IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #24

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Just MOO, but I really don't think LE would advise anyone to be vague about anything.

Eventually, LE would like to have a case they can take to court to convict someone. Witness tampering is such an ugly thing for the prosecution to have to explain away.
I keep checking this threat to see if an arrest has been made. Every time I see that one hasn't been made, it's like a kick in the gut all over again. I truly hope that this person/s doesn't get away with murder of these two sweet baby girls. I would be absolutely :furious: if that happens. My only inkling of hope that I am holding onto is that LE is keeping everything very close to the vest and will announce an arrest before Christmas. I hope they have someone in mind and are just dotting their i's and crossing their t's. Although I am not getting that feeling, I have seen in several cases where LE has said they have zeros suspects and then all of the sudden BAM an arrest. I truly hope this is the case. I hate to think this case will go cold and the murder of these two sweet babies goes unsolved. It would be just too much for me to handle :maddening:
Sitting here watching the snow storm coming in. I like snow, but worry about all the stray kitties. That's just me.

Cinder, do they have a feral cat colony management program in your area? I know that the vet school in Ames provides information about what people can do to manage feral cat colonies.

That way, they have some protection against the harshness of Mother Nature. It isn't a perfect solution but it does make a difference.
Oh my we are getting thundersnow. It is really nasty out and my lights keep flickering and satelite went out.
Cinder, do they have a feral cat colony management program in your area? I know that the vet school in Ames provides information about what people can do to manage feral cat colonies.

That way, they have some protection against the harshness of Mother Nature. It isn't a perfect solution but it does make a difference.

Can you email info, I would appeciate it so much. Lord I so need help with this.:please:
It's because the cheap shovels available these days are so flimsy that they only really hold up for one normal winter. The front rim is easily dented and bent up, the blade starts wobbling on the handle very quickly and it gets so scratched up that more snow sticks to it than flies off it when thrown. By spring, they are just about done for but the stores aren't selling those cheap snow shovels any more. So that replacement for the broken down shovel waits until snow is imminent.

I did what farmers do: I bought a grain shovel 30+ years ago and it is still as good as new. The front rim is true and the blade doesn't wobble at all on the handle.

Of course, moving out into the country has spoiled me. My neighbour rents my pole barn in return for plowing us out, so we only have about 20 feet of front walk to clear. Plus, we invite him in for coffee and cookies, so we get filled in on the local gossip.

My husband uses the snowblower, so thankfully I don't have to worry about it! :)
I agree with you. I think there were probably hundreds of vehicles throughout Evansdale that day (it's a suburb of Waterloo, after al) and the perp's car just blended right in.

The logical approach would be to check surveillance tapes for a period of days before and after 13 July and we've had hints that LE did so. But if this guy had a legitimate reason to be in Evansdale frequently, he would be hiding in plain sight.

ETA: this is why I think LE has yet to find any DNA linked to the perpetrator. If they had, they would be swabbing Evansdale residents and noting down whoever refused.


Dang good question on DNA swabs...

But with or without a POI....wouldn't or couldn't that be done?...the 'sweat factor'.... ?

I don't know just trying to think of something....

Dang good question on DNA swabs...

But with or without a POI....wouldn't or couldn't that be done?...the 'sweat factor'.... ?

I don't know just trying to think of something....

Without DNA to compare it to, it's a useless test and open to all sorts of legal challenges. Personally, I would not consent to a test unless I knew what was going to happen to my sample, who would have the information from it and the ultimate destination for that information.

Plus, it's expensive (over $1K per test).
Oh yes...we all must engage in the "first Iowa snowfall panic":floorlaugh: Our local channel already has a TON of cancels for tomorrow and snow emergencies are in full swing and trucks are rearing to go!:great:

And I'm sure there isn't a shovel or a gallon of milk to be found for miles around.

AND we should also remind everyone to drive like you've never driven in snow in Iowa before too. Either the people who have SUV's going 180mph on a sheet of ice and think they are fine to drive like that since they have a "big rig" OR the people who go 10mph on the interstate hovering their brakes causing accidents for those who are going a reasonable speed.

The first snow always cracks me up...and I've lived here my whole life.:floorlaugh:

Im kind of laughing at your post! isn't a shovel or a gallon of milk to be
found for miles around. we all must engage in the "first Iowa snowfall
panic":floorlaugh: .....

I got groceries on Monday - could hold beyond Mayan Doomsday and
Snow Apocylapse ... for a month.


Have family stuck in Denver being told they cant get a flight out to Iowa
until Friday! Ooooooops.. dog sleds all rented out...

Be safe. Seriously.
I've heard several people comment "well, I'd better go buy a shovel"... Uh, why don't you have a shovel?? You live in Iowa for cryin' out loud! Yes, the first snowfall is always interesting. The scanner will be popping, I'm sure. But then again, we have been the recipient of false "big storm" claims before, so let's see if this actually materializes.

the radar at this moment - see time of post


  • at this very moment USWS radar.jpg
    at this very moment USWS radar.jpg
    180.8 KB · Views: 21
Before I go to bed. I just want to take the time to thank all my Websleuth friends here. It has been a long journey and I hope the journey ends soon in the severe punishment of the individual who stole two precious innocent lives. I want to say, Merry Christmas, and Blessings to all of you.
Before I go to bed. I just want to take the time to thank all my Websleuth friends here. It has been a long journey and I hope the journey ends soon in the severe punishment of the individual who stole two precious innocent lives. I want to say, Merry Christmas, and Blessings to all of you.

Stay warm, cinder!
So glad the girls were found before this blizzard! Thanking the heavens for that! Now if the blizzard would capture the guilty parties!

(i say parties because i believe there were 2 perps, maybe 3 but one not a perp, just used unknowingly by the perps to help the 2 perps & please dont ask my theory cuz WS doesnt allow the discussion of why this is 1 of my 2 theories, not tryin to be snarky or nothin just have to say that WS doesnt allow me to discuss it, which is ok with me, its their website, i just have to sit back and be quiet)

anyways, just so happy they found them before this snowfall because i think going thru the winter would have possibly made finding clues from the bodies more difficult or completely erased some of them, i dont know but just thinking that!

Stay safe & warm everyone!

1.What was the urgency to leave the house if the girls just poured themselves juice to drink?

2.Why take a purse along for a quick bike ride around the loop of the neighborhood? (Was that was how she carried her phone, or did she want to buy something?)

3.Was the handle of the purse hanging over the handlebars of the bike or did she carry it over her head and shoulder? I don't even remember it mentioned what style of purse it was. Perhaps a clutch purse, or a little change purse?

4.Was there a stop during their loop around the neighborhood? Kids usually stop somewhere, they don't constantly ride around in circles without ever making a stop especially if a friend is home in their front yard or coming out of a store. And these are businesses that they are allowed to ride around every day, not your normal neighborhood loop around just blocks of houses and then home. Their loop had businesses, gas stations and bars full of strangers watching them being unsupervised. This is a small town, but it isn't Mayberry.
So glad the girls were found before this blizzard! Thanking the heavens for that! Now if the blizzard would capture the guilty parties!

(i say parties because i believe there were 2 perps, maybe 3 but one not a perp, just used unknowingly by the perps to help the 2 perps & please dont ask my theory cuz WS doesnt allow the discussion of why this is 1 of my 2 theories, not tryin to be snarky or nothin just have to say that WS doesnt allow me to discuss it, which is ok with me, its their website, i just have to sit back and be quiet)

anyways, just so happy they found them before this snowfall because i think going thru the winter would have possibly made finding clues from the bodies more difficult or completely erased some of them, i dont know but just thinking that!

Stay safe & warm everyone!


I was thinking that as well, that its a good thing they were found before this horrible snowstorm! Actually, I thought of going up yo see the site, and now wished I'd done it last weekend. But not really sure if I could, honestly.
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