Hurricane Sandy updates

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Thank you for the article. :blowkiss: puts my mind a bit more at ease, I keep remembering getting buried in the white stuff last Halloween!

Still, this won't be any less of a mess. Now I'm worried about the river nearby ... :sigh:

Examples of floods from tropical systems and they are really catastrophic.

Hurricane Agnes

Hurricane Agnes was a Category 1 hurricane when it first made landfall on Florida. When it raced across the Northeast, it dumped widespread heavy rain. Agnes dumped up to 20 inches of rain in Pennsylvania. 128 people died from massive flooding from Agnes and did $2.8 billion of damage at the time.

Tropical Storm Claudette (1979)

Claudette dumped 43 inches of rain in 24 hours near Alvin, Texas! It is a 24 hour record in America to this very day.

1921 Central Texas Flood

Hurricane #2 of 1921 made landfall on Mexico as a Category 1 hurricane. The remnants went up to Texas and led to core rains, which is thunderstorms that form near the core of a warm core low pressure like a tropical low at night. They dump extremely heavy rain, which is similar to Claudette (1979). Thrall, Texas saw 38 inches of rain in 18 hours! The flooding killed 215 people, making it one of the deadliest freshwater flooding in America.

Hurricane Camille

Hurricane Camille is best known for making landfall on the Gulf Coast as a Category 5 hurricane with 165 mph winds and high storm surge. However, most of the death was from massive flooding in Virginia. The heavy rain fell at night over Nelson County from a core rain, in which the remnant of Camille interacted with a cold front. 27 inches of rain was recorded, but it is possible up to 46 inches fell in 8 hours!

Hurricane Floyd

Hurricane Floyd made landfall on North Carolina in 1999 as a Category 2 hurricane. It dumped extremely heavy rain over a large area of the East Coast. Some areas saw as high as 25 inches of rain in 24 hours!
Last Halloween's storm was the wet snow, which is slushy and nasty. I do not want to drive with wet snow as it makes roads really slick.

Flooding is something I would take very seriously. Flooding is what kills people. It leaves a nasty mess as well.

I know, I live 10 ft.from a river!!!!
How bad is PA getting hit where I am at? I'm in North Central PA. Here is a map of where I am at. The A is where I live even though it doesn't say what town. Lol....


I'm grew up in Chester Co, Pa just W of Philly...and southern Chester Co down by Chadds Ford and the Brandywine River always floods so bad. I love nor'easters, but much prefer them in Feb with the snow. Always stated if we only had a nor'easter once a year and no other bad'd be perfect. Just seems everyone comes together more when they take place.

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I know, I live 10 ft.from a river!!!!

I'm getting worried... We're right smack in the middle of the projected path if it hits the mid-Atlantic. We're prepared: water, food, flashlights, batteries, generator. Our sailboat is on a mooring ball at the marina across the road, and we have been told to move it, so we'll do that this afternoon.

But, we live in a flood zone, across the road from the Potomac River. If the water rises, we may have to leave.

Here is my neighborhood after Isabel (those boats are from the same marina where our boat is - and, no, that's not me, just an image I googled).

We are in CT, mid-state...My dumba^&* DH thinks I am crazy because I have been HOUNDING him to go and get nonperishable food, batteries, etc. I had to get NASTY this morning, forcing him to take my car to the gym and then GET GAS in it. Last year during the freak snowstorm we drove around on empty looking for a gas station that had power...and lost all food in the fridge and freezer TWICE (Irene hit us too). Men can be so maddening!!!!
Yeah, my husband gets to sit and watch the younger kids' soccer games today, meanwhile I'm running around like a mad woman getting some last minute stuff, filling up with gas, etc.

Stores are crazy already. If anyone needs anything, go now, it'll only get worse. Especially new englanders, you know how crazy the crowds get every time there's a damn storm. :banghead:
We are in CT, mid-state...My dumba^&* DH thinks I am crazy because I have been HOUNDING him to go and get nonperishable food, batteries, etc. I had to get NASTY this morning, forcing him to take my car to the gym and then GET GAS in it. Last year during the freak snowstorm we drove around on empty looking for a gas station that had power...and lost all food in the fridge and freezer TWICE (Irene hit us too). Men can be so maddening!!!!

LOL, tell me about it. My fiancee refuses to go to the grocery store to get some nonperishable goods as well. Last year during Irene, we had no electricity for 9 friggin' days and we were not at all prepared. I was hoping he had learned his lesson, apparently not lol! Looks like I'll be heading out in a couple hours to pick up the stuff myself. Not looking forward to the crazy Jersey folks @ the supermarket, they are insane during times like these. Plus, my fur baby needs her special gluten free food @ Petco. Ugh, Everyone stay safe!
So am I supposed to get rain or snow? on the weather it's saying tropical strom conditions possible. Lol
Yeah, my husband gets to sit and watch the younger kids' soccer games today, meanwhile I'm running around like a mad woman getting some last minute stuff, filling up with gas, etc.

Stores are crazy already. If anyone needs anything, go now, it'll only get worse. Especially new englanders, you know how crazy the crowds get every time there's a damn storm. :banghead:

GL, same here. DH went to soccer games this morning (he's the coach). I stayed home sick, though, with sick DD who missed her game. Glad I got most of the shopping done yesterday - it was already a madhouse even then.

I still have a few things I want to get today, but we have to move the friggin sailboat this afternoon, from a mooring ball to a floating dock at another marina a few miles away - which has pilings not very high and worries me that if we get the rain/flooding they say we will, that the docks will float right over the top. :rolleyes:

But that's the least of my worries: I hope our apt doesn't flood. We have food, water, flashlights, batteries, dog food, bunny food, generator, full tanks of gas. But if it floods, all bets are off and we're outta here. I made tentative reservations at a hotel up on the hill.... DH laughed at me, but last time it flooded and people left, hotels were booked for a 2-3 hr radius.
WillenFan I think they're saying if you're 2500' or above, or are in eastern Ohio or W Virginia you might be getting snow.
11:00AM CDT UPDATE: Governors in NJ and CT declare State of Emergency. Voluntary evacuations have already begun along the south Jersey coast. Mandatory evacuations for the Atlantic City area are expected by Sunday afternoon. Long Island NY (Residents of Fire Island) has also begun evacuations. Other areas are being considered. This brings it to a total of SEVEN states that have declared States of Emergency (NJ, CT, VA, NY, PA, MA and DC…plus 33 coastal counties in NC). Folks under Evacuation Warnings (whether voluntary or mandatory) need to heed those warnings or face potentially a potentially life threatening situation with no means of getting help.

Again, the biggest threats will be the lengthy periods of high winds, storm surge, and flooding from long periods of very heavy rainfall. This storm is arriving during a full moon, which raises tide levels by several feet anyway, so lunar tides plus anticipated wave height from Sandy really equates to a major threat all along the Mid-Atlantic coast.
Thoughts and prayers for my fellow 'sleuthers who are in the path of the Frankenstorm. Please prepare appropriately and evacuate if it's suggested/required in your community. Don't forget about pets as they might be frightened and require special attention during the weather event.

During the storm, The Weather Channel has suspended regular programming and has been covering the storm 24/7. As long as you have power, TWC has the latest details on the evolving weather event.

Be well and stay safe.
Anyone who is in Sandy’s projected path, I wish safety for you and yours.

From a hurricane veteran: Try not to get too caught up in the “doom and gloom news." As they say, prepare for the worst but hope for the best. If it's advised that evacuation in your area is necessary, take the advice.

Also, when stocking up on supplies: Remember – you can never have too much toilet paper or beer.

All the best,
I have family in Va. (D.C. suburb), and in Maryland. I think those places will be safe, won't they?

DC, MD and VA have already declared a state of emergency. I'm in a MD suburb of DC and I'm sure we'll be hit--the most recent info I've seen looks like the bulk of the storm will hit us late Monday and continue in to Tuesday.

An article from the Washington Post advises area residents to plan for 3 days to a week without power, which is what people experienced during the derecho earlier this year.
i'm not in the [path but looks like my youngest daughter and her father and my oldest daughter's house (they're not home) are right about in the eye of the storm. they're in millville, nj. my middle daughter lives in delaware. i've already checked in on them. youngest & her dad are all ready. enough food and a generator. middle daughter....she's the type to have a party during the hurricane. last time she walked down to the bar and partied. (rolls eyes)

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