Honey Boo Boo in limbo; Mama June dating sex offender

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The kids just need to be removed from their environment. There's no guarantee or indication that this molester would attack again, but why even put your children in the danger zone like that... child endangerment? I also saw the Mama June (can the media just call these creatures by their birth names??) interview on Dr. Phil, and the subsequent Uncle Poodle rebuttal, and I thought it was clear as day that June was lying through her teeth. Shameful behavior.

Dr. Phil was having no mercy on her at first and you could see the more she lied, the more upset Dr.Phil was getting. Then almost towards the end of it looked like Dr. Phil was exasperated b/c he realized that June was just not grasping what she's done and how her decisions impacted her child (Anna) and the other children.It's like she's in her own foggy world of lies, and misplaced blame.
TLC's 'Honey Boo Boo' Cancellation Shows Dangers Of Exploitative TV : NPR


According to TMZ, TLC has a season's worth of Honey Boo Boo episodes it is shelving. But the website also reported that Shannon was sneaking off during filming to spend time with McDaniel, raising questions about what the cable channel knew and whether it should have called off the series before allegations about this relationship were made public.

Often, the consequences for creating these kinds of TV shows can seem ephemeral and academic. But even if Shannon's denials about dating McDaniel are true, the entire episode has become national news in the most brutal way — possibly leaving vulnerable children and a fractured family in its wake.

Wonder if anyone will think of this when the next exploitative TV concept comes up?


Yeah, right TLC... :notgood:
June was sexually used/abused when she was 12. Where is the compassion for that victim?
After you become an adult though, you have to take responsibility for yourself and for the children you have created. I do have compassion for the 12 year old June. She is however, all grown up now, and should be able to think reasonably and rationally. It seems to me that (unless you have become an abuser yourself) having gone through that, she would be MORE compassionate, and MORE of a mama bear where it comes to her children and sex offenders.
June was sexually used/abused when she was 12. Where is the compassion for that victim?

So was I. But if I handed my kids to a pedo and looked the other way, I'd deserve no pity either where discussion of my life choices is concerned.

It's like killers whose parents bashed and raped them into psychopathy in early childhood - my heart breaks for the babies they were. But I still reckon they should be shoved off the nearest cliff now they're grown and harming others.

Being abused can mess you up, but it doesn't make you a terrible parent. We're not all like that. For the most part, except for the ones who are damaged beyond all reason, we come out *better* parents for it. I think there's such a things as folks being deliberately stupid, if it pays off in some way or makes their own life easier. No matter what it costs the people around them.
June was sexually used/abused when she was 12. Where is the compassion for that victim?

My compassion for her ends when she learned her daughter was sexually abused and she chose the abuser over her child. It ended when she brought the abuser around her other children, bought him a new vehicle, took vacations with him and had her daughter in bed with them. It ended when she lied, protected the pedo and failed to see that her actions were wrong or that her daughter being raped was any different than her having consensual sex as a teen.

June apparently doesn't see herself as a sexual abuse victim. Obviously 12 year old kids should not be having sex, especially with older men who definitely know better. She sees her teen sex as as consensual but if she and another 12, 13, 14, year old were engaged in sexual activity then it is not like an adult taking advantage of her. However she did say she was seeing men much older than herself as a teen. But then again she lies a lot so it is hard to tell the truth.

June has never said she was sexually abused, She only said she was having consensual sex at 12. The details of it are not really known but if she does not see herself as a victim of that then she doesn't have the trauma that Anna has. Anna is clearly a victim and it has damaged her greatly. Anna is the victim here, not June. June is actually an abuser her because she chooses McD over her own daughter and exposed her other daughters to him.

However if she was an abuse victim and suffered in any way then she ought to be even MORE protective and vigilant NOT nonchalant and dismissive of her daughter and the facts.
My compassion for her ends when she learned her daughter was sexually abused and she chose the abuser over her child. It ended when she brought the abuser around her other children, bought him a new vehicle, took vacations with him and had her daughter in bed with them. It ended when she lied, protected the pedo and failed to see that her actions were wrong or that her daughter being raped was any different than her having consensual sex as a teen.

June apparently doesn't see herself as a sexual abuse victim. Obviously 12 year old kids should not be having sex, especially with older men who definitely know better. She sees her teen sex as as consensual but if she and another 12, 13, 14, year old were engaged in sexual activity then it is not like an adult taking advantage of her. However she did say she was seeing men much older than herself as a teen. But then again she lies a lot so it is hard to tell the truth.

June has never said she was sexually abused, She only said she was having consensual sex at 12. The details of it are not really known but if she does not see herself as a victim of that then she doesn't have the trauma that Anna has. Anna is clearly a victim and it has damaged her greatly. Anna is the victim here, not June.

June is actually an abuser her because she chooses McD over her own daughter and exposed her other daughters to him.

However if she was an abuse victim and suffered in any way then she ought to be even MORE protective and vigilant NOT nonchalant and dismissive of her daughter and the facts.


SwampMama, :tyou: for this post! :thumb: :clap:

This entire situation is mind blowing :laughcry:

In my state, "failure to protect" children is a crime. In working in DV shelters, I've seen cases in which mothers are charged as such, in addition to child endangerment, and/or child abuse, for failing to protect their kids (when DV occurs and their children are simply in the vicinity). If the child witnesses the DV, and the Mom was the victim, even if she made the call for help, she is even more likely to be charged.

It doesn't occur in all cases, but it happens. Abuse is abuse. I realize it's not the same state, but using that as the litmus, I don't still don't understand why MJ hasn't been charged and why HBB remains in the home. These are not rules that are made to be broken. It doesn't make any sense to me.

IME, MJ has (and continues to) exhibit a consistent and documented pattern of failure to protect her children. CPS intervention is beyond overdue. TLC is supposed to be The Learning Channel. I'm not sure what was gained in the previous seasons of HCHBB. By pulling the show before this was resolved, people won't see this play out on the air. We didn't need to see HBB anymore, IMO. Part of me wouldn't have minded watching MJ's house of cards crumble around her, if it meant her coming to terms with this awful cycle that is her life and getting actually help!! Something positive might have come from that, for her and for others. :cow: (Ducking for cover, :giggle: )

In the end, she needs help desperately. What's to stop her from having more children (aside from imprisonment, perhaps)? :gaah:

Forgive the rambling post :blushing: This whole thing is such a mess! :(

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Legally, there's no such thing as "consensual sex" between an adult and a child.

And June bloody well knows it. Or she's simply the most ignorant creature I have ever heard of. Either way, she damn well knew he was a sex offender by the time she allowed Alanna around him.
Legally, there's no such thing as "consensual sex" between an adult and a child.

And June bloody well knows it. Or she's simply the most ignorant creature I have ever heard of. Either way, she damn well knew he was a sex offender by the time she allowed Alanna around him.

Oh she also claims she didn't know the details of what McD had done until recently. She claimed that the police wouldn't tell her, that she wasn't allowed in court and other BS.

It's public record!!! As a mother she should have investigated and testified against McD. She should have believed her daughter when her daughter told her. If June "didn't know' it is only because she deliberately avoided the truth and didn't care what her daughter had suffered thru.
I truly think she doesn't get it .At all. I think her mind has not evolved one bit from the time she was 12.She doesn't see herself as a victim because it probably made her feel wanted and she probably continued substituting sex for love and attention.Most people grow up and realize "I was being used,there is more worth to me than that.I am a Victim" IMO June on the contrary feels resentment towards Anna (an 8 year old child at the time !!) for getting that "attention" back then.If that is true it is really,really frightening concerning Alannah and her other children.She doesn't see Anna's tears,she doesn't hear her pleading "Mama,he did THAT to me"
IMO she only sees Anna as a rival that took her man away from her and now she has him back.
Mama June: I may get back with Sugar Bear

"She (June) tells us she did see McDaniel after he was released from prison in March ... something she lied about after we broke the story. But now she says, "I'm human, I made mistakes and done wrong, but no one is perfect."

June says she no longer has any contact with McDaniel."

Read more: http://www.tmz.com#ixzz3KYKNxCvp
Mama June: I may get back with Sugar Bear

"She (June) tells us she did see McDaniel after he was released from prison in March ... something she lied about after we broke the story. But now she says, "I'm human, I made mistakes and done wrong, but no one is perfect."

June says she no longer has any contact with McDaniel."

Read more: http://www.tmz.com#ixzz3KYKNxCvp

Too little, too late. We already know the real truth.
June was sexually used/abused when she was 12. Where is the compassion for that victim?

Most pedophiles were molested too. Should we feel sorry for them? Excuse their behavior? This woman failed to protect and then refused to believe the daughter who was molested, then she went back to her own child's abuser and finally, she served her youngest up on a platter to a pedophile by letting her sleep in the same room/bed as him.

I have have no compassion for such an adult.
June was sexually used/abused when she was 12. Where is the compassion for that victim?

Can you cite any evidence of this? From my understanding she lost her virginity to Anna's bio-dad who was the same age. When Anna was born they were both 14. After that she says she had sex with "adult men" (willingly). I fail to see how a promiscuous teenager is in the same league as a sexually abused child.
To be fair -- any child having sex at 12 OR 14 is being abused, whether they willingly have sex or not. Children having sex together at 12 certainly is a grey area (where culpability for sexual abuse is concerned), but I would argue that most 12 year olds are aware that sex at their age is not "right". That they apparently didn't know this is a matter of concern, and I'd be questioning the parenting skills of both sets of parents (particularly in light of June seeing nothing much wrong with this).

However, I personally believe she trotted this factlet out as an act of "I didn't KNOW" CYA and nothing more. Though she may *genuinely* believe it wasn't wrong, I must concede that as a possiblity. I have even seen people here staunchly defending child-adult sex and marriages, where the girl is 14 and the man much older (and I can point to those posts, but won't to avoid derailment). This is apparently considered, even by some of us, normal in some parts of the US. So that's a factor to consider.

Not that it matters - where the LAW is concerned, June at 14 was not legally able to consent to sex. That she did so willingly is neither here nor there in a court of law. Children who are groomed and molested aren't always aware they've been manipulated, and some even have a deep love and loyalty to their abusers. As much as no-one really likes to talk about "willing victims" they do exist, and are no less victims then kids who were unwillingly molested. That's why the law exists.

IMO there's no such thing as a 12 or 13 or 14 year old "*advertiser censored*". There's just kids who for whatever reason don't have those boundaries - and people who enjoy taking advantage of that.

However, comes a point where every kid becomes an adult, and with adulthood comes an expectation of self-responsiblity. In June, I see very little of that and I agree she seems somewhat retarded, developmentally, that way. But she isn't *stupid* and had every means the rest of us have to gain a clear understanding of right and wrong. She *chose* to disbelieve her child, she chose to reconnect with her child's rapist, and she chose to play dumb when called on it.
Can you cite any evidence of this? From my understanding she lost her virginity to Anna's bio-dad who was the same age. When Anna was born they were both 14. After that she says she had sex with "adult men" (willingly). I fail to see how a promiscuous teenager is in the same league as a sexually abused child.

Thanks for clearing that up. While I knew she had said she was 12, I did not hear the age of her partner. I am glad to hear it was not an adult male. She made it sound consensual and denied ever being sexually abused. So to me, she does not have the mindset of a victim or the trauma that Anna has experienced. She does not have empathy for her daughter because she figures her experience was not that different than hers. She is truly a heartless and clueless creature. (not that i condone 12 year olds having sex or 14 year olds, no way).

I think now she is in the desperate damage control mode. Maybe NOW she has finally figured that she effed up big-time and while she still does not sincerely she did anything wrong, she is willing to do a song and dance to regain what she has lost. Perhaps McD has gotten the car and money from her and is off to younger women (with young daughters) who don't have the world watching his every move.

I for one, am glad to see June's time in the spotlight to be over. When I first heard of the show, I thought it surely had to be a joke. June has always been repulsive to me. Sadly, she has allowed Alana to gain excessive weight and nurtured her increasingly rude behavior on TV to people. Alana's appearance on Dr Phil was sad. She looked very slovenly, could her mother have not at least dressed her decently or combed her hair? I feel bad for Alana, her life is changing drastically and she has few people who can help raise her properly and guide her and look out for her. It's just sad all around. TLC has really become a joke as well. "The Learning Channel".... it certainly is not and has not been for a long time.
As others have pointed out; a 12 year old cannot give consent no matter what she thinks or was raised to believe. Thanks everyone who answered my question - there is no compassion for that little girl.
As others have pointed out; a 12 year old cannot give consent no matter what she thinks or was raised to believe. Thanks everyone who answered my question - there is no compassion for that little girl.

Okay, but can two 12 year olds give consent? To me there is an extraordinary difference between that and an adult. I'm not saying it's right, healthy or normal, just that it's not the same as "sexual abuse". What is the point that you're trying to make? I'm not trying to be rude, I'm genuinely trying to understand.
As others have pointed out; a 12 year old cannot give consent no matter what she thinks or was raised to believe. Thanks everyone who answered my question - there is no compassion for that little girl.

I'm sorry, but that's awfully presumptive. And not at all true.

I have ALL compassion for June at age 12. I just don't have any for her now.

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