"I can't stomach the man"....is CA referring to GA?

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it was towards the ATTY in my opinion
but she meant it to include GA also, she hates him too
I think she meant Morgan?
She also called him 'you're a Bas!rd'
The A's DID NOT WANT to do this...........

Yes, she meant Morgan and his associate.
She was not referring to GA....
She said that about Morgan, not George.

Back when she called Morgan an ambulance-chaser during an interview, I think it was WFTV got Morgan's reaction, and he said something along the lines of "she can pray for Caylee, but she can't go out in the woods pr wherever and look for her."

I think WFTV has more footage of this confrontation today, and they put it into context by re-showing the old footage of what they said about each other.

She DID tell George off when he told her to shut up tho! heh

I think that George told her to shut up because she aimed the last comment about having faith directly at him: "I know you don't have any faith." Prior to that her arguments were directed over George's shoulder at the attorney standing back there.
I watched Cindy's outburst for the 4th time and I feel pretty sure she is talking to John Morgan. Brad C. looks very upset - he may not have seen this kind of behavior. JMO

That woman has a meltdown in a NY minute! Sheesh!

I guess Cindy just had to get her "last licks" in.
I thought my mother was tough when I was a teenager...she was strict and wanted to know everything I did....you know? SHE WAS NORMAL...and somehow in my mind I made her out to be a monster. Of course now that I'm 40, I've know for a long time what a WONDERFUL, beautiful person she is. Thank you God for giving me a normal childhood.

CA is emotionally abusive to the nth degree....can't imagine living with a mother like that. And Casey is nothing more than a cold blooded murderer. What a group.

I'm calling my mommy right now and thanking her!

You are not the only person who has decided that their mother was the most SANE, rational, wonderful person on earth.

I'm feeling downright normal myself, and I'm crazy.

CA sure has a hair across her a$$. I think she was talking to Morgan but that was kind of rude of GA to say shut up in public like that. I used to love GA but I just don't get him anymore. All I kept thinking was if these two duds were my parents, what would I be like? KC? How could anyone be sane living with these two?
I watched Cindy's outburst for the 4th time and I feel pretty sure she is talking to John Morgan. Brad C. looks very upset - he may not have seen this kind of behavior. JMO

That woman has a meltdown in a NY minute! Sheesh!

Maybe Conway will get a clue and step down after this... and save his career. :)
I think that George told her to shut up because she aimed the last comment about having faith directly at him: "I know you don't have any faith." Prior to that her arguments were directed over George's shoulder at the attorney standing back there.

I'll have to go back and watch again, I missed that sentence about faith. Because I was laughing so hard probably... heh
I think she meant Morgan?
She also called him 'you're a Bas!rd'
The A's DID NOT WANT to do this...........

I agree that she was talking about Morgan when she said "I can't stomach the man"
She was talking about Morgan or one of the lawyers. She was saying you can't tell me that I can't pray. Then you hear one of the lawyers in the background say "i didn't say that". She says "yes you did". George was trying to get her to calm down and it wasn't working. Then CA wanted to leave because she couldn't "stomach the man" meaning Morgan. She was probably mad at GA for telling her to shut up, but it was clear that all of that was directed to someone with that firm.
I think that George told her to shut up because she aimed the last comment about having faith directly at him: "I know you don't have any faith." Prior to that her arguments were directed over George's shoulder at the attorney standing back there.

Pure venom.

It clearly illustrates KC's temper as well, as shown on the jail video. Like Mother, like Daughter.

You can clearly see how CA going off on KC would have a cascade effect of KC going off on Caylee ..... but Caylee was only small.

This was clearly going to one day result in something serious and it did. CA demonstrated to the future Jury today how 'angry' the family is and how easily that could result in the demise of Caylee. Clear as day. Draaammmmaaaaa.
CA & GA sound so silly talking about a person that doesn't exist.....LOL:waitasec:
Holy S***!!! I can't believe they got that on tape.
(yep, I do believe she was talking about her DH)

I'm surprised they got that on tape too! I watched it three times with the sound turned up....................

I don't think Cindy is talking to George. She was looking past him at JM. When the camera pulls back, you can see JM standing at a desk and he's in Cindy's line of sight. She was directing her comments at JM, and GA told her to shut-up, to which she replies, "No, I'm not shutting up!" Cindy sort of bolted for the door ahead of George and as she came through the door said, "I can't stomach the man", which I think was in referance to JM.
No, no,...watch it again, she's talking to the lawyer behind George... he even responds to her....then George tells her to Shut up (how nice!). But I believe she is referening the attorney, not George.

IMO of course...but it's sure fun to watch!:eek:

I believe you are correct. At about 25 seconds she points her finger and it looks like she is pointing at GA but she is not. She says "...tell me I can't pray...", the next words are male and are "I didn't say that". Watch the mouth of GA - never opens - not him. Watch BC, his mouth opens but clearly is just hanging agape at his client -

At 31 seconds as she opens the door, look in the background. JM is standing there. HE is who she is talking to.

I don't recall prayer being discussed at any time in the depo...
Gosh, that was awful. It seemed Cindy was just spitting nails at whomever- I guess that remark could have been toward George since he'd just told her to shut up. I get the feeling Cindy wasn't very happy with BC, either. Anyone pick up on that? They flew out of that room and left him in the dust...

With the sound up all the way...........when Cindy is at the back of the elevator and just before the elevator door shut, Cindy said, "where's Brad?"
I really think she was talking about George. The first part I could hear was Cindy saying to George (paraphrasing her): You have to have hope and faith. And I know you don't have faith. He then says "Shut Up" to her. Then she says something about him going on TV and saying she couldn't pray. That's when she says "I can't stomach the man". Wow.

--emphasis mine

I didn't hear the very first part of your post, but I did hear bolded part. When she said, "you told me I couldn't pray", I heard Morgan reply, "I didn't say that." I thought she was speaking to Morgan. at the very least, i'm pretty sure Morgan thought it was addressed to him.
Wow, that was way better than the depositions ! Cindy in her true colors.
I watched it again, and it's interesting to see the woman in red - a secretary I presume - stop what she was doing and turn full circle to see what the commotion was. If you watch it again, she's right beyond Cindy and George when they're in the office.
I'm surprised they got that on tape too! I watched it three times with the sound turned up....................

I don't think Cindy is talking to George. She was looking past him at JM. When the camera pulls back, you can see JM standing at a desk and he's in Cindy's line of sight. She was directing her comments at JM, and GA told her to shut-up, to which she replies, "No, I'm not shutting up!" Cindy sort of bolted for the door ahead of George and as she came through the door said, "I can't stomach the man", which I think was in referance to JM.
i thought i heard shut the door please .. then cindy said no i wont shut up sounded like she misunderstood what he said ?

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