Hypothetically, how could the crime be pinned on George?

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It is hard for me to even consider this hypothetical after the massacre I have seen where lives have been destroyed for no other purpose than to get a very guilty person off scott free.

I have never seen a trial like this and I pray I never will again. I have seen the worst mankind has to offer. It still makes me cringe.

How cold and hardened someone has to be to even contemplate this horror story plot. How cold? As cold as the ice running through KCs veins with her attorney being her talking parrot. The one who has never grieved for her child. The same person who shows NO FEAR and is such a defiant, angry, nasty, self centered individual.

This DT needed a villain. First it was going to be Jesse Grund and when that didn't work out then they were going to say Kronk killed Caylee. When JP nixed that they made him into the body snatcher instead. But they still needed a villain in order to orchestrate all of this and keep the jury's attention on that and off of the real defendant in the case. So they made the false allegations, sexual in nature, explicit, and made up the biggest tale only the best liar in Orange County could concoct.

And who better than George and really who did the DT have left? Baez had butted heads with George for years. He was perfect to slice and dice. JB knew the jury wouldn't know how volatile the relationship had been for years between them or why.. so they would judge George on his demeanor in the courtroom. Honestly after being accused of this many heinous things I wouldnt have maintained as well as George.

Imo, there are absolutely no logical working hypotheticals when it comes to George being the murderer or a co-conspirator or the one who applied the duct tape. The sad truth is this man was just prey and ruining his life meant nothing to KC or the DT. The same ones who has no qualms throwing anyone and everyone under the bus in order to win and deceive.

Now fast forward to verdict day. The jury was perfect...like a perfect storm. They are the kind that uses no commonsense and logic. They weren't critical thinkers. They had no clue how to link CE even though they have said in the media that the state had strong CE.:innocent: They overburdened the state. They used speculation and JB OS fiction stuck in their heads like goo. They wanted it all laid out for them. Everything must be known. Why, when, where, why, what, how even though they were told the three elements that the state had to prove. Never mind what the REAL evidence was....... Lights, camera, action! So they watched their daily Reality Show/Soap Opera in the courtroom from Baez. Didn't need notes for that. It was an ongoing saga.

So in the real world George isn't guilty of anything except maybe having an affair which should have never been in the trial to begin with but in the courtroom the real world was far far away.

But in the unrealistic world the jury lives in.......KC is blameless and George has been tagged "It."

Picking a jury is the luck of the draw.
Caylee was unlucky enough to draw a dead man's hand when her mother dealt off the bottom of the deck.... stealing the justice she so richly deserved.

I am so sorry Caylee.........I really am honey.

Many of us believe GA did NOT see Caylee 6/16.

If he didn't see Caylee his lie left room for questions!
I wonder if CA didn't beg him to lie for ICA?

That would place Caylee with CA
as being the last person GA saw with Caylee
on 6/15 before leaving for Mt. Dora. :waitasec:
CA didn't want to be placed as the last person
to be seen with Caylee before ICA!
wonder why GA agreed?

ICA stormed out Sunday night 6/15 without
Caylee per neighbors and If you believe CA
talked to Shirley Monday am ICA left with
Caylee during the night per CA.

CA admits she didn't really
"see" ICA and Casey 6/16am.
*notice CA leaves it kinda up in the air?

No way he fished her out of the pool.
No way he was an accessory.

Caylee would have been dead the
entire morning while Casey was at
home with GA.

Isn't that why mama dolll was in the car?
ICA took it with Caylee Sunday night?
Still places ICA as the killer...
without GA at the scene.
Leaves ICA home alone to
wrap Caylee up & bag her all by herself
Who said she left on June 15th?

I dont see why George would lie about that. Didnt he work that evening (15th) and get off around 11:00 pm that night?

I really dont think he lied about anything he testified to except maybe he did have a short affair but both men and women deny affairs.

He testified he saw her on the 16th so I dont see that it matters whether he saw her on the 15th or 16th? What is the difference? One day wouldnt make any difference that I can see.

I disagree, just my opinion. I think this jury needed a video of the crime to convict anyone.

Just as JB needed to be reading tweets and blogs to see which way the "trend" was going as to who was suspicious besides his client. It started with her "lie" and "snowballed out of control" toward GA. That's my opinion of the whole thing. Pathetic defense strategy when all you're after is "reasonable doubt" and not the truth.
i hope this thread isnt giving anyone any ideas to start crap with george .. they read here obviously .. lol

Yep and next time JB or CM are defending a trial, if there is a next time, we all will be :therethere:. Try this, try that DT. :floorlaugh:
I think it's too late for tear stained confessions, that boat has sailed. They are left with insinuating involvement, and trying to use the sexual abuse angle.

This post absolutely gives me chills. And now it's been confirmed that the DT has a staff of people perusing the message boards. Ultimately, the boards just may be reason for her aquittal. How sad is that?
Who said she left on June 15th?

I dont see why George would lie about that. Didnt he work that evening (15th) and get off around 11:00 pm that night?

I really dont think he lied about anything he testified to except maybe he did have a short affair but both men and women deny affairs.

He testified he saw her on the 16th so I dont see that it matters whether he saw her on the 15th or 16th? What is the difference? One day wouldnt make any difference that I can see.


pg 4 Jean Couty

pg 146,147,148

3 years ago it was reported by Kathi Belich LP and others that this was Father's Day that KC left alone. She heard the same fight that the Dickens did but,she testified in Sept it could have been May? so i guess not a documented fact...

GA states KC's car was not there when he got home. According to KC she had moved out June 9th and didn't spend another night there.

The one day makes a difference because it places CA as the last person to see KC with Caylee 1+1=2 NOT GA!
Therefore KC could never have blamed him for being there hence GA wouldn't have been on the stand defending himself about a drowning...
He testified he saw KC and caylee IF he only saw KC then Caylee was already dead BEFORE she showed up at the house without Caylee and Hung out from like 8 :00 until GA went to work.
IF he didn't see Caylee 6/16
and he lied and said he did, he shot himself in the foot.
so hypothetically who convinced him to lie and why?
(not asking you personally) ... just typing out loud!


  • kc nothome.png
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It can't. I think Barney Fife would have figured out how to execute the whole thing better than KC did, let alone Detective Anthony.
Unless...Yes! That's it!! KC is the victim of a frame job by George...and Yuri Melich, and the FBI, and the prosecutors, and Dr. Vass, and her "friends" (George must have paid them off) and her boyfriend, and the Henkel execs, and Dr. G, and Roy Kronk, and especially ol' Zenaida Gonzalez, yeah, she's in on it bigtime, maybe George was sleeping with her, too...
Many of us believe GA did NOT see Caylee 6/16.

If he didn't see Caylee his lie left room for questions!
I wonder if CA didn't beg him to lie for ICA?

That would place Caylee with CA
as being the last person GA saw with Caylee
on 6/15 before leaving for Mt. Dora. :waitasec:
CA didn't want to be placed as the last person
to be seen with Caylee before ICA!
wonder why GA agreed?

ICA stormed out Sunday night 6/15 without
Caylee per neighbors and If you believe CA
talked to Shirley Monday am ICA left with
Caylee during the night per CA.

CA admits she didn't really
"see" ICA and Casey 6/16am.
*notice CA leaves it kinda up in the air?

No way he fished her out of the pool.
No way he was an accessory.

Caylee would have been dead the
entire morning while Casey was at
home with GA.

Isn't that why mama dolll was in the car?
ICA took it with Caylee Sunday night?
Still places ICA as the killer...
without GA at the scene.
Leaves ICA home alone to
wrap Caylee up & bag her all by herself

I never believed that GA saw them on 6/16 either but I always assumed that the reason he lied was to benefit KC, to somehow help by saying she was seen that day to further discredit the theory that KC grabbed Caylee and ran out the door after a fight with her mother. That way her mother could paint the little fictional story about them all being cuddled up in bed that night watching the video of Caylee and great grandpa. Poor GA, little did he know that his attempt at helping KC (probably at CA's insistence) would result in the bus heading straight for him.
I never believed that GA saw them on 6/16 either but I always assumed that the reason he lied was to benefit KC, to somehow help by saying she was seen that day to further discredit the theory that KC grabbed Caylee and ran out the door after a fight with her mother. That way her mother could paint the little fictional story about them all being cuddled up in bed that night watching the video of Caylee and great grandpa. Poor GA, little did he know that his attempt at helping KC (probably at CA's insistence) would result in the bus heading straight for him.

CA set him up to take the fall for KC. (hypothetically) She had been trying to get rid of him, keep the house and not pay him 1/2. Fell into her lap perfectly = some added perks $ etc.
not saying she doesn't miss Caylee but Shirley said send KC and GA packing
Ha HA GA may have had a tough fight but he is still free!
Something that always bothered me...

George said: He knew the car smelled of death..Decomposing body etc.. He said He hoped Caylee and or Casey wasn't in the trunk.. He opened the trunk and found out that there was no one back there, but was positive of the smell.. He said: It was the smell of a decomposing body..
Now.. I don't have any doubts Casey did this to Caylee intentionally, but this has always bugged me..

How could a father and or grandfather go to work, after picking up your daughters car from the tow yard, knowing it has the odor he knows so well?

New job or not.. You havn't seen your grand daughter in about 30 days.. and your daughter has not been letting you see her, making up excuses of why the family can't see Caylee. How did he just go to work that night, after smelling a decomposing body in Casey's trunk????

A question that will always bother me..
How could it be pinned on GA hypothetically? Make believe: they find a momento of Caylee among GA's private diary, a foot or ear maybe, along with madcap diary entrees about how when she threatened to tell mommy about his "bad touching", he had no choice but to gently smother her. Practice tapes are found of his phoning Casey inviting her to bring Caylee to Zanny's the next day, and then she's not there when Casey goes to pick her up. GA phones Casey with a disguised voice saying they've taken the kid and she had better cotinue to act like everything is hunky dory if she wants to see Caylee alive again. If Casey keeps up the pretense, goes out, parties, the GA-Zanny voice tells her that Caylee will be back safe and sound, but she must tell all the tales of where she is in the mean time, til the birthday, say, and raise no suspicions. GA had buried Caylee at the place Casey and her friends used to bury their pets, etc. Then Casey is arrested and everything is as we know it. (not sure about the trunk of the car, but doutbless someone else can fill in that part)
How could it be pinned on GA hypothetically? Make believe: they find a momento of Caylee among GA's private diary, a foot or ear maybe, along with madcap diary entrees about how when she threatened to tell mommy about his "bad touching", he had no choice but to gently smother her. Practice tapes are found of his phoning Casey inviting her to bring Caylee to Zanny's the next day, and then she's not there when Casey goes to pick her up. GA phones Casey with a disguised voice saying they've taken the kid and she had better cotinue to act like everything is hunky dory if she wants to see Caylee alive again. If Casey keeps up the pretense, goes out, parties, the GA-Zanny voice tells her that Caylee will be back safe and sound, but she must tell all the tales of where she is in the mean time, til the birthday, say, and raise no suspicions. GA had buried Caylee at the place Casey and her friends used to bury their pets, etc. Then Casey is arrested and everything is as we know it. (not sure about the trunk of the car, but doutbless someone else can fill in that part)

the "body" in the back of the car was a bald non-secretor? and not Caylee

sorry it's late :crazy:

Also useful to note is the fact that not all bodily fluids contain sufficient information to gain a DNA comparison. This happens when the individual is what is described as a 'non-secretor'. A 'non-secretor' will not have sufficient levels of protein in their bodily fluids to determine a match between blood and bodily fluids found at a crime scene

Something that always bothered me...

George said: He knew the car smelled of death..Decomposing body etc.. He said He hoped Caylee and or Casey wasn't in the trunk.. He opened the trunk and found out that there was no one back there, but was positive of the smell.. He said: It was the smell of a decomposing body..
Now.. I don't have any doubts Casey did this to Caylee intentionally, but this has always bugged me..

How could a father and or grandfather go to work, after picking up your daughters car from the tow yard, knowing it has the odor he knows so well?

New job or not.. You havn't seen your grand daughter in about 30 days.. and your daughter has not been letting you see her, making up excuses of why the family can't see Caylee. How did he just go to work that night, after smelling a decomposing body in Casey's trunk????

A question that will always bother me..
Or call KC on the phone just to check in real quick!
nevermind he didn't even call Casey to see if the car even ran!

I think he knew it ran fine...
I think he knew about the smell...
I think that's why he raced home and
put the stink mobile in his garage closed the door
and bolted... so if the cops were called by Birch He (and Cin)
were at work.

guess not?
I've wondered if the shed break in was an attempt to put the duct tape back in there. It's possible that Casey had George convinced on the 24th that something had happened with the car and that she had threats from someone, and that she and Caylee had left town. George seemed so convinced of the drug or mob angle even though there were no indications that Casey ever knew any bad people at all. His testimony and being combative seemed so phony and acted out, and there's no way I believe he had any affair. The whole entire thing was set up to help Casey, IMO.
I've wondered if the shed break in was an attempt to put the duct tape back in there. It's possible that Casey had George convinced on the 24th that something had happened with the car and that she had threats from someone, and that she and Caylee had left town. George seemed so convinced of the drug or mob angle even though there were no indications that Casey ever knew any bad people at all. His testimony and being combative seemed so phony and acted out, and there's no way I believe he had any affair. The whole entire thing was set up to help Casey, IMO.

So did RichardG, IIRC. Maybe he got George stirred up a bit the day he called George to tell him he was gonna "shake some trees."
Just as JB needed to be reading tweets and blogs to see which way the "trend" was going as to who was suspicious besides his client. It started with her "lie" and "snowballed out of control" toward GA. That's my opinion of the whole thing. Pathetic defense strategy when all you're after is "reasonable doubt" and not the truth.

I thought the defence team was not allowed to make up the defence for their client???
Isn't that against the law?
Something that always bothered me...

George said: He knew the car smelled of death..Decomposing body etc.. He said He hoped Caylee and or Casey wasn't in the trunk.. He opened the trunk and found out that there was no one back there, but was positive of the smell.. He said: It was the smell of a decomposing body..
Now.. I don't have any doubts Casey did this to Caylee intentionally, but this has always bugged me..

How could a father and or grandfather go to work, after picking up your daughters car from the tow yard, knowing it has the odor he knows so well?

New job or not.. You havn't seen your grand daughter in about 30 days.. and your daughter has not been letting you see her, making up excuses of why the family can't see Caylee. How did he just go to work that night, after smelling a decomposing body in Casey's trunk????

A question that will always bother me..

I think that's a question that has bothered alot of people including me. If you really try to put yourself in Georges shoes this is a family thats ruled by CA. He does not have the backbone to push back + as a parent would the first thought in your mind be..oh my God..did my daughter kill my grandaughter and throw her in this trunk. CA had been talking to ICA pretty much everyday so they knew ICA was alright. When they got that car home George took the battery out so if ICA came back she couldn't take off with it. Why would he do that if he thought something had really happened?
CA was running this show that day. She did what she always did..she sent George to work, you stay out of this, I will take care of it. CA took the time to clean that car, nobody asked her why she did that. I would have been on that phone tracking my daughter and grandaughter down like a blood hound but she took the time to clean that car and wash the clothes and freebreeze everything to death. Why did the DT zero in on George for not calling 911 or trying to call ICA instead of grilling CA about destroying evidence???
George did what he always did, he obeyed his wife, stuck his head in the sandpile and let CA clean up another one of ICA messes.
Something that always bothered me...

George said: He knew the car smelled of death..Decomposing body etc.. He said He hoped Caylee and or Casey wasn't in the trunk.. He opened the trunk and found out that there was no one back there, but was positive of the smell.. He said: It was the smell of a decomposing body..
Now.. I don't have any doubts Casey did this to Caylee intentionally, but this has always bugged me..

How could a father and or grandfather go to work, after picking up your daughters car from the tow yard, knowing it has the odor he knows so well?

New job or not.. You havn't seen your grand daughter in about 30 days.. and your daughter has not been letting you see her, making up excuses of why the family can't see Caylee. How did he just go to work that night, after smelling a decomposing body in Casey's trunk????

A question that will always bother me..

I've always wondered why, when he smelled the decomposition and did not know the whereabouts of his daughter and granddaughter, he didn't immediately call the police from Amscot. Doesn't make sense to me.
I disagree, just my opinion. I think this jury needed a video of the crime to convict anyone.

Don't think it would have helped, JB would just have alleged that it was "photo shopped," and the jury would have believed him.:banghead:
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