Honey Boo Boo in limbo; Mama June dating sex offender

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Mama June reveals TLC is STILL paying for her kids' tuition despite cancelling her show because 'she's dating a child molester' - but denies to Dr Phil that they are still together

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ng-s-dating-child-molester.html#ixzz3J68jRaUE

And more delusional statements and lies from June from the above linked article:

1. She again denied being in a relationship with her daughter's child molester Mark McDaniel, insisting photos of them together had been photo shopped. 'I would never take my child around someone like that,' she told Dr Phil.

2. She previously claimed she has only seen him McDaniel since his release - one coincidentally and once to give her daughter, Pumpkin, some closure because she believed he was her father. She also claimed that 12 other people were in the room when she took Pumpkin to see McDaniel.

3. Despite holding no grudges against the network, she claims that their reason for cancelling the show - her allowing her children to be near McDaniel - is simply not true.
....(Really? So June, why did they cancel the show then? What is your big delusional answer for that???)

#1 and #2 contradict each other. She says she first met up with McDaniel "coincidentally" by running into him unexpectedly. Umm, yeah right. WTF, did she think it was a sign from above that she should buy this a car, let him around her kids, take him on a trip and happily go house hunting hand in hand??

So lets count the times they were together. Hmmm

1. The "coincidental" meeting

2. The alleged meeting with him for Lauryn (Pumpkin) with 12 other people in the room. This meeting was so Lauryn could get "closure" because Lauryn believed her mothers intentional lie that McDaniel was Lauryn's father.

3. The happy, hand-holding house hunting outing

4. The weekend getaway with McD, where she lied to Mike (Sugarbear) about where she was while she actually taking Alana, Mike's brother Lee (aka Poodle) and his fiance.

Below is a link with 8 pics of the two of them together. From what i can tell, it looks like they are wearing at least 3 different outfits which indicates to me that there were at least 3 meetings. I think there were more but they just weren't photographed. (After all, when you are meeting a sex offender for a few hours of nasty sex in a motel/hotel, you definitely don't want the paps around. Lee (Poodle) reported that June and McD rented and additional room so they could have a few hours of sex, which June then told Lee about in graphic detail when Alana was around and could hear the details.

* photos of June and McD together - http://www.tmz.com/photos/2014/10/2.../13/mama-june-mark-mcdaniel-gall-1113-01-jpg/

Question: Was McD with her when she bought the car for him? Buying a car is a big deal that requires discussion and exchanging info so I definitely think they have been in communication a LOT. The photo shows her alone. She also bough TWO cars that date. one for McD and one for a "family member". I wonder who the family member was or was that also a lie?

I wonder how the conversation went when June was breaking the news to Lauren about McDaniel not being her dad. "Surprise Lauryn, McD isn't your dad, I've just been lying to you all of your life and leading you to believe that he is innocent and was sent to jail because your sister Anna lied. But don't feel bad because that sex offender isn't your dad because your real dad is still in prison for being also sex offender who indulged in child *advertiser censored*."
Come on now, SwampMama... tell us what you *really* think!!! :D

Thanks for some great posts. And for "malignant conscience"... a brilliant phrase, and very apt.
The media is guilty of furthering attention on this train-wreck of a family, and must have known before the first episode many things the public is just now finding out. So every time a major network presents news or interviews someone from this family, they are lining their coffers... I would like to see a complete blackout of anything from this family unless it is news the children are being protected.

And here is a pic of June, writing the check to buy the car for McD. Notice that she is wearing the EXACT same shirt that she is seen wearing in pics of her and McD together. Hmmm...http://www.tmz.com/2014/10/26/mama-june-bought-car-boyfriend-molested-daughter-dating/View attachment 63603

What ring is on her ring finger? Engagement? Still her wedding ring she's not taken off yet ?

Doesn't the dad of these children ( excuse me for not knowing his name but i do not follow this family on tv nor understand their country bear jamboree nicknames ) realize right now he could call up about any big name attorney in the country, with this publicity, and get the kids , in an INSTANT? Save the girls, dad. You are their only chance. June may have told you shes' the boss and she's in charge all this time, but that's not the case anymore. Someone will help you .
What ring is on her ring finger? Engagement? Still her wedding ring she's not taken off yet ?

Doesn't the dad of these children ( excuse me for not knowing his name but i do not follow this family on tv nor understand their country bear jamboree nicknames ) realize right now he could call up about any big name attorney in the country, with this publicity, and get the kids , in an INSTANT? Save the girls, dad. You are their only chance. June may have told you shes' the boss and she's in charge all this time, but that's not the case anymore. Someone will help you .

June has 4 daughters by 3 different men (possibly 4 different men, she lies so much we really don't know what the truth is about the girls' fathers). Of those 3 men, one is Mike (aka Sugarbear) who is Alana's (aka Honey Boo Boo) dad. So far Mike hasn't shown to have had enough motivation to scratch fire off his azz, much less man up and take custody of his daughter. He'd rather stay with June and let her continue to kick him around and lie to him.

The other alleged Dad (of the other 2 girls who are minors) is a sex offender who is in prison (no, not the McDaniel guy, this is a different sex offender. June is apparently a sex offender's magnet). So not only is he unavailable because he is prison, he is also involved with child *advertiser censored*.

As for Anna (the oldest girl, the one who was molested by McD), she was raised by June's mother. I have no idea who her father is but Anna is married, and lives in another state with her husband and baby.

The only sane adult in this family that i have seen is June's mother who raised Anna and was also the one to file charges against McD while June stuck her head in the sand and refused to even read the charges against McD. To this day, June STILL hasn't read the police report or shown any concern for what her daughter suffered thru at the hands of McD. Anna also comes across as a decent and sane person and I really feel for her in all this. I hope she is strong enough to rise up against it and I am proud she stood up to her mom and exposed June for what she is.

These poor girls have been raised by a most disgusting cast of characters and criminals. June's morals seem to be so loose that she could probably use them as a freaking hula hoop.
What mother takes her 9 year old child with her to spend a night in a hotel room with herself and 3 men! The three men, being a child molester (in bed with her mother) and her uncle and his lover in the other bed. Even if Alana wasn't there, it would be weird - why didn't they get their own rooms?
What scares me? Aside from the at-risk 9yo... Is all the families *exactly like this* out there, who we'll never ever hear about until their own kids get raped or otherwise end up in the news. With the level of poverty in us 'affluent' countries, the neglect and mis-use of our education systems, and the 'cult of self' meeting the 'cult of DIY celebrity' vying for supremacy in way too minds, I truly fear for the children of the next 20+ years.

Wake up, World. We're supposed to be an evolved species.
This was a show which actively championed dysfunction and we see where it has led. Caveat emptor next time eh, viewers?
The only good thing I've learned from reading about these dysfunctional families, is that children often confide in their teachers about child abuse, resulting in the appropriate authorities getting involved. The children are unable or unwilling to confide in other family members, knowing that they will probably just ask them to keep quiet about it.

It reminds me of Brittney Wood, whose whole family seem to be part of a child abuse and incest ring, but thankfully she confided in a teacher, and the main perpetrator was found guilty and jailed. Sadly, Brittney continued to stay with the family and has now disappeared, most probably killed.

The point is, that the educational system seems to be doing something right, when abused children, like Anna and Brittney, do feel that they can confide in teachers when they have no-one else they trust to listen to them.
She's been posting almost unintelligible attacks against Lee (aka Uncle Poodle) on his Facebook page this weekend. Including screen shots of a conversation she had with Anna that exposes Anna private phone number for the world to see. *facepalm*

I'm really questioning this woman's IQ in a not-snarky way. As in--people of normal intellect don't conduct themselves like this.
She's been posting almost unintelligible attacks against Lee (aka Uncle Poodle) on his Facebook page this weekend. Including screen shots of a conversation she had with Anna that exposes Anna private phone number for the world to see. *facepalm*

I'm really questioning this woman's IQ in a not-snarky way. As in--people of normal intellect don't conduct themselves like this.

Thanks for the heads up on Lee's comments on June's FB page. Wow he really gave a detailed timeline for June and McD. It seems she stayed with McD at TWO different hotels for 2-3 days/nights each time. One time was from the 10-12 where she was alone with McD and then from the 12-14 with McD, Uncle P and his fiance, and Alana. She also bough McD a phone,sent his $400 in cash delivered by her bodyguard, gave McD unlimited use on her credit card.

Lee also states that June gave incredibly graphic and gross descriptions of the sex she had with McD in the hotel room they rented for a few hours. Alana was in the room and could hear her mother go on and on about McD's genitals, the size of it and other disgusting graphic details of their sordid sexual encounter.

It is a must read post. I think we can link Junes "public figure" facebook . She has 2 facebooks. the one mentioned above is her public figure one where you can "like" the page but not sign up as a friend (personal pages only allow 5000 "friends").https://www.facebook.com/Thesexyjune (notice the address has "the sexy june" in it :barf: Check out Uncle Poodles comment (written by Lee) from Oct 31st.

The other fb page is under June-alan Shannon and it has "friends" on it so I assume it is a more personal page but who knows. She last posted on the personal page on just a few hours ago.
oh god oh god,it keeps getting worse...how dare she posts Anna's number publicly?
....then again that doesn't even sound like Anna at all....that sounds like her once again ,putting the blame on everyone but herself.I knew she wasn't smart but you can't blame all that on stupidity....
What mother takes her 9 year old child with her to spend a night in a hotel room with herself and 3 men! The three men, being a child molester (in bed with her mother) and her uncle and his lover in the other bed. Even if Alana wasn't there, it would be weird - why didn't they get their own rooms?

Excellent question Dion. I too am sickened by this so called mom's actions. She is deplorable.
This was a show which actively championed dysfunction and we see where it has led. Caveat emptor next time eh, viewers?

INDEED! I first saw this family on a TLC show about extreme couponers which had a segment about June. The family was interesting to say the least and comical...heck they even appeared to be a frugal, redneckish, loving family. When they got their own show I ignored it for a long time..after hearing others talk about how strangely entertaining it was I watched. I never saw anything too off color about the show but noticed the humor got more tasteless as time went on...and the girls grew more over weight. Beyond that they seemed to be a real family.

MOMMA June sure fooled me.
She imo is beyond ignorant for dating a SO who served time for abusing her own daughter. I still hope she looses custody of her girls. all moo
Thanks for the heads up on Lee's comments on June's FB page. Wow he really gave a detailed timeline for June and McD. It seems she stayed with McD at TWO different hotels for 2-3 days/nights each time. One time was from the 10-12 where she was alone with McD and then from the 12-14 with McD, Uncle P and his fiance, and Alana. She also bough McD a phone,sent his $400 in cash delivered by her bodyguard, gave McD unlimited use on her credit card.

Lee also states that June gave incredibly graphic and gross descriptions of the sex she had with McD in the hotel room they rented for a few hours. Alana was in the room and could hear her mother go on and on about McD's genitals, the size of it and other disgusting graphic details of their sordid sexual encounter.

It is a must read post. I think we can link Junes "public figure" facebook . She has 2 facebooks. the one mentioned above is her public figure one where you can "like" the page but not sign up as a friend (personal pages only allow 5000 "friends").https://www.facebook.com/Thesexyjune (notice the address has "the sexy june" in it :barf: Check out Uncle Poodles comment (written by Lee) from Oct 31st.

The other fb page is under June-alan Shannon and it has "friends" on it so I assume it is a more personal page but who knows. She last posted on the personal page on just a few hours ago.
She doesn't even seem to understand the issue at all.She just wants to proof that Lee is lying about not knowing,whatever,nobody cares,she does not understand one bit what she is putting her children through!!
....and on those text messages she publicly posted it looks like a picture of Pumpkin not Anna.IMO she is using her to create more lies and make it look like Anna is apologizing to her mother and hates Lee.She's the lowest of low.
She doesn't even seem to understand the issue at all.She just wants to proof that Lee is lying about not knowing,whatever,nobody cares,she does not understand one bit what she is putting her children through!!
....and on those text messages she publicly posted it looks like a picture of Pumpkin not Anna.IMO she is using her to create more lies and make it look like Anna is apologizing to her mother and hates Lee.She's the lowest of low.
I don't know if June doesn't understand this situation or if she ignores certain things. I'm afraid we may hear down the line that there was other abuse suffered by the girls.

I wish we knew the TLC crews take on the SOs and June.
I once watched about 5 minutes of this train wreck of a show (Honey boo boo or whatever) and wondered, once again, WTF is wrong Americans that they could find this entertaining. I often beat myself up for watching the crap on BRAVO, but the crazy Housewives look classy compared to these god awful people.

So now, apparently, America and TLC is shocked that a piece of trash woman with multiple baby daddies, raising a bunch of red neck children to be as low class, obese and offensive as she is, turns out to be a bad mother. Who knew?

Seriously, I get that allowiing achild molester into your childrens life is far worse than just being a poster family for white trash. But I hope anyone who watched this train wreck and especially TLC are ashamed of the part they played in makinng a celebrity out of this horrid woman.

Oh, and now big surprise, Dr. Phil to the rescue. Is he paying her for this intereview, like he paid the Anthony's? My bet is he is. If he was willing to pay the two parents who tried to cover up their grandaughters murder at the hands of their daughter, why wouldnt' he pay this June piece of trash?

CPS needs to get off their collective arses and remove any minors out of this home. Probem is, where do you put them? If any of the baby daddies were worth a damn they would have already stepped up. That trashy woman probably really doesn't know who the actual daddies are anyway. I hate the ideat of foster care, but this is an instance where it might well be a huge improvement.

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