How Are You Going To Watch Trial ? Live Feed & Smart Phone Info

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How do you get it to play on your smartphone? I have a iphone and it does not have flash. Someone mentioned to use the swifter app, but mine tells me that I need to be on WIFI?

we need your comments so get it together!! also,
plays unedited tapes at night.
I'll be watching on CNN's live feed and be here at Webslueths at the same time. I already have permission to bring my computer to work... I can't "hear it" but I will be following here when I can.... from work. I usually work nights so I will be pretty golden.
amil i too would like to go but concerned there may not be any seats even if i line up at 5:30 am . do you think first week we could get in at all?

I'm a Calif trial watcher, and I hate to say this, but even if you don't get in--the hall is darn interesting esp during breaks, you'll be out there with witnesses waiting, hear the lawyer and media dish and hallway interviews. And the fights ! So, on a day I was interested in, I'd go even if it looked like I wouldn't get in. YOu can hang out around Beth and the media. EVERY PART of it is interesting, but I'm a nut. Plus you never know, sometimes if someone leaves, a hallway person gets their seat. The hallway during Spector (I didn't get in a few times) was righteous.

edit: during Spector and Peterson. You really get a load of the families in the hallway. Sat with Anna Nicole's mother too in the hallway and had a sweet visit. No one was nice to her but us.
amil i too would like to go but concerned there may not be any seats even if i line up at 5:30 am . do you think first week we could get in at all?

All I can say is "do it" ... try at least. I did Scott Peterson and got in every day I wanted, but OUTSIDE was phenomenal ... recognising faces, seeing behavioural traits that you can't get from watching on a screen - the atmosphere is incredible.

I have been working courtrooms for years and will never forget those first few cases, it was a whirlwind ... watching and understanding. Looking back it was a blur, so I strongly recommend you get yourself used to the procedures of the court room ... makes it easier later on.

Don't make yourself ever say ..."I wish I had ....." Go and enjoy. Seeing KC will be a moment in your life you will never forget. I would be staring at GA, something about that man that gives me the (gut) feeling that he would ;like' to talk
I am a nurse,and can actually lose my job,if caught,so I will rely on WS,every evening when I get home.Have to admit that I had problems trying to watch video of the jury selection,a lot of the live links were gone.But I will watch what I can.Watched the OJ trial when I could as well.Thank heaven for WS!!!
I live in the DC/ Baltimore region and there are never any good trials around me. If one ever comes up, I want to go. Not in DC or Baltimore, tho, too dangerous for me to go alone.
I'm a Calif trial watcher, and I hate to say this, but even if you don't get in--the hall is darn interesting esp during breaks, you'll be out there with witnesses waiting, hear the lawyer and media dish and hallway interviews. And the fights ! So, on a day I was interested in, I'd go even if it looked like I wouldn't get in. YOu can hang out around Beth and the media. EVERY PART of it is interesting, but I'm a nut. Plus you never know, sometimes if someone leaves, a hallway person gets their seat. The hallway during Spector (I didn't get in a few times) was righteous.

edit: during Spector and Peterson. You really get a load of the families in the hallway. Sat with Anna Nicole's mother too in the hallway and had a sweet visit. No one was nice to her but us.
i did hear no one will get up to the floor were trials on unless they have ticket. the tv crews are set up across street and in front if its like the other hearings i attended for casey
I'll be DVRing it on In Session. I have a question, If the jury is traveling to Orlando Sunday why isn't the trial starting untill Tuesday? What's going on Monday?
All I can say is "do it" ... try at least. I did Scott Peterson and got in every day I wanted, but OUTSIDE was phenomenal ... recognising faces, seeing behavioural traits that you can't get from watching on a screen - the atmosphere is incredible.

I have been working courtrooms for years and will never forget those first few cases, it was a whirlwind ... watching and understanding. Looking back it was a blur, so I strongly recommend you get yourself used to the procedures of the court room ... makes it easier later on.

Don't make yourself ever say ..."I wish I had ....." Go and enjoy. Seeing KC will be a moment in your life you will never forget. I would be staring at GA, something about that man that gives me the (gut) feeling that he would ;like' to talk

i have attended a few court hearing of this case. this one will be incredible. i never had a hard time getting in but was never limited to a ticket to get in. it was hard to get a parking space in garage so now i bet it will be even worst. 15.00 parking -2.00 hour if i stayed all day as i did. i did talk with cindy and george prior at hearings. i do like george and cindy was nice to me too. never rude
I'll be DVRing it on In Session. I have a question, If the jury is traveling to Orlando Sunday why isn't the trial starting untill Tuesday? What's going on Monday?

think he is giving them time to organize their life - sure monday will be a lot of setup in court - cameras and such
i did hear no one will get up to the floor were trials on unless they have ticket. the tv crews are set up across street and in front if its like the other hearings i attended for casey

The tickets are issued though, on a first come first served basis ... long day to be there at 5:30 ... probably a little before and then have to wait until 8 for a ticket.
How do you get it to play on your smartphone? I have a iphone and it does not have flash. Someone mentioned to use the swifter app, but mine tells me that I need to be on WIFI?

Another WS'r recommended Skyfire app ($2.99) and I can now watch on my iPad. It was the only thing I could find to get around the no flash player issue and it works great! I don't see why it wouldn't work on the iPhone too.
The tickets are issued though, on a first come first served basis ... long day to be there at 5:30 ... probably a little before and then have to wait until 8 for a ticket.

I also heard that they were giving tickets out for the morning and the afteroon - 9:00 and 1:00 shows:crazy: Don't know if that means if you get a morning ticket, if you can stay all day or have to go back down and get in line for an afternoon one though.
I'll be DVRing it on In Session. I have a question, If the jury is traveling to Orlando Sunday why isn't the trial starting untill Tuesday? What's going on Monday?

At the end of business yesterday, HHJP mentioned to the DT and SA that he would be available Monday afternoon to hear any last minute motions. I believe the SA wants to use demonstrative aides for the opening statement and JB is objecting as some of them are not in evidence yet. That's when he said that if they could not work it out, they would probably have to do it the old fashioned way - with just words I guess. So I think the extra day just gave everyone - jurors, attorneys, judge and court personnel to breathe a little and take care of last minute stuff. MHOO
Another WS'r recommended Skyfire app ($2.99) and I can now watch on my iPad. It was the only thing I could find to get around the no flash player issue and it works great! I don't see why it wouldn't work on the iPhone too.

Can you tell me any more about skyfire? I'm thinking about getting it...I've not had a huge problem watching the jury selection so far but it's a little obnoxious to have to get the web browser up and it's slow...
So far I have been watching on the computer on WFTV well listening anyway as I am usually reading WS to gleam what others have caught and I missed. And I have on IS in the next room.

Just curious why are so many here against IS? Is it because of the commercial breaks at the worst of times and going off air a such an early time when the trial goes on usually for several more hours? Just curious.

I'm not against IS, I watch it-- but I will admit that Jean C. and Vinnie P. are already on my last nerve! :floorlaugh:
Can you tell me any more about skyfire? I'm thinking about getting it...I've not had a huge problem watching the jury selection so far but it's a little obnoxious to have to get the web browser up and it's slow...

Disclaimer - I am not very computer literate:banghead: However, I was able to do this. I just went to the App Store and downloaded Skyfire. Then, when you want to watch any video - live or otherwise - that is a flash player video, you go to the Skyfire icon, open it and then it looks like a regular browser page. You type in, for example, as you would normally. The website comes up like it normally would. Then, when you get to where the video is and your device tells you it won't work because you don't have flash, you go to the lower left corner and there is a button that says something like "find video". It then searches the web page, finds the video, and opens it up - and - wallah! it plays it. I have an iPad 3G and the other apps I tried would not work with 3G, only wifi. I watched (or rather - listened) yesterday while driving to my sister's house. The video is clear and the audio is great!

Good luck!
I have back to back kids' doctor appointments on Tuesday, and I am BUMMED that I'm going to miss opening statements :( I'll catch up on youtube, I guess. Other than that, I'll watch online (CNN or one of Tuleesa's great links), as well as on HLN until that goes off at 3:00. I always have 3 windows open (Websleuths being a constant) so if one goes out, I don't miss more than a few seconds. :waitasec: I think I may need an intervention
Inside the courtroom.

I am so looking forward to your updates from inside the courtroom! You have a great eye for detail and your posts have all sorts of little tidbits we wouldn't get otherwise!


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