How good is your memory of June 4?

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I can reconstruct almost all of my day. There is a 2.5 hr gap in the middle of the day, but I am pretty sure I was home with my 4 yr old. I am usually home when I am not working.

I agree, but I think it applies mainly to cases where you know what's happening as it happens. It gets burned into your memory because of that. I don't think a child being kidnapped would be etched into your memory like 9/11 is for me, or the Challenger explosion was for you.

If my child attended that school and I was there that day, it would be etched into my memory. IMO, a child that is kidnapped from a school where my child attends would be very significant to me. As much so as 9/11. That's just me.
do you know..... all those parents who were at the school that morning... and have lived through the shock of this happening.... most likely remember every second of June 4th. MOO

Within the confines of the school building, I'm sure that many visitors recalled much about the time that they spent there, with whom they spoke, exhibits that they viewed, etc. Probably not so much, though, with regard to activity or vehicles in the parking lot, who was coming or going. Probably even less recollection for folks who might have been at the Fred Meyer on that day. jmo

As others have suggested, I can remember very specific details about where I was and what I was doing when announcements of major catastrophic events took place: JFK's assassination, the space shuttle disaster, Flight 257 airline crash near Detroit, 9/11, etc. Seems like the more emotional connection there is to an event, the more vivid the recollection and memory. jmo
I can remember exactly what I was doing on June 4th in great detail. However, most days my schedule (which is pretty tight) would dictate exactly what I was doing if I had to recall at a later date.

The reason I know what I was doing on June 4th is because it was the day after we had arrived here (Hawaii), and we were getting ready to inprocess at this new duty station.

I think I might be the exception in being able to recall what I was doing on any given day because my schedule is so tight with activities for my kids.

However, I do park as far out as I can and usually in the same spot when I go shopping or to the kids schools. Or nearby the exact spot. I'm a creature of habit. JMHO.
If my child attended that school and I was there that day, it would be etched into my memory. IMO, a child that is kidnapped from a school where my child attends would be very significant to me. As much so as 9/11. That's just me.

I wasn't trying to dismiss you. I just think it would be different. Of course, I don't have kids at a school where shooting took place or someone was taken from.

I just think that the time frame that would be etched into the memory is when they first went on the news to announce he was missing and they realized he was missing (or whenever the parents from the school found out). People would have no real reason to remember the time frame he went missing in because there was no emotional investment at that particular time/day.
I'm the mom of three small kids, which is relevant because I bet a lot of Skyline parents are like me and have too much going on and not enough sleep. I checked my diary for that day and lol, I guess it's a good thing I keep one because I have no recollection of most of the stuff I wrote about other than I know it must be true because I wrote it down. I know I had a Dr's appt on the 2nd, and it was a big one, but I barely remember the details of that. I couldn't tell you which gal was at the front desk, and this is an office (my OB) I have been in and out of dozens of times in the last year or so.
I have no clue what I did on June 4th just from memory. I do know that I am typically an observant person with a pretty good memory and a knack for identifying voices - came in handy as a receptionist many moons ago.

Hypothetically speaking, if I went to an event at my son's school (especially a small school) I would totally remember where I parked. Even at a bigger venue, I could give a general idea of where I parked. I don't know that I would recall the vehicles parked next to me unless there was something memorable about the car and/or its occupants. I think I would also notice if someone was parked somewhere odd or out of place, but it might take someone refreshing my memory as in, "do you recall seeing this vehicle in this place that day?".
I'm the mom of three small kids, which is relevant because I bet a lot of Skyline parents are like me and have too much going on and not enough sleep. I checked my diary for that day and lol, I guess it's a good thing I keep one because I have no recollection of most of the stuff I wrote about other than I know it must be true because I wrote it down. I know I had a Dr's appt on the 2nd, and it was a big one, but I barely remember the details of that. I couldn't tell you which gal was at the front desk, and this is an office (my OB) I have been in and out of dozens of times in the last year or so.

I keep a calender too. I write down all the activities on it. I also include what else I did that day and what I bought (if I went to store, which store, how much I spent). I just got into that habit a long time ago when the kids were small. :)
I would have been at work from about 8:30 to 3 or 4 pm. since it was a Friday and I haven't had any sick days this summer. I know which parking lot I parked and I can guess at the parking spot because I always drive to the same spot if it's not occupied. My mother was minding the kids in June. I see that I have posted on WS on a couple of Haleigh threads. Other than that I don't have a clue. If I had a client on Friday I will have written something about him and I would remember him from what I've written. Usually there aren't any on Fridays though. I didn't check my bank statement or my email.

On Thursday the 3rd, I remember the I was at the school for the talent show and I parked about a quarter mile down the road because there were so many people and so many cars. I don't remember any specific ones, just that there were lots of them, the parking lot was full. I remember a man who was a bit upset with me because I was in his line of sight at the talent show but I wouldn't recognize him now. I saw my son's teacher and the class aide but I didn't talk to them, just a couple of other parents I know. I remember some of the performances.

On Saturday morning I remember I went to the store early to buy some flowers and we went to school again. I talked to the teacher and the other parents in my son's class. The kids ate ice cream. The same situation with the parking. I remember a conversation with my son in the car on the way to the school because we weren't sure where to go. He knew but I had misunderstood a flyer the teacher sent. I called my husband from the car but he couldn't find the flyer, and we were a bit late. I know we were the last car in the line of cars parked down the road when we left the car and when we came back, so if somebody parked behind us they must have left before we did.

I remember that we saw my son's school taxi just as we were walking across the street leaving the school but he wasn't parked, he drove past us and my son waved at him but I'm not sure if this was on Thursday or Saturday.
I can't remember June 4, but it was a regular day for me. For days when I've attended an event at my daughter's school, I can remember where I parked and who I saw, including some of the people I don't know. I remember which other parents attend things and whether they are in and out of the classroom, or stay the whole time. I wouldn't remember who I saw in a store unless I knew them, because in a store I'm minding my own business, but at the school I'm paying attention to who is around and what's going on.
If I did something special that day, I might have a clue.

As it is for now, if the day ended in a Y, I was in the gardens and brushing the dogs.:waitasec: not brushing the dogs in the gardens. On the net, watching tv and reading.

Hmm, maybe I was at the store stocking up on weekend food at some point?:waitasec: Tho I may have already done that on Wed. or Thursday?

IOW, I have no clue.:innocent:
I cannot remember anything about June 4. I was most likely home all day.

However, witness recall is notoriously inaccurate even close to the incident.

My gf and i were held up at knife point by a kid. He came up behind me so I never saw him until he whipped out the knife. My gf watched him walking towards us then come up to me, pull the knife and start thrusting it towards me. It also registered to her that I threw my purse at the knife and he caught it with that hand. He then went to her and they got into a tug of war with her purse. When people finally started running over to help us, the kid took off without her purse.

The minute he was gone, she turned to me and said "I will NEVER forget what he was wearing, dark blue jeans and a white hoodie sweatshirt." I told her that she had it backwards...he was wearing white jeans and a dark blue hoodie. She asked me if I was sure. I was positive.

My gf was an attorney. She told me that she thought I was wrong. She even mentioned as an attorney she was "trained" to notice more. She also reminded me how i had a short view of the kid during a traumatic experience while she had watched him walking over towards us.

The guy was caught at the other end of the parking lot wearing white jeans and a dark blue hoodie. Niether one of us could have told you about any of the cars that were parked right there.

IMO, it is too late to ask for people to remember such specific details. They should have asked anyone who thought they saw the white truck more detailed questions back then.
I have one of those weird memories that retains lots of things. But, I looked,and there was nothing on my calendar for that day... I just don't recall the day that much.It was a while ago....

If something significant happened that day, I could probably recall most of the days activities. Otherwise, I am a pretty disorganized person. :blushing:

Now if I were at the school that day, I am quite sure I would have been going over every minute from the 4th on. Asked about a pharmacy visit 2 months later, i'm not so sure how much I would remember. :(

I thought Kyron would have been found long ago. :(

I agree with you, CB, on the significant thing. I was thinking back awhile ago when this first came up about people remembering and if it was a science fair at school I wouldn't have too much problem remembering what went on during that time. It could be something as simple as a good friend of mine and mother that wore a special outfit that day and it looked good on her. Or geez, couldn't the drizzle come on another day instead of when we need to carry out these science projects. Maybe I recognized all the cars except for two when I parked on the south side (I think many people do this when they come to an event and drive by the cars, they say something like "Melissa's mom is here already" or "Jeff's dad's car is here, where's his mom? Oh there's her car."

For the rest of the day, I would have to refer to my emails and FB to fill in gaps. But there's always time for a nap in my world so I most likely did that in the afternoon.
I remember the day that my friend's child got kidnapped a couple of decades ago. I found out it about the next day, and I still remember what I was doing at that time, where I was, and who I was with. Not because I need an alibi ( I live far away).

I also remember a lot about the day Kennedy was shot. Where I was when I heard and who told me. Of course, I was in a school swimming pool, but I still remember.
I'm trying to remember if I sexted my landscaper that day.

I need a landscaper. Is he hot? Does he like older women? Is sexting enough or does he require more?
If something significant happened that day, I could probably recall most of the days activities. Otherwise, I am a pretty disorganized person. :blushing:

Now if I were at the school that day, I am quite sure I would have been going over every minute from the 4th on. Asked about a pharmacy visit 2 months later, i'm not so sure how much I would remember. :(

I thought Kyron would have been found long ago. :(

Trying to redo my response since the first one just sat there (as many times happens here, wish I knew why):

I agree with you, CB, on the something significant for that day. People would first put their minds at the science fair and probably would remember quite a few things even about parking, whether they had to park far away or they parked close and lucky to do that since it was drizzling that day. I think most parents when going through a parking lot, let's say the south side and driving by cars might make remarks like, "Melissa's mom is here already." Or, "Jeff's dad's car is here, where is his mom----oh there's her car." Or maybe a simple thing like one of their friend's and mother wore a special outfit that day and looked good in it.

As far as the rest of the day, I would need to look through my emails and FB to remember. But knowing that naps are something I take, most likely there was one of those in that afternoon.
I do not remember what I did. I looked at my bank records, so I see I went to the store (which I usually do on Fridays). If I looked at my email records and other computer records for that day, I would surely get a better idea, but really no clue otherwise.

So I'm thinking they probably want people to come forward who actually noticed something at the time, but didn't bother saying anything because they figured it was nothing. Like, we didn't know until recently that TH had been at Fred Meyer that day, or which specific locations. Maybe someone was there and saw something odd, but didn't think anything of it, even when they heard the news that night that there was a missing child, because they didn't know what specific places and vehicles were in question. But now that they are shown where the truck was supposed to be parked, and that it may be relevant, perhaps they will step forward and say that they had noticed something, but didn't think it warranted reporting until now. JMO
I'm reasonable organized but summers always get the best of me. I can not for the life of me recall what happened that day. If there were something that stood out I could probably connect the day from that event, but it seems the days just run together otherwise. I really wouldn't be much help in any investigation as a result. I wonder how many parents can piece that day together...consider dropping off kids at Skyline...running errands etc...their days must run together as well.
I'm trying to remember if I sexted my landscaper that day.

LOL! I have wanted so much to post something but haven't had a catalyst to bring it up. Thankie!

Our landscaping account is in my name simply because I was the one who called to schedule the appointment for an estimate on various fertilizer/pruning services several years ago. Whenever the statements arrive lately, DH and I joke about whether or not the bill is for the hitman :D I can assure you that no sexting is involved as I don't have a cell phone or any other similar gadget. Come to think of it, my whereabouts on any given day would be virtually unknown because there wouldn't be any pings ;)

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