IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #31

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Boy, that sure would be handy!!

The Island is no longer a natural habitat, and since it's going to be a planned city park ... why not plan for all related factors. A plant that killed off the leeches would be the perfect addition to the park ... it would be a change welcomed by people that own property along the lake. .
Ty Roses and M.PA.

It's good to know that there is an IA DCI agent working full time on the cousins' case.

Recently onbrd here, a poster said she felt as though there was a full time FBI agent working the case locally. Now I'm wondering if perhaps it's this DCI agent rather than an FBI agent? IDK... hopefully, there's a full time FBI agent, too.

Interesting comments...

That was me :blushing:....Know I am wondering if I misunderstood...FBI for DCI...I will try and find out....

Did anybody read the comments under the article

The collapse of the 270 Street bridge resulted in a closure of the park due to disuse. I read that prior to the bridge collapse, there were youth classes at 7 Bridges County Park and it was a watercraft (like canoes) recreation area. Fairbanks is closer than Evansdale (which is about twice as far away) and the population of Fairbanks probably used the park - kept it popular. It was also a popular weekend picnic area and bird sanctuary (herons, etc.). The golf course is also on 270 Steet ... near 7 Bridges County Park.

I don't think there's a pull-off from 270 Street that would get anyone closer to where the remains were found than the road into 7 Bridges Park. In fact, the park road seems to provide ample privacy. From what I can see in the maps, there's no way to get to the location where the remains were found from the East side of 270 Street.

Fairbanks is nearby and it's a good sized place.

Hope this link works: http://www.bing.com/maps/#JndoZXJlM...lMzUuNTQzMzY0MTkxNTM3NSU3ZS0xNTMuNjk4NjY5NDMz

I wonder if we can find anything about the youth classes at the park, like who ran it and how many members it had?
The Island is no longer a natural habitat, and since it's going to be a planned city park ... why not plan for all related factors. A plant that killed off the leeches would be the perfect addition to the park ... it would be a change welcomed by people that own property along the lake. .

I'm not sure that that would be kosher with the DNR. Probably because the island is within city limits, within a city park, they are getting a pass on transforming it. BUT, anytime you mess with the natural habitat, the DNR does not take too kindly to that, at least in Iowa. For example, we have a small river running through property that we own, and my husband would love to add something (concrete, gravel), to keep the banks from eroding. But, even though it runs through private property, he would need special permission from the DNR.
Does anyone know if ducks or geese nest in rye grass and oats? I wonder if that will do the trick ... rye grass and oats to prevent erosion ... in water. I guess a horticulturalist or waterways expert must have recommended this as a solution for erosion in a leech infested lake. I know nothing about it, but perhaps Drew knows about things like this? I know he works with trees, but does that mean he studied something related?

"The next steps will include planting rye grass and oats along the base of the island to prevent erosion, staking off where the shelter and gazebos will be built, pouring the concrete pads they will sit on and starting the building, Frickson said."


I know a rye grass farmer personally and geese are a HUGE problem for them. Don't know if that helps. Just passing along what I know. :hug:
I know a rye grass farmer personally and geese are a HUGE problem for them. Don't know if that helps. Just passing along what I know. :hug:

Thanks. I find that interesting. It sounds like a lot of thought has gone into managing erosion and restoring the waterfowl habitat with one solution.
What cause of death would be difficult to determine if the girls' bodies were skeletonized?

Strangulation (statistically most likely cause of death in child abduction and murder)




Stabbing (if knife did not strike bones and leave mark)

Any other possibilities?

If they were abducted and secured inside a trunk of a car or something similar they could have succumbed to the heat. So another possibility would be hyperthermia.
If they were abducted and secured inside a trunk of a car or something similar they could have succumbed to the heat. So another possibility would be hyperthermia.

I definitely hadn't thought of hyperthermia. Thanks!
I know a rye grass farmer personally and geese are a HUGE problem for them. Don't know if that helps. Just passing along what I know. :hug:

I wasn't planning on bringing it up, but from what I have seen, geese can be a huge problem. They don't wear diapers and I can just see them all over the sidewalks, gazebos and sheds. They also can be very aggressive when protecting their nests or territory.

O/T - I just heard on HLN that they have identified the remains of Hailey Dunn. Here's her thread.
Hailey Dunn - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
I wasn't planning on bringing it up, but from what I have seen, geese can be a huge problem. They don't wear diapers and I can just see them all over the sidewalks, gazebos and sheds. They also can be very aggressive when protecting their nests or territory.

O/T - I just heard on HLN that they have identified the remains of Hailey Dunn. Here's her thread.
Hailey Dunn - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

True, but it's a nesting area for geese ... we've seen pictures of the geese wandering around the Island after the trees were removed. If people feed the geese, they will become a problem.
Canadian geese are a big problem at several parks in my area. The smell of their poop is really awful! All kinds of things have been tried to keep the geese away, but so far nothing has been successful.
I wasn't planning on bringing it up, but from what I have seen, geese can be a huge problem. They don't wear diapers and I can just see them all over the sidewalks, gazebos and sheds. They also can be very aggressive when protecting their nests or territory.

O/T - I just heard on HLN that they have identified the remains of Hailey Dunn. Here's her thread.
Hailey Dunn - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Geese have been a huge problem at Meyer's Lake in the past.
We've talked quite a bit about random abduction vs. pre-planned.

Does anyone feel this was a random abduction in all aspects - the perp wasn't planning to commit a crime, he just happened to be there at the time Lyric and Lizzie just happened to be there and he took them?

I think the perp had thought it out well in advance, but was waiting for the perfect opportunity. And it being a small town, the girls could very well have known him/her.
I've asked this question several times but none of the locals has answered my question so I will ask it again. Cinder or any of the locals, does Evansdale have someone who drives around the neighborhood in the summertime and sells ice cream cones or frosty treats?

There is an ice cream van that drives around called Peppy's or Pepe's. They come through our neighborhood, and boy you gotta be quick to catch them. More than once, by the time my kids got in the house and then back out with money, they were gone. So yes, I wonder if they were in Evansdale that day. Maybe the girls took off on their bikes to catch it.
wonder if the girls appear to be riding so fast in that video snip because they were racing to catch up with an ice cream truck they could hear a block or two over. I wish we knew if the girls had any pocket change or money in the purse that afternoon.
wonder if the girls appear to be riding so fast in that video snip because they were racing to catch up with an ice cream truck they could hear a block or two over. I wish we knew if the girls had any pocket change or money in the purse that afternoon.
You know, that scenario would make sense. It would explain why the girls took a purse along on a bike ride - they needed money to buy ice cream. I don't believe the girls rode their bikes all the way to the lake since they were only permitted to ride to the parking lot at the end of the block. I could see them going a little bit further if they knew the ice cream truck was a few blocks away and grew impatient waiting for it. I've felt that they were likely picked up by someone in a truck or a van and their bikes placed in the truck/van. Would there be room in an ice cream van, though, for two young girls and their bicycles? If the driver did offer to give them a ride around town in his ice cream van, he may have drugged the girls' ice cream. For locals, would it be the norm for the ice cream van to also ride through the park next to the lake? Would it not seem out of place there?

Someone wondered why Heather can forgive an unidentified killer but not Misty. I wonder if it's because Heather believes a shady character associated with the Morrisseys kidnapped and murdered Lyric and Elizabeth, so Heather feels that Misty has brought this unsavory character into the lives of the children through her indiscretions. It would be easier for Heather to blame her sister, whom she knows has no excuse for her lifestyle since they had the same upbringing, than someone she doesn't know (or, at least, hasn't been identified) and might never have had the motive to commit this horrible crime if Misty had chosen a different lifestyle - assuming Heather believes the motive was drug-related. And I would not rule out that possibility. Though, I'm still on the fence as to whether I believe the killer was known to the girls, or a stranger passing through. The ice cream vendor scenario does make me lean toward someone local, and known to the family.
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