Huckaby tied to January missing girl report

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Nurse this is off please excuse everyone...but is it the community that I live in or is this also something in the civilian world...

Why are so many ppl being prescribed psychotropic drugs? Good grief, everyone I know is popping them like there is no tommorow (except me :)) Seriously, I can name right off the bat at least 5 women that take these drugs...TIA for your insight as to why they are prescribed so often and so freely and if it's just this community. one wants to actually face their problems anymore with real honest therapy or true personal change, which is long-term, painful and difficult, so they try and put a bandaid on it by changing their brain chemistry to "like" their unhappy situations, which is a quicker fix. and docs can quadruple what they make per hour with 15-minute "medication evaluations" (I've had personal experience with this), so some of them have taken advantage of this and will literally write you a 'scrip before you've even sat down. I've literally walked into my doc's office, said, "can I get some Ambien?" and had a scrip written, no questions asked. You're technically supposed to be in some sort of therapy in concurrence with a medication program, but a lot of docs don't ask if you are.

I don't think it's a community thing - I think it's a societal thing - and I think that also with the plethora of options of anti-deps and anti-anxiety meds with less side effects, and the big pharmas making big $$ on them, they're just easier to get nowadays. 50 years ago, "depressed" housewives would be prescribed valium and benzos - nowadays it's Xanax and Zoloft.

Don't let this dissuade you or others from psychiatry or therapy - this is by no means a rule - there are just as many good, responsible docs in the psychiatric field who will not write scrips this easily, and so many heroic therapists and social workers who take the time to help their patients work through their problems, while getting paid much less than doctors who can prescribe. I'm just saying that it can and does happen unfortunately.
I agree Nurse! I'm wondering though if questioning the child would have done much good. Would she have remembered what she had eaten?

So --- if mom would not have called the police when she did, and the police would not have found the girl at the park - what would have happened to this girl? If, as Nursebee speculates, the drug was given to the girl shortly before police arrived, that means MH didn't have time to do much (thank God!). Also, what if the mom had not taken the girl to the hospital? She too might have died. Obviously, the girl acted like she was under the influence of something - did the doctor at the hospital give the child anything to counteract the benzos?

Man... this child was lucky, very lucky. On NG tonight they said the mother of this child had alcohol on her breath. My opinion of that is that even with alcohol in her system, this mom still acted appropriately and in the best interest of her child and may have saved her daughter's life by reporting her missing and/or taking her to the hospital.

Close calls like this really scare the bejees out of a person, ya know?


Why didn't the police notice her drugged state when they found her? I mean, these benzos only take about 30min to work, I know, I've taken them! I'm sure the police were engaged on the case after finding the girl for longer than 30min. Much later that night doesn't make sense.... All the benzo would have reached their peak concentration/effect about 1=2hr after ingestion. Maybe she ate some candy that MH gave her after the fact. Very weird.
Thank you FC and Nurse for answering me. I have known ppl in my life that were under a psychiatrist care and who I loved very much and I knew that they needed to be under that care and I knew that they needed those meds.

But this is kind of obscene that so many walk into a doc's office and are instantly prescribed a "happy pill". I'm not faulting anyone that needs that treatment, there is a history of mental illness in my family that was profound, but not all need a pill to make their worries go away. Just my humble opinion.
it is not OT at all! And yes they are! We could all do a test run and go to our doc tomorrow to see what we are able to get right off the bat! It is amazing! You walk in and say I am anxious and need some medicine to help me... BAM! ATIVAN! You can say help me with my depression....BAM! ZOLOFT! Scary thing is that most of these are being perscribed by general practitioners and not psychiatrists. They are prescribed so freely they will be the next "purple pill". Scary thing is that they can have very adverse effects such as suicidal ideations and more. Very, very, very scary stuff!

also...some of these drugs serve dual purposes - i.e. they can also be prescribed for stomach ailments; non-mental issues basically - so GPs can prescribe them. so if you know someone taking them it might not necessarily be because of depression or anxiety, it could be a physical ailment. one wants to actually face their problems anymore with real honest therapy or true personal change, which is long-term, painful and difficult, so they try and put a bandaid on it by changing their brain chemistry to "like" their unhappy situations, which is a quicker fix. and docs can quadruple what they make per hour with 15-minute "medication evaluations" (I've had personal experience with this), so some of them have taken advantage of this and will literally write you a 'scrip before you've even sat down. I've literally walked into my doc's office, said, "can I get some Ambien?" and had a scrip written, no questions asked. You're technically supposed to be in some sort of therapy in concurrence with a medication program, but a lot of docs don't ask if you are.

I don't think it's a community thing - I think it's a societal thing - and I think that also with the plethora of options of anti-deps and anti-anxiety meds with less side effects, and the big pharmas making big $$ on them, they're just easier to get nowadays. 50 years ago, "depressed" housewives would be prescribed valium and benzos - nowadays it's Xanax and Zoloft.

Don't let this dissuade you or others from psychiatry or therapy - this is by no means a rule - there are just as many good, responsible docs in the psychiatric field who will not write scrips this easily, and so many heroic therapists and social workers who take the time to help their patients work through their problems, while getting paid much less than doctors who can prescribe. I'm just saying that it can and does happen unfortunately.
great post. bold is mine. And yes, it does happen. Daily. and. unfortunately.
"Lawless says he has not seen his granddaughter since her arrest and he has no plans to visit her in jail."

Maybe he doesn't like her? Far more disturbing to me in that article, is the fact that the Dr. Phil Show is on the prowl in Tracy.

God no. Not Dr. Phil. Man, has he become a drama ho. He started out good, but now is neck in neck with J. Springer. Jeez... I am moving!

At least Octomom is out of the news now. You gotta find the positive.
also...some of these drugs serve dual purposes - i.e. they can also be prescribed for stomach ailments; non-mental issues basically - so GPs can prescribe them. so if you know someone taking them it might not necessarily be because of depression or anxiety, it could be a physical ailment.
yes. Klonipin is used for seizures. There are many instances for prescription of antianxiety meds. Benzodiazepines are a class of medications.. they are classed based on their chemical composition and action in the body.
Those drugs are scary aren't they snapdragon! You had an experience with Halcion and I had a very simular experience with klonopin. I don't see how ppl would even want to abuse those type of drugs...scary.

even scarier - have you ever tried to GO OFF of an anti-depressant? the withdrawal is like coming off of heroin. which is why i haven't yet - I've tried many times and in my mind it is WORSE than heroin -

but another psychotropic drug digression by me from the thread - sorry, guys.
~Respectfully snipped and bolded ~ one wants to actually face their problems anymore with real honest therapy or true personal change, which is long-term, painful and difficult, so they try and put a bandaid on it by changing their brain chemistry to "like" their unhappy situations, which is a quicker fix.

I don't think it's a community thing - I think it's a societal thing -

I agree! I have a friend that is taking so many different kinds of meds, I don't think she even knows what is wrong with her anymore. Don't get me wrong... I think meds for depression are very important and I think there are different kinds of depression. Some is caused by "nurture" and some is caused by "nature." I'm not sure there is anything you can do about the nature kind, except take meds, watch your diet and try to live a stressless life. But the nurture kind has a "root" and it needs to be found and dealt with and no med can do that. Taking meds while working on finding the root and coming to terms with it can be necessary, but you can't leave out the therapy part if you truely want to get better.

Just my opinion,

Why didn't the police notice her drugged state when they found her? I mean, these benzos only take about 30min to work, I know, I've taken them! I'm sure the police were engaged on the case after finding the girl for longer than 30min. Much later that night doesn't make sense.... All the benzo would have reached their peak concentration/effect about 1=2hr after ingestion. Maybe she ate some candy that MH gave her after the fact. Very weird.
depends on which benzo she injested. Some have longer time of onset. That is why we cannot really rule out the possiblity that she got into something at home. Bottom line.. another interview of this child is needed. based on Tracy PD's handling of this case I bet they already did it
Wait stop the bus did you all catch this?

Along with the statement that snapdragon provided us we see Lane quoted as saying:

Do I see a rift? Looks like not all the Lawless' folk support MH? At least that is how I read into it.

I would say yes. I don't remember seeing him at the press conference" type thing that the family had. At first I didn't see Connie at first, but she was hiding behind someone tall t hat was standing in the first row. He may have had "issues" before this all began though.
I take Klonopin, a low dose, as needed, for my horrible heart palpitations. I have mitral valve prolapse and get thousands of harmless PVC's a day. When they start up (there is NO rhyme or reason) they cause me extreme anxiety and that makes them worse. I tried beta blockers, but they did not stop the skips, just slowed my heart waaaaayyyy down. Klonopin works great for me. I do not feel drugged at all. When I first started taking it, I did feel drugged til I got used to it.
No FC, I have never taken an anti-depressant but I sat with a friend that came off "cold turkey" against her doc's advice from paxil. She was up to 60 mg a day? (I think it was mg). She was restless, couldn't sleep, said her skin felt "fuzzy", thirsty non-stop and said she had brain zaps. She decribed the brain zaps to me as this "Kat, do you remember when you were a kid, did you ever stick your tongue on a 9 volt battery?" I said of course, I was a knucklehead too. She said "That is what if feels like in your brain, over and over and over" She did come off, but went back on later.

Yes very O/T I apologize to everyone, I won't do it again!
In the case of this seven year old girl.... we have to keep in mind that the mother called the cops back when she noticed her child acting drugged and then took her to the emergency room.

This hardly sounds like a mother who was off her game.

She suspected that Huckaby was responsible and reported it to the cops. The cops, due to the time lag, were not able to definately connect it to Huckaby. Hindsight.. I would have had LE searching her home, car, purse, etc for any sign of benzos... but since the child was brought home safely and with the time lag they let it go. I hope this is a learning point for any future aberrations such as this!
depends on which benzo she injested. Some have longer time of onset. That is why we cannot really rule out the possiblity that she got into something at home. Bottom line.. another interview of this child is needed. based on Tracy PD's handling of this case I bet they already did it

I believe I read that at some point that the child was at the hospital about 2 in the morning. Of course, people can be at the ER for at least 3-4 hours, but if Melissa were trying to set someone up she could have given the child drugs just before the child was found then as they got into her system she could have gotten ill and thrown up pretty late after going to bed. I hope we hear more about how it was noticed.
But, do you think if the Jan girl was Sandra, her mom, grandma and grandpa would allow her to continue playing at the Lawless house? Given that the child's family reported her missing and then took her to the hospital, I would think that this child was warned NEVER to go to MH's again and to NEVER get in a car with her again. Of course, I am just speculating based on what I would do.... so.....


Salem, you're probably right. I just thought it was pretty coincidental, but I would hope she'd never go there again. And the fact that her sister went there to babysit MH's daughter.. that leans toward the fact that it wasn't Sandra in Jan.
No FC, I have never taken an anti-depressant but I sat with a friend that came off "cold turkey" against her doc's advice from paxil. She was up to 60 mg a day? (I think it was mg). She was restless, couldn't sleep, said her skin felt "fuzzy", thirsty non-stop and said she had brain zaps. She decribed the brain zaps to me as this "Kat, do you remember when you were a kid, did you ever stick your tongue on a 9 volt battery?" I said of course, I was a knucklehead too. She said "That is what if feels like in your brain, over and over and over" She did come off, but went back on later.

Yes very O/T I apologize to everyone, I won't do it again!

Paxil has the shortest half life of the SSRI's. One needs to taper under dr. supervision. The others stay in the system longer and thus less withdrawals.
Why didn't the police notice her drugged state when they found her? I mean, these benzos only take about 30min to work, I know, I've taken them! I'm sure the police were engaged on the case after finding the girl for longer than 30min. Much later that night doesn't make sense.... All the benzo would have reached their peak concentration/effect about 1=2hr after ingestion. Maybe she ate some candy that MH gave her after the fact. Very weird.

I agree it is very weird. I'm thinking Nurse is right and MH had just given the drug to the girl when the police found them at the park. She took the girl home right away. It was a couple of hours before they took the girl to the hospital. I think it was this delay - the couple of hours from the time the child was returned home until they went to the hospital - that resulted in no action by LE. I'm basing these thoughts on the information posted by Nurse earlier in this thread. So... then I speculate what happened after the girl got home?

Here's a scenario.......
Girl home at 5:30, drug starts to take effect and girl is out of it by 6:30. Mom is concerned, talks with Grandma? The wait a little longer, maybe there is no insurance? By 7:00, mom says that's it, I'm taking her to the hospital. They gather their things, get the child in the car, drive to hospital. It is now 7:30/7:45. Doc runs tests, says child has drugs in system. It is now probably 9:00/10:00 p.m. Mom calls police again. Child is still drugged up, police can't question her. They talk to mom and Grandma and get what info they can. Mom says yes, she has such drugs at home for her use. Police say maybe child took drug after she got home. Police talked to MH at park and everything seemed okay. MH immediately took girl home, so there is no real reason to suspect this mom who took a friend to the park to play with her daughter.

All just speculation on my part.

I believe I read that at some point that the child was at the hospital about 2 in the morning. Of course, people can be at the ER for at least 3-4 hours, but if Melissa were trying to set someone up she could have given the child drugs just before the child was found then as they got into her system she could have gotten ill and thrown up pretty late after going to bed. I hope we hear more about how it was noticed.
the two am thing came from huckaby in her cbs raw interview... with other interspersed lies.. She also, in this call, said that she brought the child home but we found out today that tracy pd went to the park after her mother called 911. Lies and more lies from Ms Huckaby

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