :(
I can think of a couple reasons TH doesnt appear in any pics-she may be camera-shy; she might just hate her picture taken; and she is probably pretty sure no matter which picture is chosen, there will be many many people criticizing her. She doesn't look sad, she looks happy, she looks evil, etc etc..

Re the picture of KH dancing in the video, I found it interesting this section was included. Whether it was LE or media or the family who chose it, I tried to concentrate not on what I couldn't see, but what I could. I saw a child, and I saw an audience...it makes me wonder who might have been in that audience, watching these children?

Like I said above. I think the family released the three clips unedited as they all contained Kyron, figuring the news/media would edit out what they didn't want. The only channel to leave her dancing in is KOIN.
My heart breaks for his mom. Seems like many of the pics were taken at her house. i noticed that in a few pics, there were frogs.....the two kermet's near the tv, the frog soap dish. the t shirt with frog......:) Was happy to see the pics with 3 of the parents....I do find it strange there were none with TH...............Either she doesn't have any pics with Kyron for whatever reason, or pic of her and kyron were puposely not included in these just released photos. I feel they were purposely not included, due to the fact that she is not even in the background of any pic either. JMO

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