I think that Misty is terrified of Ronald.

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Sep 9, 2008
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Does anyone else think this is why she is not talking? I think he is abusive towards woman and that he has her terrified to come out and say what happened in fear that he might kill her. I remember on the 911 call he called her a "b*tch" and everything. I wonder if Haleigh died on accident & Tommy helped her cover it up because she was scared of Ron. I'm not trying to give Misty excuses at all but if Ron has beat her before it would explain a lot. I just feel like Misty isn't smart enough to get away with murder.
It sounds to me like it would be a perfect time for her to talk if she was afraid of him since it's likely he won't be getting anywhere near her for a long time.
Two things:

1. Ron has overtly threatened to kill the Perp who stole HaLeigh no matter what price he pays,


2. Ron has demonstrated a crazy wilful desire to commit suicide with his gun (TM reported incident),


Misty is frightened of Ron because she 'knows' and is complicit in the demise of HaLeigh.

Ron has clearly stated if she says anything that takes him down he will take her out and himself with her. His continual reminder is, he is not afraid to die -- is she?

Ron's repeated threats to kill the perp, even on the jail phone interview are a reminder to Misty to keep quiet or else she will suffer a fate worse than jail, death. Even if Ron remains in jail I see Ron reaching out to exact revenge.

You do NOT cross Ron else you'll get a headless rat in your mailbox. RatGate. MistyGate.
If she was ever afraid of Ron, it was what he'd do to himself and blame her for, rather than what he'd do to her. Misty doesn't want to have someone make her the responsible one, regardless of whatever it is.
Two things:

1. Ron has overtly threatened to kill the Perp who stole HaLeigh no matter what price he pays,


2. Ron has demonstrated a crazy wilful desire to commit suicide with his gun (TM reported incident),


Misty is frightened of Ron because she 'knows' and is complicit in the demise of HaLeigh.

Ron has clearly stated if she says anything that takes him down he will take her out and himself with her. His continual reminder is, he is not afraid to die -- is she?

Ron's repeated threats to kill the perp, even on the jail phone interview are a reminder to Misty to keep quiet or else she will suffer a fate worse than jail, death. Even if Ron remains in jail I see Ron reaching out to exact revenge.

You do NOT cross Ron else you'll get a headless rat in your mailbox. RatGate. MistyGate.

Yep and that is exactly why I think Misty has not said anything. I said awhile back that I believe Ron hit or struck Haleigh (he was probably fighting with Misty at the time and Haleigh needed attention) and Haleigh died later of either head trauma or something internal. Think Misty in a panic told Ron or called him and then they did something with her little body. I think that is why she may have had urine on the blanket. Maybe she peed her pants when Ron struck her or threw her against the wall or whatever. That man (IMO) is a violent, smooth criminal and always has been. I wish they would ask him in the lie detector test if he HIT or STRUCK Haleigh in any way shape or form before she went missing. He makes me sick.
Let me add that I also do not think Ronald would have ever harmed himself; he just uses the threat of it as an emotional pair of handcuffs to keep his little women in line.
Yep and that is exactly why I think Misty has not said anything. I said awhile back that I believe Ron hit or struck Haleigh (he was probably fighting with Misty at the time and Haleigh needed attention) and Haleigh died later of either head trauma or something internal. Think Misty in a panic told Ron or called him and then they did something with her little body. I think that is why she may have had urine on the blanket. Maybe she peed her pants when Ron struck her or threw her against the wall or whatever. That man (IMO) is a violent, smooth criminal and always has been. I wish they would ask him in the lie detector test if he HIT or STRUCK Haleigh in any way shape or form before she went missing. He makes me sick.

I agree totally. It could very well be Ron smacked misty around for the 3 day binge and Haleigh got in between them, or too close and he hit her or threw something that hit her and she got hurt. And the reason his mom always stuck up for Misty in the beginning was to insure they would stand beside her as long as she Shut Up about this. :furious:
Let me add that I also do not think Ronald would have ever harmed himself; he just uses the threat of it as an emotional pair of handcuffs to keep his little women in line.

That's my point though, I am not saying that Ron has the courage to harm himself or her --- he is all BS but he does like to control his little women and keep them in line.
This is just my opinion and experience. I'm a DV survivor, many times over. Not trying to be rude, but it was totally obvious to me from the git-go she is scared. The control in the initial interviews is blatant. Then there are the reports of being slammed into the mirror, "squished due to a pregnancy?" rumors, the gun in the mouth rumors, the 911 call threats, jail threats, the holding her next to him on video, the sick-as-heck wedding. The Rat. He is rumored to have threatened people she was staying with in a road incident. I've lived in the world they live in. The best actors you'll ever see are DV perps. They often threaten the whole family. I do not know what her role was in the disappearance of this little angel, but I know she is a scared girl. She can't talk. MOO.
Hi, All thoughts considered here as you have written, I think she is just in physical trauma, JONESING for her next fix.

I think any fear for him is secondary to that which will make her feel like a normal person again, namely the prescription drugs she sold and which she is evidently and completely addicted to. It takes time to get that out of ones system, both mentally and physically.


PS: I heard this discussed on either FOX or HLN, and it is what they said, that when those conversations were recorded it was evident she was still under the influence of whatever drugs she had been taking. xox
I would be scared of him too. He is violent..and his family is scary as well..dad, uncles, cousins..whew..I would be real scared.
I would be scared of him too. He is violent..and his family is scary as well..dad, uncles, cousins..whew..I would be real scared.

Yea Pferrin, but she knew that long ago, when she first met him and decided to live with him at his place. I don't think his violent and scary nature ever sent a signal to her brain - to be aware! No, I think it turned her on, in her simple mind, thinking that just made him more of a man. More sexy and desirable to her.

All my opinion, and I can't hardly find any place in my mind to give her credence. She asked for what she got IMO. And Haleigh was the one who lost out, as evidently the care she was getting was nip to zil. Child endangerment at the very least IMO. xox
This is just my opinion and experience. I'm a DV survivor, many times over. Not trying to be rude, but it was totally obvious to me from the git-go she is scared. The control in the initial interviews is blatant. Then there are the reports of being slammed into the mirror, "squished due to a pregnancy?" rumors, the gun in the mouth rumors, the 911 call threats, jail threats, the holding her next to him on video, the sick-as-heck wedding. The Rat. He is rumored to have threatened people she was staying with in a road incident. I've lived in the world they live in. The best actors you'll ever see are DV perps. They often threaten the whole family. I do not know what her role was in the disappearance of this little angel, but I know she is a scared girl. She can't talk. MOO.

When I worked at the DV shelter, many, many clients were convinced by the abuser that they were being watched by his "friends" in the motorcycle gang, law enforcement, jail, here, there, and everywhere. It took a lot to reprogram them and dissuade them from that belief.

Then there were the abusers who killed the victim and/or her family.
Does anybody here think that she saw 1st hand what he is capable of doing? & I'm not talking about Haleigh. Anybody can hurt a defenseless child. Or do you think her fear comes from being beaten & terrorized?
I don't think she is afraid of him honestly.
Her affect is flat at best, maybe dulled by the drugs...

Unfortunately I grew up around the violent men my mother liked to hang around with and the three day binge with another guy, a guy Ron clearly knew about and brought her home anyway.... well that just doesn't seem like the behavior of someone who is terrified of Ron.

I think Ron is all bravado. Misty didn't look like she had been manhandled the first times we saw her following her fling and binge. The assault on Misty's brother was a squirmish, he certainly didn't harm anyone seriously. There are no rumors of him beating WBG for sleeping with his soon to be wife.

Lots of claims about what he is going to do but unless you are a rodent (assuming he didn't use an already dead one) I haven't seen any indication that he is dangerous.

He reeks of insecurity and desperation to me.
And Misty just seems to be a void.

There was a Nancy Grace show where Crystal (Haleighs mother) was on there & I can remember her talking about how Ron would shove her around when she was pregnant. I don't know if it was when she was pregnant with Haleigh or with Junior but she said that Ron pushed her. I believe that he is fully capable of hitting a woman and I would not be surprised if he abused Misty.

I know this is unpopular but I honestly feel really bad for her. Like I said I think she is really not smart enough to get away with murder. I just can't help but wonder if she Haleigh ODed on a drug by accident and then Misty freaked out because she was scared of what Ron would do.
Does anybody here think that she saw 1st hand what he is capable of doing? & I'm not talking about Haleigh. Anybody can hurt a defenseless child. Or do you think her fear comes from being beaten & terrorized?

Fear of being held responsible for Haleigh maybe.
Fear of the truth coming out.
Fear of spending her life in prison.

I have not seen police or hospital records showing her to be a battered spouse. Even in the mudflinging I haven't heard anyone claim Ron beat her......
There was a Nancy Grace show where Crystal (Haleighs mother) was on there & I can remember her talking about how Ron would shove her around when she was pregnant. I don't know if it was when she was pregnant with Haleigh or with Junior but she said that Ron pushed her. I believe that he is fully capable of hitting a woman and I would not be surprised if he abused Misty.

I know this is unpopular but I honestly feel really bad for her. Like I said I think she is really not smart enough to get away with murder. I just can't help but wonder if she Haleigh ODed on a drug by accident and then Misty freaked out because she was scared of what Ron would do.

I have wondered if Misty was so high or otherwise preoccupied that she really doesn't know what happened. I feel empathy for her, her life is tragic.
I have felt a lot of sympathy for Misty, since the beginning. When she was talking to her mom & her 1st words were of how much she missed her parents & if she ever got out that she would never leave their sight, I felt even sorrier for her. That family could pack up & leave & get far away from Ron & his family, so why doesn't she talk? Her mom let her know about Ron's new girl & how Teresa had turned on her, so why the loyalty? But yes, I do feel for Misty. Actually, I think that even if she beat Haleigh to death, Ron is still @ fault. He took a kid into his house to take care of his kids. Who was taking care of Misty?

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