How to get yourself & a child out of the school and into a vehicle?

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I think it's a given that there are plenty of ruses that can be told to a child to get them to do different things. What's making me crazy is, looking at the pictures, how you physically get both yourself and a child to a vehicle. For example, if you look at your possible doors to exit from, if you pulled the vehicle onto the grass, that would stand out too much.

It's like doing a Rubik's cube lol. A puzzle. Following the pictures and trying to figure out how to get not only yourself, but a child out of that building and into a vehicle without being seen.
Also, the windows in the school are no worry as people will be looking at exhibits or doing their job and not looking out the windows.
I was going to add that as well. Even when I walk by the front office at the school during the day time I have never once see someone look at me when walking in and the windows are right there. And add to that a hectic day, well not many people are going to be starring out at the rain.
I think that there would be no need for subterfuge if someone believed they saw Kyron in a familiar vehicle driving away, fwiw. I think it is easy enough to have people see what they are familiar with-Kyron driving away in a bat-mobile screaming behind the window might cause people to snap out of their day to day, but I am not so sure that Kyron leaving in a familar vehicle would. Again, JMO. Unless of course the pick up occurred in a place that was not easily viewed by the public......


I'll accept the mission.

Look at the two pic above.

The south door was where Kyron was last seen (either in or out)

If you notice there is a "dirt" road that comes in from the front road and runs along the soccer field. (Probably to bring equipment in and out). On the front road side - this "path" creates a "pull off" if you will from the main road.

I would have made sure "something" was left behind by the child in the vehicle. Then as I was preparing to leave and have him go to class, I would convienently ask the child, "do you have your________". Immediately the child would remember that he forgot it in the truck.

Ok, I tell him. You go to class and then come down those stairs to that door. I'll go get the truck and meet you out there - you can run out to the truck and get "it".

Again, look at those pics. There is tree cover that would conceal your vehicle from the second story windows and also trees that would provide some cover for the child as he "runs out to the truck". Cars on the road of course would see you - but if you are rummaging around or hanging out the window waving a schoolbook or papers while you're idling.......

Once the child is at the truck you tell him get in.

Of course you are risking being seen - but I believe this would minimalize those chances and if you are - well the child is just running out to get something. The exit to the school parking lot is behind you and you are not in the mainstream of traffic lanes (you've pulled off to the side). The parking lot exit goes both left and right, so at least some of the traffic will turn left and not even notice you.

I was thinking the same thing.

If a hypothetical "you" have him go downstairs and along the soccer field before you leave the building (making your statement that you last saw him in front of his classroom true) and wait for you by the road, you don't even have to look suspicious parked beside the road, you just pull over for long enough for him to jump in. This requires bribing him with some special treat ("just you and me, buddy.")

I see the potential for a tag-team scenario here. You drive the Mustang, say goodbye to him inside and send him out the back door to the road, where he's picked up by the other person in the white truck. Then you saunter out to your car. Or vice versa as far as who's driving which vehicle.

I can see how a non-family perp who was well known to the boy might be able to pull this one off, too. "Wait for me down by the soccer field and I'll be out as soon as I finish emptying the garbage/answering this phone call/making sure nobody saw you."
The thing is, and here's what's driving me crazy, is that so far as we know, Kyron was last seen *inside* the school. There were people going in and out of the building. I keep looking at the pictures and I can't for the life of me figure out how to get a child into a vehicle and off the premises with that child never being seen.

I know what you mean BeanE, but he had to have come out. I think there was so much confusion that morning with parents and kids going in so many directions I would find it more surprising if someone HAD noticed him leaving. I say that because with everyone moving about, unless there was "something odd" to draw attention it would go unnoticed.
So weird...I was thinking of something very similar to this post this morning!

The only difference was that I wasn't thinking so much of the "escape" but, the actual process of the DISPOSAL of Kyron.

I think this is where we need to be focused on as well...where & how did the disposal take place and maybe one important thing that might link the POI to this crime (besides DNA evidence) is why the POI would choose this place?

I've been trying this with three different variations of one parameter, which is the child alive/well, unconscious, or deceased. Any of three presents challenges.
"mom, i forgot my frog for my science project!!!"

"ok, let's just run back home and get it, we'll be back before school starts."
I know what you mean BeanE, but he had to have come out. I think there was so much confusion that morning with parents and kids going in so many directions I would find it more surprising if someone HAD noticed him leaving. I say that because with everyone moving about, unless there was "something odd" to draw attention it would go unnoticed.

I agree with your basic point about not being noticed unless something was way out of the ordinary, but I don't know whether I agree that he had to have come out. I think there's still the possibility he's hidden somewhere in the school, especially if there's a basement.
The thing is, and here's what's driving me crazy, is that so far as we know, Kyron was last seen *inside* the school. There were people going in and out of the building. I keep looking at the pictures and I can't for the life of me figure out how to get a child into a vehicle and off the premises with that child never being seen.

Personally, I think Kyron WAS seen leaving school (possibly by another child) but there was nothing out of the ordinary about that child didn't think to come forward or remember that the day they last saw Kyron was in fact the day he disappeared.
I agree with your basic point about not being noticed unless something was way out of the ordinary, but I don't know whether I agree that he had to have come out. I think there's still the possibility he's hidden somewhere in the school, especially if there's a basement.

He would have to be hidden in something air tight, and for the life of me I can't believe LE has not gone over that school with a fine tooth comb.
I think either Knox or Jules hit the nail on the head. You have him leave the bldg at 9:10 [and clocks are everywhere in the school]. which would be after the bell has rung. All students will be in their classes while the teacher gives them directions and starting to walk down the hall. Most parents will have left before the bell rings and by 9:15 will be in their cars and out of the parking lot except for stragglers. She'll figure the chances of someone seeing them will be nip to nil as they'll be focusing on getting in their car and exiting the P lot. He'll know right where she's gonna be parked and run right to it.

Also, the windows in the school are no worry as people will be looking at exhibits or doing their job and not looking out the windows.

Hopefully the best laid plans of mice and men go aglay in this case and the flier might pull out that someone who saw them but didn't realize it at the time.

The bells rang at 8:35 and 8:45 for kids to report to class, where would he go "hide" for 30 minutes that had a clock he could see? And what 7 year old would stay put for 30 minutes alone with all the fun going on right there in the school with all his friends?

And the flier has some other purpose entirely, it is pretty obvious that over a two week period of the school and media and LE questioning the parents, that their memories have already been "jogged" to recall what they saw that day.

The thing is, and here's what's driving me crazy, is that so far as we know, Kyron was last seen *inside* the school. There were people going in and out of the building. I keep looking at the pictures and I can't for the life of me figure out how to get a child into a vehicle and off the premises with that child never being seen.

It does seem difficult. But somehow Terri managed to leave the school without being seen herself. So, if she wasn't seen leaving, if Kyron were with her, he would not be seen leaving either.
But, we don't know that nobody saw Terri leave with Kyron, do we? Maybe someone did. Or, thought they did. Pretty sure they did. LE might want more than one witness. The person who saw them leave might be a child. LE might want to know if an adult also saw them.
School started at 8:45 the same as it always does. The only difference is that instead of doing reading which is the normal subject most schools have in the AM, the children were going to tour the exhibits.

8:35 warning bell. 8:45 class starts.

I don't know if this is subconscious or what, but when I was a teacher, all teachers close their doors at the start of class. That signals that business is starting.

Hence, no open doors. Teacher very busy and focused on getting students settled, routines etc.

All classroom doors closed.
But, we don't know that nobody saw Terri leave with Kyron, do we? Maybe someone did. Or, thought they did. Pretty sure they did. LE might want more than one witness. The person who saw them leave might be a child. LE might want to know if an adult also saw them.

Or the person could have seen them by the truck, but was not sure if they left. And if LE asked TH about that she could have simply said they were still unloading stuff.
Easy peasy.

neutralize the child in the school.
contain the body.
bring him out later, whenever is best, in a bag or container unnoticed on a day full of containers in & out of school.

now the question is who or why that child in particular. answer - something happened where that child became a threat.

And/or something happened that made that child the opportune child.

I don't see the need for having red hair or not, frankly, to do this. Just motive. Container. Vehicle.

just noodling. :)
Either way there's that pesky little detail that a child is walking with you to sort of point out who you are, and a disguise or wig would only add to the attention in a small school parent group.


First let me state I am really not too familiar with this case or the layout of the school..don't know too much about entrances, exits, parking areas...
And I never stated I thought Kyron walked out with her... If you noticed I only addressed the fact about her hair and her appearance.. IMHO she could have changed her appearance at some point.. Thank you...
I think Kyron's exit from the school was purely coincidental (pure luck) that he might not have actually been witnessed leaving school.

If you consider the time that school was to begin that day and the time he was actually last seen there is a pretty big window of time that students & parents were NOT yet arriving. At least a full hour for sure.

Then factor into the timing, the geographic location of this area. Could it be possible to be the only person on the road at that one given moment till you reach a main highway and onto the freeway.

If my memory serves me correctly of this area, having been out that way to visit my daughter's friend or taking a trip out to the Roloff could be possible to see zero to maybe a few cars pass you by.
It does seem difficult. But somehow Terri managed to leave the school without being seen herself. So, if she wasn't seen leaving, if Kyron were with her, he would not be seen leaving either.

Well, we don't know whether or not she was seen leaving herself, now that you mention it. Someone may well have seen her, in which case, I think it's a safe assumption that she was seen alone.

But we can put Terri aside, and what's intriguing me, is how any adult accomplished this, when you look at the pictures, and imagine yourself needing to get a child Kyron's size and age out of the building and into a vehicle and driving away with nobody seeing him.
I don't know why red hair is necessary.

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