Honey Boo Boo in limbo; Mama June dating sex offender

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June is just vile. She basically claims that she had sex at 12 (but was never sexually abused or raped) and that Anna's experience was really no different than her experience. She claims she has not read the reports of what the molester did.

Oh and she says The molester has leukemia. (Boo freaking Hoo!! Nobody cares. he could have his arms, legs and his pecker ripped off in a woodchipper and then set on fire and I would not waste any sympathy on him).


June says she "reunited with McDaniel for two reasons: closure for her daughter Pumpkin, who at one time believed that McDaniel might be her father, and because she felt sorry for McDaniel.

"I didn't know how sickly he was. He just got leukemia," said Mama June. "He's got all this stuff wrong with him."
I just love you SwampMama

everything you said...esp the bolded. :D
I just love you SwampMama

everything you said...esp the bolded. :D

I totally agree CHERIE.T and SwampMama. I do not understand why any sane person would want to spend a second of their life associating with a convicted sex offender. They should be locked up for life I don't think their sick desires ever go away.
ANDRSON: I am so confused, because when people saw you with him, they were angry. They were outraged that you could let this man who molested your

daughter back into your life. Do you not understand why people are so upset about that?

MAMA JUNE: It is not like I am seeing him every day.

ANDERSON: But, at all -- why would you see him at all?

It is not like I'm seeing him every day...

Isn't it funny how hard it is to lie.
This was the closing segment from Dr. Drew:

CARDWELL: Well, as Brooke said, mama is saying that all of this stuff going on, that she did not feel angry towards Mark. If that was my daughter, my own flesh and blood, I would be mad. I would be cussing him out, raising hell, saying "Why in the hell did you do that to my daughter and all that." And, she did no.

DR. DREW: I think you might kill a guy that did something like that to your daughter. I am not saying you should.

CARDWELL: I would honestly kill somebody who would do that to my daughter and so would Michael. Because, I mean I would be livid. If somebody done that to your daughter, would not you get mad? If you saw the guy face to face, would you not get mad?

DR. DREW: Oh, I cannot even describe how I would likely react. It would be hard to control. Melissa, I am so sorry. I have just a few seconds.

Any last thoughts?

MCCARTY: It is just interesting Anna has a better perspective and seems to be emotionally stronger than Mama June herself.

DR. DREW: Yes. And, these things, as intergenerational transmission of trauma goes, if you can get some treatment in there, they do get clarity and these things can resolved. They can get better. Anna, please reach out and get some help.


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I have never been able to wrap my mind around a mother choosing a man (and a loser man, at that) over her child. But it happens. I am seeing it in my own life and I am seeing it in this situation with June.

We wonder, "WHY?? Why? Why would she do this????" As a mom, it's incomprehensible. But I realize now that sometimes there aren't answers. Sometimes people aren't who we want them to be. Period. And all there is to do now is GET THOSE KIDS AWAY FROM HER.

I honestly don't understand why children's services isn't taking any kind of action. My heart breaks for these kids.
It's disturbing to see this play out from the other side of the fence. We've seen the aftermath of SO many hurt children and we sit there in disbelief, wondering, "how"? It was so obvious! Now we know the mentality of the sort of "mom" who lives in such denial, weaves so many lies, is so detached, that even fame isn't enough to get her to see that her behavior and lifestyle are NOT OKAY. June is hated by most of the country right now, yet she just doesn't.get.it. And that's WITH the spotlight shined brightly on her with no where to hide. It's no shock that Anna suffered the abuse she did and I still feel with almost 99% certainty that Jessica was abused as well (she is described as having some sort of "brain disorder" so she may have been easier to keep quiet). As for Pumpkin, I'm still not convinced Mark isn't her father, but in either case, we know at very least she was exposed to the abuse of her oldest sister.

Alana is a lost cause. I already see the writing on the wall for morbid obesity, disease, teenage motherhood, addiction, single parenthood, poverty and abuse. The money will go quickly and she'll be back on track soon for the future she was destined for. And yes, I hope she proves me wrong, but if I had to bet my money...
Boy, June is turning out to be a lying liar who lies. Sadly, i don't think she is really in denial about what McDaniel did, she just doesn't freaking care. She shrugs it off because she herself was having sex at 12 and pregnant by 14. She is also not a good liar. Basically since she sees nothing wrong with it she is not good at lying about it.

She seems to think that if she explains her point of view that the world will all listen breathlessly and then go " Oh, Ok, now I get it. Sure. we can see why you still have a relationship with your daughter's molester and never even cared enough to find out all the sick things he did to your child."

June just doesn't get it that her child was victimized and forever scarred by what happened to her. I'm sure June has more sympathy for the molester because he spent 10 years in jail. Now he is free but Anna is still living in the mental hell that sexual abuse victims often carry forever. June probably feels that she is the victim because McDaniel was taken away from her for 10 years. I wouldn't be surprised if June expected Anna to apologize to HIM and to keep quiet about who McDaniel was and what he had done.

After all, June says "its in the past and should stay there". Umm NO!! It is not it is not "in the past if you are currently seeing him, buying him a vehicle, house hunting with him and taking him on a weekend getaway to a hotel with your young daughter. She is basically reopening Anna's wounds from this and rubbing salt and alcohol in them by choosing McDaniel and raiding Anna's trust fund while spending thousands on McDaniel.

I am truly so thoroughly disgusted by June and her behavior. Frankly I have never liked her. I have always thought she was gross. But I never thought that her repulsiveness could go this far. It's just not human. She is obviously lacking that maternal instinct that mothers have to protect their children. Even animals do a better job of protecting their children from predators.

I am truly fired up about this. June reminds of me of the disgusting mothers that we see too many of on WS who choose men over their children or even worse, use their children to attract men or to keep them around.

June's excuses don't even make any sense. Why would she let Lauryn (aka Pumpkin) believe that McDaniel was her father? What is the point of that? First of all, how horrific for a child to have a father that is a child molester. Second, WHY pick the man who Anna probably hates the most and let Anna believe that he is the father of her sister. Can't she see the obvious strain it would cause to have Lauryn thinking it was her father and believing that Anna was a liar?

And why would June bring Lauryn to see mcDaniel to get closure? If June told her that he wasn't her father then there is NO need for "closure". Lauryn hasn't seen the jerk for 10 years and should have been allowed to forget him instead of June keeping him in the family.

I will be watching the Dr Phil show on Monday. I hope he really lays into her and asks her WTF is she thinking and then tells her what a poor excuse for a mother she is.
I totally agree CHERIE.T and SwampMama. I do not understand why any sane person would want to spend a second of their life associating with a convicted sex offender. They should be locked up for life I don't think their sick desires ever go away.

Another fact that stuns me is June dating a SO not once but TWICE. She kept her daughters in a dangerous situation. And lord why was she attracted to sexual predator?

June is as guilty as these creeps IMO....she wasn't even protecting her children by keeping these men away. :(

My biggest question is why did June allow her latest guy back into her life when she KNEW he abused Anna? Again imoo June is an unfit mother.
Boy, June is turning out to be a lying liar who lies. Sadly, i don't think she is really in denial about what McDaniel did, she just doesn't freaking care. She shrugs it off because she herself was having sex at 12 and pregnant by 14. She is also not a good liar. Basically since she sees nothing wrong with it she is not good at lying about it.

She seems to think that if she explains her point of view that the world will all listen breathlessly and then go " Oh, Ok, now I get it. Sure. we can see why you still have a relationship with your daughter's molester and never even cared enough to find out all the sick things he did to your child."

June just doesn't get it that her child was victimized and forever scarred by what happened to her. I'm sure June has more sympathy for the molester because he spent 10 years in jail. Now he is free but Anna is still living in the mental hell that sexual abuse victims often carry forever. June probably feels that she is the victim because McDaniel was taken away from her for 10 years. I wouldn't be surprised if June expected Anna to apologize to HIM and to keep quiet about who McDaniel was and what he had done.

After all, June says "its in the past and should stay there". Umm NO!! It is not it is not "in the past if you are currently seeing him, buying him a vehicle, house hunting with him and taking him on a weekend getaway to a hotel with your young daughter. She is basically reopening Anna's wounds from this and rubbing salt and alcohol in them by choosing McDaniel and raiding Anna's trust fund while spending thousands on McDaniel.

I am truly so thoroughly disgusted by June and her behavior. Frankly I have never liked her. I have always thought she was gross. But I never thought that her repulsiveness could go this far. It's just not human. She is obviously lacking that maternal instinct that mothers have to protect their children. Even animals do a better job of protecting their children from predators.

I am truly fired up about this. June reminds of me of the disgusting mothers that we see too many of on WS who choose men over their children or even worse, use their children to attract men or to keep them around.

June's excuses don't even make any sense. Why would she let Lauryn (aka Pumpkin) believe that McDaniel was her father? What is the point of that? First of all, how horrific for a child to have a father that is a child molester. Second, WHY pick the man who Anna probably hates the most and let Anna believe that he is the father of her sister. Can't she see the obvious strain it would cause to have Lauryn thinking it was her father and believing that Anna was a liar?

And why would June bring Lauryn to see mcDaniel to get closure? If June told her that he wasn't her father then there is NO need for "closure". Lauryn hasn't seen the jerk for 10 years and should have been allowed to forget him instead of June keeping him in the family.

I will be watching the Dr Phil show on Monday. I hope he really lays into her and asks her WTF is she thinking and then tells her what a poor excuse for a mother she is.

EXCELLENT SM...:clap::gthanks:
The media is guilty of furthering attention on this train-wreck of a family, and must have known before the first episode many things the public is just now finding out. So every time a major network presents news or interviews someone from this family, they are lining their coffers... I would like to see a complete blackout of anything from this family unless it is news the children are being protected.
I have never been able to wrap my mind around a mother choosing a man (and a loser man, at that) over her child. But it happens. I am seeing it in my own life and I am seeing it in this situation with June.

We wonder, "WHY?? Why? Why would she do this????" As a mom, it's incomprehensible. But I realize now that sometimes there aren't answers. Sometimes people aren't who we want them to be. Period. And all there is to do now is GET THOSE KIDS AWAY FROM HER.

Hopeful One, it is so good to see you again. I haven't seen you around for months and was worried! I agree, the kids need to be removed from her obviously negligent and totally dangerous care.

It's disturbing to see this play out from the other side of the fence. We've seen the aftermath of SO many hurt children and we sit there in disbelief, wondering, "how"? It was so obvious! Now we know the mentality of the sort of "mom" who lives in such denial, weaves so many lies, is so detached, that even fame isn't enough to get her to see that her behavior and lifestyle are NOT OKAY. June is hated by most of the country right now, yet she just doesn't.get.it. And that's WITH the spotlight shined brightly on her with no where to hide. It's no shock that Anna suffered the abuse she did and I still feel with almost 99% certainty that Jessica was abused as well (she is described as having some sort of "brain disorder" so she may have been easier to keep quiet). As for Pumpkin, I'm still not convinced Mark isn't her father, but in either case, we know at very least she was exposed to the abuse of her oldest sister.

Alana is a lost cause. I already see the writing on the wall for morbid obesity, disease, teenage motherhood, addiction, single parenthood, poverty and abuse. The money will go quickly and she'll be back on track soon for the future she was destined for. And yes, I hope she proves me wrong, but if I had to bet my money...

BBM. Sadly, Alana already looks medically obese. She is no longer a very young child who simply had some babyfat. Couple that with her getting to that awkward age, her obvious attitude, her rudeness to others and the fact that she is used to people thinking she is cute. I see problems ahead for her. Children are not kind to peers at this age and June has done Alano no favors by encouraging obesity and the rude attitude.

Another fact that stuns me is June dating a SO not once but TWICE. She kept her daughters in a dangerous situation. And lord why was she attracted to sexual predator?

June is as guilty as these creeps IMO....she wasn't even protecting her children by keeping these men away. :(
My biggest question is why did June allow her latest guy back into her life when she KNEW he abused Anna? Again imoo June is an unfit mother.

June has already said that she was into one night stands and sex with basic strangers. She met Alana's father that way, it was just a hookup for sex and they ended up together.

June is attractove to pedophiles because she has young daughters and simply does NOT care for her daughter's safety. She enable McDaniel by leaving her young daughters in his care while she was not home.

Frankly, June is not the type of woman that will attract quality men. She is slovenly, physically unattractive, not classy at all, has no morals and has no problems sleeping with mass quantities of random strange men that she just met. None of these are qualities that attract decent men, and certainly aren't qualities that keep men around. Her main attraction for men is the fact that she offers sex so easily. With her poor parenting skills, she is a pedophile's dream.

She is ignorant (or desperate) enough to believe that McDaniel was attracted to her. I think he puts up with her because she gave him free access to her daughters (and God knows what else). Now she is stupid enough to buy him a car, take him on weekend getaways, give him money and look for houses with him. How desperate is that.

Mike (Sugarbear) is rapidly looking like an idiot and pawn in all of this. On the RT interview last night , he said he just wanted to get back with June and be a family again. She stated flat out that she did not want to be with him. He also stated that he does not really believe her on all of her protestations of innocence and denial of the facts. He needs to man up, grow a pair and start fighting for his daughter and her safety.

June also believes that she will get the show back. She seems to think that if she just denies all of this and lies that things will magically go back to how it was. She is colossally deluded if she truly believes that.

Oh and June alluded to the fact that she may have cancer (self diagnosed, based on the fact that she hasn't felt good lately and is tired). Just another pathetic ploy for sympathy and attention, if you ask me.

Hey June, you don't have cancer, it is just likely your malignant conscience going rotten. Frankly, none of us feel too good either after seeing your disgusting and deplorable actions. Your behavior makes us sick to our stomachs too. And we too, are exhausted, because we are tired of your lies.
Wow, there's an image of a Facebook post announcing the appearance on the movie. At the end she mentions where folks can send toys for the kids for the holidays.


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Sheeesh Who does June get to pass out the toys? Pedos? :rolleyes:
The movie should be boycotted.
Flat out unless the cut her part out.
Which they should do out of respect for her daughter.
Sheeesh Who does June get to pass out the toys? Pedos? :rolleyes:

What a horrific thought!! A pedophile dressed as Santa, encouraging young kids to sit on his lap and then handing them toys and telling them to be good. That is freaking scary because he could easily feel them up, tell them to be good and not say anything because he promised to bring them a surprise on Christmas

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