SPOTLIGHT CASE Human Trafficking Awareness Thread

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I wanted to add some more info ....( which has no link as it is my personal experience and conversations with the FBI)

This info may be a repeat if you were upstair earlier...

-People involved in child *advertiser censored* rings, prostitution and trafficing have certain "codes" to identify each other (just like different gangs have different signs ) Most times these are common nondiscript things like the way they word something and they are constantly changing to stay ahead of police. (a very rich famous talk show host did a show about pedophiles and talked about this--it was very informative and very accurate as to what my children experienced-I'll try to link but i'm not sure how to)

-NEVER EVER put childrens pictures on the internet---it may seem innocent but they may be used for very dirty purposes. Another reason is you may inadvertently be telling someone that your child is available. (my kids pic were on net when they lived in the house of horrors and the Feds showed me ---it looked innocent to me. To me it just sounded like a very trusting person bragging about her kids with pics along.---FBI said thats how they knew the momster was not at all innocent but actually sought out these men. It was a way of showing what she had to offer ( its hard to even type that)

Funny you should mention this. I actually wrote and emailed my NJ Congressmen almost 2 weeks ago. The was a photographer at my son's last football game. He took 364 pictures and handed out cards to go to his site if we wanted to purchase some. He wrote a disclaimer at the bottom informing "punishable by law if you illegally download his copywritten pictures". Well guess what, my son is the QB and was in about 250 of those pictures! There's no password to get into his site, anyone can view them from anywhere in the world. I called them and asked them to make their site private and to give me the originals of my son since I didn't give him permission to take my son's picture. I was very politely told that I am in the wrong & he is legally correct in his ability to snapshot my son since he was playing at our local midget football field - it's public not private. I said you can;t copywrite my son without my permission. I called the NJ State Assembly & was told to write to my NJ Congressmen. I talked to everyone that would listen and didn't get anywhere so I sent an email. I took screen prints of every single one of my son's pictures & I'd love for that guy to take me on in a court of law b/c I know I'll win...heck, maybe even have my son's college tuition paid for out of settlement. His company is nationwide and big. The laws that are in place right now regarding digital technology and picture rights were written many many many years ago & need an overhaul. Sooo, I'm in the process of putting together a professional letter, signed off on by myself and my lawyer, and I'm going to send it to the White House. Maybe I'll get somewhere. I know it's slightly off topic but it's really worth mentioning. Anybody could crop a pretty face and paste it on another body in photoshop, literally anybody, and sell it as child *advertiser censored*. I have no desire for someone to take my boy's pic & put it out there in droves on the internet. If he were in the acting business & he had my permission, that would be different. Now I guess I kinda know how famous people feel about having the media snap their children all the time. That's a stretch, but you get the drift. He's my son and I was literally told by the photographer that I have no rights to the pictures unless I buy them. Stupid idiot shouldn't have put them on the internet and I wouldn't have had access to take screenshots of them all:)
Hello WS :)

Yes, thank you for this thread. It seems taboo to speak of these things but it should NOT BE. Awareness of this needs to get out. This subject is one that bothers me deeply, deeply. I think of the so called "adults" involved in this and I cannot wrap my mind around how sick they must be.

I wish I had something constructive to add or say. I will follow the links and read here and try to educate myself. I feel slightly better knowing that the FBI is aware of this and working on it...but knowing that children are going through this RIGHT NOW as I sit here typing is almost more than I can stand. I want to go and save them all right now!

I am adding a post to this thread because I want the thread to go on and on...I hope other WSers will come here and post at least once so that this is a huge thread. Let's make it a big deal, a big big huge deal-so that it becomes the talk of the world till we can stop this once and for all.

I do worry that it is true that there are powerful people involved in things like this and that is sometimes why this subject is not in the news more. I worry there is money behind these crimes against children, and when there is money there are cover-ups. I wish evil could not hide.

Thank God for people like Marc Klass! I will follow the links and come back here and post. Mr. Klass seems tireless in his efforts to save children. What an incredible man. He should be put on television, given his own show to create awareness. Thank you to the FBI agents who are working on these cases, imagine if there was no authorities doing so? Shutter...

I am so glad to be around other people who find this exploitation of children unacceptable! Thank you WS!

Bless all the hurt and abused children.

Thanks to belleyes for posting that information re "codes" these people use. I had no idea. I truly had no idea and I like to think I am pretty savvy. So thank you.

If I can make a request, I'd like to see more of that kind of info in this thread, if possible. The more we know, the more we can protect our children.

Thanks to Kimster for starting the thread, as well.
I wonder why there are so many sex offenders anyway. Can't these people control themselves? Why do so many want to have sex with children? I looked up the map of how many sex offenders are living near Shaynia's bio mother and there are far too many. Why are they being let out of prison or institutions? Here is the map.

You think it has much to do with today's acceptance and emphasis on sexual enhancement products, videotapes, adult entertainment, violence and sex movies, etc.? How can this many people be on the books as RSO's in our communities? Why aren't there studies going on about this? Have the numbers increased in the last 5 to 10 years? WTH is going on?

They've got kids walking more than a mile to and from school at 7 years old because they don't have a bus available? Why is that? No money? Why is that? If it's all about the money, then who's at fault? The taxpayer? The taxpayers want quality education but they don't want to pay for it. They want our kids to be safe but not at their expense. They want SO's monitored so that they can know where they reside at any given time but that's all they want to know. No one keeps track of them, where they go, what they do until they've re-offended and then they take account of where and what they've been participating in. When it's too late........again. Why is that? Because...........the system we have right now isn't working!!!!!

I am so fed up with hearing these stories, I'm ready to retire from my regular job and take up the cause because if someone doesn't do it soon, the children are going to continue to lose this fight and it seems we're all they've got to fight for them.

Sorry for the rant.
Hello WS :)
I do worry that it is true that there are powerful people involved in things like this and that is sometimes why this subject is not in the news more. I worry there is money behind these crimes against children, and when there is money there are cover-ups. I wish evil could not hide.



*respectfully snipped for space** see full post

I argee--(ok here goes another personal experience --if you dont want to here me again skip ahead) When my kids were removed from their "house of horrors"as I call it. The story never hit the media until several months later. In the mean time I really thought the endtimes were here b/c so many local perv's were coming out of the woodwork. Several were very prominent individuals --one particular person was the director of our community action program (which runs Headstart, WIC, and many others) and HE HAD THE *advertiser censored* ON HIS WORK COMPUTER I started to wonder why "our" perv was still being held on P.V.'s ---I started questioning Feds as to why he didnt have charges yet and they stuttered around and said all I can say is their is a reason for all the local busts ---(speculation is that they pretended to be the perp and then busted others) ANYWAY my point is that YES a lot of money is backing this business and very influencial people
Funny you should mention this. I actually wrote and emailed my NJ Congressmen almost 2 weeks ago. The was a photographer at my son's last football game. He took 364 pictures and handed out cards to go to his site if we wanted to purchase some. He wrote a disclaimer at the bottom informing "punishable by law if you illegally download his copywritten pictures". Well guess what, my son is the QB and was in about 250 of those pictures! There's no password to get into his site, anyone can view them from anywhere in the world. I called them and asked them to make their site private and to give me the originals of my son since I didn't give him permission to take my son's picture. I was very politely told that I am in the wrong & he is legally correct in his ability to snapshot my son since he was playing at our local midget football field - it's public not private. I said you can;t copywrite my son without my permission. I called the NJ State Assembly & was told to write to my NJ Congressmen. I talked to everyone that would listen and didn't get anywhere so I sent an email. I took screen prints of every single one of my son's pictures & I'd love for that guy to take me on in a court of law b/c I know I'll win...heck, maybe even have my son's college tuition paid for out of settlement. His company is nationwide and big. The laws that are in place right now regarding digital technology and picture rights were written many many many years ago & need an overhaul. Sooo, I'm in the process of putting together a professional letter, signed off on by myself and my lawyer, and I'm going to send it to the White House. Maybe I'll get somewhere. I know it's slightly off topic but it's really worth mentioning. Anybody could crop a pretty face and paste it on another body in photoshop, literally anybody, and sell it as child *advertiser censored*. I have no desire for someone to take my boy's pic & put it out there in droves on the internet. If he were in the acting business & he had my permission, that would be different. Now I guess I kinda know how famous people feel about having the media snap their children all the time. That's a stretch, but you get the drift. He's my son and I was literally told by the photographer that I have no rights to the pictures unless I buy them. Stupid idiot shouldn't have put them on the internet and I wouldn't have had access to take screenshots of them all:)

YOU GO GIRL Tell me when and where to be and I'll back you up.

*We had a local situation where a stranger was taking pics of the local swim team (the little ones) and the police arrested him for something b/c the pic were not appropriate. I think he was zooming in on body parts. Really makes me paranoid about people with cameras. ( I even chased a guy away at a Make-A-Wish event. He set off the hinky meter and was taking pics of kids but when i started questioning him and event reps he disappeared-- the event reps thought he was media ---apparently not)
I just realized that I will not be able to join the chat tonight! :banghead:

I have a meeting that I must attend! In the past, notes have been taken from the chats and I hope and hope it will also be the case tonight!!! Tell Marc hello for me, would y'all???
I just realized that I will not be able to join the chat tonight! :banghead:

I have a meeting that I must attend! In the past, notes have been taken from the chats and I hope and hope it will also be the case tonight!!! Tell Marc hello for me, would y'all???

Sure !!! as long as I can get on the chat (i had trouble before):waitasec:it was probably me!!!!

O/T I am so MAD I came here to rant b/c you all know my story. Any lawyers with advice please help. The Psycho Witch of an egg donor who pimped out my kids had the nerve to send my dd a b-day card (she had the wrong name b/c we changed it) but we are not listed in phone book for this reason + she e-mailed me ----NO IDEA how she got that ----any sleuthers know? The card said to my dear daughter love Mom :furious: Uh Oh gotta go dh is home and he is going to blow a gasket ( we may be the next episode of NG)
Sure !!! as long as I can get on the chat (i had trouble before):waitasec:it was probably me!!!!

O/T I am so MAD I came here to rant b/c you all know my story. Any lawyers with advice please help. The Psycho Witch of an egg donor who pimped out my kids had the nerve to send my dd a b-day card (she had the wrong name b/c we changed it) but we are not listed in phone book for this reason + she e-mailed me ----NO IDEA how she got that ----any sleuthers know? The card said to my dear daughter love Mom :furious: Uh Oh gotta go dh is home and he is going to blow a gasket ( we may be the next episode of NG)

Oh my gosh! Isn't there a court order to keep her away?

I don't have to go to that meeting tonight after all! WOOT WOOT!
Oh my gosh! Isn't there a court order to keep her away?

I don't have to go to that meeting tonight after all! WOOT WOOT!

She's not suppose to know where we are---No official court order only through CYA and they are gonna be peeved. She's already been warned. I think now we can get a PFA b/c the adoptions are final. When we were the foster parents we couldn't -----then no word for years--now this !!!!somethings up ---I hope she's not on here and recognizes me!!! I told dh its time to move outta state. (for egg donors safety not ours---JK)

I have been out since monday and finally had an opportunity to check out this new and long overdue thread. Thank you so much for "coming out of the closet" with your personal insights into children who have been exploited in this depraved way. Bless you for trying to show these kids what family life should have been like. You and your family will ever be in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you the very best as you continue to love and protect these precious kis from EG.
The link to that article says that NC is prone to trafficking because of the highway system.

This is why there is a lot of drug trafficking in our state too. It goes hand and hand.

I drive up and down 40 twice a week. (100+ miles each way). The highway patrol presence in Duplin and Sampson counties is insane (in a good way). There is always someone pulled over by 3 HP, with their vehicle torn apart.

Duplin and Sampson also have some of the largest farming areas in our state and the largest migrant population.
Excellent chat with Marc Klaas last night. I understand Tricia will be posting a transcript of the chat. Presumably it will be in this thread or on the main board.

I'm in Canada and have been researching the missing/murdered women cases in western Canada for approx. 5 years. It has been a natural progression to have an interest in the potential for Human Trafficking to be related to some of these cases. Due to the sensitivity of the research and some of the findings, it is exceptionally frustrating for me to keep a lot of info close to the vest out of concern of being identified. So, I have to stick to generalities.

Because Human Trafficking is of global concern, my question to Marc was to the effect "given an HT taskforce in Canada investigating 2 HT rings, and our proximity to the US and our shared border, are US and Canadian HT taskforces working together on the issue?". Marc's response was that he did not know but if not, they should be. As this thread grows, and while keeping the global aspect in mind, I will try to share from a Canadian perspective.

Bill C-268 is intended to establish minimum sentencing for those involved in HT (believe it or not, Canada currently has no mandatory minimum sentence !!! We Canucks are sooo nice, eh?). This bill recently received third reading in the House of Commons [239 yeas / 46 nays ... am checking into those 46 nay-sayers as we speak. Just kidding :) ] C-268 is currently awaiting a Senate vote to be passed into law.

For Canadians wishing to see how their MPs voted on the 3rd reading:

Excellent Canadian site for info related to HT:

Recent article "As Olympic flame burns, Canada's sex industry heats up ..."

One well-publicized Canadian case (thanks to a Mom who never gives up hope and never quits) is that of Jessie Foster who is believed to be a victim of HT between Canada and the US:
Sure !!! as long as I can get on the chat (i had trouble before):waitasec:it was probably me!!!!

O/T I am so MAD I came here to rant b/c you all know my story. Any lawyers with advice please help. The Psycho Witch of an egg donor who pimped out my kids had the nerve to send my dd a b-day card (she had the wrong name b/c we changed it) but we are not listed in phone book for this reason + she e-mailed me ----NO IDEA how she got that ----any sleuthers know? The card said to my dear daughter love Mom :furious: Uh Oh gotta go dh is home and he is going to blow a gasket ( we may be the next episode of NG)
:doh: WHAT?

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