Hugs for everyone when this trial starts up

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Thank you all for being here. I don't know how I would have gotten through the last -almost- 3 years without WS.

I think we'll need each other even more in the coming days and weeks.

xo to all ...


Absolutely!!!! I know I will need a place to cry, laugh...maybe we all need a padded know so we can bounce off the walls, bang our heads...and scream without disturbing others.
Got my avatar changed! It begins today, y'all! JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE!!!! BIG HUGS to everyone!
My invisible friends, I wish we could be together this morning and for the next 8 weeks or so. It feels like we've been in a black hole together for a long time. It has consumed our time, energy and emotions. Not since I had an infant of my own have I tended to something so carefully - check the threads, visit the court, stay up too late reading, get up too early to log-on, reschedule doctor appointments, reschedule social outings, mark the calendar, celebrate the doc dumps, etc. Knowing you are here has been so reassuring. Having your points of view has helped to make sense of the most bizarre behavior I have ever witnessed. Hang on - it's going to be a bumpy ride!

BBM...I'm not invisible....I'm a real person behind my computer typing away for JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE MARIE!

But I know what you mean, Amil....I too wish we could gather in realtime..but we are real by any definition...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I rarely post...more of a lurker. But I am thrilled that this day has come. Been waiting three years for justice to begin.

I will be listening every day online while I work. I love that little girl more than her mother every did...and I've only met her in my heart.

I love you sweet Caylee. Justice will be served soon.
Caylee Marie, sweet angel baby!

The next two months are for you. You will finally get justice, i am certain!

We all love you and want you to finally, completely, be able to rest in peace!

To all the wonderful websluethers...your support of this wonderful girl is incredible...I am honored to be on this journey with you all.

Last, but not least...THANKS to all the court transcribers and ESPECIALLY to Tricia and all the wonderful moderators...

Caylee, we are all eagerly awaiting justice for you!
Just popping in to get my hug! (((hug))) A great big hug right back at everyone here at WS who have all been so diligent for the past 3 years as we have waited on Lady Justice to speak for baby Caylle Marie!
:grouphug: I cant type much today, already cried the last 30 min or so....we really needed this support thread <3 thank you willenfan.
I have 3 computors going and 2 tv's tru tv and cnn. coffee for now, wine for later, I think I am ready!!
I am not going to make it through this trial. Today was too stressful - trying to work and stay up with the courtroom scene. I think I will just have to plan to read here at the end of each day - or maybe not. This drains me. ICA cried when it was about her, not when it was about Caylee. This trial will be awful. I have waited so long for this and now it is just so draining - and this is only jury selection!
This trial should be about Caylee, but it is about Casey. I know I am not being logical. Just too tired.
Thanks WF21!!!
Justice for Caylee.
Bless all who will be getting Caylee her justice.
Let's keep each other close in hearts because this will be a long
and sad trial. Why did Caylee have to die? WHY?
It will be interesting though to see how ICA parents handle this circus.
I keep thinking, what are they up to next?
I am not going to make it through this trial. Today was too stressful - trying to work and stay up with the courtroom scene. I think I will just have to plan to read here at the end of each day - or maybe not. This drains me. ICA cried when it was about her, not when it was about Caylee. This trial will be awful. I have waited so long for this and now it is just so draining - and this is only jury selection!
This trial should be about Caylee, but it is about Casey. I know I am not being logical. Just too tired.

I ate an entire bag of Hershey's kisses today. I can't keep this up,either.:hug:

How hard was this today? I could not stop listening and watching. It is the culmination of all we all have endured for the last 3 yrs. We should all take a break when we have to and let our fellow WS members keep us posted. Too heartbreaking, and not even to the trial yet. Husband already aggravated. Let us all try our best to endure, keep up with our life and pray for justice for Caylee, and send our good thoughts for her family who loves her.
thanks willen! big hug to you and everybody here... cant believe almost 3 years and how many delays we are ALMOST there!
The reason I joined WS was Caylee. I happened to see her disappearance and not even on NG, not yet... but our local TV. I stopped dead in my tracks at "31 days." I started googling and lo and behold, I found myself here, at WS. I lurked for about a month, and marveled at the intelligence here. I finally joined and still remember the first post. I had the "stupid newbie" avi, posted with a question or a comment, and I don't remember who answered (maybe I should go back and look) and one of the first "welcomes" I received told me I had a great question/comment, and that I didn't deserve my "stupid newbie" avi I had. LOL I have been here almost DAILY ever since. It started with Caylee. It branched to others missing, but Caylee was why I came. I've been thru the protests, the web cams, the van rides, the cowboy, the spider, FINDING HER (in the location of my gut feeling, much like LLL), the memorial, the anger, the tears, the laughter, the love, the family that we all are now. I don't post a lot on the Caylee thread now, but I'm one of the fossils back in 2008 who came because of her.

Personally? I haven't cried today for Caylee and justice. I'm eager to get this going, to GET justice. Tears will come and go along the way, and none of you may really know how much this common good and common goal mean to me, but to Caylee even more. The power of this energy put forth by all of us is unmeasurable.

I got on the site late today, and when I did, there were over 600 people on Caylee's thread. OVER 600!!!! I worried about being booted but really it was smooth, and although I didn't comment much, I watched as much as possible. Impressed with the judge, wanting to know the potential jurors, watching ICA's fake Kleenex motions, and really mesmorized by the whole process. It's a new thing to me, law. It's fascinating.

I want everyone to know, old gang and new, that I appreciate what everyone posts, laugh and smile and cry and throw things along with you. I work and lurk (as some may know) but when I can, I reply....................usually sarcastically. LOL

I want this to be a virtual hug to us all... everyone who came every day once a week, once in a while, spent hours on our arses, expanding them, melding them to our chairs, getting our significant others pizzed off, neglecting our housework, eating less-than-healthy meals, started smoking, stopped smoking, drank too much, cried, sleuthed, read, agreed, disagreed, and made A-HA!!! moments. We did it for Caylee. And if anyone would know it best...... it's Caylee.

Caylee. Justice is coming for you. Your life was too short, but you will never, ever be forgotton.
The reason I joined WS was Caylee. I happened to see her disappearance and not even on NG, not yet... but our local TV. I stopped dead in my tracks at "31 days." I started googling and lo and behold, I found myself here, at WS. I lurked for about a month, and marveled at the intelligence here. I finally joined and still remember the first post. I had the "stupid newbie" avi, posted with a question or a comment, and I don't remember who answered (maybe I should go back and look) and one of the first "welcomes" I received told me I had a great question/comment, and that I didn't deserve my "stupid newbie" avi I had. LOL I have been here almost DAILY ever since. It started with Caylee. It branched to others missing, but Caylee was why I came. I've been thru the protests, the web cams, the van rides, the cowboy, the spider, FINDING HER (in the location of my gut feeling, much like LLL), the memorial, the anger, the tears, the laughter, the love, the family that we all are now. I don't post a lot on the Caylee thread now, but I'm one of the fossils back in 2008 who came because of her.

Personally? I haven't cried today for Caylee and justice. I'm eager to get this going, to GET justice. Tears will come and go along the way, and none of you may really know how much this common good and common goal mean to me, but to Caylee even more. The power of this energy put forth by all of us is unmeasurable.

I got on the site late today, and when I did, there were over 600 people on Caylee's thread. OVER 600!!!! I worried about being booted but really it was smooth, and although I didn't comment much, I watched as much as possible. Impressed with the judge, wanting to know the potential jurors, watching ICA's fake Kleenex motions, and really mesmorized by the whole process. It's a new thing to me, law. It's fascinating.

I want everyone to know, old gang and new, that I appreciate what everyone posts, laugh and smile and cry and throw things along with you. I work and lurk (as some may know) but when I can, I reply....................usually sarcastically. LOL

I want this to be a virtual hug to us all... everyone who came every day once a week, once in a while, spent hours on our arses, expanding them, melding them to our chairs, getting our significant others pizzed off, neglecting our housework, eating less-than-healthy meals, started smoking, stopped smoking, drank too much, cried, sleuthed, read, agreed, disagreed, and made A-HA!!! moments. We did it for Caylee. And if anyone would know it best...... it's Caylee.

Caylee. Justice is coming for you. Your life was too short, but you will never, ever be forgotton.

OMG, gibby, are you just a fantastic writer or have you been looking in my window to my heart? Thank you for the terrific post!
I too am thankful for all of you. Today was stressful, and there were times I wanted to slap JB and CM. But I think I had a lot of company with those feelings. I do not want to lose sight of this being for CAYLEE!
Thank you to everyone here for keeping all of us so well informed. I had to drag myself away from the computer this morning to go to work. I hated to leave!! It was such a momentous day and I wanted so badly to be here surrounded by you guys. Ugh! I don't know how I am going to work and follow the trial. It's lonely out there thinking about all you guys here...and especially difficult not knowing what's going on. I pray for news updates on HLN. If anybody knows of any satellite station that's carrying jury selection and the trial, please let me know.
Good night, folks. I pray for an uneventful day tomorrow- hoping progress is made and there's a quick seating of a jury.
Group hugs around this morning. I am going to be driving to JFK today so will miss most of it.

I really do enjoy having a place to talk/hash things through...looking at many facets it is interesting to here different takes...

Like KB's talk about the plea deal that has everyone in knots/circles or just
Thank you to everyone here for keeping all of us so well informed. I had to drag myself away from the computer this morning to go to work. I hated to leave!! It was such a momentous day and I wanted so badly to be here surrounded by you guys. Ugh! I don't know how I am going to work and follow the trial. It's lonely out there thinking about all you guys here...and especially difficult not knowing what's going on. I pray for news updates on HLN. If anybody knows of any satellite station that's carrying jury selection and the trial, please let me know.
Good night, folks. I pray for an uneventful day tomorrow- hoping progress is made and there's a quick seating of a jury.
I am in the same situation with you with getting away from the computer and leaving. We will get through this. All the wonderful people here will keep us well informed. We won't miss a thing. THANKS EVERYONE.:luv:
I hardly ever post - but I, too, have watched this case unfold from the very first day it hit the news. I was completely overtaken by that precious little two year old Caylee. In my circle of friends, I am the only one that has become completely immersed in this - and so it is wonderful to have a place to come and read - and sort through all the twists and turns this case has taken. I am deeply grateful for the knowledge and expertise the posters here have - and for the passion for justice that is shown for Caylee Marie.

It is my prayer that God will seat the jurors who can provide justice for sweet Caylee.

And, I will be watching, along with each of you, as this long awaited justice unfolds.
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