Hypothetically, how could the crime be pinned on George?

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To me, George seemed to be the most honest person in the family. I don't really believe he necessarily told the truth about River Cruise, but I believe he told the truth about Casey and Caylee leaving on June 16, the car smelling like human decomposition, Casey being the last person with Caylee, Casey throwing the gas cans out, etc. He got mad because of all the allegations that Baez made about him in his opening statements, but I would have been angry, too. Cindy lied about the computer searches, and she tried to make Casey seem a lot nicer than she really was. I feel that she went out of her way to keep from saying anything negative about Casey. I think she had told Baez that she would say that she remembered Lee going into Casey's room because he would never have asked that question if he thought she was going to say "No." Jeff Ashton said that Lee acted totally different during the deposition. He admitted that the family made him feel left out during Casey's pregnancy but said that it was okay and that it didn't bother him at all. On the stand during the trial, he acted like the biggest crybaby ever. Why would a guy in his early twenties get that upset because he wasn't included in his sister's pregnancy plans? Ashton also said that Lee would not meet with the prosecutors before the trial to discuss the questions they were going to ask. I thought a lot of what Baez was complaining about concerning the family secrets was ridiculous. He never proved that Casey was molested. He made a big deal about Casey never having been to the gynecologist before she was 19. I agree that she needed to go as soon as she found out she was pregnant, but I don't see a reason she would have needed to go before that. I just can't believe the jurors believed everything Baez said. I think George appeared to be the mean parent because he was sick of Casey's behavior and all of her lying. Cindy was the boss, however, and seemed to treat Casey with kid gloves. She was an enabler. Maybe if Cindy had allowed George to discipline Casey, she wouldn't have turned into the sociopath she is today. I think Casey was the only one involved in Caylee's murder. Tracey, the woman with Leonard Padilla, said that Casey yelled to her family, "Don't tell me that I'm lying! I'm the only one who knows what happened!"
I don't get why so many believe that George was lying about the affair with that woman at that particular time when she just so happened to have her twin cohort in jail. The whole thing could have been a setup with or without George's cooperation. There was nothing affair related in the texts he sent her either, nothing sexy or even romantic. If he was really told that she was dying she could have been whining about no one needs her or cares if she dies or not there could have been texts. If he is such a monster who'd cheat that that time then why aren't there lots of women coming forward to say what a flirt and cheater he is. There should be women he saw during his time as a cop and all this time in Florida. The man has been married about 30 years and maybe one report of past cheating (or did that come from Casey?) and this person who shows up at the search center in all these years? It's an outrage IMO.
Thanks for starting this thread, DA. The big question for me if/when the defense throws this particular theory at the wall is that we don't know exact TOD, and we do know GA was home in the mornings. He wouldn't have gone to work until after 2 on June 16. This IMO could open the door to a number of wild and disgusting allegations...

I believe that 'psychological warfare' tactics were used by the DT, specifically the accusations of child abuse aimed at GA, to 'shock' and disgust the jury early on in the trial. GA was clearly the most believable of all the A's, the GJ testimony made me believe he was not going to lie for KC, and the DT had to do something that would make the jury not believe him. To make them want to withdraw their consideration of anything he had to say.

What better way to do that than throw sexual abuse accusations at him? :maddening:

Juror no. 11 said that the allegation of sexual abuse wasn't 'considered' but I can't help but think that the allegation had alot with put doubt about GA in their minds.
I'm not sure not being combative would have helped him, I don't think the jurors got past JB's OS...they heard that and nothing else mattered.

Today I had the TV on HLN, can't remember which show (maybe JVM) but, they had a private investigator from the DT that I think Andrea Lyons had hired right after the body had been found. He made a comment about "it not being over for George", actually he said it twice. So, it makes me wonder just what they'll try to pull once she's out of jail. If her not seeing her parents isn't a ploy then it's because she can't look them in the face because of her guilt.

It was on JVM, JusticeSeeker. The PI's name is Pat McKenna, and he was hired by LKB. Surprise, surprise! :rolleyes: She was instrumental in pushing the whole "Blame GA" campaign in the media before and during the trial, and it appears she's still at it.

McKenna stated he's still in touch constantly with the DT, as if we couldn't have figured that out ourselves. I'm not a juror, pal.
It was on JVM, JusticeSeeker. The PI's name is Pat McKenna, and he was hired by LKB. Surprise, surprise! :rolleyes: She was instrumental in pushing the whole "Blame GA" campaign in the media before and during the trial, and it appears she's still at it.

McKenna stated he's still in touch constantly with the DT, as if we couldn't have figured that out ourselves. I'm not a juror, pal.

Thanks, I thought it was JVM, Why would he say that "it's not over for GA"? Do you honestly think they will try to bring charges against HIM or maybe the spiteful one will try to sue him in civil court??? just to try to prove her point....i don't think GA had anything to do with Caylee's death or disposal....no way jose! I think this is just another "media ploy" by the DT to try to make people feel different about her but, it's not gonna work, imo.
I believe that 'psychological warfare' tactics were used by the DT, specifically the accusations of child abuse aimed at GA, to 'shock' and disgust the jury early on in the trial. GA was clearly the most believable of all the A's, the GJ testimony made me believe he was not going to lie for KC, and the DT had to do something that would make the jury not believe him. To make them want to withdraw their consideration of anything he had to say.

What better way to do that than throw sexual abuse accusations at him? :maddening:

Juror no. 11 said that the allegation of sexual abuse wasn't 'considered' but I can't help but think that the allegation had alot with put doubt about GA in their minds.
Sure it did, from the OS JB had the jury...plain & simple & he should be charged HEAVILY for his antics in court!
I don't think there will be charges against George. No one in law enforcement or from the district attorney's office believes he had anything to do with the murder.
I think GA was just a TAD too defensive. He made himself look guilty. He should have "Yes, that was my duct tape". "Yes I used it at the command center." "Yes, I had an affair". "But I did NOT tape on my granddaughter."

Maybe then, the jury wouldn't have had such a hard time believing him.

And, for the record, I personally do not believe he was involved. But, if he had been alittle less combative, a little more truthful, we might have gotten a different verdict.

I agree. If he had an affair with RC, after all it was on video tape him going there alone. he shouldve just admitted it. Maybe didnt look too good
but ddidnt make him a murderer JMO
and the duct tape, big deal if Casey broke into his shed and got his gas cans she couldve taken some duct tape, too so he shouldve just said yeah it was my duct tape. He was WAY too defensive. I know he is upset but he shouldve been very truthful on the stand.
I find no theory plausible as to the culpability of GA in the death of Caylee . He was a loving grandfather and would have called 911 in the case of any accident. That doesn't make him a perfect man; was he combative with Baez ? Yep, and I would've been as well. Did he drive the car home from the tow yard ? Yep ... don't forget CA was at the tow yard as well and probably was chirping in his ear about protecting ICA. Why did CA clean the car as soon as they got it home ? Why did he go to work that day ? I'm sure CA told him to go on to work and she would take care of it. Did he make a statement to RC ? Statement ... sure, but the content of the statement is debatable.

Agreed. Baez wanted him to be combative, and who wouldn't when you're
accused of molesting your daughter.

As for not calling police, you can bet Cindy made sure he went back to work, he had only recently started a new job and she wanted to make sure he kept it and it gave her a chance to formulate a plan and do damage control, i.e. cleaning up the car, washing the knife and washing KC's clothes.

George has been the fall guy from the start.
I don't think there will be charges against George. No one in law enforcement or from the district attorney's office believes he had anything to do with the murder.

I think from the minute GA started to change his story when the DP went back on the table the family agreed to do whatever it took to save KC's life. I think JB arranged that they all had their script to play which involved deny, deny, deny then use your imagination to lead away from KC, whatever it takes. JB asked GA in the Frye hearing if GA knew that if he did not show up in court and it would save his daughter's life, would he do it. GA said yes. I don't think GA was happy about the molestation used in the opening statement but we all know GA lied about that duct tape at the Kidfinder's tent so I think GA finally figured out he had been had.

It appears they all had scripts. But I do not think in the end LA followed his. From what he said about his parents not including him in any part, before or at the time of Caylee's birth after all these years he may have learned that KC told her parents Lee was the father. His crying appears to have been genuine as if he just found out the reason he was excluded. It would make sense if it were true. From JB's questioning JB wanted him to say he was not included because his parents thought he was Caylee's father. We know it's not true but that was the direction JB was headed toward and it appears LA was not going to play the game.

How does JB sleep at night? jmo
I don't get why so many believe that George was lying about the affair with that woman at that particular time when she just so happened to have her twin cohort in jail. The whole thing could have been a setup with or without George's cooperation. There was nothing affair related in the texts he sent her either, nothing sexy or even romantic. If he was really told that she was dying she could have been whining about no one needs her or cares if she dies or not there could have been texts. If he is such a monster who'd cheat that that time then why aren't there lots of women coming forward to say what a flirt and cheater he is. There should be women he saw during his time as a cop and all this time in Florida. The man has been married about 30 years and maybe one report of past cheating (or did that come from Casey?) and this person who shows up at the search center in all these years? It's an outrage IMO.

I have to tell you that went whizzing through my mind, too. Skye had direct contact with KC in jail as she delivered books, I think. And it was River that made the first contact with GA at the tent and kept coming back. Plus GA must be pretty new at this "cheating on your wife thing" because he drove his own car, possibly dragging that sign on the back, through the security gate and signed his own name (as if no one would know who he was and the security persons would not remember GA being in security and all) and reported who he was going to see.

I can even see GA saying "I need you in my life" if he felt she was someone he could talk to because heaven knows CA was just so "out there" at the time. Did he have an affair? Who really cares because it had nothing to do with what was going on in court and was only used to make GA look bad. And if she did have an affair with him she initially lied to police so why would you even want to believe her. She never produced any proof ever that she gave him money, no bank receipts...just her word.

Something else smells like day old fish. In her depo River claims that in GA's depo with M&M his description was of her. That ZFG was modeled after her. The perfect teeth, dark curly hair, a 10, weight, height. But KC had given her statement before GA ever met RC. Something just does not make sense here.

Some other coincidences that make you go hummmm. ZG lives in Kissimmee, JB's office is in Kissimmee. KC's hiring of JB was unusual in that there never appeared to have been enough time for KC to have heard about him and him filing papers in court that he was representing her.

If ever someone writes a book because they connected the dots and found the truth, that is the book I would want to read. There is just too much that makes no sense in this case for a young woman who simplying was tired of being a mom and did away with her child. jmo

How does JB sleep at night? jmo

Maybe like a child before Christmas wondering what Santa will bring.After some big checks come in from the media and other deals, he will sleep soundly I'm afraid.
I don't see how they could pin the murder on George. I justed watched a segment of Dr. Drew when he was interviewing Tracy..aka..Caseys babysitter. She said that when she was in the home and witnessed Casey being questioned about Caylee, when Casey got mad she said...Don't call me a liar, I'm the ONLY one who knows what happened. To me that's pretty darn close to a confession. At the very least it proves that George was not present when Caylee died. Why wasn't Tracy called by the prosecution to testify? If Casey said this directly to Tracy or Tracy was present when it was said couldn't it be introduced as evidence? It seems to disprove Baez's opening statement that George was involved.
I really feel George was set up. This River woman went after George, made the first move. Remember President Clinton and the blue dress? No one saves e-mails for that long without intending to use them for something. I didn't find this woman credible at all but she did get her face time...definately NOT a 10...on TV. Too bad no one is interested in any interviews with her now.
i hope this thread isnt giving anyone any ideas to start crap with george .. they read here obviously .. lol
I don't see how they could pin the murder on George. I justed watched a segment of Dr. Drew when he was interviewing Tracy..aka..Caseys babysitter. She said that when she was in the home and witnessed Casey being questioned about Caylee, when Casey got mad she said...Don't call me a liar, I'm the ONLY one who knows what happened. To me that's pretty darn close to a confession. At the very least it proves that George was not present when Caylee died. Why wasn't Tracy called by the prosecution to testify? If Casey said this directly to Tracy or Tracy was present when it was said couldn't it be introduced as evidence? It seems to disprove Baez's opening statement that George was involved.

Besides being an amateur cheater, he wasn't much good at delegating either, couldn't even get KC off the phone for 30 minutes to help him haul Caylee's body out of the pool and hide it from Cindy.
Agreed. Baez wanted him to be combative, and who wouldn't when you're
accused of molesting your daughter.

As for not calling police, you can bet Cindy made sure he went back to work, he had only recently started a new job and she wanted to make sure he kept it and it gave her a chance to formulate a plan and do damage control, i.e. cleaning up the car, washing the knife and washing KC's clothes.

George has been the fall guy from the start.

Casey began to frame George from the start. She put that duct tape BACK in her dad's garage for a reason. Why wouldn't she ditch it if she used it on her dead kid?

And she said incriminating things to her friends implicating George in the car
smell. She told Amy the car began to smell when her dad returned it. [ which was a LIE.] And she told Tony that george picked up the car from Amscott. [another lie.]

She also made sure he was the OTHER last person to see Caylee alive.

All that's left to do is level the sex abuse charges...frame complete.
I think GA was just a TAD too defensive. He made himself look guilty. He should have "Yes, that was my duct tape". "Yes I used it at the command center." "Yes, I had an affair". "But I did NOT tape on my granddaughter."

Maybe then, the jury wouldn't have had such a hard time believing him.

And, for the record, I personally do not believe he was involved. But, if he had been alittle less combative, a little more truthful, we might have gotten a different verdict.

I disagree, just my opinion. I think this jury needed a video of the crime to convict anyone.

This is what I believe, also. JB can't go into that court room and give a whole new story without KC taking the stand and telling the new story herself. And that just ain't gonna happen, IMO.

I look back at this and think how naive I was.
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