Honey Boo Boo in limbo; Mama June dating sex offender

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Would renowned body language expert Dr. Lillian Glass will join me tomorrow night (Thursday Oct 30th ) 8 PM Eastern on True Crime Radio to discuss what she knows based on June's body language.

Dr. Glass does not hold back. The show will be lively to say the least.

Also joining us will be Chris Hughes, Travis Alexander's best friend.

Chris and his wife Skye have written a loving tribute to their friend Travis called, "Our Friend Travis"

Chat room opens at 7:30 PM Eastern Thursday Oct 30th.

Go to www.truecrimeradio.com and click on the, "Listen Now" tab at 8 PM Eastern to hear the show from the iHeart radio network.

See you tomorrow (Thursday Oct 30th) 8 PM Eastern www.truecrimeradio.com
June's body language? She has a fly colony ( :eek: ) living on her foot. Wouldn't that obscure whatever signals her body language is sending? Or, maybe, that is all we need to know.

Really though, her actions speak loud enough: she doesn't believe her daughter & hangs out with/has some sort of relationship with PedoBear again.

I hope the dad files for custody and the girls get some much needed therapy.
Couple of quick thoughts:

1) If these allegations are true it is beyond sickening and a horrible, horrible, horrible thing to do to your children. Unfortunately that's probably all I can say without getting banned for being way too rude or inappropriate but it really does sicken me.

2) Granted I've only watched the show once but I can't get over the names. Pumpkin, Sugar Bear, Honey Boo Boo, Uncle Poodle, the list goes on. I don't know why it bugs me so much but it does.

3) Good for TLC for pulling the plug on this show.
Daily Mail:

'It's all Mama's fault!' Anna sobs over Mama June dating her molester as it's revealed her younger sister Pumpkin watched from the bed as she was abused aged eight"


'The protection of my kids is my number one priority': Mama June speaks out in new video as she DENIES contact with her daughter's molester despite images showing them together"


"Mama June's history of dating sex offenders: Father of Honey Boo Boo's sister Chubbs served time for sexually exploiting a child over the internet"


"EXCLUSIVE PICTURES: Mama June's child molester 'boyfriend' spotted with mystery woman as reality star puts on a united front with family shopping trip"

The Mama June Diet thread. :cake4u:

May we please rename this the "Diet Thread"?

What with pedophilia and roadkill, I've pretty much lost my appetite after reading here.
Monster Mom! June Bribed Pregnant Teen Daughter Anna Into Moving Home For Reality Show: ‘She Thought It Would Make Good TV’ FLAG: Exclusive

"But sources exclusively tell RadarOnline.com that when Mama June Shannon, 34, snagged a TLC reality show in early 2012, she begged her eldest daughter to move into her McIntyre, Georgia home— and not to pamper the pregnant teen."

“June bribed Anna with money to move in with the family,” a source reveals. “She offered her $500 a month because she believed Anna’s unmarried teenage pregnancy would create good story lines.”

It gets worse...yuck.

According to a “very graphic and disturbing” police report obtained by US Weekly, McDaniel (53) raped and molested Anna (now 20) in June 2002, and forced Lauryn “Pumpkin” Shannon, now 17, to watch.

“Anna…stated that her sister, Lauryn, is in the bed with them when this is going on,” the policeman wrote in the incident report.

At the time, Anna told the police she had done the “s” word with McDaniel and he touched “her private parts”. She also said he had urinated on her.

Poor Anna..I know TLC offered theraoy, I hope she takes advantage of this. How broken she must feel.
Honey Boo Boo's mom showing bad judgement? I cannot believe it!
Anna Cardwell has reached her breaking point.

"Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" star Mama June's eldest daughter sat down for an interview with “Entertainment Tonight”, which aired Thursday, and opened up on the evidence that has surfaced linking her mother to registered sex offender, Mark McDaniel.


This quote from the Article hurts my heart:

""I'm mad. I'm upset. I feel betrayed. I feel very hurt. That's the main thing that I am - I feel very hurt that Mama let him come around," Cardwell said earlier in the interview.

"She's smiling and giggling when he's around. You know, he's a child molester, Mama. He did this to me. Why would you let him come around the girls knowing what he did?"

What kind of mother would put her sick puppy love before her children's mental and physical well being? Disgusting. Betrayed by your own mother, the person who is supposed to protect you and love you above all others. It's just about the worst thing that could happen. I hope Anna is taking TLC up on their therapy offer, she's going to need it.

This makes me so angry! Takes quite a bit to work me up but I'm seeing red. What a freaking mess.
I admit I was never a fan of june or the ridiculous show. I find her to be grotesque and now even more so since she has clearly chosen the man who molested her innocent child over the child who was clearly victimized and is still suffering. You can find pics on the internet where she bought this man a car and was with him and Alana (sorry I refuse to call her HoneyBooBoo). Her choices in men have been a parade of criminals and sex offenders.

People here know all too well how often women put worthless men above their children, often with tragic consequences. I am beyond disgusted.
'I wanted to kill him': Grandmother who had custody of Anna when she accused Mama June's boyfriend of sexually abusing her speaks out - and says she now fears for Honey Boo Boo

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...s-says-fears-Honey-Boo-Boo.html#ixzz3Ho4cYPVh

Thank you for that link:
It was great to see/hear the grandmother. What is amazing to me is that the grandmother looks/sounds like a nice average person and she's well groomed, dignified and not slovenly like June. She appears to be a lady and that is reassuring that the girls will have a good caring woman in their lives.
I hope TLC is making payment for the kids into a trust. Maybe the one thing June did right is create those trusts as she claimed. Sounds like each person who appeared in the series as a cast regular received payments for appearances, not just mama on behalf of herself and of the kids.

Given how ugly this all looks for TLC I am pretty confident that no funds will be handed over to mama June without safeguards having been put in place. Either because they already existed, or because this last payout does now.

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