Honey Boo Boo in limbo; Mama June dating sex offender

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I think it was a metaphoric "same bed". As is "under the same roof", but more dangerous.

No :),
it is clearly stated in the article that Alanna was first sleeping on
the floor and later got into bed to sleep with her mom and the SO was
in the same bed.

From SwampMama ;)

And it just keeps getting worse!!
"Honey Boo Boo shared hotel bed with her sister's molester and Mama June, Uncle Poodle claims..

*Alana 'Honey Boo Boo' Thompson cuddled her mother and Mark McDaniel in bed during a trip to North Carolina in September, her uncle has claimed
I think it was a metaphoric "same bed". As is "under the same roof", but more dangerous.

They were in a hotel room with 2 beds. One bed was for June and McDaniel, the other bed was for Lee (Unc Poodle) and his fiance. Alana was supposed to sleep on the floor.

Why June would make her child sleep on the floor is part of what makes her a poor mother. For crying out loud, get that child a foldaway bed or a room with a bed just for her (or better yet - DON'T let your child sleep anywhere near a sex offender!!!!!!!) Since Alana was on the hard cold floor, by morning she went up into her moms bed where McDaniel and June were.

What better excuse for McD and June to claim that Alana "chose' to get in bed with them. Why it wasn't their fault that Alana ended up in bed with them, she got in on her own - it's Alana's fault that she was in bed with a sex offender, not June's or McD's. ( that's extreme snarkiness there in that comment btw !)
I never watched Honey Boo Boo as I thought something was not right. :crazy: Sickening! :puke:
This just makes me see blood red! What a coldhearted, oblivious, idiot June Shannon is! What is CPS waiting for? Get Alana out of mom's custody!
Mama June, Sugarbear and Uncle Poodle??? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is going on here??? What is MJ's BF called? PedoBear? I cannot stand these stupid nicknames... :scared: so much I am dizzy
Honey Boo Boo sister speaks out...Anna.

She told her 3rd grade teacher abt the abuse...Teacher notified her grandparents and a counselor.
Honey Boo Boo sister speaks out...Anna.

She told her 3rd grade teacher abt the abuse...Teacher notified her grandparents and a counselor.
This corroborates Anna's story, that she didn't just make up it!
This corroborates Anna's story, that she didn't just make up it!

I believe Anna had told her mother who did not believe her.

Mama June probably believed it when McD told her some BS like "Anna is just jealous of how much I love you. I can't help how much I love you because you are just so gorgeous and such a classy lady and a great mom" :barf:
I know pedophiles are slick and can pull the wool over a parent's eyes. I know this. I've seen this. It's absolutely doable for the conniving pervert. However, this man was found guilty by the state. There is no doubt he is guilty. If he has molested another child of hers AFTER being released from prison, she needs some negligence charges or failure to protect charges at MINIMUM. Fool me once, etc , etc.
Shame on this woman. She has no excuse .
I know pedophiles are slick and can pull the wool over a parent's eyes. I know this. I've seen this. It's absolutely doable for the conniving pervert. However, this man was found guilty by the state. There is no doubt he is guilty. If he has molested another child of hers AFTER being released from prison, she needs some negligence charges or failure to protect charges at MINIMUM. Fool me once, etc , etc.
Shame on this woman. She has no excuse .

Amen SCHMAE. There is NO excuse for June's actions. I look back on this "family's" over-the-top behavior through a completely different lens now - knowing that this kind of abuse was happening for so long (ETA to Anna, unbeknownst to us).

Even worse, their "mother" has consistently failed to protect them, placed them in harm's way, and worst of all, chosen their abuser (and herself) over them time and again, since Anna's abuser was released from prison. :sick:

This is not only unacceptable, it is criminal. She profited over it - with the cameras rolling - for years. Millions believed she was a doting stage mom, but were duped. Instead, she was exploiting her daughter(s) in beyond disgusting ways. The truth has been revealed. Anna's truth is undeniable. HBB's safety hangs in the balance. We can only hope and pray she's been spared of any harm as it stands now.

The authorities must step in, and handle this situation accordingly - no ifs ands or buts about it. I have no sympathy for June or her "boyfriend." Throw the law library at them.

Enough is enough. They've done enough damage. :furious:



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The pedoboy has been out of prison for months now, correct?
And no authorities have investigated MJ yet?
Amen SCHMAE. There is NO excuse for June's actions. I look back on this "family's" over-the-top behavior through a completely different lens now - knowing that this kind of abuse was happening for so long (ETA to Anna, unbeknownst to us).

Even worse, their "mother" has consistently failed to protect them, placed them in harm's way, and worst of all, chosen their abuser (and herself) over them time and again, since Anna's abuser was released from prison. :sick:

This is not only unacceptable, it is criminal. She profited over it - with the cameras rolling - for years. Millions believed she was a doting stage mom, but were duped. Instead, she was exploiting her daughter(s) in beyond disgusting ways. The truth has been revealed. Anna's truth is undeniable. HBB's safety hangs in the balance. We can only hope and pray she's been spared of any harm as it stands now.

The authorities must step in, and handle this situation accordingly - no ifs ands or buts about it. I have no sympathy for June or her "boyfriend." Throw the law library at them.

Enough is enough. They've done enough damage. :furious:



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You got that right kimi, it IS criminal.
June knew her bf was the SO who molested her child and knew he SERVED time for being a SO.
June ignoring that is nauseating.
This is so effed up.

Mama June reveals Pumpkin's real father is NOT convicted molester boyfriend Mark McDaniel but ANOTHER sex offender who is the father of her daughter Jessica

June 'Mama June' Shannon says Pumpkin's father is Mark Anthony Ford, also the father of second-eldest Jessica
Ford is doing time for child sex charges
Mama June confirmed Pumpkin was raised to believe Mark McDaniel was her biological father and that it caused resentment in the family

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...er-father-daughter-Jessica.html#ixzz3IvVhHOYW
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June is disgusting! Did she only date SOs? smh

Alana and her sisters need to be removed from June's home.
It's really incredible how stupid June is. She really seems to believe she can just explain this away or make us understand. This woman is broken.

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