Honey Boo Boo in limbo; Mama June dating sex offender

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I thought child sex offender laws did not allow pedofiles to live with children after being released from prison? How is it child protective services is not stepping in if this relationship is true?
At least there is a positive note to this train wreck. Now, if CPS does the right thing, those children should be removed from her presence; her time on this gravy train is over.

But the network is not turning its back on the kids, telling us, "Supporting the health and welfare of these remarkable children is our only priority. TLC is faithfully committed to the children's ongoing comfort and well-being." Our sources say the network will pay for tutors and counselors for the kids.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2014/10/24/here-...ama-june-child-molester-dating/#ixzz3H4fPyFEF

I thought child sex offender laws did not allow pedofiles to live with children after being released from prison? How is it child protective services is not stepping in if this relationship is true?

When I first read about this that was my same thought! I don't get how he's allowed around kids? And apparently June is denying that she's dating him.
The police and children's services are involved to ensure the safety of the children according to TMZ. It's a shame the show has been cancelled because the money from the show was being put into trust funds for the kids future. I am glad TLC is still going to ensure the kids are ok.

"Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" star Mama June is now in the crosshairs of children's services and local police ... TMZ has learned.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2014/10/24/mama-...vices-child-molester-boyfriend/#ixzz3H5FHke60
When I saw the coming attractions I knew it was trash, so I never watched the show.

My heart breaks for the children.
Glad TLC did the right thing; imo the show def should be cancelled.
I hope the kids will be taken care of.
Shame on June.
The police and children's services are involved to ensure the safety of the children according to TMZ. It's a shame the show has been cancelled because the money from the show was being put into trust funds for the kids future. I am glad TLC is still going to ensure the kids are ok.

"Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" star Mama June is now in the crosshairs of children's services and local police ... TMZ has learned.
Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2014/10/24/mama-...vices-child-molester-boyfriend/#ixzz3H5FHke60
Sorry, there are other ways to support these kids besides exploiting them for the sake of trash TV!!! I never had a desire to watch this show and I'm glad it's cancelled. And from what I read she's endangered Alana's health, contributing to her obesity by the garbage diet (roadkill, cheese puffs, and caffeinated drinks) she was feeding her. GRRRR!:banghead::banghead::banghead:
Get ready for your heads to explode with rage! The girl that the boyfriend molested was June's own DAUGHTER, Anna!!

From TMZ:

The 8-year-old girl who was molested by Mama June's new guy is June's own daughter, Anna ... and Anna wanted us to tell everybody.

TMZ broke the story ... June is dating her ex, Mark McDaniel, who was released in March after serving 10 years in prison for forcing a girl to perform oral sex on him. June has been dating McDaniel since his release -- something she denies despite photos and other evidence -- and that's why TLC cancelled "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo."

Read more: http://www.tmz.com#ixzz3H6dgW0Nf
Get ready for your heads to explode with rage! The girl that the boyfriend molested was June's own DAUGHTER, Anna!!

From TMZ:

The 8-year-old girl who was molested by Mama June's new guy is June's own daughter, Anna ... and Anna wanted us to tell everybody.

TMZ broke the story ... June is dating her ex, Mark McDaniel, who was released in March after serving 10 years in prison for forcing a girl to perform oral sex on him. June has been dating McDaniel since his release -- something she denies despite photos and other evidence -- and that's why TLC cancelled "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo."

Read more: http://www.tmz.com#ixzz3H6dgW0Nf

Wow! Beyond Comprehension!!!
Get ready for your heads to explode with rage! The girl that the boyfriend molested was June's own DAUGHTER, Anna!!

From TMZ:

The 8-year-old girl who was molested by Mama June's new guy is June's own daughter, Anna
... and Anna wanted us to tell everybody.

TMZ broke the story ... June is dating her ex, Mark McDaniel, who was released in March after serving 10 years in prison for forcing a girl to perform oral sex on him. June has been dating McDaniel since his release -- something she denies despite photos and other evidence -- and that's why TLC cancelled "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo."

Read more: http://www.tmz.com#ixzz3H6dgW0Nf
Gee, that's really putting your children first June, NOT!!!!!:furious::badmood::hoppingmad::steamed::rage::stormingmad::stormingmad::stormingmad:
So Anna was raised by her grandmother but came to live with June to film the show. She didn't have that normal bond to begin with, then her mother's boyfriend molests her, she later goes to live with her mother- and prob developed a stronger bond. Then get mother starts dating the man who milested her?! That's such a deep betrayal! June doesn't deserve to ever see Anna or that grand baby again. I pray someone petitions to have those children removed. Those children are being endangered. This breaks my heart.
OMG this is even worse than I could ever have imagined. What a betrayal by June. So all the rumors about June kicking Sugar Bear out because she found dating web sites on his phone or computer allegedly were a ruse to bring the pedophile back into the picture? Wow. Just wow.

So glad TLC, LE and CPS are looking out for all these girls and their babies. I truly hope June put that money away for her daughters. Why am I skeptical now?
OMG , poor Anna
:mad::doh::eek::slapfight: wth was June thinking?

SICKENING and June was what? Possibly going to allow Honey around that pedophile?
OMG , poor Anna
:mad::doh::eek::slapfight: wth was June thinking?

SICKENING and June was what? Possibly going to allow Honey around that pedophile?

This latest news is absolutely shocking I can't believe it. I don't understand why any parent would want to date a sex offender who had abused any child let alone their own. From the cases I have seen on here most sex offenders befriend lonely, single or divorced women with children in low income families. It happens time and time again and I do not understand why. I hope Mama June thinks seriously about what she is doing and keeps this guy and any other sex offenders away from the kids.

I agree Mark that the show was not good for the kids especially Alana I don't think any parents should have young children in any reality show. But to make the best of bad situation at least the kids have money to go to college which they would not have had otherwise. The father had a low paying job and the mother has no job so the kids have not had the best start in life. I was not a fan of the show particularly as the parents were setting a bad example by allowing the kids to eat junk food and become very overweight.
It's a shame the show has been cancelled because the money from the show was being put into trust funds for the kids future.

I can't believe people actually believe that!

It is just one of those things people say to make themselves sound good. I don't believe for a second there is such a trust fund. Plus, the girls aren't exactly college material either.
This latest news is absolutely shocking I can't believe it. I don't understand why any parent would want to date a sex offender who had abused any child let alone their own. From the cases I have seen on here most sex offenders befriend lonely, single or divorced women with children in low income families. It happens time and time again and I do not understand why. I hope Mama June thinks seriously about what she is doing and keeps this guy and any other sex offenders away from the kids.

I agree Mark that the show was not good for the kids especially Alana I don't think any parents should have young children in any reality show. But to make the best of bad situation at least the kids have money to go to college which they would not have had otherwise. The father had a low paying job and the mother has no job so the kids have not had the best start in life. I was not a fan of the show particularly as the parents were setting a bad example by allowing the kids to eat junk food and become very overweight.

I KNOW!! I thought June was a pretty good mom, at least a loving mom.
Sheesh. What was the so called mom thinking when she started seeing this perv again?
I agree about June letting the kids eat such unhealthy foods...they are all over weight except Anna.

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