How much does Jeremy know?

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Why would you need someone outside the family to tell you that DB is a habitual drinker? You can hear it from her own words admitting that she is.

Well said, well said. As long as she feels "entitled" (and she definately does have entitlement issues), she is going to do what she dam_ well pleases. Don't stand in HER way!
Again, it is a possibility that JI's parents being unhappy with him living and having a daughter with a married woman made life miserable for him and DB said choose between them and me. They end up with no son, no grandson, no granddaughter.

Exactly. While the grandparents are concerned with the best interests of the children, Jeremy seems concerned with totalitarian, vengeful, and destructive control. Thanks for illustrating the point so well.
It bugs the heck out of me that DB calls his son "Her boy"....grrr. She is not their step-mother but likes to play one on TV. She attempts to fool the public with lies. She tries to portray a loving relationship and never mentions that one of those "Boys" doesn't belong to her...or even close to it. Her "Lisa" completed her family...yeah, right! Lisa was a ticket that got DB to live in a half decent place and not pay rent.

She is an actress. JI is a fool by choice. My impression is that he knows exactly what happened but is grateful for all the money that is coming in. He also LIKES having a high-powered attorney to use and hide behind. He is very slick...make no assumptions he isn't.

DB makes those things happen, thus his reason for keeping her around. At this point, it is a matter of him cracking to get the truth. DB has provided security for him and he doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to do. If he were to toss her out, he may wind up behind bars, so keeping him near is best for him. JI is in control of this. DB is a chatterbox and he must keep her from talking. My analysis is JI LOVES money and doesn't care how he comes by it. He is controlling this house and the people in it.

Is he working, BTW?
It bugs the heck out of me that DB calls his son "Her boy"....grrr. She is not their step-mother but likes to play one on TV. She attempts to fool the public with lies. She tries to portray a loving relationship and never mentions that one of those "Boys" doesn't belong to her...or even close to it. Her "Lisa" completed her family...yeah, right! Lisa was a ticket that got DB to live in a half decent place and not pay rent.

She is an actress. JI is a fool. My impression is that he knows exactly what happened but is grateful for all the money that is coming in. He also LIKES having a high-powered attorney to front him.

DB makes those things happen, thus his reason for keeping her around. At this point, it is a matter of him cracking to get the truth. DB has provided security for him and he doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to do. If he were to toss her out, he may wind up behind bars, so keeping him near is best for him. JI is in control of this. DB is a chatterbox and he must keep her from talking. My analysis is JI LOVES money and doesn't care how he comes by it.

Is he working, BTW?

BBM: My wife calls all four of my children her son and daughters, she refers to all my grandchildren as our grandchildren or her grandchildren. Two of my daughters' significant others have children from previous marriage they refer to as their sons and daughters. I refer to my late father in law's widow as my mother in law although she is not my wife's mother. I guess that means we are all trying to "fool the public" as well? Personally, I wouldn't want it any other way, it shows unity and bonding where I proudly come from. In fact, my wife has all four of my children from my previous marriage listed on FB as son and daughters, and yes they have her listed as mother as well as their bio mom.

ETA: I don't see how your post relates to the OP, maybe you could explain that part to us?
BBM: My wife calls calls all four of my children her son and daughters, she refers to all my grandchildren as our grandchildren or her grandchildren. Two of my daughters' significant others have children from previous marriage they refer to as their sons and daughters. I refer to my late father in law's widow as my mother in law although she is not my wife's mother. I guess that means we are all trying to "fool the public" as well? Personally, I wouldn't want it any other way, it shows unity and bonding where I proudly come from. In fact, my wife has all four of my children from my previous marriage listed on FB as son and daughters, and yes they have her listed as mother as well as their bio mom.

ETA: I don't see how your post relates to the OP, maybe you could explain that part to us?

The key word here is "Wife". DB is married to another man..How dare she!
The key word here is "Wife". DB is married to another man..How dare she!

Before we were married my wife still did as I stated above. I still had no problem with that. Regardless, I still don't see what she calls JI's son or how much "JI LOVES money" has to do with what Jeremy knows. :what:
It bugs the heck out of me that DB calls his son "Her boy"....grrr. She is not their step-mother but likes to play one on TV. She attempts to fool the public with lies. She tries to portray a loving relationship and never mentions that one of those "Boys" doesn't belong to her...or even close to it. Her "Lisa" completed her family...yeah, right! Lisa was a ticket that got DB to live in a half decent place and not pay rent.

She is an actress. JI is a fool by choice. My impression is that he knows exactly what happened but is grateful for all the money that is coming in. He also LIKES having a high-powered attorney to use and hide behind. He is very slick...make no assumptions he isn't.

DB makes those things happen, thus his reason for keeping her around. At this point, it is a matter of him cracking to get the truth. DB has provided security for him and he doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to do. If he were to toss her out, he may wind up behind bars, so keeping him near is best for him. JI is in control of this. DB is a chatterbox and he must keep her from talking. My analysis is JI LOVES money and doesn't care how he comes by it. He is controlling this house and the people in it.

Is he working, BTW?

Your post made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, really! I believe you have just described the situation/murder/cover-up, and personality of DB/JI. It isn't pretty but it shows the intentions of both of these "parents."

Oh, yes, is JI "werking?"
The key word here is "Wife". DB is married to another man..How dare she!

How dare she what? Live with someone else while she's legally married to another? That her 'husband' seems to have absolutely no quarrel with?

I find it interesting that the conversation has now moved to JI 'needs' DB to stick around so that way he can 'get away' with what he did to BL. He needs DB to stick around so she takes the fall. Meanwhile, it wasn't JI who made DB drink that night, it wasn't JI who told DB to say she 'failed' an LDT, it's not JI who makes DB say things that make her look bad.

So lets see, BL is killed, either by accident or on purpose by JI. JI and DB get together and he tells her to make up a story about an intruder but also make it look like your a neglectful mother. Oh, and your going to talk in all these interviews and constantly put your foot in your mouth. We want the public to really think you did it.

DB, in a meek voice, says 'yes sir'.

Got it.
It bugs the heck out of me that DB calls his son "Her boy"....grrr. She is not their step-mother but likes to play one on TV. She attempts to fool the public with lies. She tries to portray a loving relationship and never mentions that one of those "Boys" doesn't belong to her...or even close to it. Her "Lisa" completed her family...yeah, right! Lisa was a ticket that got DB to live in a half decent place and not pay rent.

She is an actress. JI is a fool by choice. My impression is that he knows exactly what happened but is grateful for all the money that is coming in. He also LIKES having a high-powered attorney to use and hide behind. He is very slick...make no assumptions he isn't.

DB makes those things happen, thus his reason for keeping her around. At this point, it is a matter of him cracking to get the truth. DB has provided security for him and he doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to do. If he were to toss her out, he may wind up behind bars, so keeping him near is best for him. JI is in control of this. DB is a chatterbox and he must keep her from talking. My analysis is JI LOVES money and doesn't care how he comes by it. He is controlling this house and the people in it.

Is he working, BTW?


Why would she kill her 'ticket' then? Also, do you have an MSM link to what large sums of money they have received because I'm pretty sure I haven't seen that verified anywhere.

He is back to working btw. I guess he didn't get paid that much.
How much does Jeremy know?

An impossible question to answer IMO. There is no way to answer that without making broad assumptions (which ever way you lean).

1. He could know everything (due to being involved or due to DB telling him everything)

2. He could know nothing (due to not being involved and DB telling him nothing/lies)

3. He could know nothing because neither of them are involved.

4. He could know some things but not everything thing.

5. He could know nothing but suspect certain things.
What I do know is RR had visitation granted by the court. SHE DID NOT VISIT. Was she in the hospital all those years? Across the country? Incapacitated in some form or fashion?

Maybe she felt JI could give him a better life than she could, maybe she is an undesirable person, or used to be, who knows. Maybe he threatened her.

Regardless, we don't know what happened, and JTac is likely not going to be truthful. JMO
Your post made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, really! I believe you have just described the situation/murder/cover-up, and personality of DB/JI. It isn't pretty but it shows the intentions of both of these "parents."

Oh, yes, is JI "werking?"

It made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, too. But, for completely different reasons than yours.
Lets take the assumption that she's an alcoholic (which by the way she does not admit to in that interview). Do you think JI is going to blast her alcoholism on national tv? Does he even recognize that she's an alcoholic? Does that mean he 'condones' it?

I want to hear someone outside of the family that knows DB tell me that she's a habitual drinker around kids and neglects them constantly. Do the kids constantly get neglected? Is there evidence of this?

I have not said that she is an alcoholic but I do think that she's admitted to problematic drinking while denying there is a problem. She told us herself that she is a habitual drinker and that her kids are around. She says she doesn't drink until her kids are in bed, so the children are present when the drinking takes place. But we also see that it is not always true that she doesn't drink before her children are in bed, as she started drinking well before the boys were in bed the night Lisa disappeared, they were up as long as she was, apparently.

DB: “Yeah, just wine. Just wine. Lisa was in bed and the boys were laying down watching a movie with the neighbors daughter.
MK: “Were you drunk?”
DB: “Yeah.”
MK: “Do you have a drinking problem?”
DB: “No. I don’t think so.”
MK: “Some folks are going to have an issue with you having more than five drinks while you’re looking after a baby and two little boys.
DB: “Oh, I’m sure they are…She was sleeping. You know, I don’t see the problem in me having my grown up time. I take good care of my kids. I keep my house clean. I do their laundry. I kiss their boo-boos. I, I fix them food. I am involved in their school stuff. I mean, to me, there’s nothing wrong with me doing what I want to do, after dark. As soon as I’m done drinking, I go right to bed.”
MK: “Is that what happened [inaudible]?”
DB: “Right. Which is why I don’t do it till my kids are in bed.”

As for neglect:
MK: “Is it possible you blacked out and something happened to Lisa during that time?”
DB: “No.”
MK: “Why?”
DB: “I go to sleep every single time and everybody knows me. Any time I drink anything, I, I’ve actually had get-togethers with family, over at the house, and everybody will be drinking and hanging out, playing pool and stuff, and, um, I will, once I’ve had enough to drink, I just get really tired. I go right upstairs and right down, I don’t even say bye to people.”

If alcohol makes a person so tired she is unable to observe the simple courtesy of saying goodbye to her guests when she goes to bed (or maybe it's an euphemism for passing out), and she says it happens every single time, I am pretty sure the person is going to be unable to be attentive to her children's needs.

But it doesn't mean that the children constantly get neglected imo, it depends on whether there are any other adults there more capable of taking care of the children if they need anything. If it was JI's first night working late maybe he is usually there, or other friends or relatives.

MOO, and all that jazz.
How dare she what? Live with someone else while she's legally married to another? That her 'husband' seems to have absolutely no quarrel with?

I find it interesting that the conversation has now moved to JI 'needs' DB to stick around so that way he can 'get away' with what he did to BL. He needs DB to stick around so she takes the fall. Meanwhile, it wasn't JI who made DB drink that night, it wasn't JI who told DB to say she 'failed' an LDT, it's not JI who makes DB say things that make her look bad.

So lets see, BL is killed, either by accident or on purpose by JI. JI and DB get together and he tells her to make up a story about an intruder but also make it look like your a neglectful mother. Oh, and your going to talk in all these interviews and constantly put your foot in your mouth. We want the public to really think you did it.

DB, in a meek voice, says 'yes sir'.

Got it.
Yep, how dare she call another woman's child "My son" on national TV. IMO, this was done to create a loving home and lifestyle for the public. The reference is entirely self-serving. If she cared to portray such, she wouldn't behave as she does (get stoned drunk) and Jeremy wouldn't be tolerating it either. They are both getting something out of this behavior.

It was JI that responded to the question, "Who do you think would have done this to Lisa"?, with "Someone who cheats on her husband". It is cryptic. He caught himself right away. This statement, IMO, is telling. IMO, he is not speaking of Samantha but is speaking to Debra. It was a jab...and lets DB knows who is in control.

This sentence is the most telling and insightful clue into the mind of Jeremy. I think they are both despicable neither one of them has stood up for Lisa as they care more about their selfish needs than hers.

I don't condone a married woman living with and giving birth to another man's child. They both have the same moral compass and it isn't good. I believe harm came to Lisa inside the house and they are covering. They both wouldn't need Criminal Defense Attorneys if they were innocent.
...I did not mean to infer JI keeps her around to take the fall. I was saying he keeps her around because she brings attorneys and money to the table. If she goes, the attorneys and the benefactor go with her.

It is my opinion that Jeremy is driven by money.

If money wasn't very important, I don't think it would have been necessary for his sister to sue him for a $100. Good Grief!

Why would she kill her 'ticket' then? Also, do you have an MSM link to what large sums of money they have received because I'm pretty sure I haven't seen that verified anywhere.

He is back to working btw. I guess he didn't get paid that much.

...He may need to get out of the house.
How many cases have we see where the father seeks custody because he doesn't want to pay child support? The court wasn't going to give custody to the mother if she doesn't have a home. He won.

My money is on this mother being scared to deal with JI and had no resources. Till Lisa vanished, she may have thought, "At least, he's safe".
I don't doubt he is working, even if he didn't need the money, he should be, but I am curious as to the source of work confirmation.

While Jeremy was home from work, did he ever conducted a search? I don't recall the benefactor or the parents calling in TES or Marc Klass or any other search team.

What does he know? We know he doesn't care to search or talk to LE about his missing child. He must know something he doesn't care to share.
This is ny question: Why haven't the two other children been taken from that home? I'm not asking this because I don't like the parents, I don't, I'm asking this because she admitted to being drugged/passed out. What do the authorities think about this?....OR, don't they care. Poor Baby Lisa!

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