How will Jaycee heal?

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I don't know what to hope for in terms of trial.
Part of me really wants to see him pull the insanity card, just because it would be a lot easier on everyone.
But the other part of me wonders, he didn't take responsibility for his actions for 18 years...why should he be allowed to take partial responsibility now, after the fact for the purpose of trying to lessen the import of what he did.
(I know the plea is technically still not guilty, but it is an admission that the person did commit these acts.)

This is one of those where the massive amount of rights and liberties given a suspect disgust me. There is no reasonable doubt and no mitigating circumstance...just lock him up. Forget the trial and the endless appeals and the concern of violating the Garrido's rights. Just lock them in a shed until they die of old age. IMO.

Loved this post as it illustrates a lot of the problems with our judicial system. To me this case is cut and dried. Defense attorneys will do their job and defend the g's to the best of their ability. It is their job, what they are trained to do.

This having been said, there needs to be reform in our judicial system. Yes, everyone deserves a trial and if there is substantial evidence that information was not presented that could clear someone or if there are blatant errors in the execution of the trial, then a person should be allowed to defend themselves, in an attempt to clear themselves of wrongdoing. The person who is found guilty by a jury of their peers, has enough evidence against them, has testimony from the victim and witnesses, should:

1) Not be given more rights than the victim(s) of their crime. In a courtroom the rights of the accused are held in much higher regard then are the rights of the victim or the victims family. The defense team can slander the victim, without providing any proof to their statements, usually without reprisal, whereas the accused persons past offenses can not be mentioned. In the sentencing phase the criminals family can give any testimony they choose, but the victim witness statements are sanctioned to protect the accused. This has got to be equalized, in my opinion only.

2) Should not be allowed to muck up the judicial system with frivolous lawsuits without merit, to try and get reduced sentences, additional rights or a change in what evidence was/shouldn't have been allowed during their trial. The prisoner and his defense team had the right to object to any information, evidence or witness statements presented the first time around!

3) Should serve out their entire length of sentencing. There is a HUGE need for truth in sentencing. How can a criminal who broke the law be released early for "good behavior"? Kind of an ironic idea considering they are behind bars during that period of time. It doesn't show if a person is rehabilitated or less inclined to repeat their offenses. It only shows that a person can control themselves in a controlled environment. Especially, but not inclusive to. child SO and child preditors.

Everyone deserves their day in court, fair representation, a right to a trial by a jury of their peers, the best and most thorough access to the latest technology to prove their innocence. After that has occurred and if they are found guilty, those rights should end, unless there are extenuating circumstances. Reform the system to protect the rights of victims and potential future victims.
Actually it is very difficult to get cases overturned once a conviction has been returned, even when there are reasonable grounds to think that there has been a significant error or miscarriage of justice.
Actually it is very difficult to get cases overturned once a conviction has been returned, even when there are reasonable grounds to think that there has been a significant error or miscarriage of justice.

I'm with you there. There are case studies and other things online that cite the massive amounts of decision changing evidence that some people have dug up. In one case, a man was locked up for 5 years before someone came forward with the victims clothing, found in a different man's apartment. It had the victims blood on it, the DNA of someone other than the man convicted. The courts decided that there was no reason for another trial, based on that evidence. It didn't have enough import to change the decision.

There needs to be reform, but it needs to be done on both sides of the bars.
Loved this post as it illustrates a lot of the problems with our judicial system. To me this case is cut and dried. Defense attorneys will do their job and defend the g's to the best of their ability. It is their job, what they are trained to do.

This having been said, there needs to be reform in our judicial system. Yes, everyone deserves a trial and if there is substantial evidence that information was not presented that could clear someone or if there are blatant errors in the execution of the trial, then a person should be allowed to defend themselves, in an attempt to clear themselves of wrongdoing. The person who is found guilty by a jury of their peers, has enough evidence against them, has testimony from the victim and witnesses, should:

1) Not be given more rights than the victim(s) of their crime. In a courtroom the rights of the accused are held in much higher regard then are the rights of the victim or the victims family. The defense team can slander the victim, without providing any proof to their statements, usually without reprisal, whereas the accused persons past offenses can not be mentioned. In the sentencing phase the criminals family can give any testimony they choose, but the victim witness statements are sanctioned to protect the accused. This has got to be equalized, in my opinion only.

2) Should not be allowed to muck up the judicial system with frivolous lawsuits without merit, to try and get reduced sentences, additional rights or a change in what evidence was/shouldn't have been allowed during their trial. The prisoner and his defense team had the right to object to any information, evidence or witness statements presented the first time around!

3) Should serve out their entire length of sentencing. There is a HUGE need for truth in sentencing. How can a criminal who broke the law be released early for "good behavior"? Kind of an ironic idea considering they are behind bars during that period of time. It doesn't show if a person is rehabilitated or less inclined to repeat their offenses. It only shows that a person can control themselves in a controlled environment. Especially, but not inclusive to. child SO and child preditors.

Everyone deserves their day in court, fair representation, a right to a trial by a jury of their peers, the best and most thorough access to the latest technology to prove their innocence. After that has occurred and if they are found guilty, those rights should end, unless there are extenuating circumstances. Reform the system to protect the rights of victims and potential future victims.

Oh Sunnie, Your #3 is what irks me the most. How in God's Name can anyone say someone is reformed enough to be out on the streets again, when there is absolutely NO evidence of that??? The perps haven't been in that situation again! It's kinda no different than saying a drug addict hasn't been doing drugs since he's locked up in jail, so let's just let him out, because they certainly won't do them agian. While they're incarcerated they don't have the temptation, the target, the potential victim. How can they possibly achieve "time off for good behavior"? They had no choice, there was no way to get their drugs, their victim, whatever. It didn't take long for PG to act again once he was out, and personally, I don't think he is an exception in that regard!
I went past a news stand today and there was the new NE saying JC suicide Shocker, so naturally I buy the paper and it is purely tabloid mania article not based in anything said by anyone close to JC at this moment.
SO the way I read it is a prediction of possibilities in her healing.
what NE said is the Euphoric honeymoon with reuniting with her blood family is over. now pretty much reality has hit and the shock of what really happened to her can make her spiral into severe depressions including suicide. Now all o f this is concluded by several doctors who studied other cases similar to this. But this is nothing really similar a few that are also about captivity. so they draw some similarities.
But this case is unique unto itself and they do not know what to expect.But do foresee isolation, depression, and many many years of continuous healing work needed,

I agree with what the article predicts, because 18 years is a long time to undo.
Praying for continuous healing for JC AND HER GIRLS.
I went past a news stand today and there was the new NE saying JC suicide Shocker, so naturally I buy the paper and it is purely tabloid mania article not based in anything said by anyone close to JC at this moment.
SO the way I read it is a prediction of possibilities in her healing.
what NE said is the Euphoric honeymoon with reuniting with her blood family is over. now pretty much reality has hit and the shock of what really happened to her can make her spiral into severe depressions including suicide. Now all o f this is concluded by several doctors who studied other cases similar to this. But this is nothing really similar a few that are also about captivity. so they draw some similarities.
But this case is unique unto itself and they do not know what to expect.But do foresee isolation, depression, and many many years of continuous healing work needed,

I agree with what the article predicts, because 18 years is a long time to undo.
Praying for continthuous healing for JC AND HER GIRLS.[/quo

making predictions like that isnt helpful, i dont care if they are a tabloid or not. who are they to predict what jayee will do? jaycee has a long road ahead no doubt, but predicting suicide attempts is mean spirited and stupid.
jaycee has a long road ahead no doubt, but predicting suicide attempts is mean spirited and stupid.

I guess that would suppose on how they worded and handled it. Then again, it's The National Enquirer, so I don't exactly expect them to be a bastion of sensitivity and class, unfortunately. Like you guys, I agree that she's probably got a long and winding road ahead of her that may be difficult in ways we may never understand. She may end up struggling with depression down the road, and depression can lead to suicide in some instances, though that may not be the case with Jaycee. Her daughters may struggle with depression in the future as well. I've read that children conceived by rape can struggle with feelings of low self-worth, guilt, and severe depression (and therefore have higher risks of suicide). I pray that they never have to face feelings of depression that severe, though. I would be really, really sad if I read that Jaycee or one of the girls attempted to hurt themselves. :(
I guess that would suppose on how they worded and handled it. Then again, it's The National Enquirer, so I don't exactly expect them to be a bastion of sensitivity and class, unfortunately. Like you guys, I agree that she's probably got a long and winding road ahead of her that may be difficult in ways we may never understand. She may end up struggling with depression down the road, and depression can lead to suicide in some instances, though that may not be the case with Jaycee. Her daughters may struggle with depression in the future as well. I've read that children conceived by rape can struggle with feelings of low self-worth, guilt, and severe depression (and therefore have higher risks of suicide). I pray that they never have to face feelings of depression that severe, though. I would be really, really sad if I read that Jaycee or one of the girls attempted to hurt themselves. :(

the thing that annoys me is, jaycee has most likely been battling depressions for years. the situation she was in was not exactly conductive to happiness.
:banghead: her situation has improved, and while that guarentees nothing, the support system around her (mom, sis, step dad, aunt ec) imo this is what makes her future more bright then bleak.
the thing that annoys me is, jaycee has most likely been battling depressions for years. the situation she was in was not exactly conductive to happiness.
:banghead: her situation has improved, and while that guarentees nothing, the support system around her (mom, sis, step dad, aunt ec) imo this is what makes her future more bright then bleak.

True. Or she could have been in survival mode and in sort of an autopilot type of state for a lot of that time. If she was brainwashed or suffering from Stockholm syndrome, she might not fully realize the horror of what happened to her until after she's recovered from that state. Any kind of change, whether good or bad, can be stressful. We have to remember that her whole world has been turned upside down. Like Carl Probyn said, it probably feels like she's on another planet. Have you ever seen the movie The Shawshank Redemption? I remember that one of the prisoners had a hard time adjusting to freedom just because it was so different from what he was used to. That's not to say that her future is bleak, however. I think we all have reasons to hope that things will turn out well for her. We just cannot say for sure either way because 1) we don't know Jaycee, and 2) there aren't many cases like hers that we can compare hers to. She is surrounded by people who love her, so hopefully, they will help make the transition a lot less stressful for her. I think they will.
True. Or she could have been in survival mode and in sort of an autopilot type of state for a lot of that time. If she was brainwashed or suffering from Stockholm syndrome, she might not fully realize the horror of what happened to her until after she's recovered from that state. Any kind of change, whether good or bad, can be stressful. We have to remember that her whole world has been turned upside down. Like Carl Probyn said, it probably feels like she's on another planet. Have you ever seen the movie The Shawshank Redemption? I remember that one of the prisoners had a hard time adjusting to freedom just because it was so different from what he was used to. That's not to say that her future is bleak, however. I think we all have reasons to hope that things will turn out well for her. We just cannot say for sure either way because 1) we don't know Jaycee, and 2) there aren't many cases like hers that we can compare hers to. She is surrounded by people who love her, so hopefully, they will help make the transition a lot less stressful for her. I think they will.

she was strong enough to survive 18 years in that hole, her strength, and her will to keep going for her daughters had a lot to do with it. now she sess her future as being a life with her family, and her kids. i might be a total idiot but i dont see suicide in her future. i see depression, yes, lots of therapy and healing.
she was strong enough to survive 18 years in that hole, her strength, and her will to keep going for her daughters had a lot to do with it. now she sess her future as being a life with her family, and her kids. i might be a total idiot but i dont see suicide in her future. i see depression, yes, lots of therapy and healing.

I don't necessarily see it, either. But I don't think any of us can say with 100% certainty what she's feeling, what she will feel, and how things will turn out for her. We can only hope for the best, know what I mean?
I don't necessarily see it, either. But I don't think any of us can say with 100% certainty what she's feeling, what she will feel, and how things will turn out for her. We can only hope for the best, know what I mean?

but better to be optimmistic then this nonsense the ne is running just cause they havent had any real jaycee news in 2 months (if ever)
Have you ever seen the movie The Shawshank Redemption? I remember that one of the prisoners had a hard time adjusting to freedom just because it was so different from what he was used to.

O/T, I know, but it was Brooksie (the Bird Man)... BROOKS WAS HERE.
Just to go back to the NE article for a moment and I will drop it completely, because it seems some here find reason to argue, and that is not my point at all.
There were doctors on that article talking about what is more realistic in the process.
first there is Euphoria, and then that passes...Makes sense to me...
They did talk about depression, and crashing from the Euphoria...makes sense to me...
ALL of which is very real in any therapy regardless to how much support exists. 18 years is a very long time to be traumatized.
while she created a protective coping way, it takes time to relax into feeling safe, and when reality hits it hits very hard.
Nothing about it seems to me to be unkind or unreal. and Suicide is also potentially part of how deep one can go into depression.

What is not realistic despite the fact that she is free ARE all the Euphoric posts. "she has so much support, and so much blah...blah..." all that is not real to me at all.
Regardless of support..... feeling are all that is real.
To the extent that she had to stuff her real feeling for so long when they finally do surface they are raw and real.
REAL IS she was enslaved for 18 years that is real and it does have emotional and mental consequences.
I do think that NE gave us things to think about that are very "REAL"
due to copyright rules I can not copy the article. I do hope it will end up on their web site so you can all see there was NO malice in the article. Just some doctors talking about what is real based on other cases that have been somewhat similar.

I can see that some find this hard to read and while her story is her privacy....Somethings are just what they are and after 18 years of being traumatized the concept of ":woohoo: it is all up hill from here is just a euphoric perception.
IT is a hard hard road for her. nothing euphoric at this stage. IN fact it is also written that past a certain point even bonding with her blood family is very difficult, in some level they seem like the strangers, and on some level there is also deep anger that they did not find her regardless of how much they looked for her.
ALL of which does make sense....Because I did study human development and counseled long ago.

Please believe whatever you wish...I did work with cult survivors and when they are free, they are still not free for a long time.

This is was NOT an article based on them trying to have news because there was non.
IT is from many doctors with their knowledge of cases similar.

I realize that some people think that optimism means not looking at the things that are hard to look at. not acknowledging the dark deep side of this case. In fact all rainbows in a case of this magnitude is not at all real. IMO it is about as unreal as one can possibly get.
making predictions like that isnt helpful, i dont care if they are a tabloid or not. who are they to predict what jayee will do? jaycee has a long road ahead no doubt, but predicting suicide attempts is mean spirited and stupid.

I dont agree with you at all.
Most people have no clue about this typ of stuff.
This is not your avrage case.
Many Doctors came together with what they know about this type of stuff.
And surly they do know far more then many of us.
You dont have any knowledge of this typ of Truma.
What the Doctors gave was information....
It is also noted that Elizabeth Smart is the ONLY victim who is doing well and she was only
gone 9 months but is still working on it years later. However none of the others are doing so well.
But they did base it on the harder cases.
Based on your anology ;) they are also in improved conditions, and managed to survive horifc trauma.
The mind and emoional body have a blue print to deal with.

I never understood your Rainbows from the very start.
True. Or she could have been in survival mode and in sort of an autopilot type of state for a lot of that time. If she was brainwashed or suffering from Stockholm syndrome, she might not fully realize the horror of what happened to her until after she's recovered from that state. Any kind of change, whether good or bad, can be stressful. We have to remember that her whole world has been turned upside down. Like Carl Probyn said, it probably feels like she's on another planet. Have you ever seen the movie The Shawshank Redemption? I remember that one of the prisoners had a hard time adjusting to freedom just because it was so different from what he was used to. That's not to say that her future is bleak, however. I think we all have reasons to hope that things will turn out well for her. We just cannot say for sure either way because 1) we don't know Jaycee, and 2) there aren't many cases like hers that we can compare hers to. She is surrounded by people who love her, so hopefully, they will help make the transition a lot less stressful for her. I think they will.

ITA with your post. I love your open minded approach.
sure we all want the best and the most for JC.
but your ability to comprehend the possibility that her new situation may not mean to her at this stage that it is "improved".
STAGES of healing are very hard and this stage may be one of the hardest because Euphoria is over and real is here to deal with. And bonding with family also happens in stages it is not automatic,
Thank you for your post and your open mind.
she was strong enough to survive 18 years in that hole, her strength, and her will to keep going for her daughters had a lot to do with it. now she sess her future as being a life with her family, and her kids. i might be a total idiot but i dont see suicide in her future. i see depression, yes, lots of therapy and healing.

How do you know that?
whatever is normal outside of this case may not at all apply in this case.
I am not so sure that is what kept her going at all. It is only a possibility.
they are basing there article on what could happen.....they arent focusing on a solution to it. they are just doing what they do.......attention grabbing headlines "jaycee suicide shocker!" to make you think she already tried, then "experts" talking about what MIGHT happen. i dont have a crystal ball.
ive seen your posts to jaycee, and while not 'rainbows' they surely seemed postive.
for the record i dont think suicide is trivial or easily explained. yes, jaycee could attempt suicide some day. but so could the guy on the park bench downtown who just lost his job or the bank teller who's depressed cause shes lonely for the holidays. you dont need an 18 year trauma to have these feelings nor, if you have, do you need to feel hopless necesserily.

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