Honey Boo Boo in limbo; Mama June dating sex offender

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I haven't a clue but I'd love to know. :)
Wonder if she's communicated with him since Sugarbear left?

June kept a box of photos of her and McDaniel in the house ... something Sugar Bear knew about and protested, to no avail. She would NOT get rid of them. We're told McDaniel was the subject of frequent arguments between June and Sugar Bear. He felt she was still emotionally in a relationship with McDaniel ... even though he had been locked up for years. Our sources say June was seeing McDaniel while she was still with Sugar Bear -- he got out of prison in March. The family now believes it was actually June who was cheating, not Sugar Bear, and she used the online dating story to get out of a relationship she had already rejected.

This angers and saddens me. Parents are supposed to protect their children. How ignorant can a person be? This is endangering a minor, I hope her father takes legal action.

MAMA June isnt much of a Mama it appears JMO
June kept a box of photos of her and McDaniel in the house ... something Sugar Bear knew about and protested, to no avail. She would NOT get rid of them. We're told McDaniel was the subject of frequent arguments between June and Sugar Bear. He felt she was still emotionally in a relationship with McDaniel ... even though he had been locked up for years. Our sources say June was seeing McDaniel while she was still with Sugar Bear -- he got out of prison in March. The family now believes it was actually June who was cheating, not Sugar Bear, and she used the online dating story to get out of a relationship she had already rejected.
Thanks JerseyGirl.
I have no words. :thud:
Jacie, the pic of SO holding a baby. :gaah:

well this takes the cake

Mama June's new man Mark McDaniel may be a child molester, but that doesn't mean he's a bad guy ... at least according to his daughter-in-law.

Peaches McDaniel tried defending her father-in-law on Facebook ... saying, "if you are going to judge someone by their past, look at your own first. Michaels dad is an amazing man, as well amazing father."

Um ok.

I looked at my past and found out i'm not a child molester.

What now?

She adds, "Peoples past are completely irrelevant to the present."

Possibly not if you're the victim of child abuse in the past and still traumatized about it in the present.
That picture and the one of him touching Honey Boo Boo, while June is sitting on the stairs in front of them, makes my skin crawl.

I have no words. :thud:
Jacie, the pic of SO holding a baby. :gaah:
I have no words...I am farking speechless....
That picture and the one of him touching Honey Boo Boo, while June is sitting on the stairs in front of them, makes my skin crawl.

O. m .g ! mine too.
I'm still trying to understand why June --who knew this man sexually
abused her oldest daughter as a child-- and who knew he served 10 years for another Sexual child offense--WHY she wanted this perv back in her life?
Why did June want this relationship when June has Alanna to care for...Alanna who is a young girl?!?!

June may be trashy in a sense, imoo, but I thought she honestly
loved and cared for her children. There was some red neck family love
going on.. I thought.
I wonder if June innocently allowed Alanna to be aroung the SO unsupervised? As in "stay here with him while I go to the store?" type thing.
Read how June's now adult daughter, abuse survivor, Anna says June reacted when Anna reported teh abuse to her.

"A week or so after it happened, I talked to Mama and she was upset, crying and saying, 'I don't believe you, I don't believe you, why would you do this to me?' " Cardwell says. "And I was like, 'Mama, he did that to me and I can't do anything about it. You were never there to see it. You were always at work.' "


Quote colored by me tells me all I ever needed to know and more about who mama June is and what her priority has always been and it's not those kids.
My guess is that mama June just doesn't believe her daughter and feels she made this up for some reason. Complete denial. If I were the daughter I would have absolutely no relationship with the mother.
I told the story of how my former best friend's husband molested my child. Thankfully, if you want to call it that, he only got to where he put her hand, while he thought she was sleeping, on his genitals. He did this twice. The first time she wasn't sure, the second time there was no question in her mind.
She told me immediately and I believed her without a doubt. To this day she talks about how grateful she was that I didn't question what she said. She was afraid that I wouldn't believe her, as I guess most sexually abused children are.
For that mother, and I use the word loosely, to believe the word of a child molester over her own child is unforgivable. I hope all her children are removed from her. She has given up her mother card.
When your child tells you she has been molested you believe that. Even if there is a 99% chance she is lying. You keep the child safe and you report the abuse. Even though we were told that he couldn't be prosecuted because there was no physical evidence (thank God!) my job was to make sure she never came into contact with the abuser again. I would have failed my main job as a mother had I questioned my child and not kept her safe. When it comes to abuse you always err on the side of caution.
My former friend told me that she refused to believe my child because if she believed her that meant she would have to leave her husband and she didn't want to do that. It was more important to this person to have a man in her bed then it was to protect a child she professed to love like her own, a child she was there for her birth and was another mother to. There are no words for that kind of person.
My daughter told me she felt guilty that a decades long friendship ended because of what she told me. I assured her that there was no way I could be friends with this person and she did me a favor by allowing me to see her true colors.
My guess is that mama June just doesn't believe her daughter and feels she made this up for some reason. Complete denial. If I were the daughter I would have absolutely no relationship with the mother.
I told the story of how my former best friend's husband molested my child. Thankfully, if you want to call it that, he only got to where he put her hand, while he thought she was sleeping, on his genitals. He did this twice. The first time she wasn't sure, the second time there was no question in her mind.
She told me immediately and I believed her without a doubt. To this day she talks about how grateful she was that I didn't question what she said. She was afraid that I wouldn't believe her, as I guess most sexually abused children are.
For that mother, and I use the word loosely, to believe the word of a child molester over her own child is unforgivable. I hope all her children are removed from her. She has given up her mother card.
When your child tells you she has been molested you believe that. Even if there is a 99% chance she is lying. You keep the child safe and you report the abuse. Even though we were told that he couldn't be prosecuted because there was no physical evidence (thank God!) my job was to make sure she never came into contact with the abuser again. I would have failed my main job as a mother had I questioned my child and not kept her safe. When it comes to abuse you always err on the side of caution.
My former friend told me that she refused to believe my child because if she believed her that meant she would have to leave her husband and she didn't want to do that. It was more important to this person to have a man in her bed then it was to protect a child she professed to love like her own, a child she was there for her birth and was another mother to. There are no words for that kind of person.
My daughter told me she felt guilty that a decades long friendship ended because of what she told me. I assured her that there was no way I could be friends with this person and she did me a favor by allowing me to see her true colors.
Thank you for supporting and believing your daughter. Children don't make that kind of stuff up. My mother chose to believe her brother incapable of doing such a thing. He actually started grooming me when I was little by rubbing up against me from behind when just the two of us would go to get my coat out of the closet! I was too young to realize exactly what he was doing, but I knew it was wierd. Then he got me alone when I was 13, in my own backyard, and ambush molested me at a family party for another relative. My family continued to try to push me together with him at family parties, but I refused. I never gave him the chance to be alone with me, nor my daughter, ever again. He sent me $50 for my wedding that my mother forced me to invite him to. I promptly disinvited him and donated the money to an organization called, "Bay Area Women Against Rape". I've also had the satisfaction of stomping on his grave!!!
Why do I almost feel glad that this whole wreck of a story became public?

I could never bring myself to watch the show, and I'm glad it's been shut down, especially considering the latest revelations.
"Honey Boo Boo‘s mother, June Shannon, has hired a family law attorney as child protective services has formally launched an investigation to determine if her one-time boyfriend, whom she recently rekindled a friendship with, has committed any crimes involving the reality star’s three minor children."


I am so pleased child protective services is involved I hope they do the right thing and remove all the minor kids from Mama June's house. I also hope the sex offender is jailed for violating his parole for being around a minor. Hopefully this was a condition of his release. Parents like Mama June who recklessly endanger the welfare of their children don't deserve them. It just makes your blood boil.

I am very sorry to all of you who have experienced some form of abuse. My aunt was molested by my grandmother's brother and it has affected her badly over the years. My grandmother thankfully believed my aunt was telling the truth but it left her devastated.
Read how June's now adult daughter, abuse survivor, Anna says June reacted when Anna reported teh abuse to her.

"A week or so after it happened, I talked to Mama and she was upset, crying and saying, 'I don't believe you, I don't believe you, why would you do this to me?' " Cardwell says. "And I was like, 'Mama, he did that to me and I can't do anything about it. You were never there to see it. You were always at work.' "


Quote colored by me tells me all I ever needed to know and more about who mama June is and what her priority has always been and it's not those kids.

BBM: I couldn't agree more!
That would be great if the original assault against Anna, which was dismissed, could get re-investigated and prosecuted. The things this sick **** did to her deserve punishment.

How much do you want to bet Mommy Liar guilted her into recanting the story and the prosecutor had to give up because of an uncooperative witness?
What I want to know is why is this man walking free? Don't most rules regarding registered sex offenders forbid contact with minor children or is it because he isn't alone with children (that we know of)? My guess is if the so called mother doesn't believe her daughter and thinks it's acceptable to date him then she wouldn't have any qualms about leaving him alone with her kids. Poor kids.

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