I think that Misty is terrified of Ronald.

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I am uncertain if she is just afraid of Ron or if, maybe just maybe, there are others in their circle that have her terrified...she might have seen things and learned things during their relationship...she sounded genuinely scared on the 911 robbery tape--maybe some kind of message was being sent to her that night? IDK...
Yep and that is exactly why I think Misty has not said anything. I said awhile back that I believe Ron hit or struck Haleigh (he was probably fighting with Misty at the time and Haleigh needed attention) and Haleigh died later of either head trauma or something internal. Think Misty in a panic told Ron or called him and then they did something with her little body. I think that is why she may have had urine on the blanket. Maybe she peed her pants when Ron struck her or threw her against the wall or whatever. That man (IMO) is a violent, smooth criminal and always has been. I wish they would ask him in the lie detector test if he HIT or STRUCK Haleigh in any way shape or form before she went missing. He makes me sick.

I remember Misty saying she called Ron because Haleigh wouldn't go to sleep, and he said to put on a movie. My feeling is that Misty was so exhausted from being on her 3 day binge that she gave Haleigh a pill in her juice to make her sleep. When Misty went to bed at 10 she realized Haleigh was dead, and called her brother, and cousin Joe to help hide Haleigh's body. Joe left the following morning probably with Haleigh body in his truck.
Hello nforsee! !!!

If Misty isn't afraid of Ron, why would she make a statment that Ron is trying to send her messages? See the Misty's Jailhouse Tapes - Messages Ron is Sending Misty thread. It clearly indicates to me she is taking direction from Ron, still.

He may not get to Misty, but he can get to her mother, and father.
Fear of being held responsible for Haleigh maybe.
Fear of the truth coming out.
Fear of spending her life in prison.

I have not seen police or hospital records showing her to be a battered spouse. Even in the mudflinging I haven't heard anyone claim Ron beat her......

There are many, many battered spouses who do not dare go for treatment at a hospital out of fear that the abuse will become even more violent.
But if Misty saw Ron do something deadly to Haleigh (beat, etc.) ... how could she be SO happy so soon after, with her ring and engagement .. etc.? I mean, she was beaming .. and hopping up those stairs to the courthouse. I just don't get how she could just put it behind her like that .. she's young.
I remember Misty saying she called Ron because Haleigh wouldn't go to sleep, and he said to put on a movie. My feeling is that Misty was so exhausted from being on her 3 day binge that she gave Haleigh a pill in her juice to make her sleep. When Misty went to bed at 10 she realized Haleigh was dead, and called her brother, and cousin Joe to help hide Haleigh's body. Joe left the following morning probably with Haleigh body in his truck.

Joe didn't drive down in a truck. He rode with a woman friend in a Cadillac.
But if Misty saw Ron do something deadly to Haleigh (beat, etc.) ... how could she be SO happy so soon after, with her ring and engagement .. etc.? I mean, she was beaming .. and hopping up those stairs to the courthouse. I just don't get how she could just put it behind her like that .. she's young.

Because it didn't affect her. Because "yeah, i'm sad and all that cuz Haleigh's gone, but lookit my shiny ring"

Flat affect. It didn't happen to her, it doesn't involve her.
I do think she's scared, but I'm not sure if it's of Ron or someone else or maybe just that she's been covering up for so long she's scared to tell the truth now.

I've been around a lot of people like the ones involved in this due to family, friends and places I've lived. And I'm torn between feeling sympathy and contempt for Misty. The contempt stems from the simple fact that I believe she knows what happened to Haleigh and where she is and isn't telling. The sympathy is a lot more complicated and comes from a time long before Haleigh's disappearance.

Misty may be a talented manipulator but she seems to function at a level several years below her actual age. And Ron started dating her when she was 16. She was also learning disabled apparently, if she wasn't reading by the 6th grade- if she had come from a different kind of home and some 25 year old man had tried to start dating there would have been plenty of people hollering abuse.

And I don't see the tattoo as a pact thing- maybe it started that way, but I'm wondering if at some time after it was done Ron didn't say to her that it meant he was always watching her back- and I don't mean that in a friendly way.
Because it didn't affect her. Because "yeah, i'm sad and all that cuz Haleigh's gone, but lookit my shiny ring"

Flat affect. It didn't happen to her, it doesn't involve her.

But being so young ... how can she not be affected? I mean ... the innocence of age, would most likely cause MORE fear and worry, wouldn't it? Look at how children get scared of things when they're young (witch in the wizard of oz), and yet ... think it was silly as they grow up.

Maybe my thinking is all wrong here .. but I just don't see how she could go from seeing Haleigh killed (even if accidently), to joy and running around ... and not show SOME sort of emotion about her.
I believe they are both tied into this or else one of them would have talked by now. They both know very well what happened to Haleigh and if either of them talk they would be sending themselves to prison (on more serious charges than trafficking). I don't know how scared Misty is of Ron, but I saw abusive written all over him from the beginning.

He's a loose cannon but there is always someone who can put him back in his place, just hasn't met that one person yet. He is very abusive, he's a bully for he only picks on those he knows he can beat, IMO...I'd like to see him take on someone like Cobra, as big as he is, I think RC would run for cover, unless he's got his gun, he's a big man in town...RC, to me, is lawless, he is narcissistic, he's a user and master manipulator. I also feel he takes on the younger girls for those are who he can control. He just hasn't met the right person to give him that dose of reality, what a "real" woman is like..:angel:

I think this duo is a product of their environment, they happen to fit in well. That community is overrun with drug addicts and RSO's/SOs...Misty and her family even gave one a place to live. I'd say, it was their actions that led to HaLeigh's demise. I have my doubts, tho' I pray for a safe return. Misty may not be book smart, but the child is street smart, she learned how to survive.

I keep going back to remembering an arguement that happened at 2:30-2:35am that same morning the 911 call took place at 3:27 or so. I happen to feel someone confronted Misty, they argued but they took HaLeigh anyway. I truly feel Misty knows. She wants to use the excuse of being knocked out on her 3 day bender and doesn't remember anything after 10pm...then why when TM hypnotized her, did she vaguely remember 4 people...IMHO she knows damn well..Is she afraid of RC...Hells Yeah!
While I respect the need to figure things out, here's the real deal here. I understand the dissection and analyzation of all their antics but, let's be real. It doesn't matter who's gaga for who and how is that going to help find this child at this point?

On the list of priorities, the gaga thing is waaaaay down on the list. The one on top should be where is this little girl. Ron's behavior having the title of Haleigh's father has been deplorable to me.

She was only 17, I can understand the immaturity at that age not to "get it" that her love life should have been left out of this from the first day Haleigh disappeared. But, on the other hand he shouldn't even have had time for one other thought in his head other than finding this child over the past year. We didn't see that though, did we? Never mind, that he has/had an obligation to his own children to act like the caring father and that they were regarded as the most important thing to him. We didn't see that either, did we?

Misty, you've been used, rode hard and put up wet. Time to spill the beans.
I agree with your post, but I really believe Ron being 'gaga' for Misty played a HUGE part in this. I think Ron has to have a girlfriend. There was probably very little time that he wasn't attatched-probably just overlaps. For whatever reason, I think he fell hard for Misty. He puts on a front of not really caring, but I don't buy it. Yes, she was the convenient babysitter, but face it, he had a lot of cousins, etc...that could've babysit. No, I think Misty was there because HE wanted her there & I think he used his kids to keep a little more control over her-so he'd know where she was, what she was doing, etc...HE asked her back, after that weekend. His own grandma admits to being mad about that, but Misty did go back. Ron was probably relieved & angry @ the same time & felt the need to save face in front of his family & friends. How would it look for him to be so welcoming, after what she had done? forget that he had beaten the out of her-she had had sex with another man. Also, on a side note, I think up to this point, Ron had straightened up. (especially in GGS & his mother's eyes). He had custody, his own place, & a REAL job. But according to Padilla, Ron spent that weekend holding up & robbing a drug dealer. a stupid, self-destructive move, by even the lowest standards. I think his frustration with the Misty situation & his utter RAGE, caused him to do this. When she went home, I think a combination his rage, stress, NO SLEEP, drug use, & his temper caused this situation. I think it boils down to 2 drugged up, very exhausted, fighting lovers that caused Haleigh's demise.
But being so young ... how can she not be affected? I mean ... the innocence of age, would most likely cause MORE fear and worry, wouldn't it? Look at how children get scared of things when they're young (witch in the wizard of oz), and yet ... think it was silly as they grow up.

Maybe my thinking is all wrong here .. but I just don't see how she could go from seeing Haleigh killed (even if accidently), to joy and running around ... and not show SOME sort of emotion about her.

As kindly and as frankly as I can put it: It is because Misty is not your garden variety teenager. GGM was right. Misty doesn't feel things the same way as other people. She should have been devastated when her husband threw her out. It got barely a flicker of an eyelid. She should have been hurt when she found out the ex-husband she was once again involved with says he has another girlfriend and refers to Misty in the most dismissive of ways. It got barely an "I don't care."

Misty doesn't care. More to the point, Misty doesn't feel.
But we know that Ron's initial interest in the 17 year old Misty was........whoa, let's move that back....the 16 year old Misty....wasn't babysitting. We know he first saw her at the bus stop. We know he was interested in her for months before she moved in with him. We know that over time he culled her into his sex partner, and once he had her there, used her as his babysitter to go do whatever it was he wanted to do.

By any other name, this would make him a predator.

Debs- I have to completely agree with you about RC being a predator. I don't know how much credit I want to give him... I question his ability to manipulate, mainly because I find myself questioning whether he's SMART enough to do it. Then again, I don't want to underestimate him, either. I wouldn't put it past him to take COMPLETE advantage of a situation... which is exactly what I think he did to Misty. She was just a easy target and he took full advantage of her... almost like she just fell in his lap. I don't think he truly cared for her anymore than he cares about anyone... which, IMO, isn't much.
I mean, she was 16 years old... no matter what type of hard life or crappy family situation she'd experienced, she was still a child. I've been trying to put myself into her shoes... think like she was probably thinking.
I'm 25 now, but I've been thinking about when I was 16 years old and first experiencing "puppy love"... Remember that feeling of butterflies in your stomach about your "first love"?? Remember being excited every time the phone rang?? Remember thinking that you'd be together forever (as unlikely as it really was)?? Ya'll know what I mean...all that crap that we (as mature adults) look back at and think "that was so silly" because now we realize that it was just part of being infatuated with a "first love"??
I guess I can't help but think that she was feeling all that toward RC... she was probably desperate for love and attention... mabye even looking for a way out of her crazy family and their issues... and she was trying to "play grown-up" when she was much to mentally, physically, and emotionally immature for it. Of course, she swallowed every line that he fed her and bought into everything he said... she probably worshiped the ground he walked on... she would probably do anything in the world for him because "they're SOOOO in love"....
And look where that got her. Bless her little ingorant heart...
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to defend her or take up for her.... NOT AT ALL. I think she's just as guilty as RC and I think she KNOWS something and she ISN'T telling... I guess I'm just brainstorming and trying to figure out why she's covering for him.
& that's kind of funny, because I've always felt that Ron was gaga for Misty. & yes, he was really mean to her, but look @ the lengths he went to keep her-even before that night. I think in one way, they were perfect for each other, but in another, together, they were toxic.


While I respect the need to figure things out, here's the real deal here. I understand the dissection and analyzation of all their antics but, let's be real. It doesn't matter who's gaga for who and how is that going to help find this child at this point?

On the list of priorities, the gaga thing is waaaaay down on the list. The one on top should be where is this little girl. Ron's behavior having the title of Haleigh's father has been deplorable to me.

She was only 17, I can understand the immaturity at that age not to "get it" that her love life should have been left out of this from the first day Haleigh disappeared. But, on the other hand he shouldn't even have had time for one other thought in his head other than finding this child over the past year. We didn't see that though, did we? Never mind, that he has/had an obligation to his own children to act like the caring father and that they were regarded as the most important thing to him. We didn't see that either, did we?

Misty, you've been used, rode hard and put up wet. Time to spill the beans.
one more thing...I completely respect your opinion & agree that WHO did WHAT & WHERE they put her body is what's most important, but personally, my mind doesn't work like that. I'm more of an emotional person who wonders WHY, & what led these people to this point. Thanks, for listening to what I've had to say.
As kindly and as frankly as I can put it: It is because Misty is not your garden variety teenager. GGM was right. Misty doesn't feel things the same way as other people. She should have been devastated when her husband threw her out. It got barely a flicker of an eyelid. She should have been hurt when she found out the ex-husband she was once again involved with says he has another girlfriend and refers to Misty in the most dismissive of ways. It got barely an "I don't care."

Misty doesn't care. More to the point, Misty doesn't feel.

When you abuse drugs from an early age, it stunts the emotions from growth.

She was "messed" with at an early age, no feelings.

Her parents seem to be worse off and did nothing to give this child a chance at life. Never found out if there is help out there for their daughter who most definately has a learning disability. Did they even try to get help for her? Did they demand she get on that bus and attend school? Did they do anything when they found out she was "messed" with? How can this child trust anyone? She doesn't have the ability to know when she's being used or mistreated. Isn't this how it's supposed to be? I see my dad hitting mom isn't that what every married couples do???

She is surrounded by a bunch of drug addicts, dealers, abusers, who is there to show her there's a better way? She, IMO, forced herself to learn how to survive. If that means that she is co dependant on an abuser, it's all she knows...she stuffs her feelings because she at only 16, has become hardened!

She probably couldn't tell you what one emotion is from the other. She reminds me of a younger KC Anthony...:furious:
But we know that Ron's initial interest in the 17 year old Misty was........whoa, let's move that back....the 16 year old Misty....wasn't babysitting. We know he first saw her at the bus stop. We know he was interested in her for months before she moved in with him. We know that over time he culled her into his sex partner, and once he had her there, used her as his babysitter to go do whatever it was he wanted to do.

By any other name, this would make him a predator.

Creepy for a grown man to be scoping out such a young girl at the school bus stop.

She could've easily passed for 13 years old.

I am uncertain if she is just afraid of Ron or if, maybe just maybe, there are others in their circle that have her terrified...she might have seen things and learned things during their relationship...she sounded genuinely scared on the 911 robbery tape--maybe some kind of message was being sent to her that night? IDK...
(Hey there, HH!! :heart:)

I don't see her as scared of Ronald. Misty's lived most of her life in survival mode, the only thing she fears is being locked up forever. Her distress in that 911 call was due to her losing all her "stuff"..... drugs, money, etc. imo
But being so young ... how can she not be affected? I mean ... the innocence of age, would most likely cause MORE fear and worry, wouldn't it? Look at how children get scared of things when they're young (witch in the wizard of oz), and yet ... think it was silly as they grow up.

Maybe my thinking is all wrong here .. but I just don't see how she could go from seeing Haleigh killed (even if accidently), to joy and running around ... and not show SOME sort of emotion about her.

Misty isn't that deep though, and she doesn't exactly come from an upstanding or moral background. She's always had to be resilient in order to survive, just looking out for number one. She bounces right back and lives in the moment.

In this day and age, most 16 or 17 year old girls would not be elated about marrying a much older man with children to care for. She is not your average teenage girl, and it seems she lacks a conscience as well.
But being so young ... how can she not be affected? I mean ... the innocence of age, would most likely cause MORE fear and worry, wouldn't it? Look at how children get scared of things when they're young (witch in the wizard of oz), and yet ... think it was silly as they grow up.

Maybe my thinking is all wrong here .. but I just don't see how she could go from seeing Haleigh killed (even if accidently), to joy and running around ... and not show SOME sort of emotion about her.
Drugs can numb all kinds of pain, even mental & emotional. This is one of the reasons that I think their drug use spiraled out of control, because they simply didn't want to think about it.

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