IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #25

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Thanks for all the posts urging me to call the tipline. I know it seemed like forever waiting to see if I called or not. :waiting: ( I did.) I just needed a little poke to get me going!! lol :poke: You are all VERY good at leaving no stone unturned. :thumb:

What we know, a list of facts only.

The killer/ killers are familiar with 7 bridges park, and Meyers lake park.
He/they used a vehicle to transport the girls.
The girls bodies were found at 7 bridges park.
The girls bikes were found at Meyers Lake park.
This happened during daylight hours.
Elizabeth took her purse and phone along on her bike ride that day.

Any other facts we should add/keep/remove in regards to the list? I think it would help if we had a general list to follow. There may be something we
overlooked, or new information to add to it as time goes by. I'm not good at making lists, so anyone re-do it, please. I also have no idea how to keep the list available to go to for reference? :waitasec:

BBM, that is assumption not fact. We have no way of KNoWING whether they were familiar, likely? Yes. Fact? No.
I am a member of the FB group for which a member wanted to gather a group to search Seven Bridges. My take on that was it was just someone who knew of the area who thought it might be a good place to look or it was a psychic feeling she had. There were many places the psychics posted that could have been searched too had someone connected clues they gave. I thought maybe Blackhawk Park, Lake Delhi area that is miles long, George Wyth (huge area), or Backbone State Park (mega huge) could be spots to search.

Misty saying to look north could have meant Minnesota, and I did hear reports of truckers in Minnesota who were questioned. Or maybe Misty had a suspicion as to a potential perp and knew where he might head?

Now I reveal my ignorance/innocence! What is an "FB"? group? :waitasec:

I keep reading this but dont have the faintest guess what it stand for!

Fuller Brush? Fontem Bleu? Faux Baumwollernmachinitsch! ?

ps: I feel like an idiot! Its Face Book of course. Sorry for the mind block..

I am also a member of that fb group, and as soon as the bodies were found, red flags went up about that person - how did she "know" to look there, and did she actually go to look. I believe she and family members drove through the park, but never actually got out. As far as other places to look, my thoughts exactly - there are a TON of wooded areas where they could have been, as someone just mentioned her upthread about all of the parks and wooded areas in Iowa. George Wyth immediately comes to mind, as well as Hickory Hills to the south. George Wyth could have easily hidden a body for quite some time, as many people use the trails, but I don't think they venture off of them too much.

Also - georger - did you say that the Wapsi is a stone's throw away from Meyer's lake??? The Cedar is, but not the Wapsi. I know the Cedar was checked during that weekend after the girls went missing. I personally biked that trail on that Saturday, and there were 4-wheelers and people walking everywhere, and the river was quite shallow, especially near the bike bridge.

Again, as far as 7 bridges not being searched sooner, I am a lifetime local, and I had not heard of this park. We live in Waterloo, but own a farm property near Fairbank, and even then were not aware of it. Had we been true locals of the Fairbank area, maybe we would have. During those five months that the girls were missing, I constantly thought of the thousands of places that the girls might be - from in a basement to a small patch of timber - and knew that if that were the case, they may never be found. In fact, they could have been in part of our own property near Fairbank. About half of it is tillable farmland and the rest is timber with trails running through it. If something were off the trail 15 or more feet, it would be possible that it would not have been seen. My husband walks the land quite often, but he does not walk over every square inch.

well then, why would the perp know about it and find it (so easily?) and nobody else local does ? Are we to assume the perp found this place by accident? Thanks for your other good info!
Once 7-Bridges was associated with murder, it probably became less popular. Personally, I believe the landscape/terrain is beautiful, but to a perp I'm sure they view it completely differently than I. As a non-local, I was and still am very appreciative of our local posters' perspectives of the area.

Absolutely! Agree 1000%. Its vital to keep things on track correctly ...
I believe the reason they were found is because the perp was in a hurry and did not have time to hide them. This is significant if the perp is local and relying on an alibi.

I doubt there was a sexual attack at 7 Bridges. We've already seen that it is fairly well used by various outdoors types. Just too risky to have not one but 2 screaming and crying little girls out in the open while you do your evil deeds.

My theory - Perp is local (probably Waterloo) and perp was desperate to set up an alibi.

Perp walked the girls in, and shot them, which indeed explains the distance between the two as one ran. Either that or there were 2 perps who murdered a girl each, out of sight of each other. I doubt the girls suspected a thing until the very last minute.

I believe if this was a sexual attack, the girls would have been better hidden, partially buried, or not found at all, being under someone's floorboards or patio, like Fred and Rose West and Gacy.

The way they appear to be laid out, and where, implies a rushed job. I suspect the perp intended to go back to move/hide them better, but has been unable to, possibly because he/she is being watched by LE.
I feel very bad for TG and honestly with the way he has been treated it would make me second guess myself before going to LE with a tip or something I saw in a similar situation. I mean, in the end I would go because the girls or a victim or any victims matter more, but it does show how quickly blame can spiral, in my opinion.

Hope the truth comes out soon for Lyric and Elizabeth!

With all due respect TG wasn't questioned or wondered about for going to LE. If he had merely gone to LE with his story then we wouldnt know he existed. It was his going to the media that made people curious.

LE did not provide his name, in fact, they denied ever talking to him.

If LE doesn't believe he saw the bikes, I'm not sure if we should. Witnesses are notorious for being wrong, which is why I mostly just base all of my theories off of the surveillance video of the girls.
With all due respect TG wasn't questioned or wondered about for going to LE. If he had merely gone to LE with his story then we wouldnt know he existed. It was his going to the media that made people curious.
LE did not provide his name, in fact, they denied ever talking to him.

If LE doesn't believe he saw the bikes, I'm not sure if we should. Witnesses are notorious for being wrong, which is why I mostly just base all of my theories off of the surveillance video of the girls.

When did he go to the media?
But people will also post lies online to insert themselves into high-profile stories (and run to media outlets, who may or may not be able to tell what they're doing).

I'm on the fence as to whether or not much merit should be given to this poster. She could be being truthful or she could be be inserting herself into the girls' case because she loves drama & attention.

The internet is FULL! of this kind of thing. Somebody should write a book
about it, if they havent already. You could spin out 100 PhD theses on it.
The psychology of the internet - or as its called - social media. BTW, I figured
out what FB means. You people are talking about FACE BOOK!
Shame on me! Im not from around here :banghead::please: :blushing::blushing: ...
I believe the reason they were found is because the perp was in a hurry and did not have time to hide them. This is significant if the perp is local and relying on an alibi.

I doubt there was a sexual attack at 7 Bridges. We've already seen that it is fairly well used by various outdoors types. Just too risky to have not one but 2 screaming and crying little girls out in the open while you do your evil deeds.

My theory - Perp is local (probably Waterloo) and perp was desperate to set up an alibi.

Perp walked the girls in, and shot them, which indeed explains the distance between the two as one ran. Either that or there were 2 perps who murdered a girl each, out of sight of each other. I doubt the girls suspected a thing until the very last minute.

I believe if this was a sexual attack, the girls would have been better hidden, partially buried, or not found at all, being under someone's floorboards or patio, like Fred and Rose West and Gacy.

The way they appear to be laid out, and where, implies a rushed job. I suspect the perp intended to go back to move/hide them better, but has been unable to, possibly because he/she is being watched by LE.

Its a plausible scenario.

Perks knows the area and this 7-Bridges location/park. Has been there

Someone may know the perp knows the place and has been there before.
Unless perp is a complete loner -

The unraveling may come within the perp's circle of associates.
This was a reference to me. First off, I never tresspassed on his property. I was on a public road, and I really am tired of whenever his name is mentioned, Im bullied.:furious:

i just looked the street up it is a private drive that goes to tg house
Cant resist!

So, one would be safe in assuming the logo on the shirt is not Fermat's Theorem, or
the formula for @Coca-Cola ? Or a quarterback's play in the Rose Bowl Im about to
watch! ?

Trying for a little humor here -

No, no, no. You've got it all wrong.

Clearly it has to be the formula for how to turn wild pig into bacon. In a kayak.

Its a plausible scenario.

Perks knows the area and this 7-Bridges location/park. Has been there

Someone may know the perp knows the place and has been there before.
Unless perp is a complete loner -

The unraveling may come within the perp's circle of associates.


I hope you are right. As the reward money increased, so did my hopes that someone would "spill the beans". That hasn't happened (yet).

I think after an arrest is made, some folks will regret not telling LE about suspicions they had about the perp. JMO
No, no, no. You've got it all wrong.

Clearly it has to be the formula for how to turn wild pig into bacon. In a kayak.


No, no, no, YOU'VE got it all wrong.

It was a paddleboat, not a kayak.
i would look again i live on that street i should know i pay to have that street asphalted and snow plowed along with other people that live on it

How is it a private drive if there are other homes that live on it and share in the expenses?

And does it matter if it's private? Does that mean no one is allowed to drive down the road without permission of ALL of the homeowners on this "private" drive?

Not being snarky...just wondering how Cinder could have even gotten to the road if it was private.
How is it a private drive if there are other homes that live on it and share in the expenses?

And does it matter if it's private? Does that mean no one is allowed to drive down the road without permission of ALL of the homeowners on this "private" drive?

Not being snarky...just wondering how Cinder could have even gotten to the road if it was private.

if u have not figured it out i am TG and yes it is a private drive the people that live on it paid for the road and we pay all the upkeep
if u have not figured it out i am TG and yes it is a private drive the people that live on it paid for the road and we pay all the upkeep

Welcome. Glad to have you here with us. I was really hell bent in the beginning that you were involved somehow and I am glad to finally meet you. If you can put your frustration and anger aside, regardless of how merited it is; I think you could be a great member of this forum and now that we know who you are, you can speak freely and participate alongside of us.
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