Huckaby's Family Speaks

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I do not consider the Lawless family victims. Do you think they feel like the victim? There is no shame in loving their daughter, sister, grandaughter or however she is categorized by them. A families love should be unconditional. My posts in regards to this matter are that I feel it is not the proper time for Melissa's family to be doing damage control. I watched a 6 minute interview this morning where her family was saying what a loving mother she was and that the Melissa they knew WAS NOT capable of the crime she is being accused of. IN MY OPINION that lessens the culpability of the perpetrator of the crime. The Tracy police department arrested this woman for murder, I have faith in them and our judicial system and there will be a proper time for character statements about this woman to be given. It hurt my heart to imagine Sandra's mother watching tv this morning and perhaps seeing the same 6 minute interview that I watched. Her daughter is gone and won't be coming home ever again.

Thank you, elle1919. I agree with every word you posted.
My posts in regards to this matter are that I feel it is not the proper time for Melissa's family to be doing damage control.

Will there ever be a right time?

I guess I just saw the statement differently. I did not see it as damage control, I saw it more as their need to speak in defense of their entire family, MH excluded. They did not say that she did not do this or that they would fight to protect her from being convicted, they just said that they could not have imagined her committing this crime. As far as we know, and as far as LE has stated, noone else is guilty. They have to know that about all of the speculation regarding their family, including but not limited to sexual abuse and intentional cover-ups. They have the right to speak out whenever they choose. Obviously JMO.
I don't see how the Lawless family are NOT victims!! The grandparents lives were turned upside down and inside out for the world to scrutinize. The rest of his family was researched and their personal information is all over the internet now. The Pastor himself was already being branded a child killer, molester, and other things because of his association to the church, the SWs, Melissa, etc.

Sure sounds like they have been victimized by Melissa's actions to me. Her daughter is very much an innocent victim who will spend a lifetime coming to terms with this.
I don't feel they did any such thing! They were only saying it was the person they knew and they didn't recognize the other side of Melissa. They are in shock over this whole thing and it is all they said, imo. They were not perpetuating her lies or trying to cover up for what she has been charged with doing to Sandra.

I don't see how the Lawless family are NOT victims!! The grandparents lives were turned upside down and inside out for the world to scrutinize. The rest of his family was researched and their personal information is all over the internet now. The Pastor himself was already being branded a child killer, molester, and other things because of his association to the church, the SWs, Melissa, etc.

Sure sounds like they have been victimized by Melissa's actions to me. Her daughter is very much an innocent victim who will spend a lifetime coming to terms with this.

Yes, you are exactly right! Thank you, Seriously!

I vivdly remember an interview with the mother of one of Ted Bundy's victims, the victim's mom said, "I always knew that somewhere out there there is a mother with far worse pain than I have" (referring to Ted's mom and family)

Melissa's family is only saying they didn't know this other side of Melissa, not that she didn't do it. They aren't obstructing justice and are fully cooperating.

My heart breaks for them.

Respectfully snipped and bolded:
There is a fine line between sleuthing and smearing. Until any other member of the Lawless family is accused, tried and convicted, I will continue to feel pain for them as well as for Sandra's family. Don't you think that many of MH's family and friends are feeling guilty right now, and wondering what they could have done differently? Don't you think that they are feeling sadness because there is now a little girl in their family without a mother? No, it is not the exact same guilt and pain as Sandra's family isprobably feeling right now, but IMO it is just as valid.

Yes, I will too.
I agree with you. That is appalling. It's a lack of respect for the victim. WTH did they do that for? They could have relocated, or even had the service on the lawn outside.

What were they thinking? :waitasec:

I think in difficult times many have to hang strong on the faith, nothing else will help heal. Perhaps this is what they were thinking, I do not think for one moment this family has been disrespectful. I admire thier courage, not sure I would be that strong to stand against such a tragedy in public.
Will there ever be a right time?

I guess I just saw the statement differently. I did not see it as damage control, I saw it more as their need to speak in defense of their entire family, MH excluded. They did not say that she did not do this or that they would fight to protect her from being convicted, they just said that they could not have imagined her committing this crime. As far as we know, and as far as LE has stated, noone else is guilty. They have to know that about all of the speculation regarding their family, including but not limited to sexual abuse and intentional cover-ups. They have the right to speak out whenever they choose. Obviously JMO.

Sure there will eventually be a right time. I guess the experiences that you have had in your life give you a different take on things and help you to see things in a different light. I thank God everyday for my blessings and for not ever having to deal with what any of the players involved in this case are dealing with.

I had a hard time listening to Melissa's family because I feel the Cantu's wounds are still so fresh and in all honesty those wounds might never heal. I wasn't trying to convince anyone to feel the way I do, but I do have a right to feel the way that I feel. We can agree to disagree. :cheerful:
Unless I missed something, I haven't heard the Lawless family state that Melinda is not responsible or could not have commited this crime. The only type of defense I see is that they didn't know Melissa was capable of killing a child. Now info could come out to prove that wrong. I'm not seeing it yet. The only thing I see is a family who's confused and looking for answers of their own.

Agreed, and that is what I was trying to say: they are "defending" her in the sense that they are saying that the Melissa THEY know is not capable of murder.

They must feel pretty defensive or on the defensive, knowing they could get eaten alive by media sharks (if there are any out there) and faulty reporting.

I guess I have seen enough trials to anticipate a stance from them like the one Scott Peterson's parents took. Which, I admit, isn't really fair to think, and hasn't happened yet.

I feel sorry for Melissa's family. Sorrier for the Cantu family...but anyway.
Huckaby Remains Under Suicide Watch

TRACY, CA - The suspect in Sandra Cantu's murder, Sunday school teacher Melissa Huckaby, faces arraignment Tuesday on kidnap and murder charges.

Huckaby's relatives who was jailed on suspicion of killing the 8-year-old Tracy girl said the accusations against her do not sound like the person they know.

Melissa Huckaby's uncle Brett Lawless read a statement to reporters Sunday outside the Orchard Estates mobile home park where 8-year-old Sandra Cantu was last seen alive.

"We know that the information we've been given regarding the charges against Melissa Huckaby are completely out of character for her," he said. "We know that the (Cantu) family and the community have a great many questions -- and so do we."


"We know that the church property has been the focus of some of the investigation and we are distressed that at the possibility that such a tragedy might have happened in a place of worship," Brett Lawless said.

But Melissa Huckaby's aunt Joni Hughes said the family had no indication from authorities that Sandra's murder happened on church grounds.

"We're very, very shocked. It's very out of character for Melissa. We love her dearly," a shaken Hughes said. Hughes described Huckaby as a "fantastic mother, very loving. It's just a great sadness for our family."

The family left the press conference and went to their nearby church. After the Easter service, Huckaby's father Brian Lawless spoke with the media about the charges facing his daughter.

"I have no idea how she got to this point," said Brian Lawless. "It is so out of character for everything before these past few days. I just really don't know how it came to this." (Bolded by me)
thanks for clearing that one us SS (sheesh....nurse got whacked back there a few pages for asking questions and presenting just this thought...not by you of course...just saying...)

thank you for posting this
The Lawless family is not guilty by association. All I have been saying is that just in MY own personal opinion, MH's family did not have to put out on national media that MH is sweet and has such patience with children. Sandra's family did not need to hear all of this from MH's family at this time. I am not bashing MH's family. I am just disagreeing with how they have spoken out when Sandra's family is still in such shock from losing her to murder. If Sandra had been MY child, I would not have wanted to see MH's family on TV making statements of how sweet Melissa was! JMO

Maybe they were saying she was sweet and had such patience because in their mind they can't figure out how she could have comitted this crime. I took it to mean that they never saw any signs that she was capable of killing a child. NOT that she didn't do it.
I do not consider the Lawless family victims. Do you think they feel like the victim? There is no shame in loving their daughter, sister, grandaughter or however she is categorized by them. A families love should be unconditional. My posts in regards to this matter are that I feel it is not the proper time for Melissa's family to be doing damage control. I watched a 6 minute interview this morning where her family was saying what a loving mother she was and that the Melissa they knew WAS NOT capable of the crime she is being accused of. IN MY OPINION that lessens the culpability of the perpetrator of the crime. The Tracy police department arrested this woman for murder, I have faith in them and our judicial system and there will be a proper time for character statements about this woman to be given. It hurt my heart to imagine Sandra's mother watching tv this morning and perhaps seeing the same 6 minute interview that I watched. Her daughter is gone and won't be coming home ever again.

I understand what you are saying. Sandra is the victim. It's all about Sandra. MH did leave other victims, just a different degree of victim. I'm sure the person they knew wasn't capable of killing a child. But how well do we really know anyone. We think we know people, we only know what they want us to see. There have been lots of killers that have surprised their families and friends because they are very good at hiding the monster within.
Rape may be alleged in Sandra Cantu killing

TRACY, Calif. (AP) -- Prosecutors say they're considering rape and molestation allegations against the woman suspected of killing an 8-year-old Northern California girl and putting her body in a suitcase.

Twenty-eight-year-old Melissa Huckaby has been arrested on suspicion of kidnapping and murdering Sandra Cantu.

San Joaquin County Deputy District Attorney Robert Himmelblau told The Associated Press Monday that a homicide charge against Huckaby could also include the special circumstances of rape with a foreign object, lewd and lacivious conduct with a child and murder in the course of a kidnapping.

This is what her family is facing now and it will only get worse from here on out. They are going to have to learn what kind of monster she really is and deal with the repercussions of all this.
Wow. I know others have been plenty willing to speculation about psycho-sexual deviancy as motive for this murder, but I actually wasn't expecting molestation to figure into this crime, just some sort of deranged grudge or obsession.

Horrible, horrible. I think Lawless will get the death penalty now, if she did molest Sandra Cantu and murder her to cover it up.
Now with the latest news. I hope people here will also have some compassion for what the Huckaby's are now dealing with.
I don't think the new picture is much more attractive than the mug shot, unfortunately.

On another note, would there be a medical reason a young woman would have such a pronounced receding hairline? Hormones? Probably totally irrelevant.
I don't think the new picture is much more attractive than the mug shot, unfortunately.

On another note, would there be a medical reason a young woman would have such a pronounced receding hairline? Hormones? Probably totally irrelevant.

I have that, same as my fathers. It got worse after having my 2nd child, but has come back since. Still it is pretty similar to hers. But I do think I wear it well :)
We have heard from the Lawless family, which is Melissa's father's family. Where is her Mother and the Maternal family? She was living with her Paternal Grandparents.
Just bumping this up. Does anybody know about the Maternal family of Melissa. Seems we only are hearing from the Paternal side. She must have a mother.
I hope no one has posted this link in another thread. Her family speaks before going to church services at the Church where Sandra may have been killed. They won't identify themselves. The man who is the main speaker looks a lot like her. He seems too old to be her brother (?) It's hard to tell what relationship they are to her. The link will take you to a page where the video is available.
Thank you for the link, Columbo. I wonder why all the children were gathered around? There were more children in that video than adults.

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