Honey Boo Boo in limbo; Mama June dating sex offender

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Here are pics of June at the mountain. They were taken by a fan who saw them there and sent them to Uncle P as proof of who was there. Notice the man in black behind her in the first pic? (The man on the left in orange is Uncle P and June is to the far right.) So it look like McD is right there in the middle of the two. They are apparently watching Alana who was posing on a horse. So Alana was there too!!

june mountain.jpgjune alana mountain.jpg

Uncle P says these pics were from the trip to North Carolina BEFORE June and Mike (SugBear) broke up. Uncle P also alleges that June was the one whoset up the online dating acct for Mike and said that he could see whoever he wants and THEN claimed he was cheating and she was done with him.

You just need to go to Uncle P's fb page which is listed under the name Uncle Poodle to find this and much more.
I dont keep up with this stuff but what is it about a trust fund? And cars? Im guessing money has been being put into trust funds for the underage kids that have been on the show in lieu of paying them as they would an adult? I'm sure Mama June has made some bank from being on this show...and it seems they had this show for at least a few yrs.

There are supposed to be trust funds for each child. Stemming from an issue with the Gosselin kids (of Jon and Kate plus 8) there was scrutiny on kids in reality shows and the earnings they made.

Anna reported that her mom said she would buy Anna a house/give her $500 a month in a trust fund if Anna would move in with the family for taping the show (Anna had been living with her grandmother most of her life). So Anna agreed, trusting her mom and thinking it would be good to know her mom more, especially since Anna was pregnant (jusne probably just thought Anna being preganant woyld make an interesting storyline).

Anyway, Anna said there was $40,000 in a trust fund for her. Then june spent all kinds of money on McD and Anna checked her trust fund, only to find that the balance was now about $17 dollars.

As for the cars. June spent 25,000 on 2 cars. One was bought for McD and was delivered to the address where he lived. The other was supposedly bought for a "family member" but that person was never named.

June has yet to comment on the car for McD and didnt give direct answers about the trust fund, simply saying she paid Anna's phone bill saying it was over 400 dollars (due to downloads and music, etc) and had given her a check/money order but did not mention an amount.
"Well, who are you turning down?" -- LOL.

Great point about whether June was paid for that Dr Phil interview. If he's paid $$$ to a woman who is putting her child at risk and traumatising the others, I will boycott his show for good.

I might go actually ask about it, on his website.
Do it, Ausgirl.

I could see June taking it up for free.

Weird publicity is her claim to fame.
I once watched about 5 minutes of this train wreck of a show (Honey boo boo or whatever) and wondered, once again, WTF is wrong Americans that they could find this entertaining. I often beat myself up for watching the crap on BRAVO, but the crazy Housewives look classy compared to these god awful people.

So now, apparently, America and TLC is shocked that a piece of trash woman with multiple baby daddies, raising a bunch of red neck children to be as low class, obese and offensive as she is, turns out to be a bad mother. Who knew?

Seriously, I get that allowiing achild molester into your childrens life is far worse than just being a poster family for white trash. But I hope anyone who watched this train wreck and especially TLC are ashamed of the part they played in makinng a celebrity out of this horrid woman.

Oh, and now big surprise, Dr. Phil to the rescue. Is he paying her for this intereview, like he paid the Anthony's? My bet is he is. If he was willing to pay the two parents who tried to cover up their grandaughters murder at the hands of their daughter, why wouldnt' he pay this June piece of trash?

CPS needs to get off their collective arses and remove any minors out of this home. Probem is, where do you put them? If any of the baby daddies were worth a damn they would have already stepped up. That trashy woman probably really doesn't know who the actual daddies are anyway. I hate the ideat of foster care, but this is an instance where it might well be a huge improvement.
I am white and I have no money.Being called "white trash" doesn't offend me one bit,even though I'm not from this country.Calling June "white trash" seems like a term of endearment to me however.I would call her much worse.Yet,this post offends me.I enjoyed watching Honey Boo Boo because it was about a family that seemed to genuinely care for each other.Even though it turned out to be a farce concerning June I still believe Sugar Bear,the sisters,Uncle Poodle and everyone else was genuine.You don't get that in those horrible "housewife's" or "dance mom's" reality shows.Those people are truly ugly IMO.I'm so tired of hearing people talk about the "obesity" in the Shannon/Thompson family when IMO eating disorders run rapidly in shows like the housewife's and Dance Mom's.Also having "multiple" baby daddy's is not a crime !!! ....but when in June's case they all seem to be pedophiles it's a different story.I guess I'm double mad at her for basically verifying posts like the one above which I think is very judgmental and prejudice.
Oh and a huge part about the show that I loved is that they accepted everyone,gay (even though Pumpkin wasn't openly gay on the show but she definitely is) ,straight,white ,black ,it was just about having fun and being loving and ALWAYS about giving back to the community.
I am white and I have no money.Being called "white trash" doesn't offend me one bit,even though I'm not from this country.Calling June "white trash" seems like a term of endearment to me however.I would call her much worse.Yet,this post offends me.I enjoyed watching Honey Boo Boo because it was about a family that seemed to genuinely care for each other.Even though it turned out to be a farce concerning June I still believe Sugar Bear,the sisters,Uncle Poodle and everyone else was genuine.You don't get that in those horrible "housewife's" or "dance mom's" reality shows.Those people are truly ugly IMO.I'm so tired of hearing people talk about the "obesity" in the Shannon/Thompson family when IMO eating disorders run rapidly in shows like the housewife's and Dance Mom's.Also having "multiple" baby daddy's is not a crime !!! ....but when in June's case they all seem to be pedophiles it's a different story.I guess I'm double mad at her for basically verifying posts like the one above which I think is very judgmental and prejudice.
Oh and a huge part about the show that I loved is that they accepted everyone,gay (even though Pumpkin wasn't openly gay on the show but she definitely is) ,straight,white ,black ,it was just about having fun and being loving and ALWAYS about giving back to the community.

THANKS isn't enough! I really appreciate your post because quite frankly the other post insulted me too and I didn't know how to reply. ;)
None of these posts offends me, at least in terms of the "*advertiser censored* sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto" dictum; but using language responsibly requires one to think beyond oneself and thus understand the non-subjective implications of one's word choices.
If you're white,living in a tailor or bad neighborhood and not college educated ,you're used to being called white trash.The point I'm trying to get across is that June does not represent the majority of us.We put our children first.We are called "White trash" regardless,June's behavior and her lies are waaaaayyy beyond that IMO
None of these posts offends me, at least in terms of the "*advertiser censored* sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto" dictum; but using language responsibly requires one to think beyond oneself and thus understand the non-subjective implications of one's word choices.

Please translate , I took Latin 30 years ago. :)
So -- when will the new season start? Am I wrong, or won't some network order up a new batch of shows from this distressingly successful franchise, one which has held our attention for over 390 posts on this particular thread?
None of these posts offends me, at least in terms of the "*advertiser censored* sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto" dictum; but using language responsibly requires one to think beyond oneself and thus understand the non-subjective implications of one's word choices.

I had to google that and it makes sense" I am a human being, I consider nothing that is human alien to me" but I do believe the subjective implications are worse than the non-subjective (cos I looked that up as well :) )
Uncle p will be on the Dr Phil show today. I have the feeling that he will be bringing some truth and facts to this story, something that June has consistently failed to do. June has lied so much that it is hard to keep up with her lies. According to her, she only saw McD twice, once was a coincidental meeting where they did not speak and then at a meeting set up for Lauryn (Pumpkin) to get closure and she and McD only exchange a brief "hello" and not much else.

She must be a psychic then because she somehow knew where he lived, sent him a car to his address, Knew his son's address, knew his son had a kid and needed diapers, showed up at his son's to "drop off diapers", sent her body guard to give McD a phone and $400 cash, etc.

Plus that smug little look on her face like she thinks she is fooling everyone and thinks it is so cute that people are interested in the etails of her and McD, like they are some great couple like Brad and Angelina.... um no (modsnip), people are interested because ya'll are two sick, pathological liars who think it is ok to put kids in danger just to satisfy your sick desires.

Interesting body language.

This picture can be used to scare 'critters' out of your yard.
I'm looking at the picture of the 2 of them and all sorts of things are going on in my head, none of which I can repeat here, but you get the idea.
Plus that smug little look on her face like she thinks she is fooling everyone and thinks it is so cute that people are interested in the etails of her and McD, like they are some great couple like Brad and Angelina.... um no *advertiser censored*, people are interested because ya'll are two sick, pathological liars who think it is ok to put kids in danger just to satisfy your sick desires.

I am increasingly convinced that SwampMama & I may have been separated at birth.

:australia: :croc:

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