Hunting JonBenét’s Killer: The Untold Story Thurs Apr 11 A&E, 9pm

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
What Does the Term "Noise" Mean in Marketing?

"Noise” has a negative connotation in marketing, meaning there is so much promotional clutter, like advertising, that consumers tire of it and have a difficult time remembering specific messages. On the positive side, think of it like creating a “buzz” — when you hear that there’s a buzz about something, you know it’s being talked about, and if it has to do with your company, you’d rather have noise than silence. The key is to create a buzz that is different from the rest of the noise so that your customers pay attention and the correct information is communicated."
True Crime Exclusive: On The Hunt For JonBenet’s Murderer: Her Father John Ramsey Speaks To Dr. Oz

DO: And then there's a closed door
JR: mmhmm
DO: What, what was that room?
JR: Well. it was, it was an old house.
Used to be a coal room where
they stored coal for the, for the furnace,
I guess.
And we just used it for Christmas tree storage
and stuff that you didn't use.
DO: And when you open that door
JR: Well then I saw JonBenet immediately.
sA: She was literally laying
just right there in front of him.
JR: Ya, so uhm, so there's this surge of relief that I'd found her
ah, but I pretty quickly realized
that, ah, she had tape on her mouth,
which I took off.
And I didn't see the, the garotte around her neck
It was so deeply imbedded
uhm I just picked her up and screamed.
I ma just went ups, took her upstairs.
ah I didn't know what else to do
You wanted to take her to help.
DO: You did the right thing.


JR: And I'd like it to be brought to a conclusion
for the sake of my grandchildren,
for the sake of my children
ah so there's clarity in that for them.


DO: John Ramsey
You said that this will be your last interview.
Why was it so important for you to be here today?
JR: Well I had uhm originally declined your invitation,
which I appreciated,
but then I understood what ah Cindy and, and Jim
were doing with a G/F/M program to help fund their DNA testing ...
and I thought well if I can both contribute to that and also promote it
ah I'm absolutely willing to do it
so that's, that's why I'm here.
ok UK, so we're looking at another decade from now?
Maybe BR appears on The Dr. Jussie Smollett Show, circa 2030?

Maybe, depends on JR's constitution. He looks ready for the care home, he has those little tics that arrive with the settling in of the aging process, he's moving slower and doing cued actions for the camera instead of being natural, along with his monotone one liners: compelling.

At 76 he will be a candidate for inclusion in a care home, he was never an athlete so at his age he will have to be careful, navigating stairs, pavements, the shower etc, one accident can eventually result in death due to complications.

One thing is for sure he wont be doing any interviews a decade from now, at JR's age estate succession and planning will be on his mind, notice how he talks about his family these days, he never used to do that.


"You know, where did that number come from?
It meant something to the killer, obviously."

Along with the pineapple this is the most important piece of evidence. Imo.

Nah, its a phone lookup service in the UK:
118 – directory enquiries Numbers beginning with 118 are used for directory enquiries services.Costs: Most calls include a charge to connect (can be between 50p and £4) and then a charge for every minute you use the line (can be up to £5 per minute).
Its just staging which means its not part of the original crime-scene so can safely be ignored, unless you like links to the Kabbalah where Victory STBC is alleged to have originated, (A&E) , in other words its open season on kooky theories, including psychopathic intruders with multiple personalities who are controlled by aliens.

Lol, you weren't there so you can't say that, lol.

Sure and thats the point: I cannot make universal claims about the Ramsey's, e.g. John Did It, why because I was not there !

Not being there also means you cannot contest Aliens, Kabbalah, and Multiple Personality inspired RDI theories.

Obviously does not mean folks cannot apply common sense and reject the patently kooky theories.


August 30, 2006 Peter Boyles Radio Show KHOW Denver, Colorado
Guest Jeff Merrick and Norm Early

BOYLES: Jeffrey, I looked it up. Boulder police collected 5,300 phone tips, 4,800 letters, conducted 650 interviews and identified 140 possible suspects by the time the homicide was five years old. They only focused on the Ramseys according to the DA?
May 4 2019

"Update 2 ... Those funds have allowed us to send off another sample for testing and one is being tested as we speak. We got the results of yet another sample that did not match. To us, that just means one more person is marked complete on the spreadsheet." - CM
The DNA that they make comparisons to is not legitimate itself.

No one is cleared by a non match and no one will ever be identified by a match because a match is imposible. The DNA is an artifact cobbled together from multiple sources.

Fake news! Fake science. Fake journalism.
Is this a joke? They are seriously wasting money trying to match dna that is obviously not from one person? Fake testing. Fake accusations . Fake evidence. Lou Smit’s claims are utterly ridiculous. Nobody subdued JonBenet Ramsey by stun-gunning her face or leg. Nobody climbed in the basement window (except LS). Nobody sat in the house writing a ransom note while the ramseys were away. We could go on and on, but what is the point? People will believe what they want to believe, because they can.

Money, politics and religion fueled a web of lies, secrets and coverups.

Tragically, people can be unbalanced, evil. Parents kill their children, children kill siblings. It’s a fact, folks. Logically, would someone plan a kidnapping such as this and leave the body behind? Of course not.
Drag, your picture of patsy makes me ill. Makes me relive that presser over and over.
New “Last Photo” of JonBenet Ramsey has just been released – and there’s a problem…

"23 years after the unsolved murder of his daughter, for the first time ever, this photo of JonBenet Ramsey has been publicly released, presumably by John Ramsey himself. Why has it taken 23 years to release the last photo of his daughter? And if it’s only been released to the public and the media now, what about law enforcement?"

I wonder the same...And what about pics from Whites's party? AFAIK not a single photo was seeing by public...or not?
Council Post: Rebranding After A Company PR Crisis? Here's How To Do It Right

"In a crisis, brands often try and erase what happened and their association to it. But in today’s world, it’s important to realize that the internet doesn’t forget. A successful rebrand must acknowledge the crisis and outline a new direction that’s aligned with the brand’s values and that honors the relationship with the audience. If your rebrand is hiding something rotten, it won’t remain hidden for long. - Kevin Smith, Mighty Roar"

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