Honey Boo Boo in limbo; Mama June dating sex offender

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Lulu, I'm not sure what you're actually saying, re one parent working, etc...

But disdain of "all the mothers that use governmental help in such a manner" is offensive to me on several levels. Unless you mean, spending it on donuts (or drugs, alcohol, etc) and not the kids. Rather than just wailing on welfare mums in general.

I was trying to point out that it is unfair to me that I cannot get government help because I am married and because I work. I would like to stay home with my children. My husband would like to as well. We cannot, we are being punished because we are still a couple. How about the chances my kids should have? Why should they go to daycare, while I go work so that another woman can stay at home with her kids without putting in any effort?

The way I see it, you have a child, you are responsible for it, not I. That is what child support is for.

The tax money that go to your child I would rather invest in MINE. Fair enough?
Yep, sorry, I worked it out but we cross posted. I guess that's the difference between our two countries right there. Over here, I hardly hear anyone wailing about welfare, because almost everyone under a certain tax bracket gets benefits of some kind. Including health cover. ;) Like many Aussies, when I was working six 12 hours shifts a week, I never once put any energy in to feeling irked by welfare recipients. Very few would begrudge a mother money to raise her kids, it's just how we are, generally speaking.

And as it turns out, that was a good attitude to have. Now I'm no longer able to work, I see it all from the other side. I'm so glad I live here, sometimes.**

** actually, all the time
^ Now imagine working those hours and making less money at the end of the day than someone sitting on their butt, having kids left and right. Seeing money going out of your paycheck every two weeks for Medicare, yet having to pay a steep health insurance fee, that does not even cover too much, while others benefit from health insurance freely, without working a day in their lives.

But we digressed from the subject at hand.
I would say that's the fault of the Govt, not the population they govern. In *any* society where welfare exists there'll be genuine cases where welfare is essential for an unemployed family to live at basic national standards (or not, depending on the level of support..). And there'll be the ones who milk that humanitarian aid for all it's worth and use the money badly. But, as someone who has lived well and ethically on both sides of that fence, it's my observation that most single mothers (here, anyway) are not June-level loafers, spitting out babies 'left and right' for the cash. It's a stereotype as offensive as any other, to those of us who can't work through no fault of our own. or who choose to take the Govt up on the opportunity to stay at home for our babies full- or part-time (frankly, I'd rather be working, but that's me).

Yes we are a bit off topic. But relevant, too. ;)
Ah jeez, thanks Jacie.. I'd just finished with the mind bleach. Now I have to rinse, repeat. =P
She also has horrible personal hygiene complete with a colony of insects living in her big toe (I don't even know) and what her daughters called "neck crust" from lack of bathing.
Yeppers -- worse, even, than the furniture-licking scene in "Pink Flamingos," that image (and speaking of John Waters).
Seems June already didn't have primary custody of Anna before the sexual assaults. She was pretty young mother?


It took Anna months to speak out about the abuse because McDaniel had threatened to kill her if she told, RadarOnline reported.
'Anna stated that Mark told her not to tell because he would not like her anymore,' Beach continued. 'Anna advised she got tired of holding it in and had to tell.'

“Anna had told a teacher…she had been molested by her stepfather Mark McDaniel,” the officer wrote.

The teacher than contacted the school counselor, who called Cardwell’s grandmother, Sandra Hale. (Hale had primary custody of her grandchild, though Cardwell frequently visited her mother and McDaniel’s Griffin, Georgia trailer park home.)
Now reports are saying that her younger sister "Pumpkin" was present during some of the abuse according to the police reports.


But what about Jessica? ("Chubbs") She would have been six years old, certainly old enough to catch the eye of the sick predator. Reports also stated that Anna was already in the custody of the grandmother at the time and only went over to her Mom's house for visits. But Jessica would have been living there full time and it sounds like Chester the Molester was her babysitter (as it is in so many of these cases).
Ewwww! Sounds awful, but more edible than roadkill.

I see nothing wrong with eating roadkill, other than it is illegal to harvest here in California. The tribes can do it, though, and some do to distribute to elders.
Not from what I read, you got it right. We had a previous thread on it and posters were defending this practice. Personally I think roadkill would be high in bacteria as well as the gross factor.

Um, do you know what hunters do? They pack them out and it stays out until it can be butchered. I have a loved one off hunting out of state and he has one carcass that hasn't seen the freezer yet and it's been nearly a week. It's covered and insulated during the day, and left open to cool at night. Not the same as hanging in a temperature controlled environment, but the best he can do at the moment. It's not really much different than taking the intact portions of an animal that has died in the last 12 hours on the road. There is more bruising, I'm sure, but still not any grosser.
Good for TLC. At least they are standing up for Alanna whereas her parents seem to be failing miserably. I don't believe June's denial either and I doubt the pic is photoshopped either. TMZ is pretty reliable in that department. Shame on June.

I wish there was a way TLC could withhold payments and put the money in a trust for when the kids are 18 :(
The police and children's services are involved to ensure the safety of the children according to TMZ. It's a shame the show has been cancelled because the money from the show was being put into trust funds for the kids future. I am glad TLC is still going to ensure the kids are ok.

"Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" star Mama June is now in the crosshairs of children's services and local police ... TMZ has learned.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2014/10/24/mama-...vices-child-molester-boyfriend/#ixzz3H5FHke60

Oops just saw this post. So glad about the trust funds !!!
OMG , poor Anna
:mad::doh::eek::slapfight: wth was June thinking?

SICKENING and June was what? Possibly going to allow Honey around that pedophile?

I hate that her name has to be associated with this since we know most victims want to be nameless. But what a brave young lady. She knew exposing herself was the only way to protect her siblings !
Um, do you know what hunters do? They pack them out and it stays out until it can be butchered. I have a loved one off hunting out of state and he has one carcass that hasn't seen the freezer yet and it's been nearly a week. It's covered and insulated during the day, and left open to cool at night. Not the same as hanging in a temperature controlled environment, but the best he can do at the moment. It's not really much different than taking the intact portions of an animal that has died in the last 12 hours on the road. There is more bruising, I'm sure, but still not any grosser.
No, I'm against hunting, but those animals have not been run over by cars- added bacteria.
Glad roadkill's illegal in California- wonder why???
Well it's not exactly illegal, it's just stupid the way the law is set up. They did it so one couldn't poach. You know, oops, I hit a deer, let's not waste it. But there's this huge caveat, if it is a legal buck, you can go get a tag for it, then harvest it. So mostly illegal, but not entirely. (It's also really stupid, because it's so easy to total a vehicle by striking a deer or elk that it's not exactly a method of poaching most would take on.)

Also, FWIW, large game isn't typically "ran over"- it usually goes over the vehicle or keeps running until it can't. The deer and elk I've seen beside the road here has almost always been intact.

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