IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #7

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When were the photos taken? The house appears to have been on the market since March, with a price drop (ironically) on July 13th, the day the girls went missing.

Maybe the price dropped, when the owners moved out, to try to get it to sell faster...


Anyone local know if the house is still occupied? Or even sparcely occupied, maybe like the homeowners moved out and they have someone staying there to take care of it, maybe even a son, who doesn't have his own place?

Yah, having 2 girls chained in your basement tends to lower the value of your house! :what: Sorry -- couldn't resist.

Maybe it isn't ironic/coincidental though. Maybe the price drop/urgency to sell the house pushed one of the occupants over the edge. He couldn't stand the stress of having no place to live. So he acted out on 2 young, innocent girls.
I'm telling you Jules, I feel it in my gut when I look at that map -- that house is involved. They even have a little paddle boat ramp out back. This theory also makes the Carpenter's story make a lot more sense. I can't see any reason why they would lie.

Say someone befriended the girls, knew them well enough that he friended them on FB on July 3, and between late June and July 13, they were so enamored with this guy (not in a crush way -- but thinking he was a savior who was going to swoop in and make Lyric's life much better. We know she fought with her real father.), that they rode their bikes past his house to get a glimpse and wave, or to drop in and say hi. Then the Carpenters are telling the truth, and so is Wylma Cook. The girls never did leave the immediate area, UNTIL about 2 weeks prior, which she was unaware of.

The timing is just too coincidental for me.

Also -- With that person being in a drug treatment program and on supervised release from jail -- I'm fairly confident that he would probably live with a relative, not own or rent a home of his own.

sounds like a very plausible senario. and i was thinking that if one or both of the girls had met the perp previously and nothing bad happened, they would probaly think of "him" as harmless. maybe one or both had snuck off for a previous paddle boat ride. maybe he had them ride their bikes to the other side so no one would see them get in the paddle boat so they wouldn't "get in trouble". the day of the disappearance may not have been the first encounter with one or both girls.
Anyone in the market to buy a new house? Anyone want to schedule a tour of the house for sale?
JMO, I think that Jules71's discovery of the 'name-in-common' was excellent sleuthing.

The fact that the homeowner is a city council member provides no free pass as far as I am concerned.

Agree it's excellent sleuthing but until we know that they are related/family and that JW lived or frequented there it's speculation even with the common last name. Anxious to hear more...
I am so excited! my first post after waiting for three days to be activated :) I am one of those lurkers who come here to read stuff, but I just had to register becuz of this case. I grew up in this part of iowa, living on my bike all summer long, back when nobody had heard of "meth" and when it was safe to bike from Grandma's house all over town. I now live on the other side of the world, exactly halfway around the globe, and this case has me captivated. I just want you all to know I appreciate your "sleuthing" here and how you find info! Hoping and praying that these two precious cousins will be found and home soon!
And your red line on the map gives me chills. If you were holding 2 girls in your basement, you can't have their bikes in your driveway! Now, you could carry them down the street, past your neighbor's house, through the woods, and dump them on the bike path. OR, the less risky option, would be to toss them into a paddle boat/row boat, whatever that's in your BACK YARD, and row the super short distance to the bike path, and dump them. Even less chance of being seen that way.

So my question is this - the LE said yesterday teh paddle boater came forward --

I noticed they didn't say that person was cleared, just that they came forward.

If it was another paddle boat, I'm thinking the kind with little foot peddles, then I think its unlikely the perp brought the bikes on board. Too noticeable in my view, and would look out of place.

That said, who is to say it wasn't a small row boat? Could you lay two bikes down in a rowboat and they wouldn't be noticed? I doubt that too. MOre likely, the kids left their bikes on the path, and went willingly with someone(s) into a boat, and were taken away. IF they made it to the lake.
Do we know if the house that is currently on the market is the same one rumored to have been raided?
Anyone in the market to buy a new house? Anyone want to schedule a tour of the house for sale?

I was thinking we could call the listing agent and say, "I'd like to see it, but my schedule is crazy. Is it occupied, or can I just meet you there anytime?"

Or, a local could drive by and see if it has a lock-box on the door.
Okay, as much as I am in touch with and in agreement that the currently being discussed scenarios are plausible, I THINK we need to probably back off some, as we are treading on non-sleuthable territory, so to speak, I think.

Mods, are we okay with this line of discussion?
Yah, having 2 girls chained in your basement tends to lower the value of your house! :what: Sorry -- couldn't resist.

Maybe it isn't ironic/coincidental though. Maybe the price drop/urgency to sell the house pushed one of the occupants over the edge. He couldn't stand the stress of having no place to live. So he acted out on 2 young, innocent girls.

houses in this area just aren't selling right now. on my way home from work I will probably pass 20-25 homes for sale...it is sad. it seems a little soon to me to lower the price after only 4 mos. but maybe they haven't had any hits at all....the date is kinda suspicious, tho....
Okay, as much as I am in touch with and in agreement that the currently being discussed scenarios are plausible, I THINK we need to probably back off some, as we are treading on non-sleuthable territory, so to speak, I think.

Mods, are we okay with this line of discussion?

If we DO need to discuss this elsewhere, people are also discussing it here:
I am so excited! my first post after waiting for three days to be activated :) I am one of those lurkers who come here to read stuff, but I just had to register becuz of this case. I grew up in this part of iowa, living on my bike all summer long, back when nobody had heard of "meth" and when it was safe to bike from Grandma's house all over town. I now live on the other side of the world, exactly halfway around the globe, and this case has me captivated. I just want you all to know I appreciate your "sleuthing" here and how you find info! Hoping and praying that these two precious cousins will be found and home soon!

:welcome5: webaddict!

Glad we've finally managed to pull you out of lurkdom ;)

:wave: to our other guests reading along. See. Its just that simple. Join Websleuths and join the conversation.
So my question is this - the LE said yesterday teh paddle boater came forward --

I noticed they didn't say that person was cleared, just that they came forward.

If it was another paddle boat, I'm thinking the kind with little foot peddles, then I think its unlikely the perp brought the bikes on board. Too noticeable in my view, and would look out of place.

That said, who is to say it wasn't a small row boat? Could you lay two bikes down in a rowboat and they wouldn't be noticed? I doubt that too. MOre likely, the kids left their bikes on the path, and went willingly with someone(s) into a boat, and were taken away. IF they made it to the lake.

I may be wrong but I thought Abben said "paddleboaters have come forward"

and if the perp could have told the girls to ride their bikes to the other side (where the bikes were found) and then get in for a ride, or he could have just come across the girls at the water's edge (near where the bikes were found) and asked them if they wanted a ride.
Someone asked if he could be an unnamed accomplice in the other ongoing trial case..that would be a motive to put pressure on the others, however, I don't see the girls being held in the house...rather that they would have been driven away at nightfall somewhere else. One thing to remember...FBI is involved and they watch, listen, follow...they love to flip people by pitting everyone against everyone and spinning stuff to squeeze out info, while other LE goes about their practical work. I only hope that they are not being myopic about things and missing a molester type. The way the pressers have been stopped worries me...
I am so excited! my first post after waiting for three days to be activated :) I am one of those lurkers who come here to read stuff, but I just had to register becuz of this case. I grew up in this part of iowa, living on my bike all summer long, back when nobody had heard of "meth" and when it was safe to bike from Grandma's house all over town. I now live on the other side of the world, exactly halfway around the globe, and this case has me captivated. I just want you all to know I appreciate your "sleuthing" here and how you find info! Hoping and praying that these two precious cousins will be found and home soon!

Welcome to Websleuths! Great first post!
Anyone in the market to buy a new house? Anyone want to schedule a tour of the house for sale?

Something tells me that Ollipop might be able to help you out!

This is a great find Jules. Surely the police are at least aware of it but you never know...what do you think about calling it in? If "you-know-who" was living there that is one thing, but if he lived somewhere else, can we be sure that LE took the trouble to check out whether he had access to this house at all?

I keep thinking how quickly they announced that all of the RSO's were clear. There is just no way they could have done a thorough job of checking that many RSO's alibis so quickly. :moo:
I was thinking we could call the listing agent and say, "I'd like to see it, but my schedule is crazy. Is it occupied, or can I just meet you there anytime?"

Or, a local could drive by and see if it has a lock-box on the door.

A lock box does not indicate if it is occupied or not. Every house we have sold we had a lock box when it was on the market and we were still living there. A lock box just has a key inside for the realtors to use to show your house. Most how showings are done without the owners present.

You don't need to be in the housing market to look at a house on the MLS, just call the listing agent and ask to see the house. We looked at plenty of houses we had no interest in buying, some were to see what we were competing with, some were just out of sheer curiosity, some were to get ideas on things we could do to our house.
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