Honey Boo Boo in limbo; Mama June dating sex offender

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It would go miles to humanize this situation -- for better and worse -- if we could leave these persona-bearing nicknames out of it and see what's truly there. Otherwise this continues to be scripted, stereotyped. The show's canceled. Let the sun shine in.
It would go miles to humanize this situation -- for better and worse -- if we could leave these persona-bearing nicknames out of it and see what's truly there. Otherwise this continues to be scripted, stereotyped. The show's canceled. Let the sun shine in.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't know their legal names. Do you want to provide a cheat sheet?
I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't know their legal names. Do you want to provide a cheat sheet?
Alana "Honey Boo Boo" Thompson
Mike "Sugar Bear" Thompson
Lee "Uncle Poodle" Thompson
June "Mama June" Shannon
Lauryn "Pumpkin" Shannon
Jessica "Chubbs" Shannon
Anna "Chickadee" Shannon
I was appalled by the moniker "Chubbs". Way to boost your daughter's self-esteem..

Anyway. I am supportive of Anna and her unveiling of June's lack of care for her kids. I think the TV company needs to be seen as very much a villain in all of this, having encouraged (and thus, to many other terrible parents *reinforced*) the image that it's all just fine to treat your kids that way. Even though the show was clearly derisive of the family, they got plenty of attention and approval from the fans.
I don't use this phrase lightly but "this is what's wrong with America".
June is vile. Anna says her mother raided a $30,000 trust account that was meant for Anna (to buy her a house because Anna moved back in with June and did the show with them). Anna obviously had access to check the balance which is now about $17 after June's shopping spree for the molester. Imagine how that make Anna feel.
June wanted Anna on the show because a pregnant teenager makes for an interesting storyline. Her mother lured Anna to live with her using the promise oh helping Anna buy a house for her and her baby. Anna did the show for years. Now her mother betrayed her and took the money and spent it on the molester instead. That is just so freaking wrong.

Once again Anna has been used and betrayed by her mother, who once again put the child molester first. SMH!!!
I hope there are some kind of legal charges that can be put on June. It is for damn sure you can't prosecute stupidity and ugly so there has to be something to hold her accountable.
Diminishing your children to the lowest common denominator, for-profit, should be against the law.

They are not a commodity to trade, and certainly not freak-show performers.

Shame on all the adults, and promoters.

And it just keeps getting worse!!

"Honey Boo Boo shared hotel bed with her sister's molester and Mama June, Uncle Poodle claims..

*Alana 'Honey Boo Boo' Thompson cuddled her mother and Mark McDaniel in bed during a trip to North Carolina in September, her uncle has claimed

*He said Mama June introduced McDaniel as her 'gay friend' on the trip because she wanted to hide their affair - but 'they were all over each other'

*She 'lied to her husband Sugar Bear, who thought they were in Atlanta'

*McDaniel has served 10 years behind bars for child molestation - June's daughter Anna accused him of abusing her when she was eight

*Uncle Poodle 'is looking into getting temporary custody of Alana'"

Um oh hail NO!!! why on earth would she let her child IN BED with a molester??? Because she does not care and does not believe that MM did those atrocious things to Anna.

Let me guess, MM told June that Anna just lied because she was jealous Of how much MM loved June. Umm yeah, that's it. That sounds exactly what a guilty pedophile to say to the dumb@zz mothers who allow pedos to have free reign with their kids and do NOT believe when their kids tell their mamas that they have been molested!
Seems June lied and told Alana's dad Mike (Sugarbear) that she was going to Atlanta but instead went to the Casino with McDaniel, Alana (HBB) and uncle Poodle and his fiance. June told Uncle Poodle that McDaniel was her gay friend. Alana suposedly slept on the floor but in the morning was in the bed "cuddling" with June and McDaniel while Uncle Poodle and his fiance slept in the other. June also had sex with McDaniel and then told Poodle about it in graphic detail, in front of Alana.

WTH - who lets their kid sleep on a filthy floor and get in bed with a Filthy disgusting child molester. June needs to lose custody ASAP. Mike (sugarbear) needs to leave, go move into a 3 bdrm apt with Poodle and fiance and leave Junes grotesque @zz. Mike for the love of God, save your daughter!!!

Scuse me ya'll, I gotta go :puke:
Wait a minute. Lee (UP) was *there* when June took the molester on a trip. Whether he was lied to or not -- there's a guy fresh out of the slammer, hanging around his little neice and this is all okay, let's make a family trip of it. Okay.

I think perhaps he's not such great guardian material either. Instead of talking it up to the media, he oughta be knocking on the CPS's door a bit harder maybe :\
Wait a minute. Lee (UP) was *there* when June took the molester on a trip. Whether he was lied to or not -- there's a guy fresh out of the slammer, hanging around his little neice and this is all okay, let's make a family trip of it. Okay.

I think perhaps he's not such great guardian material either. Instead of talking it up to the media, he oughta be knocking on the CPS's door a bit harder maybe :\

I dont think Lee(UP) had any idea who McDaniel really was. Lee's brother is Mike (SB). So he would not have been around when McDaniel molested Anna a decade ago. June introduced him as her "gay friend". Lee probably didn;t know who he was BUT Lee should be loyal to his brother Mike- and NOT be off at a casino with June when June told Mike that she would be in Atlanta. She lied to him so why the heck would Lee cover for her???? That is a red flag!

Also, he said June and McDaniel rented a room for a few hours (besides the one they slept in with Lee) and went and had sex which June told Lee about in graphic detail. Umm, why the hell would she think that Lee would be ok with her screwing around on his brother Mike? Was she paying him off? Is that the deal, that she controlled the money and the show and controlled people that way - even Mike.

Mike ought to leave her , take Alana and sue June for child support and spousal support, even thought their "marriage" isn't really legal) and was just concocted for the show.
A pedophile's dream; an ignorant mother, who has some money, a minor daughter and the willingness to put the 3 of them in the same bed. Where exactly is HBB now?


And it just keeps getting worse!!

"Honey Boo Boo shared hotel bed with her sister's molester and Mama June, Uncle Poodle claims..

*Alana 'Honey Boo Boo' Thompson cuddled her mother and Mark McDaniel in bed during a trip to North Carolina in September, her uncle has claimed

*He said Mama June introduced McDaniel as her 'gay friend' on the trip because she wanted to hide their affair - but 'they were all over each other'

*She 'lied to her husband Sugar Bear, who thought they were in Atlanta'

*McDaniel has served 10 years behind bars for child molestation - June's daughter Anna accused him of abusing her when she was eight

*Uncle Poodle 'is looking into getting temporary custody of Alana'"

Um oh hail NO!!! why on earth would she let her child IN BED with a molester??? Because she does not care and does not believe that MM did those atrocious things to Anna.

Let me guess, MM told June that Anna just lied because she was jealous Of how much MM loved June. Umm yeah, that's it. That sounds exactly what a guilty pedophile to say to the dumb@zz mothers who allow pedos to have free reign with their kids and do NOT believe when their kids tell their mamas that they have been molested!
I saw this IDIOT on TV a week or so ago, being dogged by some reporter trying to get her to deny the relationship. She kept giggling and being evasive, saying something along the lines of "It will all come out soon" or something equally stupid that was essentially a confirmation or a not-denial. Also she informed the reporter "You can't help who you love. " Well, if you are so screwed up that you find yourself "loving" someone utterly vile, you can still choose not to let him near your kids ! What an utter moron. But I agree with those who feel she doesn't believe her own daughter. UGH.
I just can't get over how disgusting this whole story is and how idiotic and downright heartless June is. She saus you can;t help who you love. So what does that mean?? So she "loves" McDaniel and does not love her own daughter enough to believe in her and to see how she was brutally, sexually assaulted by this man? That what it seems like. She needs to be charged with endangering a child by allowing her young kid to be around a man who basically raped her daughter. I'm not even going to get into the semantics and technicality of what McDaniel did. I don't need the gory details. Whether is was sexual intercourse, oral sex or whatever, it is basically rape to force and intimidate a child into doing vile sexual things for your own pleasure!! Anna still bears the mental scars and trauma from this and forever will.
A pedophile's dream; an ignorant mother, who has some money, a minor daughter and the willingness to put the 3 of them in the same bed. Where exactly is HBB now?

IKR? I am more appalled than ever.
June allowed this to sleep in bed with her and the SO when Alanna was in the room, then allowed Alanna to get into bed with them ?!?!

When June knew theSO had sexually abused her daughter Anna?
Just O M G.

I knew June wasn't a Rhodes Scholar but to allow this dangerous situation
with Alanna and the other minor girls.... smh.
I think it was a metaphoric "same bed". As is "under the same roof", but more dangerous.

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