Honey Boo Boo in limbo; Mama June dating sex offender

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Don't put anything past TLC; they empowered these behaviors in the first place. As did viewership.
good point woofie
'I wanted to kill him': Grandmother who had custody of Anna when she accused Mama June's boyfriend of sexually abusing her speaks out - and says she now fears for Honey Boo Boo

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...s-says-fears-Honey-Boo-Boo.html#ixzz3Ho4cYPVh

This article made me so, so sad for Anna. She looks heartbroken.

And the mother? A 100% liar. Check out the body language and facial expressions: http://www.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/v...-mom-responds-sex-offender.hln.html?c=showbiz

Liars always say "the truth will come out". Oh really? Why hide it? Why is there some special time it can finally be revealed? Probably because they need to figure out a good story. When they do, that's when the "truth" can emerge.
This article made me so, so sad for Anna. She looks heartbroken.

And the mother? A 100% liar. Check out the body language and facial expressions: http://www.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/v...-mom-responds-sex-offender.hln.html?c=showbiz

Liars always say "the truth will come out". Oh really? Why hide it? Why is there some special time it can finally be revealed? Probably because they need to figure out a good story. When they do, that's when the "truth" can emerge.

same hand movements as TG (Mom) in Isabella Grogan Canella murder MOO
Is it just me or does Mama June seem to be enjoying the media attention a bit too much in that CNN video, especially given the subject matter? I see a self satisfied smirk on her face - but that could be the way she always looks. I never watch the show so I have no idea. This woman is disgusting.
This article made me so, so sad for Anna. She looks heartbroken.

And the mother? A 100% liar. Check out the body language and facial expressions: http://www.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/v...-mom-responds-sex-offender.hln.html?c=showbiz

Liars always say "the truth will come out". Oh really? Why hide it? Why is there some special time it can finally be revealed? Probably because they need to figure out a good story. When they do, that's when the "truth" can emerge.

I can't get past "we are handling this privately as a family matter"

Um, June, dear, that is what many of us fear. child sexual abuse in the home being handled as a "private family matter" translates to what happens in the privacy of my own home is none of y'all's business.

I'll just bet that back when Anna got brave enough to come forward and tell that June wanted to do the exact same thing. Handle it privately, you know, as a family matter.


nothing makes me sicker than women who enable these sickos. And yeah, I am pretty well convinced that those kids are bait. Plain and simple. Disgusting.
Now that Mama June won't be getting any more money from TLC, her 'man' will be leaving anyway. So she will have lost her kids respect, her job and her 'new man.' Well Done. :no:
Why is his nickname Uncle Poodle??? What's up with all these stupid nicknames?

No doubt somebody's answered this by now, but they call him "Uncle Poodle" because he's gay and gay men remind them of poodles. I'm sure I should be offended (and I would be if my sisters called me that), but in the two episodes I saw, he didn't seem to mind and they didn't seem to show any malice about it. Ih my view, Uncle Poodle isn't particularly flamboyant, but whatever...

Lots of families trade nicknames for some reason. My brother-in-law's family almost all have nicknames, from the grandparents on down. Granted, theirs aren't silly or as potentially offensive as "Uncle Poodle", but the principle of addressing each other with endearments is the same.

(ETA I want to be clear that I am ONLY saying that if "Uncle Poodle" didn't bother them, I don't see that it has to bother me. I certainly agree with everyone here that associating with your daughter's molester is unforgivable!)
Is it just me or does Mama June seem to be enjoying the media attention a bit too much in that CNN video, especially given the subject matter? I see a self satisfied smirk on her face - but that could be the way she always looks. I never watch the show so I have no idea. This woman is disgusting.

Her smirk seemed defensive and guilty to me.
I would say that's the fault of the Govt, not the population they govern. In *any* society where welfare exists there'll be genuine cases where welfare is essential for an unemployed family to live at basic national standards (or not, depending on the level of support..). And there'll be the ones who milk that humanitarian aid for all it's worth and use the money badly. But, as someone who has lived well and ethically on both sides of that fence, it's my observation that most single mothers (here, anyway) are not June-level loafers, spitting out babies 'left and right' for the cash. It's a stereotype as offensive as any other, to those of us who can't work through no fault of our own. or who choose to take the Govt up on the opportunity to stay at home for our babies full- or part-time (frankly, I'd rather be working, but that's me).

Yes we are a bit off topic. But relevant, too. ;)

My parents and one brother work(ed) for the Department of Social Services for years. Its the same here. Most welfare recipients aren't sitting on their butts. They're desperate. I know there are some rotten apples here and there but I'm willing to pay my tax dollars knowing that to make sure kids are cared for. The nations on earth with the highest spending on welfare are also always reported to be the happiest- Denmark, Norway, Holland- not much of a coincidence. When people do not have to suffer and struggle to eat, have medical care or a roof over their heads, society as a whole prospers.

But mama June would not qualify for welfare. She's made too much from the show. So it probably is a moot point.
No doubt in my mind Uncle P. would love and protect those girls.
Imo, June's true colors are showing.

Did Mama June raid abuse victim daughter's trust fund for pedophile? Anna claims mother stole $30,000 trust fund to buy her sex offender boyfriend a Nissan


Disgusting but it is no surprise whatsoever. I hope it is true from an article I read which stated from TLC that they have put the girl's earnings into trust funds that they cannot touch till they are older and hopefully so called "Mama" June cannot get access to them either.

Sadly I think Uncle Poodle's recent arrest might count against him if he ever tried to get custody of Alana. It is a pity she cannot live with her grandma like Anna did after she was abused. I don't know how this story is going to pan out it is a pity pedophiles can't get jail for life. I don't believe they can be rehabilitated the sick desires will still go on in their brain. Just my opinion.
Geez, someone tell me I'm being punked.

June, wake up, this is reality, not reality tv.
My parents and one brother work(ed) for the Department of Social Services for years. Its the same here. Most welfare recipients aren't sitting on their butts. They're desperate. I know there are some rotten apples here and there but I'm willing to pay my tax dollars knowing that to make sure kids are cared for. The nations on earth with the highest spending on welfare are also always reported to be the happiest- Denmark, Norway, Holland- not much of a coincidence. When people do not have to suffer and struggle to eat, have medical care or a roof over their heads, society as a whole prospers....

Good Lord, yes and amen! Of all the ways my governments (federal, state, local) waste my money, helping poor people (even if it has to be for life, which it isn't any more) is the least of my concerns. In addition to treating the poor humanely, every dime we spend on them is immediately re-spent at local businesses, so our entire economy is boosted, from the bottom up.

Government charity for the rich (which is far more common) is just as likely to end up invested in China or India, boosting THEIR economies!
Surely SugarBear knows "getting the vapors" is reserved for Southern women and gay men. Uncle Poodle will snatch SugarBear bald-headed if he tries that nonsense again!

I'm sure the kids would be better off with their uncle, but is that even allowed in Georgia?
Mark Anthony Mcdaniel can be found as a registered sex offender here on the state's website/registry :http://gbi.georgia.gov/georgia-sex-offender-registry. There is an address listed for him which apparently matches the address of where June had the newly purchased car delivered.

Although I don't consider TMZ as our normal mainstream media, they have the pics that show June buying the 2 cars (one for a family member and one that was delivered to the address where McDaniel is registered to.) http://www.tmz.com/2014/10/26/mama-june-bought-car-boyfriend-molested-daughter-dating/

They also went house hunting together, hand in hand (pic included) so I presume she will be financing that as well. http://www.tmz.com/2014/10/25/mama-june-house-hunting-boyfriend-child-molester-photos/

There are other article and pics as well: http://www.tmz.com/person/mark-mcdaniel/

Again, I know TMZ is not usually mainstream media since they focus more on celebrity and silliness. But in this situation they brought the evidence and the story before others where on it and have consistently reported it and I applaud them on that!

ETA: I was trying to see if the sex offender registry lists the car he drives (as some state do make the offenders lists the cars they drive) but it looks like Georgia does not do that, (or doesn't post it online).
I liken TMZ to a booty call with an ex, if you will. No one likes to talk about it, and every one looks down on it, but if you need something....BAM...they provide. :D

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