Huckaby's Family Speaks

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I think Sandra is the only true victim, but Melissa's family will be suspected of sexually abusing her in order bring this crime on in the first place. People can't just accept that a female can be psycho and do something without being abused as a child or having some controlling mother. Many crimes have family and neighbors coming out of the woodwork claiming that the person they knew wouldn't have done the crime or be capable. Well, that's how cunning and shrewd they really were in order to hide it all for awhile. If Melissa was really suspected in drugging the other child and perhaps even Sandra before, they all need to be answering why they didn't turn into sleuthers and get this woman locked up in some nut house or prosecuted before she killed someone. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to put two and two together especially when a "nice sweet person" takes to stealing from Target and committing other crimes.
Now with the latest news. I hope people here will also have some compassion for what the Huckaby's are now dealing with.

No, I am even more disgusted. I find it very difficult to believe that her family did not know that Melissa was a female sex predator, why was this woman put in charge of a Sunday school class? I am just sick over this newest development.
Thank you for the link, Columbo. I wonder why all the children were gathered around? There were more children in that video than adults.

I found that odd also. I wish they would have left the children out of the background. Some looked too young to fully understand the ramifications of being on TV and associating themselves with MH. Now that the charges may be upped to such an unspeakable crime I fear they will be picked on at school because of it. I doubt they were very close to MH, due to the age difference, and I truly see these children as more victims of hers. So very sad.
No, I am even more disgusted. I find it very difficult to believe that her family did not know that Melissa was a female sex predator, why was this woman put in charge of a Sunday school class? I am just sick over this newest development.

Keep in mind there is always a first time a predator abuses. If MH is actually charged with such horrible crimes ending in Sandra's death, I doubt it will turn out to have been the first time she has abused...but it could be. Even if she's done these terrible things before, it takes a while before predators get to the noticeable "creepy" stage where everyone knows something is wrong. Unfortunately, they may not get to that place at all.

Most teens and young adults get away with a boatload of stuff without their parents suspecting anything, and MH's grandfather is 77, raised children in simpler times, and I daresay he is much less in tune with "signs" than young parents are. It would be nice if we could recognize sexual predators easily, but take a look at what is happening in our public schools every day and you will see that just isn't the case. While many people in our school system are actually taught to detect such people, sexual abuse remains an epidemic in our schools.

In cases like this I too wonder, "How could they not have known?!" But with the amount of horrible crimes taking place daily in our country, and the amount of shocked and broken family members left in their paths, I have to accept the fact that many times they just don't have a clue. Personally, I can't come to terms with the new information which has come out today, and I'm not even a relative. I don't think normal people can wrap their heads around such evil things being possible, and while they may have known she was a thief I doubt they ever had a flicker of a thought that she could do such an evil thing as she has. (For the record, if it's determined the family knew of Melissa's criminal past, I feel they were unquestionably wrong to put her in any position at all within the church, but that's all I feel they are guilty of at this time. My opinion would change if evidence is released that they knew of prior sexual abuse by MH, but LE has not suggested anything of the kind thus far.)
Melissa's family was allowed their first visit with her today. Her father and grandmother speak a little bit about the visit. It is also reported that Melissa is no longer on suicide watch.
They really should stay out of the spotlight it is making it harder for Sandra's family.
LE need to check into past cases at places she has lived previously. Wonder if she has done this before and just didn't get caught or someone else got blamed?
They really should stay out of the spotlight it is making it harder for Sandra's family.
I agree about not bringing any more pain to Sandra's family, but one good thing them seem to be doing is reinforcing how out of character this is for MH to have allegedly committed this crime ~ so are they saying she's not insane, or that she's never exhibited any signs of insanity? The comments may end up helping the state's case. MOO
Her facial expressions look fake to me. No remorse at all.

To me she looked terrified as well as terribly depressed. She looks like someone that is mentaly ill, IMO. And did I understand correctly that she didn't enter a plea? Could that mean that she very well might plea insanity? And what was up with her father referring her to in the past tense over and over? I seriously believe this case is going to just get crazier and weirder as the facts come out.
I understand what you are saying. Sandra is the victim. It's all about Sandra. MH did leave other victims, just a different degree of victim. I'm sure the person they knew wasn't capable of killing a child. But how well do we really know anyone. We think we know people, we only know what they want us to see. There have been lots of killers that have surprised their families and friends because they are very good at hiding the monster within.

What turns my stomach is hearing them say what a "loving" mother she is...given the new charges against her. Ugh. She "loves" children, all right. :sick:
To me she looked terrified as well as terribly depressed. She looks like someone that is mentaly ill, IMO. And did I understand correctly that she didn't enter a plea? Could that mean that she very well might plea insanity? And what was up with her father referring her to in the past tense over and over? I seriously believe this case is going to just get crazier and weirder as the facts come out.

I think she looked terrified too. Of what? Probably that she was caught and will get punished, but possibly because this is all reality now, because her family and friends will now know who she really is. I have no doubt the tears were for herself, though. IMO, she has mental issues, based on her crazy talk to the media. However, she still knows right from wrong, again, IMO.
What turns my stomach is hearing them say what a "loving" mother she is...given the new charges against her. Ugh. She "loves" children, all right. :sick:

What they need to say is she Appeared to be a loving Mother. If she raped Sandra then there is no telling what she did to her own daughter. IMO
I wonder where Melissa's mother is??

Nursie do you remember a dark haired lady that came walking (to me it looked like a determined walk) out to the reporters and spoke about how difficult this was and she had a her chin kind of stuck out (my interpretation) I wondered at the time if that was her Mother. Kind of "Mama Bearish" in her demeanor...I just wondered.
"Huckaby’s family spoke to reporters earlier this week and said they believe Huckaby is innocent. She struggles with depression, they said. She went through a divorce and has had a tough time as a single mom.."

Half of all marriages end in divorce. It's as if they are making excuses for her.

I really want to know more about her mother. Does she have struggles of her own? Is this why the family is so quick to excuse Melissa's problems, because "poor child, with a mother like that" type thing.

It's a complete denial of any responsibility.
I wonder where Melissa's mother is??

Maybe she has MH's daughter and is staying out of the spotlight or maybe she took the child to KS and is staying to make sure the little girl transitions to daddy's family okay? One can only hope.

I was also assuming that she was away with MH's daughter, keeping her secluded from the media and information about her mom's heinous crime. I think that would be the smartest thing to do right now.
They really should stay out of the spotlight it is making it harder for Sandra's family.

They are being followed and hounded by reporters and cameramen so that would be kind of hard. They were visiting their family member in jail, something I think almost all of us would do in that situation so I can't fault them for being out "in the public eye".
I appreciated how her father (Brian) made the comment about how their pain is nothing compared to what the Cantu family is going through. Her family seems genuinely surprised by all this unlike that other family in the news right now.
I have not compared the two astro charts (Melissa and grandfather) but no doubt the grandfather was in charge of making her a Sunday School teacher, and his chart is quite disturbing. I am not accusing, but it is a very disturbing chart and has several concerning connections to Sandra's chart.

I thought the family said that Melissa was not a sunday school teacher at the grand dad's church. Did that change? It would be disturbing for an old fashioned Baptist preacher to allow anyone to teach sunday school who'd been charged with crimes. They're supposed to be of good report just like the deacons and preacher. I just assume he's old fashioned since he's so old and was a preacher for 30 years.

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