"I feel it's a very good case." -Cpl Perkins, DPD

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Hi all - Haven't been around in awhile, but still keep up with the news of Janet's murder. I saw this on the local news (WRAL) this evening:

(excerpts - link to entire article at end)

Police Follow New Lead In Durham Woman's 2005 Slaying

POSTED: 4:39 pm EST November 8, 2006
UPDATED: 6:19 pm EST November 8, 2006

DURHAM, N.C. -- More than 18 months after a young mother was found slain in her Durham home, police continue to follow leads in the case and remain confident of making an arrest. .....

.....Investigators said Wednesday they received a new tip in the case last week.

"We did just get a lead on the case that involves computers," said Cpl. Sheldon Perkins of the Durham Police Department, who declined to be more specific.

Shortly after the slaying, investigators seized the couple's e-mail accounts and sifted through correspondence before and after the murder.

Also, a laptop computer was listed in court documents as missing from the home.

Investigators said much of their work in the past year has involved tying outside information to clues found at the scene.

"We got a lot of forensic evidence on the scene," Perkins said. "But sometimes it's just as important the evidence you don't find."

Police said they believe Janet Abaroa knew her killer, noting there was no forced entry into the house.

Investigators have interveiwed dozens of people, some of them more than once, he said.

"We have some people we're looking at, and we do have a person of interest," he said. "I feel it's a very good case."

Raven Abaroa and his son now live in Utah.


Nice to see you. You've been missed.
Holy Cow!!! This is HUGE!!!!!

SES, it's so good to see you!!! I hope all is well with you and your family.

psssssst! raven...are you starting to sweat?
Sooo, they do have a 'person of interest.' :waitasec:

Wonder who that could be? Especially since they mention a computer missing from the home..................:rolleyes:

Next time I see Raven, I'm hoping he's in Orange.
SouthEastSleuth said:
Hi all - Haven't been around in awhile, but still keep up with the news of Janet's murder. I saw this on the local news (WRAL) this evening:

(excerpts - link to entire article at end)

Police Follow New Lead In Durham Woman's 2005 Slaying

POSTED: 4:39 pm EST November 8, 2006
UPDATED: 6:19 pm EST November 8, 2006

DURHAM, N.C. . . . . . . . . .

"We got a lot of forensic evidence on the scene," Perkins said. "But sometimes it's just as important the evidence you don't find."

Police said they believe Janet Abaroa knew her killer, noting there was no forced entry into the house.


What an interesting statement about the evidence!!! In my opinion it furthers my suspicion that Raven is - as they say - going down for the murder of his wife.

" . . . sometimes it's just as important the evidence YOU DON'T FIND." (My emphasis.)

I take this as meaning the investigators didn't find anyone elses dna or evidence of anyone else being at the crime scene other then Janet and Raven.

And after he's finally arrested, may there be a very special hell awaiting him for eternity, and may Janet look down giving a right fisted salute with a big smile on her beautiful face.

Raven, maybe the person who has been keeping your secret for the last 18 months is finally ready to give you up. You didn't really think they would stay quiet forever did you?
I am so excited...hopefully this is the answer to thousands of prayers.

Are you saying yours, Raven?
This is great! Maybe soon janet and her unborn baby can have justice.
SouthEastSleuth said:
"We got a lot of forensic evidence on the scene," Perkins said. "But sometimes it's just as important the evidence you don't find."
Extremely interesting! And SO good to hear something new on this case. It's about time for Janet.
This is great news. Thanks for posting it.

Prayers for Janet.
I didn't even look to see who posted this! SES, welcome back!!!! I've missed you! PM me when you have a moment. ;)
Those pesky computers, right Raven? I think someone is getting pricked in the conscience and they are turning you in....what "friend" could keep that seceret forever?

Hi, SES!! Missed your posts. Welcome back!!
Now did anyone watch the video link to the story? I'm not sure how to post it here.

There were two thick file folders just brimming with information that the interviewee said might help solve the case.

Sweating now, Raven?
Wow, that video is very interesting. The inferences are crystal clear, IMO. If I were the murderer, I would indeed start sweating now because this new information certainly seems significant.
In 18 months, LE never once said we have a person of interest, or that they thought Janet knew the person that attacked and murdered her. In fact, the most LE EVER said was that the murder was not a "random act." Seems to me if they are saying these things, publicly, now, then something has changed, happened, developed - that has them at a point to seemingly feel re-energized about this case.

There was a lot of information released in this interview:

- a tip was received just last week, regarding computers

("Missing" computer? New computer? We certainly know that Raven's into computers, gadgets, etc. Has he slipped up and said something, done something? Left a trail somewhere?)

- a definitive confirmation, via a reference to "court documents" that a laptop was "missing"

- the procedural info that LE has worked a lot on tying outside info to crime scene evidence

(Amongst any number of things, the first thing that comes to mind is that infamous soccer game - traveling to, playing, traveling home - lots to sort through, compare, verify, search, etc. Let's also not forget Raven's various trips, the Smith Mtn Lake info, etc., etc.)

- the cryptic statement, "But sometimes it's just as important the evidence you don't find."

(As someone else posted - the obvious here is not finding ANY evidence that ANYONE else was at the house that evening. I mean come on, in this day of DNA, evidence collection, scientific techniques - how likely is it that some unknown person could have been in the house that evening, murdered Janet, etc., and leave NO TRACE that this person was there? No hair, no fibers, no skin cells, nothing. Possible I suppose, but damned unlikely.)

- LE believes Janet knew her killer

(NO sign of forced entry. Seemingly no evidence of any trace from a "stranger.")

- "We do have some PEOPLE we're looking at, and we do have a person of interest.."

(I find this particularly interesting. They are looking at some "people," yet, have a particular "person of interest." Could this mean that LE is focused on one person, but is also looking at any others that could have aided and abetted in some way? - friends and/or family members perhaps?)

I don't know, I know we've all been optimistic many times in the past. But somehow, this feels a little different, to me anyway. LE granted this interview for a reason. LE said the things they said for a reason. Are they simply baiting someone? Are they fishing for something? Are they just letting the public know that they are still pursuing this case? Or, are they sending a message - we're here, we know who you are, and we're coming for you...........
SouthEastSleuth said:
In 18 months, LE never once said we have a person of interest, or that they thought Janet knew the person that attacked and murdered her. In fact, the most LE EVER said was that the murder was not a "random act." Seems to me if they are saying these things, publicly, now, then something has changed, happened, developed - that has them at a point to seemingly feel re-energized about this case.

There was a lot of information released in this interview:

- a tip was received just last week, regarding computers

("Missing" computer? New computer? We certainly know that Raven's into computers, gadgets, etc. Has he slipped up and said something, done something? Left a trail somewhere?)

- a definitive confirmation, via a reference to "court documents" that a laptop was "missing"

- the procedural info that LE has worked a lot on tying outside info to crime scene evidence

(Amongst any number of things, the first thing that comes to mind is that infamous soccer game - traveling to, playing, traveling home - lots to sort through, compare, verify, search, etc. Let's also not forget Raven's various trips, the Smith Mtn Lake info, etc., etc.)

- the cryptic statement, "But sometimes it's just as important the evidence you don't find."

(As someone else posted - the obvious here is not finding ANY evidence that ANYONE else was at the house that evening. I mean come on, in this day of DNA, evidence collection, scientific techniques - how likely is it that some unknown person could have been in the house that evening, murdered Janet, etc., and leave NO TRACE that this person was there? No hair, no fibers, no skin cells, nothing. Possible I suppose, but damned unlikely.)

- LE believes Janet knew her killer

(NO sign of forced entry. Seemingly no evidence of any trace from a "stranger.")

- "We do have some PEOPLE we're looking at, and we do have a person of interest.."

(I find this particularly interesting. They are looking at some "people," yet, have a particular "person of interest." Could this mean that LE is focused on one person, but is also looking at any others that could have aided and abetted in some way? - friends and/or family members perhaps?)

I don't know, I know we've all been optimistic many times in the past. But somehow, this feels a little different, to me anyway. LE granted this interview for a reason. LE said the things they said for a reason. Are they simply baiting someone? Are they fishing for something? Are they just letting the public know that they are still pursuing this case? Or, are they sending a message - we're here, we know who you are, and we're coming for you...........
These are all the points that I have noticed as well. The statement above

"We do have some PEOPLE we're looking at, and we do have a person of interest.." stood out big to me.

It seems there are many innuendo's and hints in this interview.

I believe they are trying to let the public know they are still pursuing the case and are sending a message at the same time. I think it's a lot of the above.

Did you notice the size of the files on the desk also? It was as though they panned across the case files, to show the amount of work they have put into the case.

I'm hoping this wasn't just an interview to let people know they are still working on the case, and they have something solid they are working on.
I think when this mission is finally complete, rather than say "the eagle has landed," we can say "the raven has fallen." Let's hope its soon.
Thanks for posting SES. FINALLY something is being said about Janet's murder!

Question: Why do you think that wouldn't actually name the POI?
ewwwinteresting said:
Thanks for posting SES. FINALLY something is being said about Janet's murder!

Question: Why do you think that wouldn't actually name the POI?
My guess would be to keep them from fleeing. They might think the POI is a flight risk.

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