How much does Jeremy know?

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4jacy-- there is a CPS thread about 6 inches down the page. i'll bump it up again :)
This is ny question: Why haven't the two other children been taken from that home? I'm not asking this because I don't like the parents, I don't, I'm asking this because she admitted to being drugged/passed out. What do the authorities think about this?....OR, don't they care. Poor Baby Lisa!
CPS is a Govt agency. We should not depend on them to do the right thing. They are bound by rules. They hide behind rules and they use rules to protect themselves. Look at all the cases where CPS doesn't do a thing. Heck, they didn't even take OJ's kids from him and he murdered their mother.

Look at Josh Powell, Ron Cummings, etc. The Courts, if forced to make a decision, doesn't mean it is going to be correct. We should all know that by now. They hide behind the rules. I have never observed the slightest bit of discomfort when I watched a criminal parole who shouldn't have and then heard he raped an murdered. It really doesn't bother them. They can site that they abided by the law and were able to parole him.

What they don't tell you is that they don't have to parole. I was astonished how these people compartmentalize. It really doesn't bother them, not even a little.
Most of the cases I have seen, where a child's death is covered up, are a case of NON-accidental death. Where the child is beaten, shaken, etc. I can not, off the top of my head, think of a case where there was a TRUE accidental death and the parents covered it up...The majority of parents do not try to hide a TRUE accident.

just wanted to share the info from an article i came across today that addresses this nicely... david finkelhor, director of the crimes against children research center at the university of new hampshire, states that, in some cases, parents have concocted stories about a kidnapping after accidentally killing their child instead of facing the tragedy:

"Sometimes what happens when the parent was involved, the death wasn’t intentional but involved a kind of serious negligence. The responsible parent is so ashamed and maybe ashamed toward the spouse that they decide to dispose of the body and then report it as a missing child.”

** i still am on the fence whether jeremy knew when 911 was called... but i believe he knows now. not sure when he was informed or came to the conclusion on his own though...
just wanted to share the info from an article i came across today that addresses this nicely... david finkelhor, director of the crimes against children research center at the university of new hampshire, states that, in some cases, parents have concocted stories about a kidnapping after accidentally killing their child instead of facing the tragedy:

"Sometimes what happens when the parent was involved, the death wasn’t intentional but involved a kind of serious negligence. The responsible parent is so ashamed and maybe ashamed toward the spouse that they decide to dispose of the body and then report it as a missing child.”

** i still am on the fence whether jeremy knew when 911 was called... but i believe he knows now. not sure when he was informed or came to the conclusion on his own though...


BINGO!!! Deb drinking all night. Deb not checking on Lisa. Deb passing out drunk. No matter how you slice it, this equals serious negligence.

BINGO!!! Deb drinking all night. Deb not checking on Lisa. Deb passing out drunk. No matter how you slice it, this equals serious negligence.

I have never understood that either. Also, how the heck ANYONE can believe her when she claims she didn't DO anything to the baby , AFTER she blatantly ADMITTED to blacking out drunk. It is well documented what the affects of alcohol are, and what types of things can occur when you are blacked out. Just look at the movie "Hangover".... OMG. Maybe that's where she got the idea?? :waitasec:

JK -- well, kind of.
Before we were married my wife still did as I stated above. I still had no problem with that. Regardless, I still don't see what she calls JI's son or how much "JI LOVES money" has to do with what Jeremy knows. :what:

Bouncing off your post. No disrespect to anyone, but if a woman has lived with a man for at least a year or two, she generally thinks of herself as his wife, especially if they have a child. By all intents and purposes she plays the role of a wife, so why not "steal" the title? Some people regard a marriage license as just a piece of paper. I don't agree, but I try not to condemn ones who do.
That said, my husband and I each have two other children, all 4 have children as well, which we refer to as our grandchildren. Three of them have stepchildren as well as their own children. It would be confusing as hell to try to sort them all out and distinguish which ones were his, and mine, or which were stepgrandchildren or "real" grandchildren. I am pretty sure if I went around making statements about his kids and grandkids and never referred to them as mine, too, he would end up with hurt feelings. We love them all and we don't make a difference in them.
This is what blended families do... they blend.

Most of the cases I have seen, where a child's death is covered up, are a case of NON-accidental death. Where the child is beaten, shaken, etc. I can not, off the top of my head, think of a case where there was a TRUE accidental death and the parents covered it up. This includes the case of JBR. According to the autopsy, JBR showed signs of long-term molestation. And whether she died from a blow to the head or asphyxiation, how could either one of those be considered an accident? To me, that would be homicide.

Yes, everyone reacts differently, but WHY is there an extreme variance from the norm in THIS case? If DB/JI are covering up an accidental death then there is something VERY wrong going on there, something no one knows about. And no, those 2 acting "weird" or whatever is not it. The majority of parents do not try to hide a TRUE accident.


Neglect isn't an accident. If she passed out drunk, and the baby was in the tub, that is neglect. JMO
Bouncing off your post. No disrespect to anyone, but if a woman has lived with a man for at least a year or two, she generally thinks of herself as his wife, especially if they have a child. By all intents and purposes she plays the role of a wife, so why not "steal" the title? Some people regard a marriage license as just a piece of paper. I don't agree, but I try not to condemn ones who do.
That said, my husband and I each have two other children, all 4 have children as well, which we refer to as our grandchildren. Three of them have stepchildren as well as their own children. It would be confusing as hell to try to sort them all out and distinguish which ones were his, and mine, or which were stepgrandchildren or "real" grandchildren. I am pretty sure if I went around making statements about his kids and grandkids and never referred to them as mine, too, he would end up with hurt feelings. We love them all and we don't make a difference in them.
This is what blended families do... they blend.

That's all well and good, and I think it is a different situation when both adults involved are unattached. However, marriage is a legal contract. Those things that you state above, that are acceptable regarding blended families between adults that are not within a legal marriage with somebody else, do not equally apply to somebody that is still in a legally binding marriage contract.

I think it does speak to the character of the parties involved. It's like at the end of Jerry Springer when he tells people it's the right thing to do to end one relationship before starting another. I find it extremely irresponsible. Again, not talking about two people that are not legally bound by a marriage contract to somebody else. They can live together and call each other husband and wife and have children together without legal ramifications. But this is not the case here. There are legal pitfalls to what DB and JI are doing. I'm sure JI probably signed BL's birth certificate, but it SB wanted to be an *ss a child born within a marriage is legally assumed to be the husbands. I don't think SB is interested, in any way, of pursuing that, but still. As a parent, you do what is in the best interest of your children. I don't see that here.

They need to quit proclaiming to be "engaged." DB is not in a legal position to claim such a thing. Get your ducks in a row! Do what needs to be done legally and then go on with your life. It irritates me so much because it seems disrespectful to the laws and court system. And again, that attitude seems to be relevant here.

JMHO. . .MOO. .. and all that.
according to what i read, last night or the night before...

i checked the KC Royals schedule for verification: home games against the Yankees thurs - sun this w/e... might've even been taken on the 7th mo anniversary :what:

the other people look like they are on PNs fb friends' list ;)

I guess the lil girl that was stolen out of the house by a ninja kidnapper doesn't seem to be weighing very heavily on their minds. Life is getting better everyday. I think JI's shy me act is a fake. I've always thought so. His behavior disturbs me more than anybody's in this case.

ETA- One of the reasons I even started this thread is that there is still a small area in my mind that thinks that DB just might be dumb and naive enough to really not be culpable here. I don't think she's the brightest bulb in the box. However, I just don't think the same is true for JI. We've been told he is smart and ruthless, and I believe cunning. Look at him! All is right in his world. DB is behaving and this case is growing cold. He looks like he's never been happier. Again, there is a small piece of me that thinks the same is not true for DB. I know some here don't share this opinion, but I think she was a good mother to BL. I never doubted that she loved her. Maybe her drinking problem did lead to BL's demise. But I believe that DB feels that guilt, whatever happened. Uh. .. JI not so much. He looks like he is having the time of his life, and that is sooooo disturbing! Can you imagine DB appearing in a picture like this? He is a much more dangerous person in my opinion. Scary really!


ETA2-sorry, this wasn't the JI thread I started. Didn't want to take credit where it wasn't due.
I guess the lil girl that was stolen out of the house by a ninja kidnapper doesn't seem to be weighing very heavily on their minds. Life is getting better everyday. I think JI's shy me act is a fake. I've always thought so. His behavior disturbs me more than anybody's in this case.

ETA- One of the reasons I even started this thread is that there is still a small area in my mind that thinks that DB just might be dumb and naive enough to really not be culpable here. I don't think she's the brightest bulb in the box. However, I just don't think the same is true for JI. We've been told he is smart and ruthless, and I believe cunning. Look at him! All is right in his world. DB is behaving and this case is growing cold. He looks like he's never been happier. Again, there is a small piece of me that thinks the same is not true for DB. I know some here don't share this opinion, but I think she was a good mother to BL. I never doubted that she loved her. Maybe her drinking problem did lead to BL's demise. But I believe that DB feels that guilt, whatever happened. Uh. .. JI not so much. He looks like he is having the time of his life, and that is sooooo disturbing! Can you imagine DB appearing in a picture like this? He is a much more dangerous person in my opinion. Scary really!


ETA2-sorry, this wasn't the JI thread I started. Didn't want to take credit where it wasn't due.
Kinda.... but not really... she looks pretty happy, radiant, almost in her pics. I don't care WHAT was going on ,WHO was visiting, if it were the 7 month anniversary of the night I last saw MY child, I would not, could not pose & smile for pics, nor would I allow a Beer Bash at my home, especially when I was so drunk last time I was with my child, that I can't remember the last time I saw her.

But that's just me.
I don't get how this father can do this type of thing, on the day his daughter went missing....what DOES he know? I don't think I could even get out of bed on such a day were it my child.
please note: all pictures that are posted must have an acceptable link... that means photos taken off of unapproved facebooks or blogs are not acceptable. In that same vein discussing them or asking for pms about them on the thread is also not acceptable. Please also refer back to the topic at hand in the general opening post. Thanks so much.
I would bet anything that JI suspects, but really he only "knows" as much as Deborah has told him. I'm a military wife, and I gotta say that I'm not sure what it is about the military boys but they attract psychos like flies. I have had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting someone like DB, a pathological liar who will lie and lie and blame everyone until she is confronted with evidence and then has to explain why she felt she had to lie in the first place. Everyone who worked with this particular pathological liar knew how she was. Nothing was ever her fault, or as she put it, "Everyone is just lying about me. They're jealous because I'm the hottest piece of [tail] on this base." That is a direct quote, mind you. And when she was presented with video footage of her stealing from the business, she said that every single employee stole and that she quit. She then called me (sadly, at the time, I was her friend) in hysterics saying that she had just been fired and that I should go in there as soon as I could and quit too because they were going to come for me next (obviously, didn't happen).
But this is the kind of person I feel DB is. She's not quite delusional in her lies, she knows she's done something wrong that she needs to lie about, but she justifies it to herself in who knows how many different ways. JI likely knows this about her but still wants to stay with her. But DB's behavior is not normal, and although JI may accept this about her, he is likely having second thoughts as to how much he can really believe that comes out of DB's mouth. MOOOOoooo
Also, in reference to JI's body language/standoffishness/shyness.... I'm inclined to believe that he is simply a socially awkward person. I've been around quite a few of those people who never know what to say/how to say it and for some reason end up saying the wrong thing entirely. Example: a socially awkward shipmate of my husband's was congratulating me on my pregnancy and after a long silence he said, "SO... uh... so when does your milk come in?" Awkward.
Also worth noting is that public speaking tops the list of phobias; although when your child is missing, you would do anything to bring your child back. JI can and has spoken to the media, but pretty much sucks at eye contact and projecting. DB is like a polished actress, which makes me suspect more and more that unless she is confronted with absolute evidence, she will never talk. Her story will just keep changing so that she is a victim. During the Dr Phil interview, I kept looking at JI and thinking that he looked like someone who knew he was going down with the ship. Every new word and sentence out of DB's mouth, it's like he knew it was tightening the rope around his own neck.
As of today-Mr.Irwin knows everything and should be ashamed of himself!!-MOO
At the beginning of all of this I suspected JI. I've often wondered what DB's involvement was, if any.

I've been thinking recently, that JI has to know what happened. If JI & DB had no involvement in Lisa's disappearance, how can he live with her? She got drunk and lost his baby. How do you forgive that?

I would think he not only knows everything, he was compliant or involved in her disappearance.
I believe BL died at DB's hands and I also think JI knows what happened.

It's the disposal of the baby that bothers me. All the vehicles were checked, so they couldn't have used any of those cars. I wonder if PN could have borrowed a car and used that to help out his sister?
I believe BL died at DB's hands and I also think JI knows what happened.

It's the disposal of the baby that bothers me. All the vehicles were checked, so they couldn't have used any of those cars. I wonder if PN could have borrowed a car and used that to help our his sister?

Or put her in a duffel bag, walked to the river and threw her in. :(

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