How much time will Ron get?

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whatever Ron gets, I bet it won't be anywhere near the sentence that Misty gets. I think she'll essentially be sentenced to life...& all for being a very stupid, immature girl. & an habitual liar. In court, I expect her to be called a suspect, just like her brother. I wonder if Ron will. But if Misty is named a suspect, I'd like for somebody to explain how they think those 2, together, killed Haleigh.

You know, watching those videos, RC takes control of the deals that he is involved in, and in the arrest reports, it is mentioned that he called the undercover to set up more deals. He wasn't just along for a ride! He was every bit as much of a "mastermind" as Misty has been portrayed as!!! IMO if her attorney were worth anything he would have tried to show her as a follower, someone who went along with the undercover when he approached her and as someone who frequently deferred to RC for direction. It just chaps my butt to no end that she takes the heat for lying in the Haleigh case when others have lied just as much or more than she has and that she's taking all the heat for the drug trafficking as well. :furious:

I predict that RC will get 15 years, and I predict that Misty will get 50 (25 for Putnam and 25 for St. Johns). If that is what happens, she will end up doing more than 3 times as long as her cohorts including her co-conspirator.

I believe that Misty is just a piece of the puzzle of what happened to Haleigh, and sending her down in flames is not going to put that puzzle together. JMO.

I predict that RC will get 15 years, and I predict that Misty will get 50 (25 for Putnam and 25 for St. Johns). If that is what happens, she will end up doing more than 3 times as long as her cohorts including her co-conspirator.

I believe that Misty is just a piece of the puzzle of what happened to Haleigh, and sending her down in flames is not going to put that puzzle together. JMO.

You are probably right, sadly. I am still hoping Misty gets Youthful Offender in one of her counties but even with that, her total will come out to more than 25 years. Misty's fate may depend on Ron stepping up like a real man and telling the truth about his vs. her involvement in the drug deals.


ETA: Ron's minimum is 15 but he could get up to 30 on each of multiple charges. I would like to see the judge not limit this to the minimum. I would absolutely love it if Ron and Shoemaker are expecting the minimum but he ends up with more. Truly he deserves more than the others.
IMO...Whatever the most time...maximum allowed,.......... he should get...

Then, as time goes by and Ron sits in prison, he can have plenty of time of dwell on how screwed up his life is...the drugs and guns...and how Haleigh..died...

She died with no closeure, no funeral services, no attendance of folks/community to hear/give an account of her young brief life, no flowers, no marker, no remembrances, no music, no prayers, ........

Her death..was hidden..buried deep beneath layers of Ron's denial and self importance..

Her death...was not important enough to remember her little brief life...and not important enough to celebrate what years/time she was here his daughter

Time spent in confined quarters, with limited priviledges, for years...will be just fine...

Perhaps Ron will become decent and come forward with all he knows...and TELL THE TRUTH..and honor his little daughter with the proper closure....

all in my own opinion...
whatever Ron gets, I bet it won't be anywhere near the sentence that Misty gets. I think she'll essentially be sentenced to life...& all for being a very stupid, immature girl. & an habitual liar. In court, I expect her to be called a suspect, just like her brother. I wonder if Ron will. But if Misty is named a suspect, I'd like for somebody to explain how they think those 2, together, killed Haleigh.

I agree, really the Judge should throw this information out because charges haven't been filed in connection with HaLeigh's disappearance. LE should be held accountable. Unfortunately I think you are right, even though by law, Misty has the advantage of being sentenced as a youth offender. An officer at the jail told Misty she qualifies as a youth offender and therefore she will get a lighter sentence, but I doubt this will happen especially if a LEO shows up like he did at Tommy's sentencing hearing and names her as a suspect in HaLeigh's disappearance. I think it would be better if the Correctional Officer didn't tell Misty that although it's a possibility because it might get her hopes up and at the end of the day, only the Judge's opinion and decision is what counts.

Like we have seen in Hope's and Donna's sentencing hearing, the testimony of character witnesses didn't diminish the mandatory sentence imposed by the Judge and it must add to their disappointment when their hopes of getting a reduced sentence are nothing but an illusion. Although it is their legal right to have character witnesses, when there is a mandatory minimum, the odds are getting a reduced sentence are slim to none which is what we have seen happen so far.

I get the impression Misty's lawyer feels Misty was involved in HaLeigh's disappearance or knows more than she is saying and he is letting this hinder his ability to represent her fairly on her drug charges. You don't see Jo Overstreet's lawyer treating his client this way. JMO
I think Ron will get about 25 years for the drug charges......but after all is said and done, including the Haleigh case, I hope Ron never gets out.

It's hard to believe that a parent would sacrifice their child for their own selfish reasons....

I hope the judge take into consideration Ron's arrest record, the plea deal-which means he has withheld vital information into the disappearance of his own child, and the reason for the drug sting.

In all honesty.....I hope Ron live out his last days in prison.

JMO of course
I hope that RC is given a very stiff sentence and that makes MC take notice maybe just maybe if he has a longer sentence than Hope, TC, & Donna she will realiaze that she better start talking if she wants to save her arse.....And to think that when RC gets to prision his mommies infulences over the PC jail will no longer apply to him, no more favors for him that will be priceless when the true reality sets in with him.
I hope the judge blasts Ron in open court for dealing drugs while his child is missing! That should wipe that arrogant and cocky smug little smirk right off his face!
I hope the judge blasts Ron in open court for dealing drugs while his child is missing! That should wipe that arrogant and cocky smug little smirk right off his face!

Amen..That would make my day..
some people talk about sitting on the fence,well i say rcs sitting on the roof.look at his record everything dismissed that most people would be under the jail wth his record and dont forget gms sent the judge a letter i bet it was sweet..he needs to be condemed as much as tc was but if i where a betting person bet he want be..SOMETHING STINKS BAD DOWN THERE..imo
I hope the judge blasts Ron in open court for dealing drugs while his child is missing! That should wipe that arrogant and cocky smug little smirk right off his face!
& honestly, I think he will be because the judge won't want to be seen as hypocritical. & I also hope the judge makes it clear that him getting his deal for info in another case may be legal, but holding on to whatever Haleigh info, he's dealing with now, is beyond slimey. We'll see.
No matter what side of the fence you sit on re: Ron, no one can deny that at the very least- Haleigh would most likely still be here if it weren't for his actions. [Directly, or inderectly]: His choice of 'friends'/associates he allowed around his children, his drug use, and just overall lack of protection for his babies. IMO, Minimum- he deserves no less than 50+, but I have a feeling he'll get a slap on the wrist. Sept. 24th happens to be my birthday, so I'll be wishing for *some* type of justice for Haleigh when judgement day comes around.

Well I for one hope you have a wonderful birthday and that you get EVERYTHING that you have wished for, especially concerning your post above.
I hope the judge throws the book at him, and gives him the max, but let's just say I wouldn't be surprised if he walked out with probation and rehab. At this point, nothing would surprise me with Ron, except maybe him getting some "real hard time."
OK, maybe I'm the only cynical one here but I have a dreaded feeling that Ron's charges will change again and he will get less time than the 15 year minimum. I know, I know all about Florida's mandatory minimum sentences, I don't need a reminder nor a refresher here. I'm just saying that he is probably wheeling and dealing on getting even more charges dropped so that the minimum will change. I would not be surprised if he faced the minimum charge of the three years for the lesser charge. I really wouldn't, really! He has managed to manipulate the court on all the past criminal charges and I would not be surprised at all if the SA makes another deal to drop the two 15 yr. minimum charges.
I hope that RC is given a very stiff sentence and that makes MC take notice maybe just maybe if he has a longer sentence than Hope, TC, & Donna she will realiaze that she better start talking if she wants to save her arse.....And to think that when RC gets to prision his mommies infulences over the PC jail will no longer apply to him, no more favors for him that will be priceless when the true reality sets in with him.

I'm still waiting to see another change in the sentencing date. I just can't see Ron letting Misty be last for sentencing because if Ron comes up with information that points to her in order to seal the deal with the SA, then Misty can come along and try to make a better deal based upon whatever Ron gives up.
OK, maybe I'm the only cynical one here but I have a dreaded feeling that Ron's charges will change again and he will get less time than the 15 year minimum. I know, I know all about Florida's mandatory minimum sentences, I don't need a reminder nor a refresher here. I'm just saying that he is probably wheeling and dealing on getting even more charges dropped so that the minimum will change. I would not be surprised if he faced the minimum charge of the three years for the lesser charge. I really wouldn't, really! He has managed to manipulate the court on all the past criminal charges and I would not be surprised at all if the SA makes another deal to drop the two 15 yr. minimum charges.

But...didn't Ron plead guilty as charged on the remaining three charges? IDK for sure but I do not think he can change his plea now.
But...didn't Ron plead guilty as charged on the remaining three charges? IDK for sure but I do not think he can change his plea now.

I'm hoping that I'm totally wrong in the way I'm thinking here and I hope that you are right! I just don't trust the justice system as far as Ron Cummings is concerned until I see it actually work with Ron.
I'm still waiting to see another change in the sentencing date. I just can't see Ron letting Misty be last for sentencing because if Ron comes up with information that points to her in order to seal the deal with the SA, then Misty can come along and try to make a better deal based upon whatever Ron gives up.

I was reading up on Florida law and a convicted person can have their sentence reduced even after it is imposed if they come forward with credible information about another crime. This is usually info on bigger fish drug people when the conviction is for drugs, but I found nothing in the law that limits it to that.
I'm hoping that I'm totally wrong in the way I'm thinking here and I hope that you are right! I just don't trust the justice system as far as Ron Cummings is concerned until I see it actually work with Ron.

I hear ya!
I think we are all in for a big surprise (myself included) and (Ron) will be given 25 years. It's time to put a stop to his dirty dealings and I think this might just be the time.
What is the minimum for the charges he pled to?

I think he'll get the minimum whatever it is.

Do I agree with that? Nope. But that's what I'm thinking he will get.
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