IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #2

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Sep 15, 2008
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These girls have been missing all afternoon and the search was suspended tonight now that it's dark here. We're a small town next to a larger city but a small police force that has likely never dealt with missing kids.. Bikes found on the trail and purse and phone had been thrown over the fence near the bikes but the other side of the fence is a hill leading to the highway. Right now the search is very disorganized and there aren't any flyers :(.

thread #1

Scanner thread: remember anything in the scanner thread stays in the scanner thread

case map by poster hollye

NCMEC posters:
I understood her to say the man they spoke to said he saw the girls on their bikes at 2:30! Please correct me if I misunderstood.

exact quote :) love DVR "the last they were seem was 11:30 a.m. when they told mom they were going on the bikeride, that was the last time they were for sure seen, now it's gone onto, it's getting cloe to being quarter to three we stop at meyers lake, i said mom drive me to meyers lake. I had elizabeth's older bother whose 12,<modsnip> with us and I just jumped out and started asking random strangers 'have you seen 2 little girls' gave them the description, colors of the bike, and possibly what they were wearing. and um, one man stepped forward and said 'yes i seen them going east on the bike trail about 2:30. whether he is telling the truth or not, they do have his name, i don't know, whether he's a person of interest, i don't know. but the girls bike did trail around and ended up on the southside of the lake by the interstate which would be 380"
New thread for the girls..

praying for their safe return!


the latest:

family interview on JVM with Lyric's family had a different time on the last seen as 11:30 am.. In the latest presser with LEO there is still no clothing descriptions.

They are currently draining the lake and it may take between 2-4 days to rule out that body of water 100 per cent.
Okay, the times are making my head spin. Doesn't the missing poster say the girls were last seen about 2pm riding their bikes?

Now they were last seen at 11:30, and police were called by 2pm???
Okay, the times are making my head spin. Doesn't the missing poster say the girls were last seen about 2pm riding their bikes?

Now they were last seen at 11:30, and police were called by 2pm???

actually the ncmec posters don't even list a time that I can see (sorry.. didn't mean to make your head spin more FK!)
Lyric's mom and dad on JVM now... I am still uncomfortable with how comfortable the mom is during this interview... smiling... doesn't seem worried. Maybe I'm just paranoid?

It is odd to me as well.

She is traumatized and in shock....
Been there and done that.

People in shock are not as articulate as she is. They may not be flailing about, nor crying, shaking or screaming, but they tend to be confused and in a state of unreality:
The symptoms show great variation but typically include an initial state of "daze", with some constriction of the field of consciousness and narrowing of attention, inability to comprehend stimuli, and disorientation.
This state may be quickly followed by either further withdrawal from the surrounding situation (to the extent of a dissociative stupor), or by agitation and overactivity, anxiety, impaired judgement, confusion, detachment, and depression. Autonomic signs of panic anxiety (tachycardia, sweating, flushing) are also commonly present.
The symptoms usually appear within minutes of the impact of the stressful stimulus or event, and disappear within 2&#8211;3 days (often within hours). Partial or complete amnesia for the episode may be present.
Acute stress reaction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I went into shock as a child due to a trauma. No way would someone in psychological shock act the way this mom did. She actually snickered when Jane pointed out how strong she was being - grinned, laughed and flipped her hair.

likely on a tranquilizer

I am also very familiar with tranquilizers. She has none of the signs of someone who is on one - at least none of the signs of someone who has taken enough to be calm in the face of great trauma or fear.

That being said, I think it is very clear that this family are victims. Mom of Lyric was at work. Dad apparently was as well.

Both kids were with grandma when they went missing. To believe that mom's reactions show consciousness of guilt would be to believe that dad, mom, grandma and the parents of the other child, are all in on it, as well as possibly the aunt - that either all of them conspired to harm the girls or all of them are conspiring to cover up what one of them did.

That makes no sense.

I find the mom's reactions very odd but maybe she is simply telling herself that they are okay and will be coming back. Maybe she is in hardcore denial.

Bottom line though, the facts indicate there is no way they are involved. They are victims.

So the timeframe was pushed back a bit and we still don't have a confirmed last sighting time yet. I hope they clarify. It would seem strange to me if they were away and out of sight of the house for 3+ hours of bike riding on a hot day.

Oh, and I also hope they aren't in that lake. That would be truly horrific :(

It is possible that they decided to go for a swim and had an accident of some sort. It does happen.

And don't forget the fishing boy who says he didn't see the girls.

True, but that lake looked big. Is it possible that a person on one side of the lake would never see someone on the other side?

That's the same timeline I come up with :banghead: They don't know if the man was telling the truth (not sure why they would doubt him???)....

Marc Klaas was on JVM and stated we should be careful about casting suspicion on people who provide info or tips. I agree. I don't know why they wouldn't believe him and if people who provide info are going to be immediately looked at as suspicious, people will stop getting involved.

Unless their bodies are right there somewhere, and had just been killed, it is doubtful that the perp would still be there too, giving people false info. IMO.

And that conflicts with what was said previously about gma looking from 2-3 and then calling LE at 3.

How do we know what is right? Here is a news report repeating that the girls were last seen at 12:15 p.m. http://www.riehlworldview.com/carni...sing-1100-searchers-frustrated-as-famili.html

But it also has a flyer in the article stating they were last seen around 2:00 p.m. On JVM, I heard the aunt and mom state that the girld were reported missing around 2:00 p.m. or so and that by 3:00 p.m. the police were swarming the area.

Isn't this super important? Shouldn't we know the exact times by now?

Will someone please confirm -

Did Grandma and Aunt Tammy go looking for the girls at the lake? Or was Misty there also?

I think the mom and dad of Lyric were both at the lake at some point that day because the dad described not being able to go near the bikes. They were roped off. But I''m not sure abut before the police came.
Just recap ( mostly for my own sanity)...facts: The girls were def last seen by gma at 11:30 am. Reported missing between 2 and 3 pm. Bikes and purse discovered btwn 3 and 4 pm. Boy fishing at lake at 2:45 had not seen the girls but had been there "a long time"

Possibilities: may or may not have been seen by someone (other than glad) at the Big and Tall store @ 12:15
Bikes may or may not have been seen unattended by passerby @ 12:27
Girls may or may not have been seen by man at lake @2:30

I had hoped this interview would clear some things up for me, but I'm more confused. It's not just the timeline, either. Only yesterday it was reported that the flip-flops Lyric was wearing were of a Sesame Street character and Elizabeth was wearing white shirt, shorts and black tennis shoes or high tops. In today's news conference, the LE spokesman states that they still have no idea what they girls were wearing, but just now on JVM, Lyric's mother describes the flip-flops Lyric was wearing as purple with diamond shapes. And what happened to Grandma? I thought Jane said earlier today that she was going to be interviewing her? I'm getting a headache....
My understanding is Grandma and Aunt Tammy went to the lake looking and asking if people had seen the girls. Then after the cops were there, the parents made it to the lake. I could be wrong but thats what I think at this moment.
Just recap ( mostly for my own sanity)...facts: The girls were def last seen by gma at 11:30 am. Reported missing between 2 and 3 pm. Bikes and purse discovered btwn 3 and 4 pm. Boy fishing at lake at 2:45 had not seen the girls but had been there "a long time"

Possibilities: may or may not have been seen by someone (other than glad) at the Big and Tall store @ 12:15
Bikes may or may not have been seen unattended by passerby @ 12:27
Girls may or may not have been seen by man at lake @2:30


yes, that is correct based on the interview
actually the ncmec posters don't even list a time that I can see (sorry.. didn't mean to make your head spin more FK!)

Oh Lord! Is there a nurse in the house????

You are right. I was looking at the FB missing poster. There is another missing poster that says last seen 2:30-3:00, but neither are from NCMEC.

It's a bummer when we have to close the thread and open a new one in the middle of all this activity. There is a lot of activity right now and things get missed when one closes and another opens. I don't know how to bring things over here from the last thread either.
It's a bummer when we have to close the thread and open a new one in the middle of all this activity. There is a lot of activity right now and things get missed when one closes and another opens. I don't know how to bring things over here from the last thread either.

Jules71, I think you can just copy and paste from the other thread. But I could be wrong!
It's a bummer when we have to close the thread and open a new one in the middle of all this activity. There is a lot of activity right now and things get missed when one closes and another opens. I don't know how to bring things over here from the last thread either.

Sorry if anyone had their fingers shut in the door. If you have a post that you would like moved over please alert it and I can move it for you.

Originally Posted by brighidin
And don't forget the fishing boy who says he didn't see the girls.

I have two sons. No matter at what age they have been, they would not have noticed 8 and 10 yr old girls unless they jumped on top of them and even then they wouldn't pay much attention! Now, shortly before becoming teenagers themselves (and still so today) if we were talking about a teenaged girl in a bikini, I'm postive they could describe her in great detail.
mrsu said:
bikes were "laying neatly" and purse was "set down", not thrown. No sign of struggle.

Police processing bikes looking for finger prints & dna.

Do you remember who said this?

Originally Posted by brighidin
And don't forget the fishing boy who says he didn't see the girls.

I have two sons. No matter at what age they have been, they would not have noticed 8 and 10 yr old girls unless they jumped on top of them and even then they wouldn't pay much attention! Now, shortly before becoming teenagers themselves (and still so today) if we were talking about a teenaged girl in a bikini, I'm postive they could describe her in great detail.

Also, I was thinking, if he was fishing, his back would be to the pathway.
Sorry if anyone had their fingers shut in the door. If you have a post that you would like moved over please alert it and I can move it for you.

Thanks Nurse! Sorry I complained - I was just on a roll and going back thru all the posts made during the show. I think I have it all straight in my head and think I figured out how to copy and paste a quote from the last thread! Thanks!!! :blowkiss:
It turns out that there isn't a trail at all where s.evans and arbutus meet to get to the road. You would have to cut through the wooded area. The trail travels about a block down before it meets the road to cross and stay on the trail going past the skate park and the old elementary school. I went and looked a bit ago.

There are Casey's stores all over here. Elk run heights, evansdale, Waterloo, and so on. Most towns have one.

There are so many confusing things going on. Media had called lyric twelve and eleven before the missing poster confirmed her birthdate made her ten. Times have been all over the place. Reports were 12:30 12:15 2:30 and now 11:30. Also, they have stated in the pt that the girls never travel far from home when out for a ride but then thought to look at the lake. Why would you go to the lake to look if you thought they would stay near home?

You could easily see someone walking on the other side of the lake from across it unless they were in the location of where the bikes were found. That's the only secluded place.
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